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日英 English Conversation Phrases.docx

1、日英 English Conversation PhrasesEnglish Conversation Phrases 1JAPANESE(米口語)!(英口語)乾杯!(驚)!、!。御迷惑思。事情()君電話。話決。(改)自己紹介。私記憶正喜手伝。(丁寧表現)冗談!親切。、口上手。結構。(do)。(許可求願答)。(sense)関係。(相手対)間違電話。当。言?勝手!、!我慢!、何?新聞読思? (opinion)。方思?考従。(go)誰言言 (mind)言? (what)点君賛成。言。彼言思。(point)。話。 (keep)君偏見思。理由。、一度? (mind)、少話?(mind)意味分。(get

2、)御迷惑、一願。(bother)困。(trouble)、今分。(get)分。(see)一番重要。分。(catch)。ENGLISHSure!Cheers!Gosh! (= God / Gee! = Jesus / Oh, boy! / Oh dear!)Terrific! Great! / Super! / Splendid! / Marvelous!Sure! No problem!Im sorry. I didnt know it was bothering you.Such That being the case, S+V.You are wanted on the phone.That

3、 settles it!Allow me to introduce myself to you.If I remember right(ly). . . .Ill be delighted to help you.Youre kidding! / Are you kidding?Thats very kind of you.Oh, you flatter me.That will do.Go ahead.That makes sense.What do you have to do with that?You have (got) the wrong number.Dont be so har

4、d upon me.Pardon? What did you say?Please yourself!Oh, no! I couldnt stand that!What would you like then?I read in the newspaper the other day that. . . .Is that your real opinion?Thats perfectly true/right.Do you think its better to. . . ?Ill go along with you (on this question).Someone told me tha

5、t. . . .If you dont mind my saying so, . . .What makes you say so?I would agree with you there.Thats saying too much.I think he has a good point.What I mean is this: . . .Please keep to the point.I think youre prejudiced.Thats why.Would you mind repeating that, please?Would you mind speaking a littl

6、e more slowly, please?I cant get your meaning.Im sorry to bother you, but I have a favour to ask of you.Im having trouble with. . . .Ah, Ive got it now.I see what you mean.Its one of the most important thingsI didnt quite catch what you said.This is terribly funny, isnt it?English Conversation Phras

7、es 2English Conversation Phrases 2JAPANESE私。言。(kind)彼女思。自分恥。自慢、。心配。遠慮。(say)私?!(right)君言一理。好?。反対意見。方思。理由言。?御意見?他?全反対。(against)?誰何言、。面白。、冗談。何役立。時場合事情。何意味。、本気言?、君感違。言、。話。(ask)最悪。代?!喜助。考!意味?上、 (what)一番。(one)好?点全賛成。思。考。、聞。ENGLISHIts my fault. / Im to blame.Its very kind of you to say so.I think shes doin

8、g very wellI feel ashamed of myself.You must be proud of it.Dont worry about it.Youre too modest.I wouldnt say that.Why should I?Serve you right!Theres something in what you say.Which do you prefer like better, A or B?It cant be helped. / I cant help it.I have quite the opposite view.That may be so

9、true, but. . . .I think . . . is far superior much better.Tell me why your reasons.Cant you do something / anything?Whats your opinion (of that)?(Do you want) Anything else?Im totally against it.Such as? / Like what? / For example?So what?Nobody will ever persuade me into doing to do such a thing.Wh

10、at you say is very interesting.No, thats a joke.Whats the use of doing so?That It depends (on circumstances).That means nothing.But anyway, . . .Do you really mean that?No, youre mistaken wrong there.This may come as a surprise to you, but. . . .Incidentally, . . . / By the way, . . .Thats because.

