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爱情片《百万英镑》台词 中英文对照.docx

1、爱情片百万英镑台词 中英文对照爱情片百万英镑台词 中英文对照 Once upon a time when Britain was very rich 曾经有段时间英国非常富有 01:19.48deep in the box of bank in England 在英格兰银行巨大的保管库里 01:21.48there was more gold than anywhere in the world 所储存的黄金 比其他任何地方都多 01:27.16safe the banks of England. 那时有信誉的人常说 01:27.72我的信誉就像英格兰银行一样 01:33.48Yes, thi

2、s is Mr. Montalia 给您蒙帕亮先生 01:35.16I trust you will not disappointed 我相信你对他朴实无华的设计 01:36.92不会感到失望 01:38.92it seems to me a thing of beauty. 恰恰相反 01:39.84在我看来她简直像个小美人儿 01:42.16If not a joy for ever allow me. Olive 你总在开玩笑 让我来奥里马 01:45.72It looks good, It feel good it tastes good. 外观精美 手感舒适他确实很棒 01:51.1

3、6And I thought only one will like it. 另外只有一张和他一样 01:53.16It should be the connection with the foreign load. 是为了国际借贷才发行的 01:55.16Yes, we read about it 这我们知道 01:56.16and what you gave the idea 是他让我们有了这种想法 01:58.92什么想法 02:00.24我想这看起来一定很奇怪 02:02.16we should need such a large sum in the former one note.

4、我们竟然需要一张 这么大面额的支票 02:05.16Exactly unusual request. 这确实是一个不同寻常的要求 02:08.48I imagined it for business transaction 我猜想他是为商业交易而准备的 02:10.20It is one million in the draft 是桩很重要的交易 02:12.04是不是罗大利克 02:13.72你让我别无选择 02:15.28你看加的罗先生 02:17.16my brother am I require this pretty exposit you leak little scrap- pa

5、per for the bet. 我和我兄弟 需要这张美丽精致独特的废纸 02:21.16A bet 是为了打赌 02:23.12Did you say a bet?打赌你是说打赌 02:26.24Its an important bet.一个很重要的赌 02:28.16You are stir me. 你们使我震惊先生们 02:30.16I am stired the purpose you should required to know. 一是震惊于你们 需要这张支票的目的 02:33.16I am stir the you call it scrap-paper. 二是震惊于你们 把他叫

6、做废纸 02:37.16Let me draw your attention to the text. 请允许我提醒你们 注意一下备注先生们 02:40.16I promise to pay the bet on the amount, the sum of one million pound. 备注我保证 见票即付给支票人100万英镑 03:21.76This consulate is not provided with fund by the United States government. 美国政府为向本领事管提供资金 03:26.16For the assistant of need

7、y American in London. 用以帮助伦敦的贫困美国公民 03:32.48That s too bad, 真是太糟了 03:34.16I thought this be the just very place. 我原以为 这是唯一能帮助我的地方 03:37.16Well that doesn t mean that we are not anxious to help 这并不是我们 不能给你提供帮助 03:40.16You can climb on a cargo ship, you can work the passage home 也许你能在货轮上找份差事 03:44.16W

8、ell, good luck and go back a week or two we could make it inquiry 我有没有可能在这找份工作 03:44.84如果你过一两个星期 在来看看我们愿意帮你咨询 03:48.16A week is a long time 一个星期时间太长了 03:50.48could I get a little money next day 如果我有点钱再坚持几天的话 03:52.48that I could find the job myself 我自己就可以找工作了 03:54.16We could give you a small load.

9、If you could guarantee the repayment. 如果你能偿还的话 我们可以给你少量贷款 03:58.16Can you offer any kind of security? 你能提供任何形式担保吗 04:00.16I get a head on my shoulders a pair of hands. 我的肩膀上 有个脑袋还有一双不错的手 04:03.84除非你们信任我的话这就是担保 04:06.16Thanks. No security at all. 这根本不是担保 04:08.16Many people pass this office making si

10、milar request. 许多人路过这里 都提出类似的要求 04:11.16If we make the exception, 如果我们能通融的话 04:12.16we wouldn t know where to stop 早就没完没了了 04:14.48I would like to report back to you every day. 如果你愿意的话 我每天都可以到这报道 04:16.48Sorry. Can t be done 对不起这绝对不行 04:17.88不过你只要花一个先令 就可以参加英译美国人社团 04:21.16That put you in touch with

11、 people in position 在那你会接触一些有地位的人 04:23.16to help you. 他们或许能够帮助你 04:24.84说来说去 最好还是我自己想办法 04:27.16Well, it s up to you, Sir. 随你的便 04:28.48Come back 先生如果运气不好的话 04:30.16if you have no luck. 可以再回来 04:32.48I II do that, 到时候我会的 04:34.16oh, can I get some of those 我可以吃一点吗 04:36.16Of course. 当然可以 04:38.16so

