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1、教资英语全真模拟及答案解析初中教资英语全真模拟及答案解析-初中1. is a voiced alveolar stop.A. z B.dC.kD.b考点:语言学-语音学-辅音 辅音 2.Which of the following indicates a more polite request or invitation?A.Come around tonight.B.Come around tonight.C.Come around tonight.D.Come around tonight.考点:语调 3.Mary a lot of Japanese by communicating wi

2、th the native people in Japan.A.picked out B.picked upC.carried out D.made up 考点:语法-词法-动词词组辨析 4.The conference was held to discuss the effect that tourism has the wildlife in the B. on C. at D. with 考点:语法-词法-固定搭配 5.Itll be another 50 years China is expected to reach the level of a medium d

3、eveloped country. A.since B. before C. that D. when 考点:语法-连词 6.Do you enjoy your present job? . I just do it for a living.A.Of courseB.Not reallyC.Not likelyD.Not a little考点:情景交际 7.Mr. Sawyer started his career at Stanford University, he became Professor of Physics in 2002. A.which B. where C. when

4、D. that 考点:语法-句法-定语从句 8.When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing illocutionary actB.a perlocutionary actC.a locutionary actD.none of the above考点:语言学-语用学-言语行为 9.Which of the following is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B.Gr

5、eenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable 考点:语言学-形态学-构词法 10.Which branch of study is not included in the scope of Linguistics?A.Syntax B.Anthropology C. Pragmatics D. Phonetics 考点:语言学 11.English teacher Alice stopped Toms reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word “eat” again and again. What c

6、an we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracy.B.The teacher should stop students reading to correct their pronunciations.C.Toms pronunciation is poor.D.Every pronunciation is important in English. 考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 12.Teacher John wrote “well-will; big-beg; s

7、hip-sheep” on the blackboard. What is he teaching in this class?A. Vocabulary. B. Grammar. C. Discourse. D. Pronunciation考点:语言知识与技能教学-语音教学 13.When teaching the words “so that; therefore”, what content should the teacher focus on?A.Denotative meaning.B.Usage.C.Connotative meanings.D.Learning strategi

8、es.考点:语言知识与技能教学-词汇教学 14.Teacher Tom gave the topic of “Send a Letter”, and then asked students to recall the words they learnt such as “post office, stamp, envelop, address, zip code”. Which memorizing strategy did he use?A.Memory systems.B.Association. C.Dictionary strategy. D. Internet assistance.

9、 考点:记忆策略 15.One English teacher asked students to read a single word some times, and then read a sentence, and then a paragraph. He corrected students pronunciations while students are reading. Which teaching principle is he focusing on?A.Basic. B.Long-term development.C.Comprehensive. D. Pertinence

10、. 考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 16.When learners come across new words, they are required to focus on .A.spelling B.semantic features C.form, meaning and useD.word formation 考点:语言知识与技能教学-词汇教学 17.Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specific information?A.Inferring me

11、aning from the context.B.Recognizing the authors beliefs and attitudes. C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses. D. Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time. 考点:语言知识与技能教学 18.Which of the following materials is not appropriate for a teacher to use in li

12、stening practice?A.Materials with different dialects.B.Comprehensible authentic materials.C.Materials with comprehensible new words for students.D.Materials with contents beyond students comprehension capacity.考点:语言知识与技能教学-听力教学 19. may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language on the part

13、 of the learners, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning.A. Presentation B. Practice C. Production D. Preparation 20.Teachers believing in the model in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words, sentences and then the whole p

14、assage in the reading考点:语言知识与技能教学-阅读教学二、简答题(本大题共 1 小题,20 分)31.请说明英语自主学习活动的意义和价值?(12 分)怎样设计自主性的学习活动?(8 分)意义和价值:(1)自主学习活动有利于培养学生自主学习能力。自主学习能力是课程改革的首要目标。基础教育课程改革纲要在谈及新一轮课程改革的具体目标时, 首要的一条是:改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基本技能的过程,同时成为学会学习和形成正确

15、价值观的过程。(2)自主学习活动充分体现了学生学习的主体性。传统学习方式过分突出和强调接受和掌握,冷落和忽视发现和探索,自主学习活动则为学生提供独立思考、探索的机会,有利于建立学习自信。(3)自主学习活动是提高课堂效率的需要。过去我们认为教师讲得越细, 学生学得就越容易,课堂教学效率会更高。但这样做会养成许多学生不动脑筋的习惯,只是被动地听课,不愿主动地学习。其实书本上大部分知识学生通过自学都能够解决,老师的讲反而更耽误时间。“先学后教、当堂训练”,学生自学积极性更大,效率更高。(4)自主学习是教育的终极目标。在科技信息化、经济全球化时代,人们要处理大量信息,应对迅速变化的环境,仅仅靠在学校接


