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1、二人英语对话5分钟情景对话五二人英语对话5分钟情景对话五二人英语对话5分钟:At a restaurant Dashan:Oh, look. Its seven oclock. Im hungry. 大山:哎呀,瞧,都7点了。我饿了。 Yunbo: Im hungry, too. Lets go out for dinner. 云波:我也饿了。我们出去吃饭吧。 Rumei: Good idea. Lets try some Canadian beef. 如梅:好主意。我们去尝一尝加拿大的牛肉吧。 Dashan: Mmm, hmm. Canadian beef is excellent. Yun

2、bo, please ask the front desk clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 大山:啊,加拿大的牛肉特棒。云波,你能不能去问问前台服务员,咱们饭店周围有没有好的牛排餐馆。 Rumei: Please speak English ONLY, Dashan. 如梅:大山,请你只讲英语。 Dashan: Sorry. Yunbo, please ask the clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 大山:对不起。云波,请你问问前台服务员附近有没有好的牛排

3、餐馆。 Yunbo: Excuse me. Is there a good steak restaurant near here? 云波:请问,附近有好牛排饭馆吗? Clerk: Yes, there is. Theres a good restaurant about two blocks from here. 服务员:有,离这儿两条街远的地方就有一家好饭馆。 Yunbo: Great. 云波:太好了。 Clerk: Yes, Vics Steak House is very popular. 服务员:对,威克牛排酒家很受欢迎。 Yunbo: How do we get to Vics? 云

4、波:去威克牛排酒家怎么走? Clerk: First, go out the front door and turn right. Then, walk two blocks. Its on your left. Its next to the parking lot. 服务员:先出大门向右拐,然后走两个街区。威克牛排酒家在你的左手边,紧挨着停车场。 Yunbo: So, first we turn right. Then we go two blocks. 云波:先出大门向右拐,再朝前走两个街区。 Clerk: Uh huh. 服务员:对,对。 Yunbo: And, its next to

5、 the parking lot? 云波:挨着停车场? Clerk: Yes, you cant miss it. Theres a big sign in front of it. 服务员:对,你不会错过的。 酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌。 Yunbo&Dashan: Thanks. 云波 & 大山:谢谢你。 Clerk: Youre welcome. Oh, sir. Dont forget your map. 服务员:不客气。喂,先生,别忘了你的地图。 Yunbo: Oh, thanks. Were in luck. Theres a good steak house two blocks

6、 from here. We can walk to it. 云波:啊,谢谢。 (对如梅说)我们运气好。 离这里两个街区有一家好牛排馆子。我们可以走着去。 Rumei: Come on. Lets go. 如梅:快点。我们走吧。 二人英语对话5分钟:G A N FAMILY Dashan: Hi. Glen. Its Dashan. Thanks again for yesterday. We really enjoyed visiting your office and learning more about your company. 大山:格伦,你好。 我是大山。再次感谢你昨天的款待。我

7、们为能拜访、加深了解你们公司感到非常高兴。 Glen: Oh, youre welcome. Everybody at Capital enjoyed meeting you and your friends. Listen, are you free this evening? 格伦:啊,不用客气。 首都电子公司的每个人都为能见到你和你的朋友感到高兴。喂,你今天晚上有空吗? Dashan: Yes. 大山:有。 Glen: Well, how about coming over to our house for dinner? Kathys going to make her vegetar

8、ian lasagna tonight. 格伦:那到我家来吃晚饭,怎么样?今天晚上凯西准备做素卤意大利宽面条。 Dashan: That sounds great. Id really like to come. 大山:听起来不错,我很愿意来。 Glen: And please invite Rumei and Yunbo, too. 格伦:请邀请如梅、云波一起来。 Dashan: Thats very kind of you, Glen. 大山:格伦,谢谢你。 Glen: Come around at 6:00. Were going to have an early dinner. Its

9、 a school night for Christopher. 格伦:6点左右到我这里吧。今天晚饭我们要早点吃,克里斯托弗晚上要去学校参加活动。 Dashan: Great. Im looking forward to it. See you then. Oh, Glen, whats your address? 大山:好的,我期待着这一刻。回头见。噢,格伦,你住什么地方? Glen: 555 North Hinton Avenue. Thats Hinton near Main. Ours is the house with the big tree in front of it. 格伦:

