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1、合作意向书英文合作意向书,英文篇一:英文版合作意向书 LOI EnglishHenan CBMDevelopment and Utilization Co., LtdAndDart Energy PTE LTDAndHong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company LtdLetter of Intent on CooperativeDevelopment of Unconventional GasDated: May 20, 2013Cooperating Parties:Party A:Henan CBM Development and Utilizatio

2、nCo., LtdParty B:Dart Energy PTE LTDParty C:Hong Kong Prosperous Clean EnergyCompany Ltd1. Party A isa business entityincorporatedunder the approvalof Henan ProvincialGovernment. Itis responsibleexclusively forto the Cooperationcoal bed methane (CBM) exploration,extraction andA. Preconditionproducti

3、on, development and utilizationin HenanProvinceand is the firstprovincialCBMdevelopment and utilizationcompany in China. PartyA has obtained the qualification cooperateto exclusivelywith foreign enterprises.2. Party B is a company incorporatedandoperatingunder thelaws of Singapore.Thecompany has the

4、technicaland capitalcapabilitiesof t assessing CBM resources,designing appraisaland pilot drillingprograms andsubject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology

5、that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre- drainage of several coal mining areas.3.Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in developmentand utilization ofautomotive new energy,including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the companyhas eight CNG gas

6、stations,two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas stationinoperation.4.It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry outexploration work in the 6 CBM blocks under the principleof “ easier block/cherry-pickdevelopment first subject to the condition thatthe choice

7、is beneficial to all parties5.As part of the process of entering into thePSCs, the parties wish to commence atechnical evaluation with a view to determiningthe feasibility and scale of CBM exploration anddevelopment within the corresponding areas To this end,all parties agree to include a confidenti

8、ality clause in this LOI with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. PartyB and Party C agree to cover the coststo carry outthe technicaldue diligenceand evaluation,andthe partiesagreetoformulatetheindicativetimetableforthenegotiationofthe PSCin detailsafterthecompl

9、etiondetailsafterthe completionofthetechnical due diligence and evaluation.a technicalcommercial& legalevaluationof thefeasiblearea selectedbyParty A to determinethe potentialfor CBMresources.The evaluationshall alsoidentify apreliminaryview of the mostpromisingareas forinitial explorationactivi

10、ties,foilow-upappraisaland potential development of aproject in the corresponding area.full-scale CBM2. Technical data.Party A willuse its bestendeavors to coordinatethe collection oftechnical data forthe cooperatedareas, as mayB. Cooperation Intention1.parties propose to carryoutEvaluation. Thebe n

11、ecessary to conduct the technical, commercialandlegalevaluation.At the same time,Party Aw订1alsoarrange forParty B and Party Cto carryoutsiteand undergroundmine visit(s)of thecorresponding areas as appropriate and, if possible, carry out analysis ofphysical coal samples and available drill cores avai

12、lable from previous drill core programs undertaken in respect of the corresponding areas.staffand partyB andParty Cs technicalpersonnel to worktogether,in orderto completeall thetechnical,commercia1 and legalevaluation,andefficientlyhandle themutualinterferenceissuesthat maybe occurin the evaluation

13、miningwork.3.The partiesshall usetheir bestendeavors toParty A shallendeavorto arrangeandwork co-operatively atall times withinappropriatethe scope of the contentof the cooperationandbe reported to thevariouscompetentgovernmentshall, where possible, openly share information between them that willthe

14、assist in accomplishing objective and purposes of this LOI.4. Production Sharing Contract. All parties shall use their bestendeavors to concludeand sign the PSCs. The rights and obligations ofeach partywill be defined in PSCs. The PSCs shallto theapprovalof therelevantregulatoryauthoritiesand theMin

15、istryof commerceof theauthorities after being signed, and shall subjectPeople sRepublicof Chinaand othergovernmentauthorities.5. Joint Venture Three parties plan to set up a joint venture company outside of China,the proportion of the Joint Venture tentatively is:(1)Henan CBM 38%,Party B/Party C 62%

