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1、广东自主招生英语模拟试题句子翻译2016年广东自主招生英语模拟试题:句子翻译【试题内容来自于相关网站和学校提供】1:根据所给中文意思,完成下列句子。(共 5小题,每空0.5分,共5分)【小题1】我想解决 这问题的关键是兴趣而不是 强迫。In my opi nion, the key the problem is to be in terested rather tha n to force yourself.【小题2】如果你 继续以这种方式行事,最 终会像老话说的那样:搬起石 头砸自己的脚。If you con ti nue like this, you will lifti ng a sto

2、ne only to have it drop on you own foot, asthe old say ing goes.【小题3】他们坐在草地上,有说有笑。They were sitti ng on the grass, and .【小题4】总统随后讲话并解答了记者的提问。The Preside nt the n took and an swered the jour nalists questid ns.【小题5】没有免费的午餐。There is thi ng as a free lun ch.2:阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,完成句子。【小 题 1 】 his accent, he

3、 must be from Guangdong.从他的口音来判断,他一定是来自广 东的。【小 题 2】 Many famous people were his party last night.很多名人出席了他昨天晚上的宴会。【小 题 3 】 What I is whether he can build up his con fide nee with our help.我所关心的是他能否通 过我们的帮助树立自信心。【小题4】I let you know if anything .如果发生什么事,我会通知你的。【小题5】Ten workers were the mine. 10个工人被困在了

4、矿井里。3:根据提示完成句子。【小题1】我突然想到我把 课本落在家里了。It me that I my textbook home.【小题2】政府应该竭尽全力控制房价。The gover nment should to con trol house prices.【小题3】近年来,德州的 雾霾似乎增加了。Haze (雾霾) in Dezhou appears in recent years.【小题4】现在越来越多的人开始关注 环境。Now more and more people begi n to the environment.【小题5】五一我们有可能放三天假。 hat we ll hav

5、e three days off on MayDay.4:完成句子(20分)5:第七部分:根据中文句子的意思,完成下列英文句子(共 纸的相应位置。1. 她每天跑步是 为了减肥。She runs every day in order to 2. 我无意中在街上遇 见了他。I met him in the street 3. 我们渴盼参加上海世博会。We ar 4. 世博5小题,每小题2分,共10分)。请将答案写在答题Expo 2010 Shanghai China.The Expo cmblem three people holdi ng hands.5. 与其说他是一个海 员,不如说他是一个探

6、 险者。a sailor.He is an explorer第八部分:七选五阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)6:完成句子题(用,必修5所学的短语用正确的形式填空,本大 题共8小题,除了 76题是每空1分,其余 每空0.5分,共20分【小题1】我们班有50位同学,被分成8个小组。Our class 50 classmates and 8 groups.【小题2】明天早上9点你方便来学校 吗? come to school at 9 tomorrow morning?【小题3】值得赞扬的是,老人的三个儿子都 毕业于北京大学. ,all the three sons of the old m

7、an graduated from Peking University.【小题4】我试图吸引他的注意,但他看不 见我。I tried to , but he me.【小题5】如今,电力火车已经取代了蒸汽火 车。Now electric trai ns steam trai ns in En gla nd.【小题6】造成 这次欧洲最 严重的失业,该政策应负部分责任。The policy is partly caus ing the worst un employme nt in Europe.【小题7】苏手术后很快恢复了。Sue after her operati on.【小题8】很遗憾他居然拒

8、 绝了我的提 议。It is a that he my offer.7:根据括号中的提示,将下列各句翻 译成英语。【小题1】我们应该帮助那些比我 们穷的人。(badly off)【小题2】这个主题公园有一部分模 拟的是古代中国的生活。(be modelled after)【小题3】我发现他仰卧在地上。(find sb. doing)【小题4】这教师需要打扫。(need)【小题5】不知道如何解决 这个问题,他向老师求助。(分词作状语)&【小 题 1 】 to ask your questions.轮流问你们的问题。【小题 2 】I believe taking exercise.我认为锻炼对 身

9、体有好处。【小题 3】.Nowadays, most of the young don Peking Opera.现如今大多数的年 轻人不喜欢京剧。【小 题 4】 duty, he chose to undertake.面对责任,他选择承担。小 题 5 】The government has to bring down the prices of houses so that people can affordthem.政府已经努力降低房价 让人们买得起房子。【小 题 6】 As far as I can see, no possibility that he will win the ten

