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1、英文写作写作一、 体裁:(审题) narration argumentation exposition description 二、 确定主题句:eg.(一)Good Health 1 Importance of good health2 Ways to keep fit3 My own practice以上三句扩展成主题句:1 Its very important to have good health.2 Therere four ways to keep fit for me.3 My own practices are the following. (二)Trying to Be A

2、Good University Student. 做合格大学生的必要性。(议论文,从正面谈做合格大学生会怎样;从反面论,不做合格大学生会怎样;结论是我们要做合格的大学生) 做合格大学生的必备条件。(可以德智体等方面谈,用说明文写)4 我打算这样做。-Introduction-body-conclusion -一、 王长喜的作文法:第一句主题句 (topic sentence) 启第二句从正面论述 承 第三句从反面论述 转 development sentence 第四句为结论句 (concluding sentence) 合二、 主题句的特征:1 必须是一个完整的句子。2 它由topic和co

3、ntrolling idea两部分构成。3 主题句是段落内容的概括性陈述 判断下列句子是否主题句:eg. 1. I enjoy classical music for several reasons. () 2 There are many differences between Chinese and English. () 3 Excessive drinking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems. ()4 We celebrate Christmas on December 25. () (对事实的具体陈述不能做

4、主题句)5 It is my opinion that smoking causes cancer. () (不要以个人意见做主题句,因很难用事实事做支持)6 Sports and games are very useful. () (太笼统了)三、 段落中常用的过度词。(见专升本书P189) 在段落的过度中,按文章的“启、承、转、合”使用过渡词(transitional words/connectives)会使段落文章条理清楚,连贯流畅,过渡词可以分以下四类: (1)表达“启”的常用词语 用于引导主题句或用于主题句的后面,引导第一个发展句:firstly, at first, first o

5、f all, in the beginning, in the first place, at present, to begin with, currently, to start with, lately, for one thing, now, recently, on the one hand, in general, generally speaking, in recent years, comparatively speaking, nowadays, in a sense, in a way, in my opinion, obviously, undoubtedly, etc

6、. 。 (2)表达“承”的过渡词语 用于主题句或第一个(或前一个)发展句:secondly, thirdly, also, too, besides, in addition, furthermore, moreover, what is more, for another, for example, for instance, as an example, as another example, namely, then, in other words, in particular, in the same way, after that, afterwards(after a few da

7、ys/a while), from now on, later, just as ,similarly, meanwhile, at the same time, by this time, soon, of course, for this purpose, equally, surely, obviously, especially, indeed, still, in fact, in plain terms, in practice, for the most part, no doubt, etc. 。 (3)表示“转”的过渡词语 表示不同或相反的情况:after all, but,

8、 yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, conversely, though, although, despite, in spite of, on the contrary, in contrast, unlike, whereas, on the other hand, all the same, unfortunately, still , in fact, as a matter of fact, in any case, at any rate, otherwise, or else, instead, etc.。 (4)表示“合”的过渡词

9、语 用于总结段落中上下文的内容,引导一个发展句或结尾句,也可用于文章的结论等:finally, hence, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, therefore, thus, to sum up, to conclude, to summarize, briefly, above all, as a consequence, as a result, for this reason, as has been noted, as I have said, at last, at length, by and large, conseq

10、uently, eventually, accordingly, so, after all, in general, in a word, on the whole, etc. 。-一、练习:重新安排下面的句子,使之成为意思连贯的段落并按要求在横线处填出句子序号:(一) A B C D E 1 Knowledge, perhaps, is not a good word for this.2 Perhaps one would rather say my image of the world.3 What I have been talking about is knowledge.4 Wh

11、at I am talking about is what I believe to be true:my subjective knowledge.5 Knowledge has an implication of validity. (3 、 1 、 2 、 5 、 4)(二) A B C D E Without water, soil is worthless and crops are poor. Water is necessary. However, too much water can be dangerous. Careful use of water and other re

12、sources is important. Natural resources are precious and limited.(4、 5、 2、 1、 3)(三) A B C D E For example, you dont need many clothes. However, despite these advantages, those who have lived in warm climates and in cold climates often prefer a cold climate because it is less monotonous and offers wi

13、nter sports. In addition, you dont have to shovel snow or pay heating bills. Living in a place where the weather is always warm has its advantages. You can wear lightweight, inexpensive, and easy-to-clean cotton clothing all year.(4、 1、 5、 3、 2)(四) A B C D E They never seem to be working. It seems t

14、o workers that students lead easy lives only because students work and relax at different times from workers. Working people sometimes think that college students live a very easy life. The truth is, though, that most students spend as many hours in class or at their studies as workers do at their j

