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1、秦荻辉科技英语习题以与答案练习 1I、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中有些冠词的特殊位置:1.In this case the current (电流)exists for only half the cycle (周期)2.In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit (电路)3.Sensitivity (灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal (信号)a receiver(接收机)can pick up and amplify (放大)to a level useful for com

2、muni cati ons.4.emay be as small a positive con sta nt as you please.5.Even so fundamental a dimension( 量纲 ) as time was measured extremely crudely with sand and water clocks hundreds of years ago.6.Nonlinear distortion ( 非线性失真 ) can be caused by too large an input signal.7.The method used is quite

3、an effective one.8.A series (级数) solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed.II、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中 and”和or”的确切含义:1.Air has weight and occupies space.2.In this way less collector dissipation (集电极功耗) results, and the efficiency increases.3.We can go one step farth

4、er and take into account the nonzero slope of the actual curves.4.Try hard, and you will work the nut (螺母)loose.5.The first step in analyzing a physical situation is to select those aspects of it which are essential and disregard the others.6.This satellite was used for communications between the Un

5、ited States and Great Britain, France and Italy.7.Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit to be completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequency of a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and tha

6、t a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.8.Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be used to generate electricity.9.The current in a capacitor (电容器) leads (导前)the voltage by 90o, or, the voltage lags the current by 90o.10.The message is a logical unit of user

7、 data, control data, or both.III 、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中分数和倍数的正确译法:1.By varying VBE only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current (基极电流) can be changed significantly.2.The standard meter is accurate to about two parts in one billion.3.Cromatographic (层析的) techniques have been developed to detect air pol

8、lutants at concentrations (浓度) of one part per million or less.4.The volume coefficient (体膨胀系数) of a solid is almost exactly three times its linear coefficient.5.The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.6.The wavele ngth of this musical n ote (音符)is 7.8 ft

9、, over three times Ion ger tha n the wavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).7.This causes the collector current (集电极电流) to change by a factor of approximately 38.This factor (因子)is now equal to 9, a reduction by a factor of 11.IV、 将下列句子译成英语:1、 火箭是由金属制成的。2、 电池是能 提供(give)恒定电压 (constant voltage)的一

10、种 器件(device)。3、 这是一台多好的计算机啊!4、 在计算机中,趋势(te nde ncy)是以尽可能高的 时钟速率(clock rate)运作(operate)。5、 必须使物体运动,要不然就没有做 功(work )。6、 这条铁路比那条长五倍。7、 普通的窗户 经受(withstand)不了如此(so)大的力。8、 这个值(value)是原来的1/3。9、 这是一个太复杂的问题以至于我们在此不加 讨论(go into )。10、解这个题要花费计算机半个小时(的时间) 。V、 改正下列句中的错误,并将句子译成汉语:1.A 80-lb force must be used here.

11、2.This is a too large a sig nal.3.Digital transmission (数字式传输)does not need to have as a high S/N ratio (信噪比) as analog (模拟)transmission.4.To un dersta nd physics, good kno wledge of mathematics is n ecessary.5.This is a so sen sitive in strume nt that it can measure slight cha nge in pressure.练习 2I

12、、将下列句子译成汉语,并说明句中划有横线的介词短语的语法功能:1.One of the most valuable ways of representing functions is by graphical representation (B 示法).2.A number of conditions are classified as 6ccupational diseases (职业病) .”3.Engin eers may find the book of great value.4.If you let your pen cil drop to the floor, you can s

13、ee gravity in actio n.5.In this case the failure point (失效点) corresponds to a factor of safety of 1.6.The topic of trouble-shooting (故障检修) will be discussed in Chapter 9.7.Typical noise margins (噪声裕度) are usually better than the guaranteed value by about 75 mV.8.Upon the application of an external f

14、orce, we can cause the body to move.9.We measure resista nee (电阻)in ohms.10.Direct current (直流电) flows only in one direction.11.We can use this device to measure a slight cha nge in pressure.12.The history of two-way radfio com mun icati ons in some ways parallels the developme nt of commercial radi

15、o broadcasti ng.II、将下列句子译成汉语,并说明划有横线的动词的类别:1.When an electric curre nt flows through a wire, the wire will get hot.2.That statement (述)sounds natural.3.The water in the middle pipe will stand lower and thus in dicates a lower pressure.4.It takes a body (物体) precisely as long to fall from a height h

16、as it does to rise that high.5.We cannot exaggerate the dan ger of attempt ing a short circuit directly across a voltage source.III、 将下列句子译成汉语,并注意划有横线的副词或副词短语的语法功能:1.At this time the pulse (脉冲)is over.2.The two equatio ns below are of great importa nee.3.In gen eral, we can say, for any body any whe

17、re, weight = mass x accelerati on (加速度) due to gravity (重力).4.The temperatures on Jupiter (木星) and the planets beyond are extremely low.5.The problem now is to determine the resultant (合力)of these forces.6.With great telescopes astr ono mers can see stars and other thin gs very far away.7.The force

18、between two charges (电荷)of 1 coul (库仑)each a distanee of 1 m apart is 9 x 109N (牛顿).8.It all begin with the development 30 years ago of the transistor (晶体管)IV、 将下列句子译成英语:1、 我们非常容易地获得了这个结果。 (要求对划线部分用介词短语来表示)2、 常用的仪器有许多。(要求对划线部分用介词短语来表示)3、 人们用牛顿(newton)为单位来度量各种力。(要求对划线部分用介词短语来表示)4、 重力(gravity)这一概念将在下一

