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1、高中英语书面表达专项训练高考开放性作文分析与练习 一 高考开放性作文要求开放性作文字数不少于50个单词,要求文章扣题,内容充实、健康;思维活跃,逻辑清晰;语言规范,交际得体。这对学生构思、表达以及语句的组织运用能力有很高的要求。二 高考中常见的开放性作文文章类型有:1 复述故事 One day, we were having an English class when suddenly there was a knock on the door-(西城一模 2004)One day, we were having an English class when suddenly there was

2、 a knock on the door. Our teacher went out and soon returned with a smile on her face. She told us that a group of American students were visiting our school and they would like to chat with us in English. We were very glad to have this opportunity to practise our English. Soon pleasant conversation

3、s began. Today is March 5th. To learn from Lei Feng, at 3:30 p.m., my classmates and I went-(西城二模2004)Today is March 5th . To learn from Lei Feng, at 3:30pm, my classmates and I went in groups separately to visit some old teachers who had retired from our school. We chatted with them for a while, an

4、d then began to do some cleaning for them. Everyone worked very hard and we really felt glad we were able to do something for the old teachers. We hoped to have more chances to take part in such activities.2 解决方案 On the morning of June 7, Li Ming is taking a bus on his way to take the entrance exami

5、nation. Unfortunately, he is caught in a traffic jam because of an accident. How can he manage to get there in time? Please think out two or three different ways for him. (海淀一模2004)First of all he can persuade the bus driver to allow him to get off so that he can walk out of the heavy traffic jam to

6、 take another bus or a taxi. Or he can get off and ask an assistant in a nearby shop to lend him a bike. Since it is an important day for the high school graduates, dialing 110 and getting help from the police is one of the choices as well. May 31, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. Now what do you wa

7、nt to say to the smokers to help them get rid of the bad habit?(东城二模2004)Today more and more people care for the problem of smoking because it is polluting the air, also its harmful to the peoples health and will cause lung cancer. When you want to smoke, you can eat something delicious or do some s

8、ports instead. Also you can ask the doctor for help. Whats the important, I think you should make a plan to get rid of the bad habit. Its our hope that we all take an active part in the activity. Im sure youll succeed in giving up smoking.3 设计活动 You are talking with one of your close friends about y

9、our plans for the summer vacation. You say to him, “ Im going to enjoy myself in the summer vacation.” He asks, “ what exactly are you going to do to have fun?”You tell him what you want to do to make your vacation great fun. Be sure to use one or more examples to show what you mean. (2003北京)Ill go

10、to a beach to see the seabirds flying in the dark-blue sky and drive a motorboat, sailing through clear water toward the rising sun. Then Ill surf the “” website, play games on “ FreeE, or chat with friends online about hot movies like “ The Lord of the Rings” and “Harry Potter”. 4 解释原因 Tell your fr

11、iends why you are looking forward to the weekend.(宣武一模2004)Having a good rest and reading some books are the most important weekend activities. Besides these two, I sometimes go shopping with my parents. Sometimes I go to visit my friends. I can also do something I like, such as watching TV, playing

12、 ping-pong, etc. I enjoy weekends very much because only on weekends can I find myself a true person but not only a student. 5 发表评论 What do you think of going online in our spare time?I think we can go online in our spare time. Through the Internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the

13、 latest news at home and abroad. Whats more, network offer us a convenient way to communicate with each other. The Internet makes our lives outside class colourful and various.But I dont think it is right that a lot of precious time is spent in playing computer games, or even some students are often

14、 absent from school for days. I think we should control the time online. China should devote major efforts to developing car industry. Do you agree?(上海2001)I agree that China should devote major efforts to developing car industry.Now more and more families have their own cars. Its very convenient fo

15、r the people to go to work. In holidays, all the families can travel to some place or go to visit exhibition far away by car. They save a lot of their spare time. With the development of car industry, the economy in china is developing rapidly too.But a lot of problems are coming about. Traffic in c

16、ities is getting heavier and heavier. The city is being polluted more and more seriously. To solve these problems, something must be done.三 学生习作存在的问题1.审题出现严重错误(时态、文体、人称)2.文章结构混乱,逻辑不通,罗嗦不到主题3.英语汉化4.错误百出四 解决方案1 熟悉英语文章结构特点2 朗读课文,背诵范文,大量课外阅读3 强化基本句型的学习以及好词好句的积累五高考开放性作文练习1. One of you close friends tells

17、 you : “ I am suffering from depression(沮丧、消沉). I have trouble sleeping. Im often tired. When I think about the future I feel hopeless about it. I dont enjoy anything. I am never happy. I dont laugh or smile any more.” You would like to help him/ her to find one or more solutions.Tell him or her wha

18、t he/ she should do. (崇文一模2004)Mary, dont be upset. I have some pieces of advice for you. First of all, whenever you feel blue, try listening to some songs with beautiful melody (旋律). If you still feel depressed, look at yourself in a mirror and smile for no less than 30 seconds, then youll believe

19、that nothing is serious and have a good mood. Of course, youd better try to find an adult you can trust to talk to. I do hope these help and next day will be better.2. You want to buy a computer. Tell your parents why you need a computer.As we all know, computers have been of great use and will be u

