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1、北京四中学年八年级上学期期中英语试题答案+解析北京四中2020-2021学年八年级上学期期中英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1The museum gives _ warm welcome to everyone from all over the world.Aa Ban Cthe D/2Many students are asking for _on how to improve their English.Aquestions Banswers Cplans Dadvice3Lao She was especially famous _ his play Teahous

2、e.Aas Bin Cwith Dfor4The match was so boring _ no one scored at all.Aand Bbecause Cbut Dor5_ is the population of Shenzhen?Around 13 million.AHow many BHow much CWhat DHow6There _ more bamboo to feed the pandas in 20 years.Awill have Bwill be Care going to have Dare going to be7After _ school in 191

3、8, he became a teacher of a primary school.Ato finish Bfinish Cfinishing Dfinishes8The more information you provide, _ decision well make.Athe better Bbetter Cthe good Dgood9Tony lives the second _ from school, so he takes the underground.Afar Bfarther Cthe farther Dfarthest10I suggest you _ four or

4、 five words a day on pieces of paper.Awrite Bto write Cwriting Dwritten11The streets are much _than those in my city.Awide Bwider Cwidest Dthe widest12Lingling went to the party as well and she offered _ me there.Atake Btakes Ctook Dto take13Travelling by coach does not _as much as going by train.As

5、pend Bpay Ccost Dtake14I advise you _ about music and arts, but to talk about the films.Anot talk Bnot to talk Cto not talk Dtalk not15_ in Amsterdam is not cheap, so it is best to stay outside the city centre.APark BParks CParking DThe parks16Many wild animals dont have a safe place_ because of the

6、 growing needs of farm land.Afor live Bto live Cfor living Dto living17The True Story of Ah Q made people _ about the society.Alaugh Bis laughing Claughed Dto laugh18There isnt _ for the animals in the wild. We need to do something for them.Aenough clean water Bwater enough cleanCclean enough water

7、Dclean water enough19Lets find out what else we can do to save _.Aanimals as many as possible Bas many animals as possibleCas many as possible animals Das possible as many animals20The government is developing new plans and _ nature parks.Asetting up Bgetting up Cputting up Dtaking up二、用单词的正确形式完成短文

8、Pandas are in danger. There are only about 1600 pandas in the_today. Zoos and research centers are looking _ about 340 pandas. Pandas dont have many babies, and baby pandas often die. This situation is getting very _.Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas_more babies and help baby pan

9、das live.21Acage Bzoo Cwild Dopen22Afor Bafter Cat Daround23Aeasy Bdifficult Cinteresting Dfunny24Aproduce Bcare Cmilk Dstudy阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其适当形式填空,使得短文通顺、意思完整。每词限用一次,注意词形变化。day wait good luck helpLove Can Be EnoughWhen I was 11, my home burned to the ground in the middle of the night. 25 , my par

10、ents, brothers and I escaped (逃脱) along with our pets. We had nothing but the clothes wed been sleeping in. I spent the rest of that summer night with my family26 for help. We didnt know what might lie ahead for us.The next day, my mom brought me a few T-shirts and pairs of jeans that had been given

11、 to her by a friend. One pair of jeans was too short and the other pair was too long, but I didnt care. At least I had some clothes again. Meanwhile, my dad returned to our home to see what he could salvage (抢救). The only thing he could find was my moms wedding ring, but it was27 than nothing.As mor

12、e summer28came, my dad was able to rent us a dusty old house by the side of the road near our old house. As we moved in, I watched as family, friends, and other people in our community donated all they could 29us get back on our feet. There were more clothes, furniture, food, money, and even some bo

13、oks for me to read.Looking back now, I am grateful for everything we went through that summer because it taught me so much about life, love, and people. It showed me that when you have nothing left but love, that can still be enough.三、完型填空 Washington DC is the 30 of the US. Located on the east coast

14、, it is best known for the White House, where the President of the US lives and works, and for Capitol Hill, where the US Congress 31 .There are many famous monuments, memorials and 32 in Washington DCThe Lincoln Memorial is a grand white building. Millions of 33 visit it every year to show respect

15、to President Lincoln. In the National Air and Space Museum, people can 34 the command module of Apollo 11, which 35 the first humans to the moon in 1969.30Atown Bcity Ccapital Dcountry31Ameets Bvisits Cstudies Dcheers32Ashops Bmuseums Ccinemas Dmarkets33Afarmers Bworkers Ctourists Dstudents34Aenter