10、欣屯街北路555号,欣屯街挨着美因街。我们家房子前边有一棵大树。 Kathy: Hello, everyone. Its wonderful to meet you all. Please come in. 凯西:你们好。见到你们太高兴了。请进。 Rumei: These flowers are for you, Kathy. 如梅:凯西,这花是送给你的。 Dashan: And heres a bottle of wine. Thanks for your kind invitation. 大山:还有一瓶酒。谢谢你们的邀请。 Kathy: Quite welcome. The pleasur

11、e is ours. 凯西:不用客气,你们能来我们感到很荣幸。 Kathy: Sit down, please. Make yourselves at home. Im going to get Christopher. Hes doing his homework in his bedroom. 凯西:请坐吧。请不要拘束。我去把克里斯托弗叫来。他在卧室里正做作业呢。 Glen: Would anybody care for a drink before dinner? I have rum, gin, scotch, wine. 格伦:吃饭前有谁想喝点什么吗?我这儿有朗姆酒、杜松子酒、苏格兰

12、威士忌、葡 萄酒 Yunbo: Ill have a gin and tonic, please. 云波:我想喝点杜松子酒加苏打水。 Glen: OK. 格伦:好的。 Rumei: Id like some ginger ale, please. 如梅:我想喝点姜汁汽水。 Dashan: Could I have a scotch on the rocks? 大山:给我点加冰块的苏格兰威士忌,好吗? Glen: Sure. 格伦:好的。 Kathy: This is our Christopher. 凯西:这是我们的儿子,克里斯托弗。 Everybody: Hi, Christopher. 三

13、人一起:你好。克里斯托弗。 Christopher: Hi,everybody. 克里斯托弗:你们好。 Kathy: Christopher, this is Rumei. This is Yunbo and this is Dashan. Dad and Dashan went to school together. 凯西:克里斯托弗,这是如梅,这是云波,这是大山。爸爸和大山是大学同学。 Christopher: Hi, everybody. 克里斯托弗:你们好。 Dashan: What grade are you in, Christopher? 大山:克里斯托弗,你上几年级? Chri

14、stopher: Im in Grade Five. 克里斯托弗:我上五年级。 Kathy: Christophers going to attend a hockey camp this summer. 凯西:克里斯托弗今年夏天要参加冰球夏令营。 Rumei: Sounds like fun. 如梅:听起来蛮有趣嘛。 Christopher: Yeah. Mom, when are we going to eat dinner? Im hungry. 克里斯托弗:是。妈妈,我们什么时候吃晚饭啊?我饿了。 Kathy: Very soon, honey. Glen, how about tak

15、ing everyone into the dining room? Im going to take the lasagna out of the oven. 凯西:亲爱的,马上就吃饭。 格伦,你带大家到餐厅好吗?我去把面条从烤箱里取出来。 Rumei: Kathy, can I help with anything? 如梅:凯西,有什么要我帮忙的吗? Kathy: Oh, thats all right. Just make yourself comfortable. 凯西:噢,没什么事,别拘束就行。 Glen: I think everything is just about ready

16、 now. 格伦:我看我们可以准备开饭了。 Dashan: Mmm. Everything smells delicious. 大山:啊,每道菜闻着都是那么香。 Yunbo: And it looks great, too. 云波:样子也都好看。 Kathy: Would anyone like some more lasagna? 凯西:还有谁想再吃点面条吗? Dashan: No, thanks. Im fine. I couldnt eat another bite. 大山:我不要,我吃饱了。 再多一口也吃不下了。 Yunbo: Id like another piece, please

17、. But just a small one. 云波:我想再要一块,就要一点。 二人英语对话5分钟:G A N FAMILY Dashan: Kathy, let us clear the table for you. 大山:让我们来替你收拾桌子吧。 Kathy: Oh, thanks. 凯西:啊,谢谢你们。 Christopher: Mom, Im going to watch TV in the family room, okay? 克里斯托弗:妈妈,我到客厅去看电视,行吗? Kathy: Christopher, arent you going to work on your proje

18、ct for school? 凯西:克里斯托弗,你不去完成你的学校项目吗? Christopher: Do I have to? Im going to finish it tomorrow night. 克里斯托弗:我必须去做吗? 我想明天晚上把它做完。 Kathy: You wont have time tomorrow night. You have a hockey practice. Remember? 凯西:明天晚上你就没空了,你们要练冰球,还记得吗? Christopher: Yeah, youre right. 克里斯托弗:对,您说得对。 Rumei: Kathy, where

