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1、商务英语会话okay. How was your flight? B: It was pretty bumpy, also a bit long, all together about 5 hours.A: That is a long flight. You had a layover too, is that right You must be tired.B: Actually I feel quite rested. I was able to sleep on the plane.A: Good! Here, let me help you with your bag. Is it

2、your first time to Seattle Id be happy to take you around this city and show you the sights tonight if youre up to it.B: That will be very nice. Youre too kind. A: Ive already made a hotel reservation for you, lets go to the hotel first and drop off your things. Then, Id like to have a drink so that

3、 we can get better acquainted. Ive booked a table at an exclusive restaurant downtown. Afterwards, Ive made arrangements to take you to see the city light. Seattles nightlife can be really quite exciting. How does that schedule sound to you? B: Sounds great. Thank you for your hospitality. Telephone

4、 Reservation 电话预订客房A: Hello! This is Golden Card Office, New World Hotel. 这里是新世界大酒店金卡办公室 Can I help you 能为您效劳吗? B: Hello, this is Bob Jackson from Star Company. 我是斯达公司的鲍勃杰克逊 Id like to reserve a room from the 21st to the 24th this month. 我想预订你们酒店本月21日至24日的一个房间。A: Yes, Mr. Jackson. What room do you e

5、xactly want 你具体想要什么样的房间? B: I need a double room. 我要一间双人房。 I prefer a room overlooking the garden. 我想要能俯视花园的房间 / I prefer a room with a good view of the sea. 我想要能眺望海的的房间. / I prefer a quiet room away from the street. 我想要避开街道的安静房间A: No problem. 没问题。 Our hotel is a five-star hotel. 我们酒店是五星级的酒店 We guar

6、antee our guests satisfaction. 我们保证让客人满意。 By the way,what time are you arriving? 顺便问一下,你们几点抵达? B: Around four ., the 21st of this month. 这个月21日下午4点左右。 How can we find the hotel after we leave the airport 我们离开机场后如何才能找到酒店? A: Dont worry.别担心 An English speaking guide will be meeting you at the airport.

7、 一位说英语的导游会在机场接你们 And there will be a car or shuttle bus pick-up service, which is free of charge. 并且有免费的小轿车或班车接送B: Thats great. 太棒了 How much do you charge for the room / Whats the room charge请问房价是多少? A: 988 yuan RMB per night,plus 15 percentservice charge. 房价每晚988元人民币,加15%服务费。B: Ive got a Golden Car

8、d for your hotel. 我有你们酒店的金卡 Will you give me some discount 可以打折吗? A: Oh, yes, Mr. Jackson. Are you the card holder yourself? 请问你是否是持卡人本人? B: No. A friend of mine lent it to me. 不是,是一位朋友借给我的 Can I enjoy discount in that case 这样也能享受优惠吗? A: Yes, you can. 可以的 But well give you just 25 percent off, and t

9、he holder himselfcan enjoy a 50 percent discount. 不过我们只能给你25%的优惠。持卡人本人可以享受 50%的优惠。B: But 25 percent will be quite all right.25% 也相当不错了。 By the way, how far is your hotel from theInternational Exhibition Center 顺便问一下,你们酒店距国际会展中心有多远? We have business there every day.我们每天在那里都有业务。A: Its 15 minutes drive

10、 from here. 开车大约15分钟。B: Very good. 很好 Ive got it. 我知道了A: Would you please confirm your reservation threedays before your arrival? 能否劳驾你在到达这里的三天前确认你的预订? B: Sure. 好的 Bye. 再见II. Checking in登记住宿A: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you? B: Yes, Id like to check in. 我要办理入住登记 Is there a double room available

11、 有空的双人房吗? A: Have you made a reservation 你有预订吗? B: Yes. My name is Bob Jackson. This is my wife, Anne Jackson. I called to reserve a double room two weeks ago. 两周前我打电话来预订了一间双人房A: Just a moment, sir. 先生请稍等 Ill check on your reservation.我查一下你们的预订登记 We have you in our record. 有的。 Can I see your ID card

12、s or passports, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson? 请出示你们的身份证或护照B: Sure, here you are. 好的,请看。A: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Youll have a double room on the top floor with a very good view of theharbour. 你们住在顶层的一套双人房,可以看到海港的美丽景色。B: Great! I like the room facing the sea. 太好了,我喜欢朝海的房间。A: Will you please fill out the reg

13、istration form, Mr. Jackson 请你填写这张登记表好吗? B: Sure.行。A: Also, you are required to pay one days room charge as a deposit. 你们还必须交一天的房钱作为押金。 And if everything is all right, well return your deposit when you check out. 如果一切正常,你退房的时候,我们会归还你的押金。B: Can we use a credit card我们可以使用信用卡吗? A: Yes, we accept credit

14、 cards, including American Express, Master, Visa, Great Walls and Peony cards. 我们接受信用卡,包括美国运通、万事达、维萨、长城和牡丹卡。B: Good, we use Visa.很好,我们用维萨卡。A: May I see your card, Mr. Jackson 可以让我看看你的信用卡吗 OK, thank you. 好的,谢谢。 Here is your key card. 这是你的钥匙卡B: Could you tell me where I can put these important documen

15、ts Ive brougth with me 请问我该把带来的这些重要文件放在什么地方? A: Well, you have a safety deposit box in your room, or you can leave them here at the front desk. 你们房间里有一个保险柜,或者你也可以放在前台。 Wetake care of guests valuables. 我们可以替客人保管贵重物品 Which way do you prefer 你看怎么样? B: I think Id like to leave my documents here since we