12、rry, all gone. 对不起吃光了 04:43.16Thanks. 谢谢 05:00.16Iovely muffin lovely muffin 好吃的松饼松饼 05:03.48fresh muffin. Muffin. 好吃的松饼来呀 好吃的松饼松饼 05:41.16Young man, 年轻人 05:45.16would you step inside a moment please? 请你进来一下好吗 05:48.16Call me, sir? 是叫我吗先生 05:49.84是你 05:51.00从前门进来 05:52.72在你的左边 05:55.16Thanks. 好谢谢 06

13、:05.16Good morning sir would you please come in? 早上好先生请您进来好吗 06:14.16Permit me to lead the way. 请允许我为您带路 06:35.48The young gentleman, sir. 他来了先生 06:37.16Thanks James. 谢谢 詹穆斯 06:38.16Nothing with you. 没你的事了 06:39.48How do you. Mr.? 你好 06:40.84亚当亨利亚当 06:43.16How you sit down, Adams? 请坐吧亚当先生 06:47.16Th

14、ank you. 谢谢 06:50.16You are an American Mr. Adams? 您是美国人吗亚当先生 06:52.48That s right. From New England. 是的家在新英格兰 06:54.48How well do you know London 您了解伦敦的情况吗 06:56.16Not at all, sir, 一点也不了解 06:58.16I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind I ask you a few questions 这是我第一次来这 06:58.84我不知道你介意不介意 我们问您几个问题 07:02.1

15、6maybe ask what are you doing in this country? 好请问吧 07:02.36请问您您现在在做什么 07:04.48And what s your plan, sir 你有什么计划 07:05.16one thing at a time Olive 一次只提一个问题奥里马 07:07.16well, I can t show you I have a plan 我不能说我有什么计划 07:08.16and hope to find work 我只希望能够找到工作 07:10.16as a matter of fact I landed Britain

16、by accident. 实际上由于一次事故 我才来到这的 07:13.16How was that possible? 这怎么可能 07:14.48When I see back home I have my own little cog 你知道 我在家里有一条自己的小船 07:18.48from which I got a lot of fun. 他只有14尺长 07:18.76可我从那得到了不少乐趣 07:20.484 weeks ago, which was Saturday I was sailing out of the Bay 四周前的一个星期六 我正准备驶出海湾 07:27.1

17、6go on. 你接着说 07:30.48You were sailing out of the Bay 说哪了 07:30.16你准备驶出海湾 07:32.80oh, yes. Well, to the dusk I found myself stick west the gave 是的黄昏十分 我发现刮起了强烈的西风 07:36.48The only things 做了我唯一能够做的事情 07:39.48I could run before all night 天黑前全速航行 07:42.48Next morning, I was just getting myself to lost 第

18、二天早上 我还是迷失了方向 07:45.16and was picked up by a brig 索性的是一艘帆船发现了我 07:47.48And the brig brought you to England. 那艘帆船带你来了英格兰 07:49.16Yes, that s right. I work my passage with an unpaid hand, 是的他们让我在船上帮工 才免了我的船票 07:53.16that s what. I wear somewhat unbelievable things. 这都是因为 这身不太体面的穿着 07:57.16It s possibl

19、e advantage? Ha, ha. 你不必在为此感到担忧了 07:57.84这简直太妙了 08:01.52I can t follow you, sir.! 我好象不太明白您的意思 08:03.16Adams, 告诉我们亚当先生 08:04.60你原先是做什么工作的 08:06.16the ship building firm when I arrived, 我以前在一家船厂工作 08:09.16I am thinking you two might be able to offer me some kind of work. 以我的理解你们也许 能给我提供一份工作对吗 08:13.48

20、Patient, patient, Adams. 别着急亚当先生别着急 08:16.16Do you have any money? 恕我冒昧的问一句 08:16.60你还有钱吗 08:19.16Telling you the truth my bank account is zero. 说老实话我银行的存款是0 08:23.16Lucky, wondering luck. 这太幸运了罗大利克太幸运了 08:26.92It may seem very lucky to you, gentlemen, 这也许对你们来说很幸运 08:29.48it is not very lucky to me.

