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1、ITSWCCameraReadyMulticastpdf智能交通世界大会ITS智慧城市社区人工智能AI物联网IT报告课件教案 ITSWC2015CameraReadyMulticast.pdf智能交通世界大会ITS智慧城市社区人工智能AI物联网IT报告课件教案 22 nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 59 October 2019 Paper number ITS-2754 Extended Mobility Management and Geocast Routing for Internet-to-VANET Multicasting Ine

2、s Ben Jemaa 1,2 , Oyunchimeg Shagdar 4,2 , Paul Muhlethaler 2 and Arnaud de La Fortelle 2,3 1. UVSQ-Prism Lab., France, 45 Avenue des Etats Unis 2. Inria, RITS team, Domaine de Voluceau, 78150 Rocquencourt, France 3. MINES ParisTech, Centre for robotics, 60 Bd St Michel 75006 Paris, France 4. Instit

3、ut VeDeCoM, 77, Rue des Chantiers, 78000, Versailles, France Email :ines.ben_jemaa, oyunchimeg.shagdar, paul.muhlethaler, Abstract Emerging ITS applications, such as point of interest distribution, require information delivery from the Internet to a group of vehicles. S

4、uch an Internet-to-VANET multicast service raises several challenges including efficient multicast mobility management and multicast message delivery in a geographic area (geocast). In this paper we propose to extend the PMIP (Proxy Mobile IP) mobility management scheme such that it allows vehicles

5、in a geographic area to subscribe to the multicast group with low control overhead by exploiting vehicular ad hoc networking. We then propose Melody, a geocast routing protocol, which extends the multicast service coverage in the VANET based on overlay routing. Our simulation results show that Melod

6、y provides an improved communication performance in urban areas in comparison to geographic flooding. Keywords: MULTICAST, INTERNET, VANET, MOBILITY MANAGEMENT, GEOCAST 1. Introduction Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are expected to largely improve road safety, efficiency, and driving comfort an

7、d therefore it has received a great attention in both the academics and industry. An important goal of ITS is to provide mobile users (e.g., drivers) with the existing Internet-based services (e.g., WEB surfing) as well as new types of services dedicated to the vehicular environments. A significant

8、number of these ITS applications require multicast communications. Particularly, in addition to the traditional applications such as video conferencing or gaming, vehicular communications enable new emerging multicast applications such as Point Of Interest (POI) 22 nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, F

9、rance, 59 October 2019 distribution. POI distribution refers to informing drivers and passengers about specific location points (e.g., parking lots, restaurants, and so on), which can be interesting or useful for the nearby road users. This application requires multicast message delivery from a cent

10、re in the Internet to a set of users who are located in a specific geographic area. Enabling such an application is fraught with challenges, due to the hybrid communications path (from the Internet to the wireless media and finally to a geographic destination area) and also the highly mobile nature

11、of the destination nodes. To support multicast services in the Internet, a set of functions are required including multicast addressing 3, membership management 4, and multicast routing 5, 6. However, the dynamics of vehicular environment and the requirements of geographic dissemination make it diff

12、icult to directly extrapolate these protocols to VANETs. In particular, geographic multicasting to VANET mobile users (i.e., drivers and occupants) requires additional challenges including: (i) geographic multicast addressing, (ii) multicast mobility management, and (ii) geographic message dissemina

13、tion in the wireless network. Regarding geographic multicast addressing, we proposed a solution in 13 that is adapted to the context of vehicular networks. The second and the third challenges are the scope of this current work. The objective of mobility management is to locate mobile users and provi

14、de them data in a seamless manner. Two mobility management protocols have been standardized by IETF: (i) the Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6 for IPv6) 7, which is a host-based mobility management, and (ii) the proxy mobile IP version 6 (PMIPv6) 8, which is a network-based mobility management solution. The key id

15、ea of MIPv6 relies on a fixed entity in the home network of Mobile Nodes (MN), the so-called Home Agent (HA), which locates the MN and builds a bidirectional tunnel to transfer data packets destined to the MN. The weaknesses of MIPv6 include long latency, high signaling overhead and location privacy

