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1、河南省天一大联考高一下学期阶段性测试四英语 Word版含答案 2018-2019学年下期高一阶段性测试 英语 本试题卷分第卷和第卷两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上(答题注意事项见答题卡).在本试题卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分.漪分30分)阅读下列短文.从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Summer Boarding Courses(SBC) In the United Kingdom Welcome to our new website

2、! Mobile-friendly, fun, fast and functional, our new website shows you intuitively(直观的)all that www. has to offer for our foreign students from 13 -17. So whats new? Searching our new website is now easier than ever before. For students deciding on the type of summer prog

3、rammes they are looking for, you can quickly choose from our Summer Schools and Summer Colleges by visiting our Programmes page. This allows you to see all kinds of courses we offer and choose which programme is right for you. Find out more about our summer programmesInterested in learning more abou

4、t daily life at SBC? Simply click on our school videos for a look at our Summer Schools and Summer Colleges throughout England, Oxford and Cambridge.Explore our campuses Our Useful information page gives you all the information you need about your stay with SBC in an easy-to-go area which can be vie

5、wed at any time while youre enjoying the website.Useful information Other new characters contain up-to-date letters from around the world, so that you can read more about the amazing SBC summers people have experienced directly from our students and parents. Hear from our students. In addition, a re

6、gular blog running up to and through the summer is now open-look out for student opinions, staff(全体员工) stories and much, much more to come. Magical summer memories can be viewed in our colourful school photos. For SBC news on the go you can check out the links(链接) at the bottom of each page which wi

7、ll connect you with our social media channels. We are glad to be able to show all the amazing things we do at SBC under one digital platform(数字平台)!Question us about our 2018 courses1. Who are the Summer Boarding Courses, intended for? A. Teenagers outside the UK. B. College students in the UK. C. St

8、aff of all kinds of companies. D. High school students around the world.2. To see the buildings of SBC intuitively, visitors had better click . A. Useful informations B. Explore our campuses , C. Hear from our students D. Question us about our 2018 courses3. Where can SBC teachers and students share

9、 their school experiences? A. On a blog. B. In the school videos. C. On the Programmes page. D. In the social media channels. B In the life of my hometown, Jim Thorpe, I felt that the most exciting thing was the football games on Friday nights. I hated that everyone seemed to know everything about e

10、veryone else. I also didnt like the fact that people seemed very close-minded. I felt trapped. I felt like missing out on many chances. It seemed to me that city life would be much more active end exciting. Then, I took my first trip to New York City. I was excited. I couldnt wait to experience the

11、city. However, when I arrived in the Big Apple, it wasn t at all what I had imagined. I knew it was home to thousands and thousands of people. but I hadnt expected to see so many people on the street at one time. Not only were the streets filled with people, but everyone was trying to get to places

12、in a hurry. Everything moved-at such a fast pace. People weren t friendly, either. When I took the subway for the first time. I said hello to the middle-aged woman next to me. She looked at me with disgust(反感) and didnt say a word. City life was not at all what I had expected. After just one day. I

13、realised how important my small town is to me. Now I appreciate the familiar faces I see every day. I like the feeling of safety and belonging my town gives to me. Jim Torpe also gives me a sense of community(团体) and togetherness that the city doesnt provide. I realise just how much a simple hello d

14、oes for someone-it really can make your day a little better. My big trip showed me that my small town really has planted morals(道德) and values in me that I didnt even know I had.Even though there isnt much to do here, I really value the simplicity(简单) of life. I never would have known what a big pla

15、ce my town holds in my heart if I had not taken that trip to New York City.4. What did the author think of the life of his hometown before visiting New York City? A. Boring. B. Exciting. C. Surprising. D. Pleasant.5. What does the underlined part the Big Apple in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. A street. B

16、. Jim Thorpe. C. A university. D. New York City.6. What impression did New York City leave on the author? A. A city like what he used to imagine. B. A heaven full of kindness and warmth. C. A place filled with busy and cold people. D. A capital with an active and exciting life.7. Why doesnt the auth

