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Unit 5.docx

1、Unit 5Unit 5PackagingReview of Unit 4I. Give the correspondent form.1. view _ (过去分词)2. expense_ (复数)3. accrue _ (现在分词)4. specify _ (名词)5. peg _ (过去分词)6. levy _ (过去分词)7. normal _ (副词)8. deteriorate _ (名词)9. insure _ (名词)10. hold _ (动名词)11. necessary _ (名词)12. maintain _ (名词)13. relation _ (抽象名词)14. i

2、dentification _ (动词)15. annually _ (形容词)16. economy _ (形容词)II. Rewrite the following sentences, using the phrases in the brackets.1. It seemed that Manager Liu had left. (sb. seems to do sth.)2. Lydia happened to be listening to the pop songs when John arrived. (it happens that)3. Amazingly, Walmart

3、 found that it was hard to compete with Shanghai Lianhua Group. (find it +adj.+ to do sth.)4. We aim to minimize our on-site inventory. (ones aim is to do sth.)5. Why dont you keep such stock? (why not do sth.)6. That is the reason why we dont have it in our inventory. (that is why)7. Nowadays more

4、and more people are concerned with logistics. (increase)8. The insurance company will not pay for it. (be covered by)9. This does not mean if you have more in the form of inventory, you will be richer. (the morethe more)10. The necessity of making plans for inventory results from the storage cost. (

5、result in)III. Fill in the blanks.1. Inventory _ (被看作) playing a role in the value-added process.2. This does not mean the more you have _ (以形式) inventory, the richer you are.3. Insurance cost is a direct levy normally based on estimated risk or exposure _(一段时间内).4. The cost, which can well _ (占,达到)

6、 over 37% of the total logistics cost, _ (造成,导致) the necessity of making plans for inventory.5. _ (眼下,暂且) we are concerned only with the question of how much to order.6. The _ (的关键) understanding the relationship is to remember that average inventory _ (等于) one-half the order quantity.7. Such stock

7、will only _ (增加) our inventory cost.Reference key:I.1. viewed 2. expenses 3. accruing 4. specification 5. pegged 6. levied 7. normally 8. deterioration 9. insurance 10. holding 11. necessity 12. maintenance 13. relationship 14. identify 15. annual 16. economical/economicII.1. Manager Liu seemed to h

8、ave left.2. It happened that Lydia was listening to the pop songs when John arrived.3. Amazingly, Walmart found it hard to compete with Shanghai Lianhua Group.4. Our aim is to minimize our on-site inventory.5. Why not keep such stock?6. That is why we dont have it in our inventory.7. Nowadays an inc

9、reasing number of people are concerned with logistics.8. It is not covered by insurance.9. This does not mean the more you have in the form of inventory, the richer you will be.10. The storage cost results in the necessity of making plans for inventory.III.1. is viewed as 2. in the form of 3. over t

10、ime 4. amount to, results in 5. For the time being 6. key to, is equal to 7. add toI. Key points1. 物流过程中包装的种类及其各自的功能和作用:Packaging can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging. Generally speaking, consumer packaging, which mainly aims at containing the goods, promoting the scale of

11、 it and facilitating use of it, is of little value to logistics operation. But industrial packaging has a significant impact on the cost and productivity of logistics. First, it should protect the goods from damage during handling, storing and transportation. Second, it should promote logistical eff

12、iciency. The third important logistical packaging function is communication or information transfer. 包装可分为工业性包装和消费性包装两大类。一般来说,消费性包装主要是为了盛装产品,促进商品销售,方便顾客使用,而对物流运作价值不大。但工业性包装却对物流成本与物流生产力有很大的影响。第一,它必须防止商品在搬运、存储和运输过程中受损坏。第二,包装应能促进物流效率。物流包装的第三个重要功能就是通讯或信息传播。2. 物流英语专业术语Universal Product Code (UPC) 通用商品代码R

13、adio Frequency Identification 射频识别技术Transportation Rate 运输费率II. Logistics terms1. industrial packaging 工业性包装2. consumer packaging 消费性包装3. logistics operation 物流运作4. productivity of logistics物流生产力5. perform functions 承担功能6. integrated logistics requirements综合物流要求7. handling, storing and transportatio

14、n 搬运、储存和运输8. vibration, impact, puncture or compression 震动、撞击、刺破或挤压9. package design包装设计10. expense of overprotection 过多防范导致的费用11. material content乘载内容12. expected overall conditions 预期的整体状况13. absolute protection绝对保护14. meet the specifications 符合要求15. logistical efficiency 物流效率16. material handling

15、 equipment物料搬运设备17. transportation rate 运输费率18. logistical processing 物流运作19. communication or information transfer通讯或信息传播20. shipment verification 货物的查证,检查,证实21. container type容器型号22. facilitate促进,帮助23. disposal处理24. trash废物,垃圾25. carton纸板箱26. documentation文件27. pallet托盘28. assembly packaging集合包装29

16、. average inventory平均库存30. bonded warehouse保税仓库31. cargo freight货物32. general cargo一般货物33. freight container货物集装箱34. packaged cargo包装货物35. packaging包装36. pictorial marking for handling货运标识37. storage存储38. transit inventory中转存货39. truck terminal卡车货运站40. WMS(Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统41. WCS(W