19、 do you want me to put these dishes? 如梅:凯西,你看我把盘子放在什么地方? Kathy: Stack them on the counter, please. 凯西:堆在平台上就行。 Rumei: What a beautiful kitchen. Its so modern. 如梅:厨房真漂亮啊。真现代化啊。 Kathy: Oh, thanks. We remodelled it last year. 凯西:是吗?谢谢。我们去年改建的。 Rumei: Oh, really. 如梅:是嘛? Kathy: Our old kitchen wasnt big

20、enough for the three of us and two cats and two dogs. So, we decided to add an eating area. 凯西:原来的厨房不够大,容不下我们三个人,两只猫还有两条狗。所以,我们就决定扩建出了吃饭的地方。 Yunbo: Kathy, where do you want me to put the leftover lasagna? 云波:凯西,你看我把剩下的面条搁在什么地方好? Kathy: You can put it in a plastic container. Then put it in the fridge

21、, please. Glen, can you get Yunbo a plastic container? 凯西:你可以把它放进一个塑料盒里,然后请把它放进冰箱。格伦,你给云波拿一个塑料盒来,好吗? Glen: No problem. 格伦:没问题。 Kathy: And the other waste food can go into the container for the composter. I use the compost from the composter to fertilize the flowers in my garden. 凯西:其他吃剩的东西搁到一个袋子里准备放

22、进堆肥器。我用堆肥器里堆出的肥料给花园的花儿施肥。 Rumei: Here, let me wash the dishes. 如梅:来,让我来帮你洗盘子吧。 Kathy: Thanks, Rumei, but Im going to wash them in the dishwasher. Here, let me do it for you. 凯西:谢谢你,如梅,不过我要把盘子放进洗碟机里。来,让我来帮你。 Rumei: Kathy, what do you use these boxes for? 如梅:凯西,这些盒子是做什么用的? Kathy: Oh, these boxes are f

23、or recycling. Our family is trying to help the environment. 凯西:盒子是用来回收废物的。我们全家人都在为保护环境出力。 Rumei: What do you mean? 如梅:我没有听懂你的意思。 Kathy: Well, we want to save our natural resources for the next generation. You know. Clean air, clean water and rich forest and wildlife. 凯西:是这样。我们希望为下一代保护自然资源。你知道,我指的是洁净

24、的空气, 干净的水,丰富的森林资源以及野生动植物。 Dashan: Canadians are trying to use their natural resources carefully, so there will be plenty left for the future generations. 大山:加拿大人现在对自然资源的开发和利用非常谨慎,这都是为了保证将来我们 的子孙后代也会有足够的资源。 Kathy: Dashan, please speak English. I cant understand you. 凯西:大山,请你讲英语,我听不懂你在说什么。 Dashan: Sor

25、ry, Kathy. I wanted to tell Rumei about your familys concern for the environment. All Canadians want to have enough resources for the future. 大山:抱歉,凯西。我刚才是想跟如梅讲讲你们家人对保护环境的关注。所有 加拿大人都想为未来保留足够的自然资源。 Yunbo: What do Canadians do in their home to help the environment? 云波:在保护环境方面,加拿大人在自己家里都做了哪些事呢? Kathy:

26、Well, we reduce our garbage by recycling paper, glass and metal and by composting our kitchen scraps. 凯西:这个,我们通过回收纸张、玻璃、金属以及将残羹剩饭堆成肥等措施来减少垃圾。 Glen: We also conserve energy by keeping our homes neither too hot in the winter nor too cold in the summer. 格伦:冬天我们使室内温度保持不要过热,夏天我们使室内温度不要过凉,我们靠这种办法节省能源。 Kathy: And, were careful about our water. We try not to waste it. 凯西:还有,我们注意节约用水。尽量不浪费水。 Yunbo: Oh, I understand. 云波:哦,我明白了。 Rumei: Well, we learned a lot about Canadian life by spending time with you tonight. Thank you again for inviting us. 如梅:今天晚上跟你们在一起,使我们了解了不少加拿大人的生活。再一次感谢你们的盛情邀请。

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