16、, Party Bhas the right to bringin a strategic partner,PartyB,s finalshare ratio must benotlessthan31%.(2)The JointVenture will signthePSCwithHenanCBM, theparticipatinginterestinDevelopmentperiod willbe Henan CBM 20% and the JointVenture80%respectivelyConfidentiality1.The parties shall ensure that al

17、l Data referred to in Clause 2 above and data, obtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity relating to the cooperation, including any physical sampling analysis information:(1 Is used solely for the purposes stated in this LOI;(2) Is only disclosed to its employees, officers,consultants an

18、d directors forachieving the cooperationpurposewho shallexecute confidentiality agreement.2.No party shall disclose to any person orinstitution without prior consent of allparties any information, including but notlimited to the cooperation partners and content,technology,operatingany otherinformati

19、on.3. Ifany partyterms, thenon-defaultagainstthe defauItand claim for compensationC. Miscellaneousmethods,legal documents andbreachesthe confidentialityparty willprosecutepartyfor legal liabilitiesfor its losses.1. Governing Law. This 101 according to, the Lawsof Chinashall be governed by, and const

20、rued2.Termination. This LOI shall terminate:(1)After six months of execution date of this LOI;(2)sign the PSCThe condition of item (1) and Item (2) thatoccurs the later shallprevail. The confidentiality terms inclause 3 shall survive the termination of this LOL3.Whereas Party A is a State-owned ente

21、rprise under the supervisionof Henanprovince of the People s Republic of China,accordingto the relevantlaws andregulations,rules andpolicies,if the mattersof thecooperationand contentthereof need tobeapprovedor recored,they shallbe subject totheapprovalof the administrativeauthoritiesPartyB andParty

22、 C fully understandthis and haveno objection.4. Thisagreement isexecuted inChinese andEnglish Ifthere is anyinconsistency,theChineseversion shallprevai1.This letter of Intentis executed inthemeetingroom at the 3th floor of Henan CBMDevelopment and Utilization Co.,Ltd of the People s Republic ofChina

23、 on May 29, 2013.篇二:英文合作意向书agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutually agreed upon双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯, this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall bedeemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向书式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。party a:party b:甲方: 乙方: signed b

24、y: signed by:委托人 签字:?.委托人签字:?. . date : date :日期:日期:page 2 of 2篇二:公司英文商函合作意向书模板、格式合作项目意 向书letter of intent for projectdate:july28, 2014 (日期)at tn : ohwan k&: c corporation (廿攵件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。sincerely yours, xxxxx 公司名称 co.,ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址 电话(tel):86- xxxxx传真(fax) : 86- xxxxxx a

25、dd:翻译上述地址电话传真篇三:英文版合作意向书 loi english henan cbm development and utilization co. , ltdand dart energy pte ltdand letter of intent on cooperativedevelopment of unconventional gas dated: may 20, 2013cooperating parties:party a: henan cbm development and utilizationpreconditionincorporatedco. , Itdparty

26、b: dart energy pte the a is a business entityunder the approval of c focuses on clean energy and is engaged in developmentand is the intention of the parties that party a and party b willcooperateand carry outexploration workin the

27、6 cbm blocksunder theprinciple of“ easierblock/cherry-pickdevelopment first” subjectto the conditionthatthe choice isbeneficialtoallparties, technicalevaluationwith a viewtodetermining the feasibilityandscale of cbmexplorationand developmentwithinthecorrespondingareas, to this end, allpartiesthis lo

28、i with the aim of facilitatingthe providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. partyb and party c agree to cover the coststo carry outthe technical duediligenceb. cooperationintentionevaluation ofthe feasiblearea selectedby party ato determinethe potentialfor cbm resources theevaluationshall alsoide

29、ntify apreliminary viewof the mostpromisingareas forinitialexplorationactivities,foilow-up appraisal andpotentialdevelopmentof a full-scalecbmproject in thecorrespondingarea.2. technical a willuse its bestendeavors to coordinatecollection ofthe3. the partiesshall use their bestendeavors towork co-operativelyat all timeswithin4. productionsharing contractall partiesshall use their best

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