17、or leave his hometown at last? A. City life is much too expensive for him. B. His hometown has rooted in his mind forever. C. The small town can give him more job chances. D. He knows almost every citizen cf his hometown. C Leopards(非洲豹) are part of the cat family, Felidae. Leopards are weel known f

18、or their cream and gold spotted for, but some leopards have black for with dark spots. These black leopards are often mistaken for panthers.(黑豹). A leopards body is built for hunting. They have sleek(有光泽的) . powerful bodies and can run at speeds of up to 57 kilometres per hour. They are also excelle

19、nt swimmers and climbers and can leap and jump long distances. A leopards tail is just about as long as its entire body.This helps it with balance and enables it to make sharp turns quickly. Leopards are mostly active at night, hunting prey(猎物)at night. Adult leopards are solitary(独居的) animals. Each

20、 adult leopard has its own territory where it lives and, although they often share parts of it, they try to avoid one another. Leopards protect their food from other animals by dragging it high up into the trees. A leopard will often leave their prey up in the tree for days and return only when they

21、 are hungry Female leopards give birth to two or three cubs(幼兽) at a time, By the time a cub is two years old it will leave the company of its mother and live on its own.Some people believe that the bones and whiskers(细须) of leopards can heal sick people. Many leopards are killed each year for their

22、 fur and other body parts and this is one reason why the leopard is an endangered animal. While they were previously found in the wild is a number of areas around the world, their habitat is largely limited to sub-Saharan Africa-with small numbers also found in India. Pakistan, Malaysia, China and l

23、ndochina.8. Some leopards are mistaken for panthers because A. they are part of the cat family B. they have gold spotted fur C. they have black fur with dark spots D. they live in the same habitats9. What can we learn about leopards from the text? A. They would hide their prey in caves. B. The cubs

24、will live by themselves as soon as they are born. C. Their long tails are useful to keep balanne. D. They are glad to share their food with other leopards.10. Why are leopards in danger? A. Because of climate changes. B. Because of human killing. C. Because of air and soil pollution. D. Because of l

25、ack of food.11. What is the text mainly about? A. leopards habit of hunting at night. B. The relatives and enemies of leopards. C. Leopards and panthers of sub-Saharan Africa. D. The appearance and living habits of leopards. D That romantic hike through a tans beautiful island may be an experience f

26、or today a couples instead Of their kids or grandkids. Climate researchers say that small islands in the Caribbean, Pacific and Atlantic will be drying out on the world s temperatures rise and rainfall models change toward the middle and end of this century. Some small islands will becoming wetter,

27、but the majority (73 percent) will become drier. That means less freshwater for local people, agricultural products that sustain the islands economies and wildlife that depend on the islands unique ecosyatems(生态系统). “Its going to be harder to grow things because theres not going to be enough water,

28、said Kristopher Karnauskas, assistant professor of atmoaspheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. The small island doesnt have a large area used for storing water, he said. Unless they are really well developed, they are relying on rainfall. Karnauskas and colleagues at the

29、 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and University of Arizona published their findings today in the journal Nature Climate Change. Their study is a prediction(预测)of what might happen if present trends in global temperature and rainfall continue. In the 2013 report by the International panel on Cli

30、mate Change (IPCC) , scientists used global climate models to predict changes in rainfall and temperature and rainfall continue. But the land area of many small islands is too small for these models to come up with an exact prediction.Karnauskas replaced the known disappearance rates over land to fi

31、ll in the blanks in the climate equation(方程式) for these islands, which have a total population of 18 million. By 2090, the results show that islands with a population of about 9 million will become 20 percent drier. while another 6 million will experience 40 to 60 percent less freshwater.12. What ca

32、uses small islands in some places to dry out? . A.The rising temperature. B. The increasing rainfall. C. The damage caused by locals. D. The decreasing number of visitors.13. What does the word sustain in the second paragraph probably mean? A. Attract. B. Destroy. C. Support. D. Rely on.14. What can we know from Karnauskas words? A. The water on the islands is less valuable. B. The islands ability of storing water is strong.

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