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高中英语 模块二Unit 1 Reading Boy missing police puzzled说课稿 牛津版.docx

1、高中英语 模块二Unit 1 Reading Boy missing police puzzled说课稿 牛津版2019-2020年高中英语 模块二Unit 1 Reading Boy missing ,police puzzled说课稿 牛津版阅读是一个心理语言的学习过程,读者开始看到的是作者选择一连串的符号,来代表作者的表达的思想,从某一种意义上来说,阅读是读者得用已有的知识来感知文字。阅读教学中任务设计.从一定的意义上,阅读是读者利用已有的知识去感知文字并理解语言的过程,Vygotsky认为:学习者的进步主要是再紧邻发展区域完成的,因而设计学习活动时要使其维度(挑战性)属于这个区域内。在

2、学习活动中,学习者得到的帮助逐渐减少,直至独立完成任务。这就散是“脚手架过程”(scaffolding),寓意是:现给学习者搭一个脚手架随着学习者能力的发展,逐步拆除脚手架。基于上述理论, 笔者以为在设计阅读课教学活动时,读前活动应引导帮助学生对文章内容预测,读中活动应引导帮助学生进行策略训练从而整体阅读,掌握主至大意,文章结构方式,作者观点。根据教育目的和重难点听说读写活动相结合。读后活动应引导帮助学生从对课文理解过渡到语言输出活动,进而实现真实意义上的交际活动。阅读前任务(Pre-reading tasks)导入话题(Get ready)激活背景知识,导入新课,根据课文标题预测课文的主要内

3、容和框架结构。阅读中的任务(While-reading tasks)关注主要信息(Focus on main points)进行信息转换,梳理和简化课文主要内容,便于学生理解、记忆和口头输出。语篇分析(Discourse analysis)对阅读材料的描写手段、傻事方式、逻辑结构以及衔接手段进行分析。阅读后的任务 (Post-reading tasks)评价(Respond to the text)整合阅读材料和已有知识结构,突破固有思维模式,构建新理念,提出新观点。二,牛津高中英语阅读任务型教学案例(教案内容的部分省略)1, 教材内容(见文末)2, 教材内容解读牛津高中英语阅读由设计思路译材

4、牛津版高中英语阅读分为读前问题,阅读,阅读策略。读后问题。A 设置几个阅读理解的问题,要求学生在快速阅读下面的报刊文章后能够回答这些问题。B 是一新闻报道讲述一个男孩失踪后的故事。C 设置了两种题型,要求学生在读课文后回答8个问题并就某一个观点补全句子,检查学生在细节以故事中角色观点的理解。D 是一个单词短评的释义练习,是根据上下的判断其具体的含义后通过上下文选择合适的单词填空,是对学生综合能力的能力。E 要求学生这篇报道提出看法讨论,然后编一个对话。笔者根据任务型教学理论和实践,以及互动理论小组合作等。以培养学生抓住主要信息,进行了整体阅读,并重在练习学生的阅读技能的培养放在重要位置,把阅读

5、和写作等听、说、写的技能结合起来,同时培养学生的探究精神,以及互助合作的能力;导入部分通过出示报纸上的几幅图画要求学生向同伴讲个故事,接着笔者在黑板上写上的题目:”boy missing police puzzled ”让学生猜出文中的大概内容,紧接着通过师生之间,生生之间快速抢答填写表格一目了然的展示出课文中的大人物故事情节。男孩和女孩分组提问,回答较好地调动他们的积极情(笔者在教授这个环节是学生的积极性一直很高,单词填空部分复习了课文中出现的语言加深对细节的了解,同时也为后面的写作作一个良好的铺垫,设置开放性的问题又和写作部分紧密联系,为导入语言输出活动写作打下良好的基础。教学过程中,笔者

6、始终关注学生,为学生提供更多的语言学习机会,发挥学生的主动性和创造性;注意精读和泛读,个人与集体,生生与师生的互动并以说、读、写更好的结合起来。教学目标知识和能力目标:引导学生通过阅读课文和参与任务型活动提高叙写故事能力。培养学生的阅读等策略,通过标题预测故事情节和关键词获取信息能力。培养互作、合作和能力。教学重点和难点: 掌握与课文有关的词汇并把词汇运用到口头、书面表达之中。掌握新闻故事的写作策略,并仿写新闻故事掌握与课文有关的词汇并把词汇用到书面表达中模块二 Unit 1 Reading Boy missing ,police puzzledTeaching procedures: TAS