16、Bshake Ctouch Dsee35Ashot Bsent Cposted Dkicked A Poetic Visitor“Class, Id like to introduce Kerry Donnelly, said Ms. Jorge. “Ms. Donnelly has written four books of childrens poetry. Two of her books are award winners. We are 36 she was able to take the time to speak with us today.”Ms. Donnelly smil

17、ed at the class. “Thanks for having me,” she said. She leaned against the edge of Ms. Jorges desk. “Did you all know I went to primary school here? I actually wrote my first poem in Mr. Wens class, right across the hall. My best friend Madelyn was moving to Washington, and I couldnt 37 life without

18、her, continued Ms. Donnelly. “Mr.Wen asked us to write a 38 about something we felt passionate (热烈的) about. I passionately didnt want Madelyn to 39 to Washington, so I wrote about her and our friendship and all the things I missed. For some reason, that poem actually made me feel better.”“The day be

19、fore Madelyn moved, I gave her the poem Id written. She said it made her feel better, too, because she knew at least one other person in the world understood how she was feeling. I think thats one of the most 40 things about poetry.”Ms. Donnelly stood up and 41 her hands. “Id like to hear your quest

20、ions, she said. “You can ask me anything you like about poetry and writing, and Ill do my best to answer your questions.Maurice raised his hand. “Do you know what you are going to say when you sit down to write? he asked.Ms. Donnelly 42 her head. “Usually, I dont know what I want to say until I actu

21、ally see the words appearing on the page. I just have to make sure that I sit down and write something every single day. That way, Im sure to catch the good stuff when its ready to be written.”“Where do you get your ideas? asked Maya.“Thats a good question, said Ms. Donnelly, “I have twin sons who a

22、re in the sixth grade. They and their friends and classmates have been the source (来源) of many ideas. I also grew up in a family of five kids, so my family members appear pretty regularly in my 43 .”“What would you be if you couldnt be a poet? asked Ana.Ms. Donnelly smiled but didnt say anything for

23、 a minute. “Thats a very 44 question. There are many other things Id like to be, but they are all in addition to being a poet. I cant think of a single 45 Id rather have instead.”“And that, said Ms. Jorge to the class, “is the very best kind of job.36Acareful Bsorry Ckind Dlucky37Alive Bimagine Cbel

24、ieve Dsave38Aarticle Bpoem Cstory Dbook39Amove Btravel Cfly Dride40Askillful Bfunny Cvaluable Dthoughtful41Aput down Bput up Cput away Dput out42Anodded Bshook Ctouched Dcleared43Awork Bhome Clife Dstudy44Astrange Beasy Chard Damazing45Ajob Bhobby Cday Dfamily四、阅读单选 Staying alive and being healthy d

25、ont happen all by themselves. We have to do some things to make sure we stay well. Look at this table of contents from Joy Wilts book called KEEPING YOUR BODY ALIVE AND WELL, and then answer the questions that follow.CONTENTS (内容)1. Introduction Page 52. A Person Needs Good Food Page 233. A Person N

26、eeds Water, Air and Sunshine Page 414. A Person Needs Exercise Page 575. A Person Needs Rest and Sleep Page 83 6. A Person Needs to be Clean Page 917. A Person Needs Proper Clothing Page 1018. A Person Needs Adequate Shelter (住所) Page 11346If you want to know what the book is about, you need to go t

27、o _.APage 5 BPage 41 CPage 101 DPage 11347Starting from _, you may find out how many hours you should sleep.APage 5 BPage 41 CPage 83 DPage 11348After reading this book, you will know _.Ahow to keep healthy Bwhen to ask for a shelterCwhat to wear for a party Dwhy to keep water clean IM GOING TO BE F

28、AMOUS!I thought I was in big trouble, for sure.But Mr. Dayton wanted to hear my side of the story. So I told him about trying to break a world record by eating seventeen bananas in less than two minutes. And I told him about my bets with Kerry and John. And I even told him about the Positive Brain A

29、pproach (积极思维法) that Ben and I were using. I told him about Murray, and how mad it made me that everybody was telling me I couldnt break a world record and that it was stupid that I would even try. I told Mr. Dayton everything. Then I stood there like Id been caught with my hand stuck in the cookie

30、jar. And I waited.Mr. Dayton looked at me really hard and twitched his mustache again. “Arlo, he said, “I dont see anything wrong with trying to break a world record. I think I probably let out a big sigh then. “But, Mr. Dayton said, “I cant help wondering why you really want to do it.That seemed a plain fact to me: I want to do it so I can be in the Guinness Book of World Records. Itll be Arlo Moore, world-famous banana-eater extraordinaire (卓越). Ill be on TV. Ill be in the movies. Ill win my b

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