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1、上海中考英语读音规则题解题方法和真命题演练上海中考英语读音规则题解题方法和真题演练一、中考考纲对读音规则要求 a. 元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则 b. 辅音字母的基本读音规则 c. 字母组合的读音规则 d. 单词重音注:几个名词解释 音节:英语中以元音来划分音节,一个元音一个音节,以此类推,辅音是音节的分界线,但 两辅音之间不管有多少元音都是一个音节。 重读音节:就是加了重读符号 的音节,如果是单音节词,这个唯一的音节就是重读音节。如果没有 重读符号,重读第一个音节。 开音节:指该音节以元音结尾。分为两种: 绝对开音节:以元音字母结尾的重读音节,叫绝对开音节,比如me; 相对开音节:含

2、有1个元音字母的重读音节中,1个辅音+1个元音+1个辅音(r除外)+1个e结 尾,比如nose。 闭音节:指该音节以辅音结尾。 弱音节(非重读音节):指不重读的音节。重读音节符号 之后的那个音节是重读音节,其余音节都 是非重读音节。 附:48个音标 1、20个元音: 12个单元音/:/ / / / :/ / / / :/ /i:/ / /u:/ / /e/ / 8个双元音:/e/ /a/ / / /e/ / / /a/ 2、28个辅音: 10个清辅音:/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ / /s/ / /ts/ /t/tr/ 18个浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ / /dz

3、/d/ /dr/ /m/ /n/ / / j/ w/ / / / h/ / r/ 二、读音规则 (一)元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则aeiou开音节(字母本身音)音标e/i:/,/i/a/u/ju:/例agehe,serioskitenosecute重读闭音节音标/e/i/例bagdesksixhotcut弱音节(非重读音节)音标/,/i/,/i/,/i/,/,/u/,/ju:/例ability发/,private发/open发/,become发/holiday发/,family发/together发/,mango发/,obey发/u/album发/,avenue 发/ju:/其他o 如

4、果出现在l、m、n、v和ther前,常常变音为中元音 辅音字母j、l、r、s后读/u:/comerude1、a的发音(1)a在重读开音节中发/e/ age /ed/ cage /ked/ make /mek/ made /med/ save /sev/(2)a在重读闭音节中发/ act /kt/ dad /dd/ catch /kt/ fan /fn/ hand /hnd/(3)a在非重读闭音节,且是开头第一个音节,一般发/ ability /blti/ ago /g/ American /merkn/ 特殊: China /tan/ animal /nm()l/(4)a 在非重读音节,且是最

5、后一个音节,一般发/ private pravt image /md/ manage /mnd/ village /vld/ climate klamt真题:(1)15年中考26. Which of the following words is pronounced /ep / ? Ashape B.sheep D.ship (2)16奉贤一模26. Which of the following word matches the sound sef ? A.seem C. sense D. safe (3)18普陀二模 26. Whichofthefollowing

6、underlinedpartsisdifferentinpronunciationfromtheothers? A.Thisteatableisforsale B.MarkwillplanforatriptoHongKong C.Whereismyschoolbag? D.Weusuallyhavesomenoodlesforlunch(4) 18浦东二模 26.Whichofthefollowingunderlinedpartsisdifferentinpronunciation? A. garage B. manage C. lazy D. carry(5)15杨浦二模27. Which

7、of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A.I cried because of his angry words. B. This was my last chance to escape.C. He was wearing a dark brown jacket. D.He read by the light of the bedside lamp. (6)18金山一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different

8、in pronunciation from others? B.manage C.captain D.escape(7)16静安一模26. Sam was found innocent in the case and was finally set free. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word? A. /keis/ B. /ks/ C. /kas/ D. /ka:s/(8)17杨浦一模26. A much bigger battle is ahead for

9、the president. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation for the underline part? A. /e/ B. / C. /a:/ D. /ei/(9)17松江一模26. Which of the following words is pronounced /tp / ? A. tap B. top C. tip D. tape(10)17黄浦一模26. Whichofthefollowingunderlinedpartsisdifferentinpronunciation? A. cake B. mai

10、n C. map D. stay(11)16长宁一模 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.Why are you so unhappy? B.We managed to get to the airport in time. C. She was captain of the volleyball team. D. Variety is the spice of life. (12)18闵行一模26. Which of the following und

11、erlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. admit B. familiar C. apologize D. program2、e的发音(1)e在开音节中发/i:/或/i/开音节中发/i:/ eve /i:v/ n. 夏娃 theme /i:m/n. 主题 zebra /zibr n.斑马 he /hi/ pron. 他she /i/ n. 女人 me /mi:/ pron. 我 we /wi/ pron. 我们开音节中发/i/ serios zero hero(2)在闭音节中发/e/leg /leg/ n. 腿 desk /desk/ n

12、. 办公桌 cell /sel/ n. 细胞 chest test n. 胸net /net/ n. 网 web /web/ n. 网 nest /nest/ n. 巢,窝 pencil /pensl/ n. 铅笔beg /beg/ vi. 乞讨 edit /edt/ vt. 编辑 less /les/ n. 较少 pen /pen/n. 钢笔(12)字母e在非重读音节中发 或/i/当e未非重读音节,且该e在重读音节后面,该e发/ /: evidence /evdns/ angel /end()l/ darken /dk()n/ novel /nv()l/ happen /hp()n/ lab