21、 但对我来说可没什么好的 08:32.16This is the idea of some kind of jokes. 如果这一切不过你们开的玩笑 08:34.48I don t think it is really funning 我并不觉得很有趣 08:37.16please don t go, Mr. Adams. 如果你们不介意的话我告辞了 08:39.16You must think it very incentive if you even the bottle reason to pretend of this 请不要走亚当先生 08:39.72你一定不要误会 虽然我们的话不太

22、得体 08:43.16Oliver, give him the letter. 奥里马把信给他 08:46.16我正要给他说这件事呢 08:48.16Wait 你等着 09:03.16for me? 信 09:05.16For you. 给我的? 09:05.12是的 09:08.48Oh, no, you mustn t open it not yet. 不现在不要拆开 09:10.48You may open it at 2 o clock. 您拆开他的时间是下午2点 09:13.16Not the moment before. 一分钟也不要提前 09:15.16It s joculari

23、ty? 这可真有点滑稽 09:16.48No, it s not jocularity Money in it. 不滑稽里边装的是钱 09:19.16Oh, no, listen to me I don t want your charity. 哦好了请听我说 我不需要你们的施舍 09:23.48I only want honest job to work 我需要的是一份工作 09:24.36如果你们不行的话 09:26.16that s why we give this letter 我们很赞赏你诚实的品格 09:26.84这也正是我们 把信交给你的缘故 09:30.48James, sho

24、w Mr. Adams out. 詹穆斯送亚当先生出去 09:32.48Good luck Mr. Adams. 祝你好运 09:33.72你们为什么不告诉我 这到底是怎么回事呢 09:37.16At 2 o clock. Mr. Adams, 你很快就会知道的 09:37.24下午2点亚当先生 09:39.36还有1小时10分钟 09:44.16this way, sir. 1小时10分钟 09:44.84这边走先生 09:48.48Mr. Adams, 亚当先生 09:51.48not until 2 o clock. 一定不要提前拆开 09:53.16Promise! 能保证吗 09:5

25、7.16Promise, goodbye 我保证再见 10:08.92诚实机智对伦敦一无所知 10:11.16a land. 而且除此之外身无分文 10:13.16I know it depend on your blessing, so? 太棒了 太棒了 10:51.16This way please. 这张桌子有人预定拉 10:51.72请您这边来 10:56.16Take your seat. 请坐 10:59.16Take care of this customer Horlas. 给这位先生点菜和勒斯 11:22.48Have some ham eggs and nice big a

26、 juices beefsteak. 我要一些火腿和鸡蛋 一大块上好的炸牛排 11:25.48Just steak with raw and make an extreme perfect a long cool of oil. Understand? 在加上所有的配菜 在浇上浓浓的汁 11:28.40这得花不少钱 11:29.84我知道 另外再来一大杯冰镇的啤酒 12:21.16Waiter, 招待 12:25.16again!? 同样的在来一份 12:26.16That s right, and so letter? 在来一份 12:26.60是的别忘了啤酒 12:31.16Anythin

27、g wrong? 有什么问题吗 12:32.48No, no, sir. 没有没有先生 12:36.48He order another portion same at all. 他想照原样再来一份 还有啤酒 12:40.16Do you think he can pay? 你认为他付得起钱吗 12:43.16We d trust it. 只能碰碰运气 12:44.16Serve him. 给他上一份 12:46.16Don t throw back gristle. 但是不要去软骨知道吗 12:54.64火腿鸡蛋牛排 西红柿豌豆胡萝卜各两份 12:57.16Hen eggs, potatoe

28、s pin. coffee. $3. 10. 松糕乳酪咖啡两杯啤酒 总共3英镑零10便士 13:02.48Thank you, 谢谢 13:04.16would you mind to wait a few minutes? 你不介意多等一会吧 13:06.16What situation for? 我们还有什么可等的 13:07.16All right, Aliamss. 我来吧和勒斯 13:11.16It s a wonderful meal. 这真是一顿美餐啊 13:14.16Oh, it s amazing how much pleasure, 要知道 你会从一份很简单的东西里 13:

29、18.16for a while. 得到莫大的快乐 13:18.84如果你不得不 有一段时间失去他们的话 13:21.52Very interesting. And now you have to pay the bill. 很精彩但是您可以结帐了 13:24.16And I will attend the other customers. 这样我可以照顾其他顾客 13:26.48That clock of yours is correct? 你们的挂钟走的准吗 13:28.16Is it fast? 也许也许快一点 13:30.64快一点 13:32.48How fast? 快多少 13:3

30、4.162 minutes. 是两分钟 13:37.16I don t want you to be unpleasant. 谢谢 13:37.12好啦我不想闹得不愉快 13:39.16Would you please settle the bill? 你到底想不想结帐 13:41.16I want to, but you see. 当然想不过您看 13:43.16The bill please. 请结帐吧先生 13:45.48Yes, I know. 是的我知道 13:50.16Exactly. 结帐 13:50.84一点不错 13:52.48Don t suppose a couple of minutes will make a difference. 就差几分钟不会有什么问题吧 14:25.16Oh, I am sorry about this. 真的很抱歉 14:28.16I don t have anything smaller than this. 不过我没有零钱 14:30.16Well. well. oh. 这 这 14

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