10、nis match this time.在我看来,这次网球比赛他不可能 赢。【小题 7】I tell her the truth.我不得不告诉她真相。【小 题 8】 Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century, and were than a horse.汽车在十九世 纪末首次投入使用,并且和 马一样跑得都不快。【小 题 9 】 Our new offices are still .我们的新办公楼尚在修建中。【小 题 10 】By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a

11、 robot like a box with one large eye on thetop.9:翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)【小题1】 外国朋友适 应了北京的生活。(be used to )【小题2 James已经把自己的名字添加到名 单中。(addto )【小题3为了减肥,我 们应该把节食和运动结合起来。(comb in ewith )【小题4最终Jim被说服接受了我 们的建议。(persuade)【小题5 你所说的或所做的事情将会 对别人产生影响。(have an effect on )10 :根据中文,完成句子(每空 0.5分,共10分)1。 我们期盼的那一天 终于来到了

12、。The day we at last.2。 她盯着我好象我完全是个陌生人。She me a complete stra nger.3。 如果你考 试作弊,你将永 远不被放 过。If you cheat i n the exam, you will n ever it.4。 他为什么没来的原因是他病了。The reason he did n come was he was ill.5。 怎样提高我们的学习成绩是我们最关心的。 our studies is we are most concerned about.11 : Directions: Complete the following se

13、ntences with proper phrases of different forms.【小题1听起来你好像 对这个新建的公园很熟悉。It sounds you are very familiar with the n ewly-built park.【小题2我们必须意识到熬夜是一种不健康的生活方式。We must realize that is an un healthy lifestyle.【小题3既然你已开始做 这件事情,你就 应该把它做好。 you have started this thing, you should do it well.【小题4她很喜欢烹饪。She is v

14、ery cook ing.【小题5不要对孩子太苛刻。Don,be too children.12 :动词填空(用所 给动词正确形式填空。共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)【小 题 1 A new theatre (build) here. They hope to finish it n ext mon th.【小 题 2 You can imagine what great difficulty I had (find) his address.【小 题 3 The boss commanded that the task (finish) before 5 o clockathsnoo

15、n.【小 题 4 My brother moved to Beijing two years ago and (live) there ever since.【小 题 5 He had to walk home as the last bus (leave) five minutes before.【小题 6 In the evenings the judge often (walk) the dog in the park.【小题 7】It was the third time that I (invite) to join them.【小题 8】 We re told (not throw

16、) waste paper everywhere.【小题 9 】He prefers to watch football rather than (play) it.【小 题 10 】 When I came back, my sister (read) a book.13: Directions: Read the passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into English or Chinese. Write your an swer on your an swer sheet.Have you eve

17、r con sidered a trip to Shan gri-la!? The British writer James Hilt on described a beautiful kin gdom【1】.where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower ove

18、r the land. Below the mountain, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, 【2 】 .making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.Lakes, surroun ded by vast grassla nd, look like jewels. Sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the gree n grass and 【3】.forests around are home to lots of birds

19、 and animals.In this peaceful world, 【4】.人们与大自然 禾口 i皆相处 and the noise and the worry of the outside world are forgotten. Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered 【5】.如何永葆青青 .

20、The weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. The best time to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at it mildest.14 :第三节:翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)【小题1】邓小平在中国 经济的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。(play a part in; economy )【小题2】二战期间,安妮在她的日 记中记下了一系列有关她和

21、她家人 躲藏的经历。(set down)【小题3】尽管我姐姐 对去某些地方的最佳路 线并不清楚,她 坚持要自己把 这次旅游安排的尽善尽美。(insist ; properly)【小题4】由于下大雨,运 动会不得不延期 举行。(because of; put off)【小题5】这位青少年有时的确很固执。一旦他下了决心,什么也不能使他改 变。(cha nge one s mi nd15:根据汉语意思,用句末括号内的英 语单词完成句子。【小 题 5】_, I want to go to visit the Diaoyu Islands. (possible )如果可能的 话,我想去参观钓鱼岛。【小题