17、4)及时反馈。积极的反馈有利于帮助学生建立学习的自信心,提升学习兴趣,也为下次的自主学习活动做好铺垫。三、教学情境分析题(本大题共 1 小题,30 分) 32.下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:T: Today I have brought something special to class. Can you guess what it is?Look, whats this?Ss : A box.T: Whats in the box?Ss can not answer the question. The teacher shows them a box made in 1901 on the

18、PPT.T: Whats in this real box made in 1901 and whom is it for? Ss : Something secret./ Money./ Noting in it./ Treasure.T: What information can you get form the surface of the box? Ss: To the citizens of Colorado Springs of the 21 century.T: For whom was the box?Ss: For the descendants of the 21 cent

19、ury. T: Whats the name of the box?Ss: Secret box./ Memory box./ Time box.T: Time capsule. Today we are going to read a passage about Time Capsule.请根据材料回答下列 3 个问题。(1)这是课堂教学的哪一个环节?(10 分)(2)该教师用什么方法授课?该方法有哪些利弊?(10 分)(3)分析该教学环节的优缺点。(10 分)(1)该片段属于课堂教学的读前环节。教师呈现一个实物盒子,并通过 PPT呈现更多关于盒子的信息,就盒子提出相关问题,引发学生思考,产

20、生互动,引出将要阅读的材料的主题。(2)此片段教师主要采用了直观教学法。即通过实物以及多媒体演示来进行教学。优点:实物和多媒体呈现,直观生动,能够吸引学生的注意到课堂教学活动中来,活跃课堂氛围。缺点:如果教师使用实物或多媒体次数过多、时间过长,会浪费课堂时间, 降低学习效率,也有可能分散学生的注意力,不利于完成教学重点。(3)优点:教师自制盒子,又展示图片让学生猜,能够激发学生学习的积极性,为接下来的阅读做好铺垫。同时提问问题让学生回答也让学生有开口讲英语的机会,提高学生的听力与口语表达能力。缺点:为了引出关键词 time capsule,花费的时间较长。前边让学生猜盒子里的东西没有必要,教师

21、可以直接通过 PPT 向学生展示与课文相关的图片,再把关键词引出来。所以教师应该注意,读前活动在激发兴趣扫清障碍的同时,避免过于拖沓过于形式化。四、教学设计题(本大题共 1 小题,40 分)33.设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节 20 分钟的英语听说课的教案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:Teaching objectives Teaching contentsKey and difficult pointsMajor steps and time allocation Activities and justifications学生概况:某城镇普通中学初中二年级学生,班级

22、人数 40 人。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Doctor: How can I help you?Daming: I feel ill, Ive got a stomachache and my head hurts. Doctor: I see. Have you caught a cold?Daming: I dont think so.Doctor: Let me take your temperature. Hmm, there is no fever. What kind of food do you eat?Da

23、ming: Usually fast food. Doctor: Do you have breakfast? Daming: No, not usually.Doctor: How about exercise? Do you do any exercise?Daming: Not really. Since I got my PC, I havent done much sports.Doctor: That is the reason! Eat healthy and do more exercise. I will give you some medicine, take it thr

24、ee times a day.1.Teaching contents:This is a listening lesson. It talks about .2.Teaching objectives(1)Knowledge objective:Students can read and recognize the words/phrases such as and learn the sentence pattern .Students can get some information about .(2)Ability objectives:Students can improve the

25、ir listening abilities and grab the key information through listening activities.Students can express their opinions about by using the target language.(3)Emotional Objectives:Students can realize the importance of .Students can cooperate with other group mates actively and complete the tasks togeth

26、er.3.Key and difficult points:(1)Key pointsHelp students know the meaning and usage of the new words/phrases and sentence pattern.To understand the content of this lesson through listening.(2)Difficult pointHow to talk about the new topic correctly and fluently.4.Major steps:Step 1 Pre-listening(6 m

27、ins)(1)New knowledge teachingWith the help of , the teacher will guide students to understand the meaning and usage of the new words/phrases and sentences, including .(2)PredictionBefore listening, the teacher will organize students to make a prediction. Some hints will be provided to help them.Hint

28、 1: Words and sentence just referred.Hint 2: Title of this material- .Hint 3: Some pictures/ videos in which students can see . (Justification: Through above activities, Students will be prepared to listen andcan understand the material better)Step 2 While-listening(8 mins)(1)Extensive listeningStud

29、ents will listen to the conversation for first time to check their prediction and conclude the main idea of it.(2)Intensive listeningStudents should listen to the conversation for the second time and do the following tasks:True or False (T/F). (T/F). (T/F).Matching/ Form-filling/Mind mapping(3)Liste

30、n and repeatStudents will listen to the conversation for third time and read follow it. They should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(Justification: Through above listening activities, students will not only understand the main idea and details of this listening material, but also i

31、mprove their listening ability. )Step 3 Post-listening(6 mins)Students will work in groups to discuss the following question/do a survey about by using the key words/phrases and sentences.Seven minutes will be given. When times up, several students will be invited to share their answers. Then the teacher will comment on students performance.(Justification: This task can arouse students interest and involve the wholeclass. Also, by group discussion, students criti

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