11、. . .I wondered when you were going to ask me that.Thats the worst of all.Would you like another helping?Not likely! / Not really!Im always ready to help you.What an extraordinary idea!What do you mean by that? / What does that mean?slowly, please?And whats more, . . .For me, this is number one.What

12、 do you like about it?Im not quite with you there.Well, yes, I suppose youre right.Let me think for a moment.Well Now, let me see. . . .Yes, Ive heard of it somewhere.English Conversation Phrases 3English Conversation Phrases 3JAPANESE思?面白。私記憶煮御両親()。(批判冗談)少過言過。場合同。全分。(idea)考!同当。(true)(相手発言同意)。彼人?(ki

13、nd/like)思?、。、考簡単。所何?一選。本当?驚。理由賛成。決?、問題。私()知思。!、重要。私言。全同意見。我共通点多。多分、点。比較、考。方。(advise)点方?点君言。聞?、思。、雨降。(look)(電話)。同繰返言。(騒時)聞。馬鹿言。知。、十分。運命共同体。君(具合悪)。彼場合、彼女!私考、無意味。君相談。ENGLISHWhat do you think about of it?(That) Sounds interesting.To the best of my memory / As far as I remember. . . .Send Give my (kind)

14、regards to your parents, please.Thats going a bit too far.Its the same with. . . .I have no idea what to do.(Thats a) Good Idea!The same is true of. . . .Absolutely / Exactly / Precisely.What kind of (a) man is he? / What is he like?Dont you think so? / Dont you agree?Well, its OK, but. . . .Oh, but

15、 its so terrible.Well, you know see, . . .Not so easily as you think.Whats the advantage of. . . ?My second choice would be. . . .Really? How remarkable!Im not surprised.Thats why I cant agree with you.Have you decided between the two?No, thats not the problem.I was just wondering (about that).Enoug

16、h of that!Yes, thats very important.What I want to say is this: . . .I have quite exactly the same view.Theres much in common between us.In some ways, perhaps.Think of B, for example, compared with A.You would be advised Let me advise you to give it up.In what way would that be better (than. . .)?Yo

17、ure probably right there.Why do you ask that?Yes, I think so.Its threatening to rain, by the look of it.Ill talk to you later.I have to repeat myself.Im sick and tired of it.(Could I have your) Attention, please(?)Dont be silly!Thats none of your business.Thank you, thats enough.Were in the same boa

18、t.Youre not looking quite yourself.As is often the case with him. . . .Look, there she is!In my opinion that is pointless.Let me I want to talk with you about it.English Conversation Phrases 4English Conversation Phrases 4JAPANESE君気知。(curious)、君判断間違。(親間柄)座。(why)頑固、。(persuade)天気言、今日本?嘘!言、反対。方。本当他人好。誰

19、知。図星。 (nail)大層。言思。(混雑所)何気掛。必問題何聞。信信信君口癖(始)。悪?()言許。私言、君。(会話中補足説明)考方古。常識当然。教。一度。()、驚。(意外人出時)困私立場分分。、?要点。(初対面)噂伺。言。実際意味。可能。後過?(久会場合挨拶)彼自分何言分。恐本当。(dare)分。生意気。(how)話君言意味分()分。会夢思。立場、?()近彼女消息聞?(前置)要点言。言葉納得。ENGLISHI mean. . . . / That means. . . .Im curious (about) if you like it.In any case, youre not wron

20、g in your judgement.Why dont you sit down?Youre very difficult to persuade very stubborn.Talking of weather, how is it in Japan this time of year?You liar!No matter what I say, you always object.Thats just your way (of treating me).You do like to find fault with other people.Everybody knows that. .

21、. .Youve hit the nail right on the head.It was a great surprise to me.I never thought youd (say such a thing).Mind your back, please. (your step; your head)You seem to have something on your mind.Not exactly, but. . . .Id like to hear what you have to say on this subject matter.Believe it or not, .

22、. .You and your (tall stories)!Whats wrong with it?I really cant allow you to say things like that.What I want to say is, I mean, that you should. . . .That way of thinking is old-fashioned.Its common sense to (carry an umbrella in this weather).Please let me know when youre coming.Try it again.Your

23、e right. / Thats right correct.Why, Ill be (damned).The trouble is (that). . . .You (cant) see how I am placed.Oh, you mean. . . ?Thats just the point.Ive heard much of you.I didnt say that.I wonder what it really means.Its possible, you know you see, to. . . .How have you things been?He doesnt know what he is talking about.Thats true, I dare say.I dont know much about it.How dare you (say do such a t

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