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1、考研长难句翻译Long Sentence1It s no surprise that Jennifer Senioinrsightful ,provsocative magazine coverstory , “ ILove My Children ,I Hate My Life , ” is arousing much chatter_nothing getspeople talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completelyfulfilling ,life-enriching exp

2、erience.Analysis本句话可以分为两部分, 破折号前,It nso surprise后是 that 引导的主语从句,it 为形式主语,从句的主干是 Jennifer Senior s cover story is arousing muchchatter; 破折号后, 主干是 nothing gets people talking like the suggestion;That 引导同位语从句说明 suggestion的具体内容Vocabulary insightful 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的provocative 刺激的,挑拨的,气人的rear 培养,树立,栽种Transl

3、ation 詹妮弗. 西尼尔见解独到、极具争议的封面故事我爱我的孩子,我讨厌我的生活 引发了人们的评论, 这不足为奇。 文章认为抚养孩子绝不是一种富有成就感、使生活充实的经历,没有什么比这个话题更能引起人们的谈兴了。2But it s interesting wonder if the i msawge see every week of stress-free,happiness-enhancing parenht-ood aren t in some small, subconscious waycontributing to our own dissatisfaction with th

4、e actual experience ,in the same waythat a small part of us hoped getting “ the Rachel lo”ok mjuisgthat mlitatlkeebuitslike Jennifer .Analysis本句的主干是 it s interesting wonde句r.中. it 为形式主语, 真正主语为不定式 to wonder .;if 引导宾语从句,作 wonder 的宾语,其主干为 the images arentcontributing to our own dissatisfaction,而we see

5、every week是省略了 that 的定语从句,修饰 images; In the same way后的 that 引导同位语从句,补充说明 way ,而 getting “ the Rachel ” might make us look just a little bit like Je省n略nif了er引导词 that,作 hope的宾语。Vocabulary subconscious潜意识的,下意识的Translation 但是有趣的是, 我们也会疑惑: 我们中有很多人希望通过模仿瑞秋而变得和现实中的詹妮弗相像一样, 每周出现在杂志封面的那些没有压力、 幸福感十足的明星父母形象,就真

6、的没有无形中导致我们对自身现实生活的不满吗?(注:詹妮弗,美国著名女演员, 热播情景喜剧老友记中“瑞秋”的扮演者) 。3It is difficult to the point impossibility for the average reader under the age of fortyto image a time when high quality arts criticism could be found in most big citynewspapers.Analysis句子主干是: It is difficult to for the average reader to i

7、mage a time .It is adjfor sb to do sth是英语中的常见句型,意思为“对某人来说,做某事比较 . i”t ,是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 to do 不定式; to the point of impossibility 修饰形容词 difficult , 表示困难的程度; when引导定语从句,修饰先行词 a time。Vocabulary average普通的Translation 40岁以下的普通读者无法想象一个能够在大部分城市的报纸上找到高质量文艺评论的时代。4It s not obvious how the capacity to visualize

8、 objects and to figure out numericalpatterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets andphilosophers.Analysis本句子主语是由 how 引导的一个主语从句, it 是句子的形式主语; 句子主干为: How .is not obvious。在主语从句中主语是 capacity , 谓语是 suits, 宾语是 one ; 状语为 to answer. 主语后加上两个动词不定式做后置定语;动词不定式中的宾语 questions后面接一

9、个 that 引导的定语从句。Vocabulary suit 适合,使适应elude逃避,躲避philosopher哲学家Translation 构思物体和找出数字模型的能力是如何让一个人去回答那些连最好的诗人和哲学家的问题的,这点我们还不是很清楚。5By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues these brands havehijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.Analysis本句中主谓语

10、Cline argues以插入语的形势出现,其余部分则是 argues宾语;在宾语里,by+V-ing 表方式手段,它的逻辑主语是 thesebrands ;shaking an.使用现在分词表示伴随的状态或结果。Vocabulary hijack 破坏Translation 席琳认为,时装广场提供廉价的流行时装,这样做破坏了时尚周期,动摇了时尚产业。6In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance(DAA) agreed that theindustry would get cracking on responding to DNT

11、requests.Analysis在本句里, the industry.是由 that 引导的宾语从句做 agree 的宾语,theFTC and Digital Advertising Alliance(DAA) 则是句子的主语。Vocabulary get cracking on 不得不Translation 2 月份,联邦商务委员会和数字广告联盟已经达成一致意见:网络浏览器应该着手处理用户提出的“请勿跟踪的请求”。7Brendon Lynch , Microsoft s chief porivffaicceyr ,blogged : “We believeconsumers should

12、 have more control . ”Analysis本句里,consumers should have more contro是l believe 的宾语,believe 后省略了引导宾语从句的 that; Brendon Lynch 和 Microsoft s chief privaocyfficer 是同位语从句,后者是对前者身份的说明;We believe 是直接引语, 作 blogged 的宾语。Vocabulary control 话语权Translation 微软的首席隐私官布伦丹. 林奇在博客中写道:“我们认为客户应该有更大的话语权。”8The financial cri

