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1、翻译一、翻译下列句子,注意句中划线词语的表达: 1. 他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。He contributes all his books to the library.2. 教师应当献身于教育事业。A teacher should devote himself to the education career.3. 谨以本书献给徐教授以表敬慕和感激之情。I dedicate this book to professor Xu to express my gratitude and admiration.4. 我借一下你的自行车好吗Can I borrow your bicycle5. 我借

2、一下你的电话好吗Can I use your cell phone6. 借光、借光。Excuse me, excuse me.7. 浓茶 浓墨 浓烟strong tea thick ink dense smoke8. 青山 青天 青布green hill blue sky black cloth二、翻译下列句子,注意划线部分蕴涵意义的表达: 1. 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。A hundred mountain and no bird; a thousand paths without a footprint.2. 宝玉见王夫人起来,早一溜烟跑了。(红楼梦)When Boo Yu saw Mrs.

3、 Wang got up, he ran away as quickly as possible and disappeared.3. 2. 你告不赢他的,县里的当官的和他穿一条裤子。You wont win the lawsuit against him. Officials in the county are hand in glove with him.4. 他一面喝咖啡,一面翻开油墨未干的晨报,看了起来。As he sipped his coffee, he opened a still damp morning paper and began reading.5. 我不贪图下海挣大钱

4、,只想毕业后在大学里找个铁饭碗。Im not covert to risk my fortune in doing business to make big bucks, just want to find a stable job in the college after graduation.4. 她和我情同骨肉。She and I have a deep relationship as sisters and brothers.一、译下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配关系:1一窝蜜蜂 a nest of bees 一窝小鸡 a brood of chickens一窝幼犬 a litter of

5、 puppies.2一群美女 a group of beauty 一群猎狗 a pack of hounds一群鸭 a group of duck一群羚羊 a group of antelope3积极支持positive support 积极的财政政策 Active financial policy 积极利用国外资源 Using resources from overseas positively4打电话 make a phone call打的 call a taxi打毛衣knit a sweater打水fetch water打篮球play basketball打农药spray insecti

6、cide5基本工资 base pay 基本建设capital construction基本设施basic facilities 基本物质primary standard基本工业primary industry基本利益 essential interest 6. 经济法制化economic legalization经济全球化economic globalization社会知识化social knowledge国际关系民主化build a knowledge-driven society国民经济信息化the practice of democracy in international relati

7、ons科研成果产业化build an information-based national economy 二、结合文化语境翻译下列句子:1宜昌是巴楚文化的发源地,诞生了屈原、王昭君等千古风流人物。 Yi Chang city is the birthplace of Chinese Bachu culture as well as many great personalities through the ages; such as the great poet Qu Yuan and the famous beauty Wang Zhaojun.2每隔两个铺面就是一条仿宋体标语。Every

8、other shop bore a slogan in standard script.3. 下象棋我只会马走日,象走田。I only know the most basic moves of the Chinese chess.4这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shia famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Feia well-know ill-tempered man.5. 林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞,传说白蛇传的白娘

9、子曾经在这里修炼。Near the forest is the white dragon cave which is said to be the very place where lady white, the legendary heroine of the story of the white snake cultivated herself according Buddhist doctrine.6. 腊月二十三灶王爷上天,后台封上戏箱,要等年初一开戏。On the twenty third of the twelfth lunar month, the kitchen God went up to heaven and theatre shut down until the Chinese Lunar New Years Day.7.“这断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远地听到小尼姑的带哭的声音。“Ah Q, may you die sonless!” sounded the little nuns voice tearfully in the distance.

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