7、K 2prereading 阅读前的任务设计教师要巧秒地引入文章的标题,激活本单元话题和学生的相关背景知识,引导他们对阅读材料产生兴趣,例如本单元是一个普通少年失踪的新闻报导,通过神秘事件或现象如雪人,UFO,金字塔等并就自己感兴趣的事物讲述一个故事。Show several pictures. 1. Do you often read newspapers?2. What kind of news do you like to read, sports news, entertainment news, and economic news?3. What do you know about

8、these pictures? Can you imagine a story with few English words?Watch a short video, and discuss what it is like. (picture1) (picture1)(picture1) (picture 2)T, For example,UFO. There have been many reporters about UFOs. .first picture the animals impress me most. The animal is tall and strange and I

9、thought is a gorilla at the first fight I cant believe it lives in the Himalayas. If I have a chance to the western provinces someday, I may be lucky enough to see one. I hope some day they can be brought to our park and get used to our life. And tell the students a story I have received a letter of

10、 my American teacher, who describes a strange thing to me in it. Well, their family live in Dover, New Hampshire. She had a son whose name was Justin Foster. On Last Friday at 8.P.M. He returned home after the game at about 11p.m He went home straight to his room and put on his favorite CD. Then a b

11、right light appeared outside Kellys window. Kelly saw a large spaceship flying outside. Then there were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures. The spaceship moved toward Justins room. Kelly heard Justin shouted and then the UFO disappeared. Since then, nobody has ever seen Justin. The pol

12、ice have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities.” Sometimes people make up such amazing stories, says detective Sam Peterson .we will not give up until we find convincing evidence. Explain the main idea. OK, will you read the text

13、 quickly to answer several questions, will you?解析:本节课的导入部分通过出示几幅展示人世间“奥秘”.激活的背景知识,启发学生思考现象和原因。通过视觉感官,也有利于调动学生学习的兴趣和积极性,同时自然地过渡到新内容的学习。Task3,Whilereading 阅读中任务型设计要求进行语篇分析,语篇分析的基本内容:语法衔接手段(照应、替代、省略等)词汇衔接手段(如复现手段,同现关系)语义关联,语际关系(如并列,因果等)以及扁章结构.语篇教学从理解整篇内容入手,运用所学语言和知识游览和捕捉重要语言线索,对所读文章获得一个总体印象,然后分段(语篇)找出中

14、心思想(main ideas)和重要信息,对文章进行表层理解 (literal prehension);在此基础上,来理解作者的意图和立场,对篇章进行深层理解 (inferential prehension);然后学生根据作者所表达的内容,说出自己的看法、观点,进行评价性理解(critical prehension教师有必要引导学生进行语篇分析。TASK3, read the passage paragraph by paragraph and then ask them to find out answers to the below questions. 1. What is the ar

15、ticle about?2. Who is missing?3, Do the police know what happened to Justin?阅读前学生对阅读材料的内容和结构进行预测,笔者先让学生回忆背景中讨论的几个问题,再运目录策略找出这四个问题在哪个被提出。通过三个问题的设计旨在让学生学会根据文章的标题测文章是否正确,在此阶段教师不必阻止学生回答的错误鼓励学生营造宽松和活跃的课堂。Task 4 Play the tape for the students paragraph by paragraph While listening, ;match the main idea fo

16、r each paragraph. Paragraph1(1) A, brief introduction, how the boy was found missing Who a boy fifteen years old B the lead what police are searching for a missing Paragraph2(2) Boy, the people are showing great interest When the boy disappeared 2 days ago Where Dover, New Hampshire Why the missing

17、boy might be taken Away by the aliens.Paragraph3 (37)期 C Detailed information, Evidence that police collected of the missing boy 解析:让学生掌握了阅读材料的主题思想和段落大意后,对提高文章理解能力很有帮助。 Task 5,Read the text quickly and loudly and find the answers to the following questions in 3 minutes (between teachers and students

18、)Main points Supporting details Justin FosterWent missingMrs. Foster though_ he was spending the night with a friend.Mr. Foster was surprised_ that his son didnt tell anyone that he was staying out Justin Foster_ didnt show up at the family lunch the next day.The police found that Justin returned ho

19、me on Friday night.Justins friends said_ that Justin went home after playing baseball with them.Witnesses said that_ that they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45 p.mKelly heard _ him put on his favourite CD after he went to his roomThe boy was taken away by aliens.Kelly saw _ a large space

20、ship flying outside.Kelly heard_ Justin shout.Mavis Wood said _ that the aliens took Her away so that they could do scientific research on her. 解析:使用表格呈现任务简单明了,既容易让学生分清文章的结构,又加深对文章的理解,是让学生进行,以增加学生操练的机会。 Task 5. petition Details reading, you can use these questions to help you (group work boy student

