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1、姚鑫蓉第七讲动词及动词短语教师版课前轻松阅读The whole desert(沙漠)seemed to be burning. The sun was shining brightly. Father and son were crossing the desert. They stopped to drink some water and rest for several minutes. Soon they drank all of the water that they brought. But it was impossible for them to get some. After

2、a long walk, they were terribly tired and thirsty, so every step was very difficult. At this point the father saw a horseshoe in the sunshine on the yellow sand that was left by some desert pioneer. The father said to his son Pick it up now, for it will be useful. The son looked at the huge desert w

3、ith a disdainful(轻视的)look and shook his head. The father said nothing, but stopped to pick up the horseshoe and moved on. Finally, they reached a house and the father got 200 sour grapes by selling the horseshoe.When they walked in the desert and suffered thirst once again, his father took out the s

4、our grapes to eat as he walked and he dropped one on the ground while he was eating一his son would have to stoop(弯腰) to pick it up each time he wanted to eat.第一讲:动词及动词短语考点导航根据对动词和动词词组部分全国各省市中考试题的分析可知,今后该部分将是重点考查点之一。其考查重点为:1、 动词和动词词组辨析。2、 常用动词于名词、副词、介词构成的短语动词的基本含义和引申义。基础过关一.定义 表示动作或状态的词叫做动词。动词决定着句子意思的

5、表达,同时又决定着句子的语法结构。 1.根据动词在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。 说明 很多动词是兼类词。例如: We are having a meeting.我们正在开会。(have是实义动词。) He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。(have是助动词。) 2. 根据动词后是否带有宾语,可分为及物动词与不及物动词两类(英语缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.)。说明 同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如: She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She

6、can sing many English songs. 她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。)3. 动词根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分为谓语动词和非谓语动词两类。如: She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。) She wants to learn English well. 她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。) 说明 英语中共有三种非谓语动词:动词不定式、动名词、分词。4. 根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词、短语动词、动词短语例如: Th

7、e English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。) Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries. 学生们学会查字典。(look up是短语动词。) The young ought to take care of the old. 年轻人应照料老人。(take care of是动词短语。)5. 动词有五种基本形式:原形、第三人称单数形式、过去式、过去分词、-ing形式。二.系动

8、词 系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等。说明 有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语。例如: He fell ill yesterday.他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟表语,说明主语情况。) He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。(fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。)1)状态系动词 用来陈述事实,表示主语状态,只有be一词。例如: He is a teacher.他是一名教师。(is与表语一起说明主语的身份。)2)持续系

9、动词用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, stay, remain, lie, stand, hold, rest, continue。如: He always kept silent at meeting.他开会时总保持沉默。 This matter rests a mystery.此事仍是一个谜。3)表像系动词表示“看起来像”,有seem, appear, look等: He looks tired.他看起来很累。 He seems(to be)very sad.他看起来很伤心。4)感官系动词感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste。 例如: T

10、his kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。 This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。5)变化系动词这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.例如: He became mad after that.自那之后,他疯了。 She grew rich within a short time.她没多长时间就富了。6)终止系动词表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达“证实”,“变成”,“最终表明”之意。例如: Th

11、e rumor proved false.这谣言证实有假。 The search proved difficult.搜查证实很难。 His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)注意有些连系动词与形容词的搭配较为固定,如:come clean(全盘托出),come true(变成现实),draw near(临近),fall asleep(入睡),fall due(到期),fall ill(生病),go bad(变质),go mad(发疯),go hungry(挨饿),go wrong(出毛病),get lost(迷路),get

12、 ready(准备好),keep calm(保持冷静),keep clean and tidy(保持整洁),lie waste(荒废),make certain(确认),make ready(准备好),make sure(确信),run dry(干枯),stand firm(不让步),stand still(站着不动)。If you come clean about what happened, I will promise to keep it to myself. 发生了什么事你都告诉我,我保证不会对别人讲的。 The prediction is coming true.预言即将变成现实。