17、arehouse Control System)仓储控制系统42. count 数量43. UPC (Universal Product Code) 通用商品代码44. package tracking 包装追踪45. logistics channel物流渠道46. RFI(Radio Frequency Identification)无线电频率识别系统47. computer chip 电脑芯片48. scan扫描49. checkpoint检查站50. distribution facility 配送货栈51. transportation gateway运输入口52. instruct

18、ion指示说明53. handle the cargo 搬运货物54. accompanying material辅助材料55. moisture, vibration and heating 受潮、受震、受热56. packing包裹,捆扎 cf. packaging 包裹,打包57. plastics-lined 塑料封口的58. water-proof防水的 【cf. water-resistant防水的(并非完全防水)】59. polythene聚乙烯(cf. PVC-polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯)60. label标签61. cardboard box纸板箱62.

19、franchise保险免赔额,特许经营权63. unfavorable publicity不利报道III. Useful phrases1. sell out 售完2. put on穿,戴3. be divided into 被分成4. generally speaking 一般说来5. aim at瞄准;以为目标6. be of(little)value to sb. 对(没)有价值7. have an impact on 对有影响8. meet the requirements of 满足的需求9. protect from保护不受10. be caused by 由造成11. arriv

20、e at a solution 得出解决办法12. in terms of 根据;在方面13. in most cases 在大多数情况下14. be capable of doing sth. 能够做 cf. be able to do sth. 能够做15. not only but also 不仅而且 (注意并列的内容须平行)16. be designed for 为而设计的17. sb. benefit from sth. 从中受益 cf. sth. benefit sb. 使受益18. a growing number of 【C】= an increasing number of

21、越来越多的19. as to 关于20. for instance例如(一般例子) cf. for example 例如(多指典型例子)21. as the case may be 情况可能如此22. lie in 在于23. deal with处理;讲24. avoid doing sth.回避做25. clean up清洁26. at the edge of 在边缘27. just as the old joke goes 正如一句老笑话所言28. as far as I know 就我所知29. at present 目前30. dispose of处理,丢弃31. havedone使被

22、做(多为别人所做)32. take measures to do sth.采取措施做33. ensure things like that will never happen again=ensure such things will never happen again 保证此类事情不会再次发生34. agree with sb. 同意的看法35. look into调查;研究36. at least至少37. in addition =besides此外38. to some extent 在一定程度上39. as quickly as possible 尽快(cf. as soon as

23、 possible; as fast as possible)IV. Important words1. available可得到的2. take 买3. contain盛装4. promote促进5. facilitate促进;方便6. significant有重要意义的7. perform承担8. meet满足,符合9. combine结合10. achieve达到11. desired所希望的12. incur招致13. involve涉及;包括14. define定义15. allowable可允许的16. absolute绝对的17. prohibitive价格高昂的;禁止的, 抑制

24、的18. isolate隔绝;分离19. affect影响(多为不利影响);cf. influence影响(多为有利影响);have effect on影响(多指结果,有效性);have an impact on影响(指冲击力)20. integrated 综合的21. amount数量(指不可数的事物的数量);cf. number(指可数的事物的数量)cf. quantity数量(可数和不可数都可以)22. likewise同样地23. hence因此24. efficient高效的cf. effective有效的,有结果的25. benefit受益26. identify识别;查验27.

25、obvious显著的28. typical典型的29. include包括30. require要求31. track跟踪32. realize实现;意识到33. embedded内置;cf. built-in内置的, 固定的, 嵌入的34. verify验证,查证35. concerning 关于36. unfavorable不利的37. misfortune不幸38. headache头疼(的人或事)39. scatter分散40. used旧的,二手的 cf. second-hand旧的,二手的 cf. old旧的41. ensure确保42. desirable合意的43. recyc

26、le回收44. reputation名声V. Text Explanation1. What can I do for you?=Can I help you?2. walk-man随身听3. available可得到的4. Its sold out. 卖光了。5. a little cheaper 稍微便宜一点6. put on穿,戴7. Ill take it. 我买了。8. be divided into 被分为9. generally speaking 一般说来10. aim at瞄准;以为目标;为了 We aim at meeting the customers requiremen

27、ts.我们致力于满足顾客需要。11. be of little value to sb. 对没有多少价值Im sure logistics English is of little practical value to you, but of great test importance.我相信物流英语对你们没有多少实际意义,但却有很大的考试意义。12. have impact on 对有影响 13. perform functions承担功能14. the following 下列的15. to meet the requirements of 以满足/符合的要求 Our socialist

28、production aim is to meet the ever-increasing spiritual and material needs of the people.社会主义的生产目的就是满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求。16. protect against保护不17. caused by “由造成”;过去分词短语作定语,修饰damage18. vibration,impact, puncture or compression震动、撞击、刺破、或挤压19. whenever“无论任何时候”,引导时间状语从句20. is being transported正在被运输21. combine结合22. to meet以满足(目的状语)23. desired所希望的24. without incurring 而不造成incurring 是动名词,作介词without的宾语25

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