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1、大学体验英语2教案教 案20092010学年第2学期课 程 名 称:大学英语课程性质:必修学时数:64授 课 班 级:开课系(部):外教研室(实验室):大学英语主 讲 教 师:职 称 :广州汽车学院教务处制教案首页课 程名 称大学英语(B班)总计: 64 学时课 程类 别必修学分4讲课: 64 学时实验: 学时上机: 32 学时任 课教 师沈剑文职称助 教授 课对 象基本参考资料和教材大学体验英语综合教程(第一、二册)新视角大学英语阅读文选(第一、二册)全新版大学英语快速阅读(第一、二册)新世纪大学英语视听说教程(第一、二册)教学目的任务以培养学生的英语综合应用能力为主,在听、说、读、写、译方

2、面达到教育部大学英语课程要求所提出的基本要求或较高要求,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。考核方式闭卷(); 开 卷( ); 课程论文( )实践操作( ); 多种形式结合( )内容课时分配章内容学时数1BOOK 1, UNIT 742BOOK 1, UNIT 843BOOK 2, UNIT 144BOOK 2, UNIT 245BOOK 2, UNIT 346BOOK2, UNIT 467BOOK2, UNIT 568READING 169SPEAKING16注:课程类别

3、:公共基础课、专业基础课、专业课、集中实践环节、实验课、通选课。 大学英语 课程教案授课时间第 1周,星期 一 ,第 3-4 节; 第 1次课 章节名称Unit 7 Learning Strategies Passage A NOT Just a Job, an Adventure: Undergraduate Research授课方式课堂讲授();实验课(); 习题课();讨论课();其他()教学时数2授课方法和手段教学方法: 讲授问答讨论练习教学手段: 多媒体黑板教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):掌握:1、帮助学生通过学习课文了解课外学习的重要性。2、掌握original, i

4、ntensive, constitute, demonstrate, spur, independent等积极词汇和短语的意思和用法。熟悉:等词汇和短语的意思。了解:undergraduate research等文化现象等。教学基本内容纲要Undergraduate research is a good way to develop a students mind. It can also give the student a head start on a career or even earn the student some money. When doing research the

5、student must work independently, which builds confidence while practicing useful skills. By applying knowledge learned from a book or a classroom to a research project, the student learns much more than could be learned in another way. Mastery of facts is only the beginning of our learning. Its what

6、 we do with them that really matters.教学重点与难点重点:1. 本科生从事科学研究的意义和方法;2. 介绍几种常用的学习策略。难点:1. Sophia Stellais one of many undergraduates who become involved, one way or another, in research performed at the university.2. Students and professors agree that an undergraduate research project can be uniquely b

7、eneficial to both parties.3. Ideally, undergraduate research is an opportunity for the kind of intensive study that can expand the mind in ways traditional courses cant.4. He also describes how creating a piece of original research instilled a “pride of authorship” in his work.5. In some departments

8、 a research project might constitute an honors thesis.教学过程设计1. Lead in (10 分钟),通过听力训练理解课文。2. 口语练习:10分钟。Dialogue Samples (1 and 2)。3. 课文讲解:利用PPT演示课件分段听课文,讲解背景知识、重点词语,让学生总结段落大意,通过提问巩固学习内容。45分钟。4. 针对性的做课后练习。10分钟。5. 课堂讨论:10分钟。6听写生词:5分钟。作业、讨论及辅导1. Translate the following sentences into English (P.131)2.