13、 Something went wrong with the computer. 计算机出毛病了。 The charges of water and electricity will fall due tomorrow; dont forget to pay it.水电费到明天就到期了,别忘记交。 seem, appear, prove, turn out, continue等连系动词后可接to be,也可不接(to be 后如果是名词且无形容词修饰,to be常不省)。She seemed (to be) an honest woman.She seemed to be a nurse.Sh

14、e appears (to be) asleep.The party turned out (to be) very successful.The weather continued (to be) fine.注意 连系动词无被动语态。三. 助动词1)协助主要动词构成谓语动词的词叫助动词。被协助的动词称作主要动词。助动词自身无词义,不可单独使用如:He doesnt like English.他不喜欢英语。(doesnt是助动词,无词义;like是主要动词,有词义)2) 助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用:a. 表示时态。例如: He is singing.他在唱歌。 He has got mar

15、ried.他已结婚。b. 表示语态。例如: He was sent to England.他被派往英国。c. 构成疑问句。例如: Do you like college life? 你喜欢大学生活吗? Did you study English before you came here?你来这儿之前学过英语吗?d. 与not合用,构成否定句。例如: I dont like him.我不喜欢他。e. 加强语气。例如: Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。 He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。3) 最常用的助动词有

16、:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would等。助动词的用法:1.助动词be的用法1)构成进行时态: be +现在分词。例如: They are having a meeting.他们正在开会。 English is becoming more and more important. 英语现在越来越重要。2)构成被动语态:be + 过去分词。例如: The window was broken by Tom.窗户是汤姆打碎的。 English is taught throughout the world.世界各地都教英语。3) be + 动词不定式,可表示下

17、列内容:a. 表示最近、未来的计划或安排。例如: He is to go to New York next week.他下周要去纽约。 We are to teach the freshmen.我们要教新生。说明 这种用法也可以说成是一种将来时态表达法。但其体现了决心和不可更改之意。b. 表示命令、安排等。例如: You are to explain this.对此你要做出解释。 He is to come to the office this afternoon.要他今天下午来办公室。c.征求意见。例如: How am I to answer him?我该怎样答复他? Who is to g

18、o there?谁该去那儿呢?d. 表示相约、商定。例如: We are to meet at the school gate at seven tomorrow morning. 我们明天早晨7点在校门口集合。e.表示“注定会.” Tom is too carless, so he is to fail. 汤姆太大意,他注定要失败。2.助动词have的用法1)构成完成时态:have +过去分词。例如: He has left for London.他已去了伦敦。 By the end of last month, they had finished half of their work. 上

19、月末为止,他们已经完成工作的一半。2)构成完成进行时: have + been +现在分词。如: I have been studying English for ten years. 我一直在学英语,已达十年之久。3)构成被动语态的完成式:have +been +过去分词。如: English has been taught in China for many years.中国教英语已多年。3.助动词do 的用法1)构成一般疑问句。例如:Do you want to pass the CET?你想通过大学英语测试吗?Did you study German?你们学过德语吗?2)do + no

20、t 构成否定句。例如:I do not want to be criticized. 我不想挨批评。He doesnt like to study. 他不想学习。In the past, many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性。3)构成否定祈使句。例如:Dont go there.不要去那里。Dont be so absent-minded.不要这么心不在焉。说明 构成否定祈使句只用do,不用did和does。4)放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气。例如:Do come to my birthd

21、ay party.一定来参加我的生日宴会。I did go there.我确实去那儿了。I do miss you.我确实想你。5)用于倒装句。例如:Never did I hear of such a thing.我从未听说过这样的事情。Only when we begin our college life do we realize the importance of English. 进了大学以后,我们才认识到英语的重要性。说明 引起此类倒装句的副词有never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, little, only, so, well等。6)用作

22、代动词。例如:- Do you like Beijing?-你喜欢北京吗?- Yes, I do.是的,喜欢。(do作代动词,代替like Beijing.)4.助动词shall和will的用法Shall/will作助动词可与动词原形构成一般将来时。如:I shall study harder at English.我将更加努力地学习英语。He will go to Shanghai.他要去上海。说明 在过去的语法中,助动词时shall用于第一人称,will 只用于第二、第三人称。现在,尤其在口语中,will常用于第一人称,但作助动词时shall只用于第一人称,若用于第二、第三人称就是情态动词