22、 6】The news that he was admitted to Huangmei No.1 Middle School . (delight)他被黄梅一中 录取的消息使得他的家人很高 兴。 _【小题 7】Not only his lessons , but also he often helps others with their lessons. (good)(blame)他不仅擅长学习,而且经常在学习上帮助其他人。【小 题 8】It is the test system, rather than the teachers, for the students bheivy nowad

23、ays.对于学生现在的学业重压,该受责备的是考试体系,而不是老 师。【小 题 9】I was about to go out . So I stayed at home watching TV. ( begin)我正要外出, 这时开始下雨了。因此我呆在家里看 电视。【小 题 10】 him, I knew he was not the suitable person for the job. ( instant)我一看到他,我就知道他不是 这份工作的合适人 选。答案部分1、【小题1】to solving【小题2】end up【小题 3】chatting, laughing【小题4】the fl

24、oor【小题5】no such略2、【小题 1】Judging from/by【小题 2 present at【小题 3 care about【小题4 comes up【小题 5 trapped in试题分析:【小题 【小题 【小题【小题 【小题1】2345考查评述性状语:根据 来判断Judging from/bybe present at 出席,care about 关心,comes up 出现,be trapped in 被困在考查词组 考查词组 考查词组 考查词组考点:考查完成句子3、【小 题 1】 occurred to ; had left【小 题 2】 make every eff

25、ort / make all efforts【小 题 3】 to have increased【小 题 4】 be concerned about / show concern for【小 题 5】 There is possibility / It is likely ( possible / probable)【小题 1】 occurred to ; had left 考查固定结构。 It occurred to sb that , 某人突然想起某事。【小题 2】 make every effort / make all efforts 考查固定短语。 Make all efforts t

26、o do 努力去做某事。【小题 3】to have increased 考查目的状语。 Appear to do , 似乎做了某事。【小题 4】 be concerned about / show concern for 考查固定短语。 Be concerned about 关注。【小题 5 】There is possibility / It is likely ( possible / probable) 考查固定句型。There is possibility that 可能会 ,that引导是 possibility 的同位语。考点:补充句子。4、【小 题 1 】 Keeping a b

27、alanced diet 【小 题 2】Not satisfied with【小 题 3 】 couldn t have attended 【小 题 4】It was by accident【小 题 5 】 Consult the dictionary 【小 题 6 】 which need patience 【小 题 7 】 that he was lost 【小 题 8 】 three times as large 【小 题 9 】 making it a good habit 【小 题 10 】 he had known试题分析:【小题 1 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里需要主

28、语 形式 Keeping a balanced diet 。【小题 2 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里需要状语。“保持均衡饮食 ”是动词短语,做主语时,用动名词不满意 是 be not satisfied with, 做状语时去掉 be 动词。所以填 Not satisfied with 。【小题 3 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里用 couldn thaveattended表示对过去的事情的否定推测。【小题 4 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知, accident 。所以填 It was by accident【小题 5 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里是用了强

29、调句式, 所以填 It was , “偶然 ”是短语 by这里用祈使句。 “查字典 ”是动词短语, Consult thedictionary【小题 6】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里需要一个定语从句 行词 jobs 。【小题 7 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里用句式 The reason is/was thatwhich need patience是定语从句修饰先其中 that he was小题 8】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里用asas表程度对比。中间用形容词/ 副词的原级。无论哪一种比较的表达都要先说倍数。所以填 three times as large 【小

30、题 9】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里需要状语。Othus 后用动词的 -ing 形式。所以填 making ita good habit 。【小题 10 】根据汉语提示和所给的英语对比可知,这里需要 先。考点:词汇运用。he had known 做从句。用过去完成时表示动作发生在lost 是表语从句。 be lost 意为迷路。所以填 that he was lost5、1. lose weight accident 3.looking forward to participating 4.looks like 5.rather than略6、【小题 1 】 consist

31、s of, is divided into【小题 2】Is it convenient for you to【小题 3】To their credit【小题 4】attract his attention, lost sight of【小题 5】have taken the place of【小题 6】to blame for【小题 7】was back on her feet.【小题 8 】 pity should have rejected试题分析:【小题 1】consists of 由 组成; is divided into 被分成。 our class 做主语相当于单数。所以谓语动词应该用单三形式。【小题 2 】你方便做某事吗?用 Is it convenient for you to. ?【小题 3 】值得赞扬的是: To their credit小题 4 】吸引他的注意

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