21、s and girl students) Ask them to read the text carefully and then answer some questions.1. Where does Justin Foster live?He lives in Dover, New Hampshire2, why did Justins mother go to bed early?She went to bed early because of a headache.3,what sports does Justin play?4, what time did the witness s

22、ee Justin walking home?At 10.45 p.m5. Does Justin have any brothers and sisters?6 What color were the aliens?They were white7,who else has been taking by the aliens?The aliens have taken mavis Wood8 Who is in charge of the case?Detective Sam Peterson was in charge of the case.解析:阅读文章后做回答题,本环节中要求学生在阅

23、读的提出相关的问题并让其他学生回答,任务设计前后相连,由易到深,层层推进.TASK 6 Consolidition (according to the time)Ask them to read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks Police in America have stepped up their _search_for a fifteen-year-old boy who went _missing_two days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. People have shown great

24、_interest in his _disappearance_ due to sightings of _puzzling_ lights in the sky and reports of aliens_ visits around the time of his disappearance. His parents did not find his missing until the second day because he did not _show_up at the family lunch .His mother thought that he was spending the

25、 night with a _friend_; however he did not tell anyone that he was _staying_out late .His Sister told she heard him returning_home at about and then he went _straight_to his bedroom and was heard to_put_on his CD at the same time, a bright _light_appeared outside her window and it was _moving

26、_ and _ing_ closer. And Mavis Wood said he was _taking_away by aliens. Police have not _ruled_out the possibility_ that Justin was taken away by aliens, but were also look into other _possibilities_.解析:根据学生所列的要点和所学语言自主地运用语言的过程,这样的活动既关注语气形式又要关注内容,实现让学生在真实语境中运用英语及交际策略,用语言做事,在做中学会语言Task 7, language poi

27、nts:Step 7. language points:1, missing child., missing “失踪的,下落不明的”如:the missing child 2, due to “由于”如:He arrived late due to the storm.3, make up意为“编造,创造”。和好,言归于好:弥补、补(考)补足、凑足化装、打扮解析:文章中出现的新语法项目往往会增加阅读的难度,影响学生的理解,老师对此不应忽视。灵活地安排和讲解这些知识点,能避免枯燥的语法学习,确保语言输出的正确性。Step8 .open questions 阅读后的任务设计:阅读后的任务设计要求学

28、生对文章的内容做出评定和判断,这种任务有助于培养学生的创造性思维和加深对文章的理解和分析能力。T, in the newspaper article “boy missing, police puzzled”, the boy Justin was missing and his parents were worried about him. His sister Kelly believed that the aliens took him away, which was shared by some people in Dover. Now I would like you to make

29、 an ending to the story. You should use your imagination and creativity.YOU can begin like these: After being taken into the UFO by the aliens, I first felt shocked by the strange-looking alien with a huge head 解析:扩展性任务,可以用来引导学生,讨论阅读材料,没有涵盖或论述不足的论题或观点,进一步挖掘文章的主旨和内涵。Step 9研究性学习 探究下列神秘事物 (分组) 1. UFO1.

30、 Monsters in Tianchi in Jiling province. 2. Yeti in the Himalayas Step10. Homework (You may choose one from :)1. Read another piece of news according to the reading strategy 2. Finish the workbook exercises.3. Read the text again and again after class 4. Write a news report about something happened

31、around you课外作业是课堂教学的延续,深化和补充,让学生自主的选择作业可以调动他们的学习积极性,提高其自信去学习。三、计论与小结:本案例遵循任务型教学在“做中学”的原则,把课堂时间更多地交给学生,充分地发挥他们的主动性与创造性使其通过体验,实践,合作和探究完成,全面发展学生的听、说、读写的语言技能,任务内容与学生兴趣爱好紧密相联,提高学生的学习兴趣。总之通过实践实现发展学生综合语言运用能力的教学目标是可行的。参考文献程晓堂xx任务型教学M . 北京:高等教育出版社。葛文山 xx 课文教学中的任务型设计从xx年苏州高中英语优质活动说起 J 中小学外语教学 (中学篇)。刘道义 xx 新高中英语教学与学 M 北京:人民教育出版社。周敏 xx 任务型教学在英语教学中的实践与反思 J 中小学外语教学(中学篇)。 附:阅读原文 Reading Read the following newspaper article quickly and answer these questions.1. What is the article about?2. Who is missing?3. Do the pol

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