19、节介绍。5、 在这新的三章中,第一章介绍 核能 (nuclear energy)。6、 这两个值相差5。7、 这种新设备与那些旧设备相比有许多优点。8、 我们需要解这些方程把那些 未知数(unknown)求出来。9、 在日常生活中,力似乎是仅仅靠直接接触”来 传递(transmit)的。10、 这个结果看起来是正确的。11、 这一点无论怎样强调也不过分。12、 它们相隔的距离是很小的。V、 改正以下句中的错误,并将句子译成汉语:1.Curren t is measured with amperes.2.In this case the wheel will rotate for 360 o.3

20、.Compared with that algorithm, the algorithm presented in this paper (论文) has two adva ntages.4.These are the sufficie nt and n ecessary con diti ons to the equati on above.5.These parameters must maintain constant during transformation (变换)6.There seems to be three forces acting on the body.练习 3I、将

21、下列句子译成汉语,并说明带有划线的形容词或形容词短语的语法功能:1.The energy contained in the pulse (脉冲)is this efficiency times the maximum attainable.2.This measure is the key for the extremely low dc power (直流功率) achievable.3.Everythi ng electronic will be done digitally.4.A rope transmits tension (力)from one point to another u

22、nchanged.5.Even if a student can follow every line of example in this book, that doesn mean that he or she can solve problems unaided.6.Their electrical and magnetic properties, often paramount, are discussed in Chapters 14 and 15.7.These forces act on the electr ons able to move freely within the w

23、ire.8.A method of timi ng (定时) accurate to milli on ths of a sec ond is n ecessary.9.The huma n body is made up of coun tless structures both large and small.10.The acceleration (加速度) due to gravity (重力)is essentially constant.11.Diffract ion (绕射)and in terfere nee (干涉)are phe nomena characteristic

24、of waves.12.A surface so smooth that any irregularities (不平度) in it are small relative to the wavelen gth of the light falli ng upon it behaves differe ntly.13.There are many problems, both tech no logical and finan cial, that remai n to be solved.14.Gravitation (万有弓丨力) is in every object, large or

25、small.15.Yet there are connections, neither series (串联的) nor parallel, for which the above-me nti oned phe nomenon occurs.16.Subject to certain generalizations (通则)which will be described later on, Coulom law in the form given above is restricted to point charges (点电荷)17.Due to the n ature of the de

26、fi niti on of the radia n (弧度),it is even comm on to express radians in terms of n .18.An alogous to the eyelid, the camera shutter (快门) ope ns for a predeterm ined len gth of time to allow the rays to enter through the lens and expose the film.19.Both m and n are therefore even (偶数的) ,contrary to o

27、ur choice of m and n.20.The force acts perpen dicular to the surface of the earth.II、将下列句子译成英语,要求对划线部分用形容词(短语)来表示:1、 这个 信息量(quan tity of in formation )近似地正比于可用的频率 围(ran ge)。2、 现有的化学教科书均提到了这一现象。3、 在一个 正常的(normal )原子中,质子(proton)数等于存在的电子数。4、 在这篇论文(paper)中没有什么特别的容。5、 在这种情况下, 信号波形 (signal waveform )能无失真地

28、被 传输(transmit )。6、 太阳的 光线(ray)几乎是平行地到达地球的。7、 这是一个大于 1的正数。8、 这样的数列(sequenc必定有一个极限(limit ),或是有限的(finite ),或是无限 的(infin ite )。9、 这方法能用来 处理 (han die) 太复杂了以至于无法 用目测法 (by in spect ion ) 来解的 问题。10、 一切系统,不论是 牛物的(living ) 还是机械的,者E是信息和反馈控制系统。11、 由于结构简单、价格低廉,这种机器深受用户青睐。12、 与普通的观念 (com mon belief)相反,戈登(Gordon)博

29、士并不是第一个使用该金 属的人。13、 该球在平行于桌面运动。14、 这 电路 (circuit) 工作起来类似于一个 计数器(counter)。15、 这是一根长为 5米的直线(straight line )。练习 4I、将下列句子译成汉语,并说明带有划线的物主代词与被修饰词之间的逻辑关系:1.Each structure of the body (人体)is in direct communication with the brain by means of its_ own set of teleph one wires, called n erves.2.When food en te

30、rs the stomach, its prese nee stimulates n erves, sending sig nals to cen ters in the brai n.3.Light is n eeded by the gree n pla nts to make them gree n and they cannot survive for long in its absenee.4.This dip (倾斜)is referred to as the Lamp dip, ” after W. E. Lamp, who predicted its_ occurre nee

31、on theoretical groun ds.5.Physics is the most qua ntitative of the scie nces, and we must become accustomed to its_in siste nee upon accurate measureme nts and precise relati on ships if we are to appreciate its results.6.Thus far our discussi on of the prin ciples of mecha nics has bee n concerned

32、primarily with particles.7.Our analysis of the various gate families (门 电路系歹U) will be made in the next chapter.8.From its_ defi niti on as cha nge in velocity divided by elapsed time, radial accelerati on (径向 力口速度)is expressed in m/sec2 or cm/sec2.9.Si nee tran sformers are large, heavy, and expe nsive, their elim in ati on from the circuit (电路) results in con siderable savi ngs.10.Each of these

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