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冀教版四年级英语下册Lesson 7教案公开课.docx

1、冀教版四年级英语下册Lesson 7教案公开课Lesson 7 Months of the Year教学目标:1.知识与技能:1)能听、说和认读12个月份的单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 。2)能听、说、认读和规范书写缩写:Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.3)能听懂、会说、认读句型: My birthday is in .4)能够在图片或情景的

2、帮助下运用句型: Whose birthday is in July? My birthday is in . 进行询问并回答。2.过程与方法:帮助学生经历操作、观察、问答、归纳等教学活动,利用各种教学手段循环反复十二个月的单词,让学生的听、说、读和写达到熟练的目的。3.情感、态度与价值观:1)同学之间通过询问生日等,彼此加深了解,体现团结友爱的精神。2)通过本课的学习,知悉父母的生日,及时送上祝福,表达对亲人的关爱之情。教学重点及难点:1. 教学重点:12个月的单词听、说和认读及书写缩写的练习与掌握。2.教学难点:January, February, September, October,

3、November, 和December等单词都比较长,要帮助学生找出这些单词的结构规律以及发音规律等。课的类型:新授课。教学准备:教师准备12个月份的词卡,固体胶,(自制不透明小纸盒一个、学生英文形式姓名卡若干、大小写字母卡片若干和PPT等)。教学过程:1.复习活动:教师以问答的形式复习以前学过的旧知识How many . are there in the .? 引出本节课关于12个月单词的学习内容。2.进入新课:1)教读单词:教师出示12个月的单词卡片,以更高、高、中、低和更低的调子朗读学习新单词,学生觉得有趣儿,更易于接受和掌握新单词。2)游戏活动利用12个月单词卡片进行游戏活动,通过游戏

4、 Guessing Game 进一步加强了学生对于12个月单词的听、说和认读能力。3)出示PPT学生观看PPT,将新学的12个月的单词逐一进行对比,发现12个月的相同点和不同之处,帮助学生增强记忆。4)游戏环节通过游戏We are Family,展现了12 个月单词的结构,让学生拿着字母卡片,寻找自己的位置,排列出月份的字母组合,进一步强化了学生记忆。5)跟唱歌曲学生跟唱歌曲Twelve Months , 再次帮助学生熟练12个月的单词。6)出示PPTPPT出示12个月的缩写,让学生观察总结其特点,加强学生的记忆。7)规范书写教师板书示范12个月在四线格的规范书写缩写及拼读,同时进一步加强了学

5、生对于单词的认读及书写熟练程度。 8)游戏活动:Lets play!教师利用12个月单词的缩写,画出九宫格,进行游戏Bingo.学生对于12个单词的听、说和认读再一次得到了加强。9) 出示PPT将句型 Whose birthday is in July? My birthday is in . 呈现于屏幕,让学生清楚问和答,便于下一环节的展开。10) 练习环节教师在黑板上画出简笔画 “birthday cake”,并在其周围(故意)用阿拉伯数字1,2,3,. 10,11,12表示出月份,然后让学生以开火车的形式,依次从教师事先准备好的装有全班孩子名字卡片的小盒里,随意抽出一张名卡,对抽到的名字

6、进行提问: ,When is your birthday? 然后,进行回答:My birthday is in .,提问的学生听懂之后,要将被问的学生名卡贴在正确月份旁边。 3.家庭作业:1) 本节课新学习的关于12个月的单词,以及12个月的缩写,要求读熟,缩写要求记住,书写2遍。2)课本中出现的对话,要求读熟。3) 回家询问父母亲人的生日,并能及时送上祝福,做一个关心孝敬长辈的好孩子。4. 板书设计:Lesson7MonthsoftheYearsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

7、Whatsyourfavouritemonth?MyfavouritemonthisWhosebirthdayisinJuly?MybirthdayisinJuly.第二课时教学目标:1、Students can read,write,say and accurately understand the vocabulary:minutes,hours,exercise2、教授歌谣“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High”使学生能跟着节拍边做动作边说歌词。3、通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。教学重点:掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hour