9、Work in pairs and discuss the following topic: Some people say, “We learn more outside class.” Do you agree? Why or why not?课后小结 学生基本掌握本课重点知识,作业完成情况良好。注:1、教案按授课次数(或单元)填写,每次(或每单元)授课均应填写一份,整个教案只用一个封面。2、教学手段如:举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图讲解、音像讲解等。3、表格间距可调整,可加附页。 大学英语 课程教案授课时间第 2周,星期 一 ,第 3-4 节; 第 2次课 章节名称Uni

10、t 7 Learning StrategiesPassage B The Best Way to Learn: Creative Emulation授课方式课堂讲授();实验课(); 习题课();讨论课();其他()教学时数2授课方法和手段教学方法: 讲授问答讨论练习教学手段: 多媒体黑板教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):掌握:1、帮助学生通过学习课文了解学习技巧,掌握适应自己的大学学习方法。2、掌握convert, minor, attain, purchase, utilize, complex等积极词汇和短语的意思和用法。熟悉:有关学习技巧的词汇和短语的意思。了解:虚拟语气等

11、用法。教学基本内容纲要The author has been successful in several different fields, such as academics, sports, computers, and business. In each case he uses the same strategy, which he calls creative emulation. He finds the people who are already successful and tries to model his behavior on theirs, adding his o

12、wn personal features. Using this approach he has built a large and successful business. But he also notes that his young son uses the same strategy for learning about daily living. With such a smart father to emulate, this should be no surprise. Students may do likewise by choosing especially succes

13、sful classmates or teachers as their role models.教学重点与难点重点:1. 英语文段中的扩展句;2. 虚拟语气。难点:1. I examined back issues of every tennis magazine looking for articles on techniques.2. I would go to see pros play in person.3. I wrote most of these ideas in my personal journal, which consisted of several notebook

14、s and thousands of index cards.4. This process converted me from a third-string player on a second-rate college tennis team to someone who could win a few minor tournaments on the pro circuit.5. I used creative emulation to help me attain my goal of playing tennis on the pro circuit.教学过程设计1. 口语练习:10

15、分钟。2. 课文讲解:利用PPT演示课件分段听课文,讲解背景知识、重点词语,让学生总结段落大意,通过提问巩固学习内容。45分钟。3. 针对性的做课后练习。10分钟。4. 课堂讨论:15分钟。6听写生词:10分钟。作业、讨论及辅导1. Translate the following sentences into English (P.137)2. Work in pairs and discuss the following topic: Do you learn a language the same way you learn a sport, a skill or a scientific

16、 theory?3. Write a notice. 课后小结 学生基本掌握本课重点知识,作业完成情况良好。注:1、教案按授课次数(或单元)填写,每次(或每单元)授课均应填写一份,整个教案只用一个封面。2、教学手段如:举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图讲解、音像讲解等。3、表格间距可调整,可加附页。 大学英语 课程教案授课时间第 3 周,星期 一 ,第 3-4 节; 第 3次课 章节名称Unit 8 Love and Friendship: Passage A Freshman Friendship授课方式课堂讲授();实验课(); 习题课();讨论课();其他()教学时数2授课方

17、法和手段教学方法: 讲授问答讨论练习教学手段: 多媒体黑板教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):掌握acquaintance, encounter, intimate, recall等积极词汇和短语的意思和用法。熟悉:相关题材词汇和短语的意思。了解:西方文化当中的友谊,人与人之间关系与我国文化的差异。 教学基本内容纲要Four good friends were looking back on their college years. The freshman year was very special for them. They came together from differe

18、nt places with different interests. By the end of the year they were close friends, and remained that way in future years. It was hard to say goodbye the last day of the freshman year. One of them told a story in which their friendship might continue forever, and of course they all hoped it would. N

19、ot all college friendships can be as good as this. But even if theyre not, college is a rare opportunity to develop new relationships.教学重点与难点重点:1. 掌握重点词汇及其同义、同形词辨析。2. 加强学生的口语练习。难点:1.joined hands with my most intimate friends2.we ended up on the lawn.3.spent that day just being freshman4.saying goodb

20、ye at the end of the first year may feel like saying goodbye may grow completely apart from the people you spent your first year withparing them to siblings at the end of your junior year as I did7.and I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than教学过程设计1. Lead in (10 分钟),通过听力