16、ll often go out. 我看还是放在你们这儿吧,因为我们经常要外出。A: Good. Here is a special envelope. 这里有一个特制的信封 Please put your documents in it and sign your name across the sealing strip. 请您把文件放到里面,在封条上签上你的名字B: Good. I may need them in three daystime. 好,三天后我需要用这些文件A: No problem. 没问题 We offer 24-hour service at the front de

17、sk. 我们前台提供24小时服务。B: Thanks a lot. 多谢了 I wonder where we have supper. 我想知道我们在哪里吃晚餐。A: We have two restaurants. The Chinese one is on the second floor and the Western one is on the third floor. 我们有两个餐厅,中餐厅在二楼,西餐厅在三楼。 Supper is served from five thirty till nine. 晚餐时间是5:30到9点。 Your breakfasts are free o

18、f charge. 你们的早餐是免费的 Here are your breakfast coupons.这是你们的早餐券。B: Thank you. Would you tell me when the check-out time is 请告诉我退房时间好吗? A: The check-out time is twelve at noon, but we can still keep luggage for you after you check out. 退房时间是中午12点,但退房后,我们还可以替你保管行李。 Now the bellboy is here to show you up

19、to your room. 现在门僮来领你上楼去你的房间。 Have a nice stay! Mrs. Jackson. 住店快乐!III. Showing guests to the room. 带客到房A: May I help you with your baggage, sir 先生,让我帮你提行李好吗? B: Yes,thanks. This one contains fragile items. 好的,谢谢。这里面有易碎品 Please be careful. 请小心。 A: I see.我知道了 This way, please.请这边走。 That way leads to

20、the hotels Business Center / Fitness Room / Beauty Saloon / Indoor Tennis Court / swimming-pool. 那条道通向酒店的商务中心 / 健身房 / 美容院 / 室内网球场 / 游泳池. Please take this elevator to the twenty-second floor. 您请乘这部电梯到二十二楼 Ill take the baggage elevator on the other side. 我从那边的行李电梯上去。B: Very well, see you then. 很好,待会儿见

21、。A: Here we are. Please go in. 我们到了,请进吧。B: This room looks very nice. 这房间看上去很不错的。A: Here is your baggage. 这是你的行李 Please check and see if its all right. 请查一下行李是否安好。B: Thats all right. 一切都好 Thank you, boy.谢谢你了,服务员。A: The emergency exits are located at both ends of the hallway. 紧急出口在走廊两边的尽头。 Let me int

22、roduce the room facilities to you. 我来给你介绍一下房间的设施。B: No bother. Thanks.不麻烦你了,谢谢 Id like to know if there is an Internet connectionplug for my portable computer. 我想知道这儿有没有手提电脑上网用的插座。A: They are beside the writing table. 在写字台旁边。B: Thats wonderful.那太好了 Id like a drink in my room if its possible. 如果可以的话,

23、我想要杯饮料。A: Certainly, sir. 当然,先生。 There is a selection of cold drinks such as beer and whisky in the mini-bar here. 在这个小型吧里有各种冷饮,如啤酒和威士忌。 Also you can make Chinese tea with these tea bags and hot water. 您也可以用热水冲泡袋泡茶。 If you would like coffee or other drinks, please call room service. 如果您要咖啡或其他饮料,请打电话

24、到送餐服务部 Theres an ice dispenser near the elevator on this floor. 这楼层的电梯旁边有一台制冰机。B: All right. Thanks a lot. 好的,多谢了。 And this is for you. 这是给你的小费A: I appreciate the thought,sir. 谢谢您的好意,先生。 But we are not supposed to accept any tips. 不过我们不应收小费。B: Take it . You deserve it. 拿着吧,你该拿的。IV. Room Service送餐服务A

25、: Room Service. 这里是客房送餐服务May I help you? B: Id like to have two hot roast-beef sandwiches and a large pot of coffee sent up to my room right now. 请马上送两份热牛肉三明治和一大壶咖啡到我的房间。A: No problem, sir. 没问题。 May I have your name and your room number,sir? 请问先生尊姓大名,住几号房间? B: This is Bob Jackson, room 2216. 我是鲍勃杰克逊

26、。住2216房间。A: Good. Ill be up in a couple of minutes. 好的,我马上送过来。B: Bring us some sugar and cream. 请带点糖和奶油。 My wife doesnt like black coffee. 我太太不喜欢清咖啡。 (Knock at the door)敲门 Come in, please. 请进。A: Herere the snacks you ordered, Mr. Jackson. 你要的点心来了。B: Thank you. Can I have it charged to my account 可以记

27、在我的帐上吗? A: Certainly, sir.当然 Would you sign here, please 请你在这儿签个名。 Anything else I can do for you 还有什么可以为你们效劳的? B: Do you have different styles of breakfast for room service? 你们的客房送餐服务还供应其他品种的早餐吗? A: Yes, we serve Continental breakfast, American breakfast and Chinese breakfast. 是的,我们供应的早餐有欧式、美式和中式三种

28、。B: Pretty good.很好 What time do you begin your service in the morning? 送餐服务早上几点开始 Tomorrow well be out very early. 明天我们一大早就要出去的。A: We usually start from seven. 一般我们从七点钟开始。 But if you have special needs, you can tell the front desk the night before. Or you can also tell me now. 如果你有特殊要求,请在前一天晚上告诉前台。 或者你现在告诉我也可以。 Well send your food over at your requested time. 我们会按你要求的时间送餐的。B: Very good. Could you send two American breakfasts

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