13、el /leb()l/ open /p()n/ silent /salnt/ camel /km()l/ even /iv()n/ enemy /enm/当e未非重读音节,且该e在重读音节前面,该e发/ /become /bkm/ behave /bhev/ decide /dsad/ deny /dna/ predict /prdkt/ resist /rzst/ belong /bl/ relax /rlks/特殊:elephant /elf()nt/ 真题:(1)16中考26 Lets take a rest and listen to somemusic.Which is correc

14、t for the underlined part? A./e/ B./i:/ C./i/ D./(2)18杨浦二模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /fens/? A. fans B. fence C. face D.fax(3)18虹口一模 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A.method B.schedule C.text D.serious(4)17徐汇一模 26.Many leaders from dif

15、ferent countries attended the open ceremony of the G20 summit in Hangzhou in 2016.Which is correct for the underlined part? A. /i/ B./e/ C./ D./(5)16普陀一模 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. He has a good memory for face. B.The valley goes from wes

16、t to east. C. She has changed a lot in recent years. D. He had a pain in the neck. (6)17宝山一模26. The mother tries to prevent her child from playing computer games. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./prvent/ B./prevent/ C. /pr vent/ D./prvnt/ (7)18杨浦一模26. Whi

17、ch of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. method B. enemy C. memory D. recent(8)18徐汇一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. rest B. mention C. result D. mess(9)18宝山一模 26. Mother told Tom to behave himself. Which of the following is

18、 correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./bhev/ B. /bhev/ C. /behev/ D. /bhi: v/(10)17崇明二模 27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. I play table tennis with her every afternoon.B. After she graduated from university, Kate was sent to Japan a

19、t once.C. Were going to listen to a lecture given by a famous professor. D. He had a high fever because of the changeable weather. 3、i的发音(1) i在开音节中发/a/bite /bat/ climate /klamt/ bike /bak/ like /lak/ kite /kat/ knives /navz/ writer /rat/ pie /pa/ice /as/ rice /ras/ crime /kram/ Bible /bab()l/ cry /k

20、ra/ dry /dra/ July /dla/ type /tap/ my /ma/ shine /an/ shy /a/ sky /ska/ fly /fla/ try /tra/ five /fav/ time /tam/ tide /tad/ strike /strak/ while /wal/ alike /lak/(2) I在闭音节中发/bit /bt/ cliff /klf/ bridge /brd/ dig /dg/ fit /ft/ kiss /ks/ lip /lp/ mix /mks/ pity /pt/ big /bg/ city /st/ pig /pg/ pick

21、/pk/ myth /m/ sit /st/ wind /wnd/ six /sks/(3) 字母i在非重读音节中发/ / ,clinic /klnk/ family /fml/ holiday /hlde/ hospital /hspt()l/ native /netv/medicine /medsn/ (4) 字母i在非重读音节中发/a/advertise /dvtaz/ apologize /pldaz/ appetite /ptat /exercise /ekssaz/其他:(5)双音节词的结尾是“辅音字母+le”,前面的i所在的音节是绝对开音节时,i读ai。例如:titletaitl

22、 Biblebaibl rifleraifl(6)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读ai。例如:bright brait highhai childtaild但是也有例外,例如:childrentildrn windwind (7)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读ai。例如:advertise dvtaiz crocodilekrk,dail appetitepitait realizerilaiz otherwisewaiz (8)在词尾一ique里,i读i:。例如:antique nti:k; technique tekni:k;

23、unique juni:k .(9)在双音节和多音节词中i读。例如:differ dif; fifteen fifti:n; history histri; mixture mikst; village vilid ;winner win;真题:(1)16崇明一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /prais/?A.piece B. price C. praise D. practice(2)17长宁二模26. Which of the following words matches the sound /laif/?A. lau

24、gh B. leaf C. life D. live(3)长宁二模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /praiz/? A. praise B. prize C. price D. prison(4)15奉贤二模27. Which of the following words matches the sounds /praiz/?A. prize B. praise C. price D. piece(5)15浦东二模26. Mr. Li awarded me a prize for my wonderful performance

25、 at the English party. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /priz/ B. /praiz/ C. /pris/ D. /prais/(6)16普陀一模 26.Which of the following words matches the sound / bat /? A. bit B. bite C. beat D. boat (7)15金山二模26. Which of the following word matches the sound /wain/? A. win B.

26、wine C.when D. widen(8)16闵行二模 26. Which of the following words is pronounced / fa/ ? A.floor B.fine C. fire D. flight (9) 18崇明二模 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A.wisdom B.blind C.trip D.simple(10)16杨浦一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /wail

27、d/? A. world B. wide C. wild D. wind (11)16崇明二模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Sue is flying the kite with her cousin on the grass. B. He began to go to his company on his bicycle. C. Would you please help me pick out the bad oranges? D. I saw

28、Mike hiding behind the sofa when I entered(12).18黄浦二模26.Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /i /? A. wine B. fight C. high D. habit(13)15闵行二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Ann survived in the earthquake. B. Would you like some tea?. C. My aunt lives in the east of China. D. There is a picture in my mind.(14)17宝山一模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.He acts as a killer in the film. B. When did you arrive at the airport?C. Can you help me fix the chai

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