15、obs。 To them it appears that students have little to do:they sleep late, talk for hours over coffee, and go to parties every night.(3、 5、 1、 4、 2)-一、开头的写作方法(1)Begin with direct announcement.(2)Begin with definition(3)Begin with statistics. (eg. a recent survey of)(4)Begin with narration and descript

16、ion(5)Begin with question(6)Begin with quotation二、结尾的表达方法1、概括总结全文并指出解决方法(Summary and solution)2、回答开头段提出的问题(An answer to a question)3、提出建议(Recommendation and suggestion)4、给出预见(Prediction)5、发出号召(call for action)三、结尾段常用的词语Therefore / In short / Finally / In summary / In a word/ on the whole / In all /

17、To conclude / In brief / All this suggests that / In conclusion / It can be concluded that四、 段落的扩展方法1、列举法eg. Topic sentence: Basketball is popular in many countries.(列举原因) It is inexpensive ./ exciting / a healthful sport / both an indoor and an outdoor game.conclusion: The game can be played both i

18、n warm countries and in cold countries.列举词语: first (ly)、 second (ly)、 finally、 lastly、kind、 variety、 group、 set、 class、 contain、 include、 exclude、 except、 also、 likewise、 in addition2、举例法topic sentence + example (例1、例2、例3) + restatement.举例词语:for example、 for instance、 such as、 namely、 frequently、 es

19、pecially、 specifically、 occasionally、 in general、 in particular、 to illustrate、 that is to say、 3、比较与对比法 (comparison and contrast)compare likeness and difference (part to part or point to point)常用词:likewise、 just as、 in like manner、 similar to、 correspondence with、 resemble、 once more、 once again、 c

20、ompare to /with 、 connected with、 make a comparison with、 distinguish、 opposed、 conversely、 even so、 instead、 different、 dissimilar、 unlike、 differences between、 on the other hand、 nevertheless、 on the contrary、 in contrast、 in spite of this4、定义法 (definition) eg. Topic sentence: Happiness means diff

21、erent things to different people. Purpose: to explain the meaning of happiness. Methods of development: extended definition , contrast、 Techniques of support: facts、examples. Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people believe that if they have much money or many t

22、hings, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do everything they want, and so they will be happy. On the other hand, some people believe that money is not the only happiness. These people value their religion, or their intelligence, or their health; these mak

23、e them happy. For me, happiness is closely tied to my family. I am happy if my wife and my children live in harmony. When all members of my family share good and sad times, and when my children communicate with each other and work together, I am happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on

24、 each individual, my “wealth” of happiness is in my family. 定义法常用词: The meaning of this word is This can be defined as In other words, by I dont mean The word means5、分类法 即 How can its parts or types be separated or grouped ? On what basis can it be categorized ? Eg. Therere three kinds of book owner

25、s. The first has all the standard sets and best sellers unread, untouched.6、因果法 (cause and effect)常用词: Because、 reason for、 result in/ from、 lead to、 due to、 therefore、 so、 as a consequence、 accordingly、 thus、 hence、 Now that、 Since、 As7、过程描述法: 即描述how to do sth.常用词: presently、 afterward、 meanwhile、

26、at that moment、 earlier、 later、 then、 next、 first、 soon例文分析: title: Good Health Opening sentence: The desire for good health is universal.Outline:1、 Importance of good health.2、 Ways to keep it.3、 My own practices.Title: On Making FriendsOpening Sentence: As a human being, one can hardly do without

27、a friend.Outline: 1、The need for friends. 2、True friendship 3、My principle in making friends.例文:1 Dating on Campus校园里的恋爱Nowadays, there is a growing popularity of dating (or spouse hunting ) on campus. some students, who are good at dating handsome boys or pretty girls become popular, while others,

28、who care nothing for dating, are often sneered at. Discussion of successful marriage has attracted the interest of many curious students. Some people say marriage is not easy, that you have to feed and water and trim it, all that horticulture stuff. They claim that marriage is like a cage, while the

29、 bird outside tries desperately to get in, the bird inside attempts desperately to get out. Others argue that a successful marriage has little to do with work and even less to do patience. It all comes down to a transition of attitudes. Before marriage, one should keep his tow eyes wide open; after

30、marriage shut one, They suggest that one should closely weigh many factors affecting marriage such as competence, personalities , as well as family background; and not let appearance, power or money fool you. Moreover, tolerance and mutual understanding play an important role in keeping a successful marriage. There is nothing wrong with dating on campus and no power can really ban it. However,Finding a life long companion is no picnic. In my opinion, we should keep our tow eyes wide open to find someone we really

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