23、,试比较:He shall come.他必须来。(shall有命令的意味。)He will come.他要来。(will与动词原形构成一般将来时。)5.助动词should, would的用法1)should无词义,只是shall的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,只用于第一人称。例如:I telephoned him yesterday to ask what I should do next week.我昨天给他打电话,问他我下周干什么。比较:What shall I do next week?” I asked.“我下周干什么?”我问道。此句中,shall变成间接引语时,变成了shoul

24、d。2)would也无词义,是will的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,用于第二、第三人称。例如: He said he would come. 他说他要来。比较:I will go, he said. 他说:“我要去那儿。”变成间接引语,就成了He said he would come.原来的will变成would,go变成了come.。四.短语动词 动词加小品构成的起动词作用的短语叫短语动词。(构成短语动词的副词和介词都统称为小品词。)例如:Turn off the radio.把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)短语动词的构成基本有下列几种:1)动词+副词,如:break o

25、ut;2)动词+介词,如:look into;3)动词+副词+介词,如:look forward to。五. 非谓语动词 在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式,动名词,和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词,过去分词只有一种形式)。非谓语动词的否定式都是在其前直接加not。非谓语动词的各种时态形式:1)不定式时态语态 主 动 式 被动式一般式 to do to be done完成式 to have done to have been done进行式 to be doing完成进行式 to have been doing 2)动名词与现在分词时态语

26、态 主动式 被动式一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done【考点诠释】一、 对表示状态变化的系动词的考查 英语中常见的表示状态变化的系动词有 get , turn , turn out (结果是), go , come (成为), fall , become 等。 【考例】 The number of giant pandas is getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmlands. (江苏盐城)A. less and less B. larger and la

27、rger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer【解析】 答案为C。句意为“大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场”。本题中四个选项都是“比较级+ and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越”。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配。而结合句意可判断答案为C。【考例】-I am getting _each month. I cant put on my jeans. -Im afraid you have to take exercise every day. 河南省A. heavy B. heavier C. the he

28、avier D. the heaviest答案B。解析本题考查形容词的比较级。根据句意要用比较级而heavy的比较级是heavier,故选B。【考例】The food in that restaurant _delicious,but it tastes bad 沈阳市A looks Bfeels C becomes Dgets答案A。解析从下句but it tastes bad,“但尝起来很差”,可推知选A:那家餐馆的食物看起来不错。 【考例】一What do you think of the music,Fred?一It _wonderful台州市Asmells B. looks Ctas

29、tes Dsounds答案D。 解析系动词的用法常见的系动词有四个“起来”(smell,look,taste,sound),四个“变得”(turn,grow,become,get)以及feel,be等。音乐应该是“听起来”,其余三项不合句意。【考例】It is said that no one bought that kind of fruit一Thats trueIt tasted_.浙江Agood Bterrible Cwell Dterribly答案:B解析:根据第一个人说“据说没人买那种水果”可知,它尝起来不好吃。taste是连系动词,其后接形容词,故选B。【考例】一Do you kn

30、ow the final of mens singles will be played between Wang Liqin and Ma Lin?YesI felt _when I heard the _news. 黄冈Aexciting;excited Bexcited;exciting Cexciting;exciting Dexcited;excited答案:B解析:当主语是人时,要用excited来修饰;用来修饰物时,要用exciting,故选B。【考例】Hi,mumHave you cooked fish for dinner? I can _it 河南Ataste B. smel

31、l Cfeel Dtouch55答案:B解析:由句意“妈妈,你做好鱼了吗?”故“我能闻到昧了”,应选B。【考例】Hi, mum. Have you cooked fish for dinner? I can _it. 河南省A. taste B. smell C. feel D. touch答案B。解析本题考查词义辨析。因为是问妈妈是否做了鱼,如果看到、尝到鱼了,就不会这么怀疑了。 smell是闻到的意思。二、对表示状态存在的系动词的考查 常见的有 be, seem, appear, look, feel, smell, sound, keep, taste, remain, prove, stay, lie (处于某种状态),

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