16、 problems 9. To overcome these issues, PMIP is designed. In PMIP, the visiting network localizes the MN, communicates with the home entity, and builds a tunnel for data transfer. Although the existing multicast mobility management solutions can provide multicast data to mobile nodes (MNs), an issue

17、of these solutions is that they are somehow based on the assumption that users usually stay in their home network (fixed network) and hence they are designed to provide mobility management to only one or few users. Therefore, a direct application of these solutions to vehicular services would create

18、 large control overhead due to a per-user membership management and inefficient bandwidth utilization due to the unicast transmissions over the tunnels. Such control overhead and inefficient bandwidth usage should be avoided and we believe that it is possible especially for the cases where the mobil

19、e members are in the same geographical area. Indeed this is the case for the above-mentioned POI service. In this paper, we propose to extend PMIPv6 in such a way that mobility management to multiple vehicles can be provided with low cost and low complexity. Specifically, we propose to use PMIPv6 fo

20、r mobility management to a single user, which further provides mobility management to a multiple users by exploiting vehicular ad hoc networking. Extending PMIPv6 for VANETs has another benefit in contrast to the conventional PMIPv6. Indeed, the mobile users, which do not have Internet connection (b

21、ecause they are not in the coverage of access networks, and/or they are not equipped 22 nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 59 October 2019 with 3G/4G devices), can now receive multicast service over the Internet-to-VANET communication. A number of efforts towards enabling geocasting in ad-hoc

22、networks have been previously made. Examples are LBM 10 and GeoGrid 11 protocols, which rely on flooding techniques to disseminate a message to a given area. However, if vehicles are in the close proximity of each other, the protocols may lead to a massive packet redundancy on the network, which inc

23、reases the overhead and bandwidth consumption. Opportunistic routing has been proposed to improve packet delivery and reduce the overhead in the network. Opportunistic routing such as 12 exploits the broadcast nature of wireless transmissions. It allows candidate nodes that overhear the packet and a

24、re close to the destination to participate in forwarding the packet and thus reduce the number of retransmissions. However, in multicast services, where the message has to be delivered to the members, opportunistic routing using broadcasting techniques may not guarantee the packet delivery due to th

25、e lack of an acknowledgement system. In this paper, we introduce Melody, a geocast routing protocol that uses a variant of opportunistic routing technique to transmit multicast packets over an overlay path to a geographic area. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 details our pr

26、oposal for Internet-to-VANET multicasting. More specifically, we explain the scenario and present the VANET multicast group management scheme. In Section 3, we present the dissemination process to deliver information from the Internet to the group of multicast members located in an urban destination

27、 area. In Section 4 we assess our proposal by computer simulations for different urban scenarios. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. Internet-to-VANET Multicasting In this section, we first present the scenarios of Internet-to-VANET multicast communication required by the POI application. We

28、 then introduce the enhanced mobility management scheme for PMIPv6 architecture. 2.1. Preliminaries and scenario description The scope of this work is multicast message delivery from a server residing in the Internet to an urban area. The message may include information about road status (congested

29、or not), an advertisement of a new restaurant or parking facilities in a specific area. The messages are first sent to Road Side Units (RSU), which are deployed on a city scale to serve small urban zones. The source (server) sends the message to a multicast address that identifies the multicast serv

30、ice. It also specifies the destination area in the packet. It should be noted here that the destination area is transparent to the entities, which forward the multicast message in the Internet. The role of those entities is to forward the message to the multicast address following the Internet path,

31、 e.g., a tree path built by the PIM protocol 6. 22 nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 59 October 2019 Figure 1 - Internet to VANET Geocast scenario The scenario is depicted in Figure 1. When an RSU receives the information sent from the server, it has to forward it to the interested vehicles,

32、which reside in a geographic area specified in the data packet. The multicast vehicles use the mechanism as detailed in 13 to auto-configure a valid address using the service identifier and the geographic attributes of the area. If the destination area is not directly reachable from the RSU, the dat

33、a has to be relayed in the vehicular network from the RSU until the geographic area, where it is disseminated to the multicast members. 2.2. Extended multicast mobility management for the PMIPv6 architecture The membership management and data transmission in PMIPv6 multicast mobility management schemes are illustrated in Figure 2 . The Mobile Access Gateways (MAGs

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