13、sis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave abad one .Analysis本句里,it 是形式宾语, 真正的宾语是 to be between jobs or to leave a badone;句子要表达的意思为“The financial crisis has made to be between jobs or toleave a bad one more acceptable ”more a是cc宾ep语ta补ble足语;宾语采用了动词不定式,多用来表达尚未发生的状态。Vocabulary leav

14、e辞掉,放弃Translation 金融危机让人们更容易接受失业或辞掉一份糟糕的工作。9That whispered message ,half invitation and half forcing ,is what most of us thinkof when we hear the words peer pressure.Translation 主干是:That whispered message is what most of us think o;f 其中 whatmost of us think of 是表语从句;表语从句中包含时间状语从句 when we hear 。Vocab

15、ulary whispered 低声的,耳语的Translation 每当听到“同辈压力这个词时”, 我们大多数人的脑海中总会半诱惑半强迫的出现这样一个低低的声音。10the notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which havehapped in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short timeinto the past.Analysis句子主干是: he notion is that ;其中 tha

16、t 跟在 is 后,为表语从句;表语从句中嵌套which 引导的定语从句修饰changes 以, 及 because引导的原因状语从句。Vocabulary notion 概念,见解,打算massive 大量的,巨大的relatively 想当地,相对地,比较地Translation 这种观点认为人们还么有发觉海洋中的巨大变化, 因为他们只回顾了过去相当短的一段时期内的情况。11The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the treeanswered the question he had been

17、asking himself about those larger fruits of theheavens ,the moon and the planets.Analysis 本句的主干为 The fact answered the quest。ionThe fact 和the apple up into the tree是同位语,同时 those large fruits of the heavens和 themoon and the planets也是同位语; question后跟了一个定语从句;该句中引导定语从句的 that 在从句中做宾语,因此可以省略。Vocabulary pla

18、net 行星Translation 苹果向下落到地面而不是向上飞到树上, 这一事实回答了他长期以来一直对天空中更大果实月球和行星所存有的疑问。12The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an evenmore robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.Analysis本句主干是: The only major objection came from Justice Antonin S

19、calia;后面的句子为由 who 引导的定语从句,对Justice Antonin Scalia进行修饰性描述;going back to 为非谓语动词短语,其逻辑主语为 Justice Antonin Scalia,表明其采取的手段、方法。Vocabulary go back to追溯Translation 主要的反对来自大法官安托尼 . 萨卡啦,为了维护州的权益,他甚至翻出了著名的制止外国人反美及惩治煽动叛乱法。13But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressurecan also b

20、e a positive force through what he calls the social cure, in whichorganization s and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individualsimprove their lives and possibly the world .Analysis本句主干为:Tina Rosenberg contends ;宾语从句 that peer pressurecan also be a positive force through what ;what

21、引导宾语从句做through的宾语, in which organizations use the power to he则lp是 social cure的定语从句。Vocabulary dynamics动力学,力学Translation 但蒂娜 . 罗森博格在新书加入俱乐部中声称,同辈压力也会产生积极作用, 很多组织和政府人员利用群体的活跃力量来帮助改善个人生活, 甚至改变整个世界,她将其称作整个社会。14The conflict has been surfacing since 2002,when the corporation boughtVermonts only nuclear po

22、wer plant ,an aging reactor in Vernon.Analysis 本句主干为:The conflict has been surfacing;when从句为主句 2002的定语从句,可以译为“在当时”; an aging reactor in Vernon 为同位语,补充说明前面的 plant。Vocabulary surface 浮出水面,使浮出水面Translation 这个冲突始于 2002 年,当时该公司购买了福蒙特州唯一一家核电站,此核电站是一个位于福蒙特州的老化的核反应堆。15The conflict has been surfacing since 2

23、002,when the corporation boughtVermonts only nuclear power plant ,an aging reactor in Vernon.Analysis本句主干为: The conflict has been surfacing;when从句为主句 2002的定语从句,可以译为“在当时”; an aging reactor in Vernon为同位语,补充说明前面的 plant。Vocabulary surface 浮出水面,使浮出水面Translation 这个冲突始于 2002 年,当时该公司购买了福蒙特州唯一一家核电站,此核电站是一个位于

24、福蒙特州的老化的核反应堆。16Reform has been vigorously opposed ,perhaps most egregiously in education,where charter schools ,academies and merit pay all faced draw-out battles.Analysis本句主干为: Reform has been vigorously opposed ,perhaps mostegregiously in education;之后是一个由 where引导的定语从句,对前面所提的对反对教育上的改革进行进一步的描述。Vocab

25、ulary vigorously 精神旺盛地,活泼地egregiously惊人地,异乎寻常地,过分地merit pay绩效工资Translation 改革一直遭到强烈反对,尤其惊人的是,在教育改革中,特许学校、学术机构和绩效工资都面临多场持久战。17As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto beenled by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to havestruck at lea

26、st some Times readers as faint praise.Vocabulary struck : strike 的过去式,打击,罢工Analysis本局主干为: that seems likely to ;s a description of the next musicdirector of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahlerand Pierre Boulez是介词短语作句子的状语;状语中包含 that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 an orchestra。Translation 吉尔伯特继音乐家古斯塔夫马勒和皮尔埃布莱兹之后领导爱乐乐团。这样描述其下一任指挥,至少在泰晤士报读者听来像是苍白无力的表扬。

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