8、s, exercise教学难点:如何在实际中灵活运用 How much/How many/How often是难点。教具、学具:一个带有分针的钟表、录音机、课文录音带。教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review:1、Play “What Time Is It” to review how to say times.T: Hello! Now look, what is it? S:Watch. T:It is a clock. What time is it now? S: It is_.二、Key Concepts:1、Introduce:(1) Demonstrate

9、 “minute, hour” with a big clock .(教师用手拨动时针,正好经过一个小时)T: How many minutes does it past?S: .T: One hour. Hour, say it.S: Hour.T: How many minutes make an hour? Minute, say it and guess what it means here.S: Minute.(教师可以用钟来提示学生 minute 是什么意思。同时教师还可以扩展秒,年,天。)T: Yes, sixty minutes make an hour. Say it. S:

10、 Sixty minutes make an hour. T: How many seconds make a minute? S: . T: Now look, what time is it now? It is time for exercise.What does it mean?Guess.(2) Play“Simon Says” to review actions and phrases such as:ride a bike, walk to school, run, jump,play ping-pong, play soccer, play basketball 等。Some

11、 volunteers. Ask each volunteer (in a whisper) to perform an action. Ask the class to guess what he or she is doing . Then ask all the volunteers to perform their actions at the same time and lead a dialogue:T: Look! They are exercising!(Point to each volunteer) Riding a bike is exercise.Playing pin

12、g-pong is exercise.Walking is exercise.What else is exercise?(Point to the next volunteer.) _ingis .S: exercise.T: Right! (Point to the final volunteer.) And _ing is S : exercise.T: Very good!(3) 游戏规则:两个同学上前面来,一个同学面向大家,另一个同学用事先准备好的单词大卡片对着同学,让同学们做动作,前一位同学猜_ing is exercise . (安排这个环节主要是为了巩固刚刚学过的句型和单词ex

13、ercise.为下面的学习做准备。)2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:(1)教科书第一部分 T:Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.出示问题:What is exercise? How much exercise do you need? 学生边看书边听课文录音,同桌讨论后回答。回答第一题引出动名词短语作主语这一知识点,板书:Riding a bike/Walking to school/Running/Playing ping-pong is exercise. 回答第二题时引出How mu

14、ch 与 How many 的区别,并利用钟表演示使学生能回答: How many minutes are there in an hour?/How many minutes make an hour?(2) Ask a volunteer.T: How do you go to school? V: ride a bike. T: Is riding a bike exercise? How often do you exercise a day?V: T: How many minutes do you exercise a day?V :.学生分组进行对话练习,然后找同学进行检查。(给

15、学生实践的机会,让学生联系自己的生活实际进行英语学习,加强学生对语言的驾驭能力。)教科书第二部分出示问题:How many minutes dose Danny exercise? How often dose Danny exercise? How many minutes dose Danny walk to school? 听课文录音小组讨论后得出结论:Danny needs to get more exercise. 采取多种方式操练:同桌对话、小记者采访的形式询问同学们的锻炼情况,在活动中复习并巩固句式的运用,深刻领悟锻炼的重要性。3、Practice:(1) T: Now,lets

16、 do some exercise together. Ok?Read the passage in Part 3 Read and write. Then finish the table.Students say the sentences according to the table: I exercise 2 hours in a week (2)Lets chant“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High”三、Class Closing:Homework:(1) 画出一些动作或尽量用动作表演出来来练说:_ing is exercise.(2) 课余将所学c

17、hant 带动作表演给家人或朋友。(3) Make a chart : 了解身边人的锻炼情况。板书设计:Lesson 10ExerciseSixty minutes make an hour!riding a bikeWalking to school is exerciserunningplaying ping-pongExercises:一、Fill in the blanks.1、_ helps make your body healthy and strong.2、Sixty m_make an h_.二、根据答句补全问句:1、_exercise do you need a day?I

18、 need about twenty minutes of exercise a day.2、_minutes do you need to walk to school? I need about five minutes to walk to school3、_do you play ping-pong?I play ping-pong three times a week.三,连线1. What do you do after supper? Twice.2. What are you doing now? On foot.3. How do you do? Yes, please 4. May I help you? Im coming.5. Time for supper. Its Friday today.6. How do you go to school every day? I often go for a walk with my sister7. How often do you eat breakfast at home? I often go for a walk with my sister.8. What day is today? How do you do?

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