21、训练理解课文。2. 口语练习:10分钟。Dialogue Samples (1 and 2)。3. 课文讲解:利用PPT演示课件分段听课文,讲解背景知识、重点词语,让学生总结段落大意,通过提问巩固学习内容。45分钟。4. 针对性的做课后练习。10分钟。5. 课堂讨论:10分钟。6听写生词:5分钟。作业、讨论及辅导1. Translate the following sentences into English (P.151)2. Work in pairs and discuss the following topic:What is friend? And what is friendshi

22、p?3. Write a composition entitled College Friendship课后小结 学生基本掌握本课重点知识,作业完成情况良好。注:1、教案按授课次数(或单元)填写,每次(或每单元)授课均应填写一份,整个教案只用一个封面。2、教学手段如:举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图讲解、音像讲解等。3、表格间距可调整,可加附页。 大学英语 课程教案授课时间第 4 周,星期 一 ,第 3-4 节; 第 4次课 章节名称Unit 1 College Life Passage B Love Beyond the Grave授课方式课堂讲授();实验课(); 习题课()

23、;讨论课();其他()教学时数2授课方法和手段教学方法: 讲授问答讨论练习教学手段: 多媒体黑板教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):掌握:depart, enclose, endure, identical等积极词汇和短语的意思和用法。熟悉:loneliness, bless等词汇和短语的意思。了解:invitation 的写法。教学基本内容纲要A woman named Rose always received roses from her husband on Valentines Day. When her husband died she did not expect any

24、 more roses. But a year later the roses arrived as usual anyhow. Not knowing who had sent the roses, she called the florist and learned her husband had ordered them for that year and many future years before he died. As she discovered from the note he had written, he had even told the florist exactl

25、y what to do if she too was dead. The loving husband thought he was being considerate, but perhaps he should have also considered his wifes pain. 教学重点与难点重点:1. 引导学生掌握minor supporting details.2. 学会正确使用标点符号。难点:1.everything would still work out appropriately2.inserted symbolically in a special vase3.wit

26、h loneliness and solitude, that tragedy has become her fate4.provoking intense pain5.he left nothing to chance6.there is a standing purchase and delivery order that I have on file down here7.both of us were blessed to have each other教学过程设计1. 口语练习:10分钟。2. 课文讲解:利用PPT演示课件分段听课文,讲解背景知识、重点词语,让学生总结段落大意,通过提

27、问巩固学习内容。45分钟。3. 针对性的做课后练习。10分钟。4. 课堂讨论:15分钟。6听写生词:10分钟。作业、讨论及辅导Translate the following sentences into English (page. 157) 课后小结 学生基本掌握本课重点知识,作业完成情况良好。注:1、教案按授课次数(或单元)填写,每次(或每单元)授课均应填写一份,整个教案只用一个封面。2、教学手段如:举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图讲解、音像讲解等。3、表格间距可调整,可加附页。 大学英语 课程教案授课时间第 5 周,星期 一 ,第 3-4 节; 第 5次课 章节名称Unit

28、 1 Famous Universities Passage A Oxford University授课方式课堂讲授();实验课(); 习题课();讨论课();其他()教学时数2授课方法和手段教学方法: 讲授问答讨论练习教学手段: 多媒体黑板教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):掌握:grant, eligible, aim, fruitful, facilitate等积极词汇和短语的意思和用法。熟悉:国外大学学习相关的词汇和短语的意思。了解:国外大学学习生活情况。教学基本内容纲要Oxford is one of the worlds most famous universities.

29、 It began in the 1100s. In 1999-2000 it had over 16300 students in 35 colleges and five private halls. Each college has its own buildings, teachers, and students. But the university grants the degrees, not the colleges. Oxford has students from over 130 countries. Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships ar

30、e among the ways foreign students may attend Oxford. Competition for admission and financial aid is intense, but students of all backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Recently Oxford has won a national innovation award and formed an international distance education partnership with Stanford and Yale. Oxford is a leader in research, while also promoting good teaching with individual tutorials and small group in

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