20、sed more and more in our daily life. Computers are useful in my English learning. There are piles of learning software I can use. Besides, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest news at home and abroad through the internet. I dont see anything wrong for me to spend some time playi

21、ng games. After all, we need something to enjoy ourselves.3.The football match between Class One and Class Three was going on. You were one of the players of Class One. In the first half, your team lost a goal. What happened in the second half? Although we lost a goal in the first half, we didnt los

22、e heart. We encouraged each other and determined to win the second one. After it began, we did our best to take every chance. About 15 minutes later, I shot the ball passed by Xiaoming. We got it. With more enthusiasm(热情),finally we defeated them at the score 2:1. We became the winners.Although we w

23、ere nearly worn out. We were extremely excited and happy.4.The International Youth Art Festival is about to be held in our city. As a young volunteer, Im going to do a lot of good deeds for it. What will you do? ( 上海2001春 )The International Youth Art Festival is about to be held in our city. As a yo

24、ung volunteer, Im going to do a lot of good deeds for it.During the International Youth Art Festival , I will do my best to work for the festival. For example, I will help to keep orders, help the actors,clean the spots, and so on. It is a pleasure to do a lot of things for the the International You

25、th Art Festival. I think I can do the best.5.Nowadays, doing part-time jobs has become a fashion to us students. Whats your opinion?There are many advantages in doing part-time jobs while you are in school. It can offer you a chance to make money. You can also gain some working experience from it. T

26、herefore, you will be able to prepare yourself for the future.However, part-time jobs also have some disadvantages. On one hand, it might occupy some of your time. On the other hand, if you dont know how to deal with the money, it can have a bad influence on you.Because of the advantages and disadva

27、ntages, you should maintain a correct attitude and choose jobs properly. Then you can benefit from it.书面表达讲解与训练如何写好情景写作写作体裁训练 1)记叙文 2)描述文考题的设置和要求:教学大纲的要求:书面表达是来考查学生是否能够运用所学过的英语知识和掌握的技巧进行思想交流,也就是说考查综合运用英语的能力。试题的设置: 更贴近实际生活,与日常生活息息相关,让考生有话可说,更能充分的考察出学生的语言交际能力。考查目标和要求:要求考生根据所给情景,用英语写一篇100个单词左右的短文。(北京试卷

28、要求字数不少于60字)情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。近年来的书面表达一览表:2000全国卷根据目击的交通事故给警察局写一份材料2001全国卷根据表格所提供的内容谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化2001春邀请你的美国朋友Peter来你校在下月举办的美国电影节上给学生讲一次关于美国电影方面的讲座2002全国卷根据表格所提供的内容谈一谈公园要不要收门票2002北京卷写一篇野外生存训练的日记2002 春给你的美国朋友写信介绍你们是如何庆祝申奥成功的,并邀请他2008年来中国2003全国卷写信给你的朋友介绍为他找的住房情况2003北京卷记述一次配合迎奥运

29、宣传学雷锋活动2003春向一外教请求有关选择剧目方面的帮助,请他给予一些建议2004北京卷根据图表说明学生课外生活并谈谈你的看法。出题方式:文字,表格,图画,图表出题趋势:叙述加议论,说明加议论如何写好情景写作1. 认真审题,确定体裁及篇章结构或提纲(包括开头点题句,中间具体内容以及结尾(包括再现主题,感想和希望)。记叙往往和议论密不可分,说明也会包含于议论中,成为它的支撑论据。2. 再读细节,确定人称、时态、主要情节、句式等。尤其要考虑动词:搭配(动词与名词的搭配、动词与介词的搭配),相关同义词或词组(例如,visit, have a visit, pay a visit, on a vis

30、it to)。3. 成文(10句左右),囊括要点,按照文体和篇章要求组织语篇。4. 润色,注意措辞、复杂句式及承上启下的自然衔接,校对细节。写作体裁练习:学习如何写记叙文:记叙文主要是记述所发生的事情和经历。常见的形式有:故事、传记、游记、日记、新闻报道等。记叙文的写作要素:1. 要交代清楚五要素的内容即:where, when, what, who, how。2. 事件可按时间或空间顺序叙述。3. 时态通常是与过去有关的时态。(如果是当前的经常性事件,自然,社会现象。通常用与现在有关的时态。)记叙文的篇章结构: 开头the beginning-交代必要的背景,如:时间,地点,人物等。中间th

31、e middle-交代故事情节(事情的主体)。如:事件的发生,发展和前因后果结尾the ending-事情的结果或感想,愿望等(the result or feeling)在记叙文中常用到的连接词:First . Then . Next . FinallySome . Some . Others;The boys . The girls .; Some Ss . Tome others . The rest of us / them .时间顺序:Early in the morning / In the early morning; In the middle of the day / At

32、noon; Late in the afternoon / In the late afternoon; Far / Deep into the night;In the past / At present / In the future ;First, second, next, then, finally;At first, in the beginning; at last, in the end; Shortly afterwards, at once, immediately, all of a sudden, suddenly, soon;The moment, as soon as, the first time, not until, next time,

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