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1、最新中考英语河南省中考全真模拟卷5解析版备战2021年中考全真模拟卷河南五本卷共五大题,满分100分,考试用时80分钟一阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。(2020-2021年河南省巩义市中考一模)A You know people should get along well with others and be friendly. But do you know anything about bullying(欺凌)events? Maybe bullying can happen to anyone. Many children aroun

2、d the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.What is bullying?Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes:(1)Calling people mean(恶意的)names(2)Laughing at peopl

3、e(3)Telling lies about people(4)Taking someones things without permission(允许)(5)Not allow someone else play in a group(6)Hitting peopleWhat is cyberbullying?Sometimes we meet cyberbullying. And well be in trouble if we meet it. Cyberbullying includes:(1)Sending bad messages online(2)Sharing photos o

4、nline without permission(3)Not letting someone be part of an online group(4)Spread lies onlineWhat can you do for it?If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher. If you get bad messages, never reply! You should save them and give th

5、em to your teacher, your family, or the police.Ask an adult for help. Dont share anything before you make sure it is ture. That will help stop the cyberbullying.Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you see bullying, or if you are worried about a friend. Say sorry if you are not kind to som

6、eone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.For more information, visit our home page at .1. The following are bullying except _according to the passage.A. calling people mean names B. hitting peopleC. telling lies about people D

7、. laughing with people2. Cyberbullying means bullying _.A. at school B. at homeC. on the street D. on the Internet3. When you get bad messages online, you should _.A. share them with friends B. give them to your teacherC. reply to them at once D. keep them as your secrets4. If you are not kind to so

8、meone, you should _.A. say sorry to them B. talk about it in publicC. ask your parents to say sorry D. feel sad and keep quiet5. Who is this passage mainly written for?A. Teachers. B. Parents. C. Children. D. The police.【答案】1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C【解析】本文是说明文,主要介绍了欺凌和网络欺凌的不同含义和行为表现,并就如何处理欺凌和网络欺凌给出了四点

9、建议。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据“Bullying includes: calling people mean namesLaughing at people telling lies about peopletaking someones things without permissionnot letting someone play in a group hitting people ” 可知ACD选项都属于欺凌;Laughing at people(嘲笑别人)属于欺凌,但D选项“laughing with people和别人一起笑 ”不属于欺凌,故选D。【2题详解】细节判断题。根据“

10、Cyberbullying happens online”可知Cyberbullying指的是发生在网上的欺凌行为。on the Internet符合句意,故选D。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据“If you get bad messages, dont reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family or the police”可知,在网上收到不好的信息不要回复,应该把那些信息给老师、家人或警察;give them to your teacher符合题意,故选B。【4题详解】细节理解题根据“Say s

11、orry if you are not kind to someone”可知,对别人不友好你应该道歉;say sorry to them符合题意,故选A。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“It happens to millions of children around the world. Every year, a great many children around the world are bullied”以及倒数第三段“Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you are worried about a friend”可知,

12、文章主要是写给孩子们的,讲述欺凌发生在孩子们身上时应该怎么做,故选C。 ( 2020-2021年河南省南阳市内乡县中考一模 )B Your Junior 3 year will finish soon. Do you want to say something about your junior school life? What are the rewards (收获) of the three years? Teenagers have their stories to share.Lin Yijian, 14, Xiamen, FujianI got through a hard tim

13、e in Junior 2 when my grades suddenly dropped a lot. I faced great pressure (压力). In the following summer vacation, I worked really hard by studying from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm every day. It was crazy, but when I got back to the top of exams, I felt everything was worthwhile (值得的).Zhang Wanying, 15, Dal

14、ian, LiaoningIn 2015 I had a trip to the US with some students and teachers. When we arrived there, the other students and I didnt want to eat the local food. The teachers were worried and tried to make us eat. When we finally finished the meal, the guide scolded (责备) us, saying that the world now s

15、ees how spoiled Chinese kids are. I felt really sorry.Luo Shuer, 14, Hangzhou, ZhejiangI live in a dorm (寝室) during junior school. It was a great challenge since I had never left my parents before that. I had to take care of everything myself. I learned to tidy my bed and get along with roommates. I

16、 also learned to make a schedule to arrange (安排) my time. Ive done a good job and I feel proud.Yin Donghui, 13, BeijingI won first place in the rope skipping (跳绳) competition at our schools sports meeting in my first year in junior school. The sports meeting is a big event at our school. To prepare

17、for it I practiced hard and skipped rope 500 times every day. Finally I skipped over 210 times in one minute. You dont know how excited I was then!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。6. The underlined word “spoiled” may probably mean _.A. 溺爱的,宠坏的 B. 独立的 C. 有主见的 D. 执着的7. Luo Shuer _A. went to America with other students in

18、 2015.B. lived with his parents during junior school.C. succeeded in taking good care of everything alone.D. wanted to learn English online.8. Yin Donghui _A. skipped over 2010 times in an hour.B. won the first place in rope skipping when she was in Grade 2.C. will finish her junior middle school so

19、on.D. had a trip to the US with some students and teachers.9. Which one is NOT TRUE?A. Lin Yijian faced pressure, he was crazy and work hard.B. Zhang Wanying and her classmates used to travel to America.C. Four students in this passage are from different places of China.D. Yin Donghui won first plac

20、e in the rope skipping (跳绳) competition at the schools sports meeting.10. This passage is about _A. what sports junior students like.B. some rewards some students have got from their junior life.C. how junior students spend their holiday.D. how to deal with pressure.【答案】 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B【解析

21、】本文通过四个毕业生各自讲述了三年初中生活的收获,表达了各自的感受。【6题详解】词义猜测题。根据张婉莹的叙述“the guide scolded us导游骂了我们一顿”,可知后面三项不合句意,故选A。【7题详解】细节理解题。根据罗淑尔的叙述“I had to take care of everything myself. I learned to tidy my bed and get along with roommates. I also learned to make a schedule to arrange my time. Ive done a good job and I fee

22、l proud我不得不自己照顾一切。我学会了整理我的床和与室友相处。我也学会了制定时间表来安排我的时间。我做得很好,我感到自豪”,可知其自理能力很好,succeeded in taking good care of everything alone(成功地独自把一切都照顾好了)符合题意,故选C。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据尹东辉的叙述:一年级时获得跳绳比赛第一名、每天跳绳500次、在一分钟内跳过210次,可知AB两项不正确;D项是张婉莹的经历。结合开头“Your Junior 3 year will finish soon. Do you want to say something about

23、 your junior school life?”,可知他也快初中毕业了,故选C。【9题详解】推理判断题。A. 林一建面对压力,他疯狂,努力工作,根据“I faced great pressure.It was crazy”可知说法正确。B. 张婉莹和她的同学们过去常去美国旅游,根据“In 2015 I had a trip to the US with some students and teachers”可知说法错误。C. 这篇短文中的四个学生来自中国不同的地方,根据四个学生的来源地信息(分别来自厦门、大连、杭州和北京),可知说法正确。D. 尹东辉在学校运动会跳绳比赛中获得第一名,根据“

24、I won first place in the rope skipping competition at our schools sports meeting in my first year in junior school”可知说法正确。综合以上分析,故选B。【10题详解】主旨大意题。根据开头“What are the rewards of the three years? Teenagers have their stories to share三年的收获是什么?青少年有他们的故事可以分享”,可知他们讲述的是从初中生活中得到的收获,some rewards some students

25、have got from their junior life(一些学生从他们的初中生活中得到的收获)符合题意,故选B。 (2020-2021年河南省许昌市一中模拟卷4)C Have you ever searched the Internet for some information when you feel uncomfortable? A new study finds that more than eighty percent of Internet users in the United States search for health information online.Sus

26、annah Fox from the Pew Internet Project says doctors are still the main source(来源)of health information when people get sick. But the study finds that searching online is one of the leading ways that people look for a second opinion. He says People are sort of fact-checking what they have heard from

27、 a doctor. Our studies show that people are still very likely to turn to a health doctor when they need a diagnosis(诊断)or are planning a treatment.Forty-four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online. Two-thirds of Internet u

28、sers look for information about a certain disease or medical condition online.The Internet has also become an important source of spiritual support for people with health problems. Susannah Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition.A disease

29、 is considered uncommon if it affects fewer than 200, 000 people worldwide. The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with uncommon diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone. Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each ot

30、her.Dr. Jeff Livingston operates a medical center for women in Irving, Texas. His office uses password- protected software(软件)to share information with patients. He says the software has increased efficiency(效率) ,reduced costs and improved relations with patients. It has just changed the way they do

31、 health care. His medical center also has some pages on the Internet.11. Which is the main source of health information when people get sick?A Doctors. B. Social networking.C. Their parents. D. Books on medicine.12. With social networking, how will the people with uncommon diseases feel?A. More worr

32、ied. B. More hopeless.C. Less alone. D. Less nervous.13. Whats the meaning of the underlined word operates in Chinese?A. 动手术 B. 经营 C. 调查 D. 帮助14. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The number of hospitals and doctors will become smaller and smaller.B. Doctors can try new ways to communicate with their patients.C. Patients wi

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