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1、六年级英语总复习完形填空专项练习清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果1This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He _1_ $ 20 from his landlady(女房东). Today he is _2_, for last Saturday he won $ 120,000 on the football pools(赌注).Last night he was int

2、erviewed(采访) on television by reporter Stan Edwards.EDWARDS: Well, Mr Woods, _3_ are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your _4_ on the buses?WOODS: Yes, Im going to _5_ at the end of the week.EDWARDS: And what other plans(计划) have you _6_?WOODS: Well, Im going to buy a house.EDWARDS: Hav

3、e you got a house of your own now?WOODS: No, no, we _7_ in a flat(公寓房间).EDWARDS: Have you got a _8_?WOODS: Yes, Ive got an old Ford, _9_ Im going to buy a new carand my wife says shes going to have _10_ lessons!( ) 1. A. received B. paid C. sent D. borrowed( ) 2. A. poor B. rich C. old D. ill( ) 3.

4、A. how B. when C. what D. where( ) 4. A. job (职业) B. idea C .football D money( ) 5. A. start B. work C. finish D. return( ) 6. A. found B. thought C. seen D. got( ) 7. A. work B. live C. play D. meet( ) 8. A. car B. friend C. class D. television( ) 9. A. so B. but C. and D. for( ) 10. A. teaching B.

5、 music C. TV D. driving2 One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods(物品) in another town and buy some things there. He _1_ to take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also some _2_ to eat on their way. The rich man said to _3_ of his servants, Ali, you are the _4_ and the weak

6、est one. You may _5_ the lightest load(担子) to carry. Ali thanked him and chose the _6_ load. It was their food bread. The rich man said, How foolish(愚蠢) you are! Thats the heaviest one. But Ali was _7_ to lift it up. And so they set off. Four hours _8_, they stopped for a rest. They all _9_ some of

7、the bread. Then there was _10_ bread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.( ) 1. A. agreed B. liked C. decided D. refused( ) 2. A. food B. goods C. water D. meat( ) 3. A. all B. both C. none D. one( ) 4. A. ta

8、llest B. smallest C. busiest D. fastest( ) 5. A. find B. give C. choose D. carry( ) 6. A. lightest B. smallest C. best D. biggest( ) 7. A. glad B. worried C. sorry D. tired( ) 8. A. early B. later C. past D. last( ) 9. A. loved B. put C. called D. ate( ) 10. A. more B. little C. less D. no3A shop ow

9、ner closed his shop and went home. He was very _1_ but just as he went to bed the telephone _2_. A man asked, What time do you open your shop?The shop owner was _3_ about this phone call. He put down the receiver without answering and went _4_ to bed. A few minutes _5_ the telephone rang _6_ and the

10、 man asked the _7_ question. The shop owner became very _8_ and he shouted, You neednt ask me when I open the shop for I wont let you _9_ Oh, no. I dont want to _10_ in, the man said, I want to go out.( ) 1. A. happy B. glad C. tired D. early( ) 2. A. ring B. rang C. rung D. rings( ) 3. A. unhappy B

11、. interested C. late D. worried( ) 4. A. upstairs B. downstairs C. back D. home( ) 5. A. ago B. later C. before D. after( ) 6. A. again B. once C. more D. soon( ) 7. A. another B. one C. same D. new( ) 8. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. strict( ) 9. A. up B. in C. out D. away( ) 10. A. get B. try C. cli

12、mb D. walk4When Mary Smith was a _1_, she wanted to be a teacher, _2_ she liked children. When she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she _3_ a lot with the children in her class. They _4_ her teaching.One day _5_ of the girls in her class said to her, Miss

13、 Smith _6_ does a mans hair become grey before his beard(胡子) does?Mary laughed and answered, I dont know. Helen, do you know?I dont know _7_, Miss Smith, said Helen, but it happened to my father. The _8_ children in the class laughed when they heard this.Then a boy said, I _9_, Miss Smith! A mans ha

14、ir becomes grey _10_ because its sixteen years older than his beard.( ) 1. A. woman B. student C. teacher D. wife( ) 2. A. so B. but C. that D. because( ) 3. A. cried B. shouted C. learned D. laughed( ) 4. A. refused B. enjoyed C. thought D. wanted( ) 5. A. one B. a C. an D. two( ) 6. A. when B. how

15、 C. why D. whether( ) 7. A. too B. either C. also D. neither( ) 8. A. some B. few C. other D. another( ) 9. A. think B. know C. guess D. sure( ) 10. A. fast B. slowly C. first D. quickly5While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed _1_ the seagulls(海鸥). They _2_ a lot about these

16、lovely birds. They will often come close to you when you are eating anything. If you _3_ pieces of bread to them they at once snatched(抓住) it up.Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive for fish. They are also good at _4_ with their wings. When a seagull is in the sky he puts his legs _5_ his

17、body. Tom often watched them _6_ to the ground because he liked the way they _7_ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they _8_ the ground. Mary liked to see them gliding(滑翔) over the _9_ as they often do, without moving their _10_. But she said she didnt like the noise they ma

18、de.( )1. A. catching B. shooting C. watching D. playing( ) 2. A. understood B. learned C. studied D. thought( ) 3. A. threw B. took C. sent D. thought( ) 4. A. swimming B. flying C running D. rising( ) 5. A. under B. about C. on D. in( ) 6. A. come B. to come C. go D. to go( ) 7. A. held B. beat C.

19、put D. kept( ) 8. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched( ) 9. A. water B. beach C. sky D. ground( ) 10. A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wings清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供台北縣國民小學一至六年級英語課程綱要及能力指標中華民國九十一年二月十五日北府教學字第九一六二九三二號函壹、緣起 八十八學年度,台北縣開始在各國民小學三年級推動英語教學,八十九學年教學年級延伸至四年級;至九十學年度,配合教育部推動九年一貫課程,於三至六


21、下: 表一、台北縣英語教學推動時間表一二三四五六88V89VV90VVVV91VVVVV92VVVVVV貳、基本理念1、發展依據依據部編國民中小學九年一貫課程暫行綱要及台北縣政府頒佈Enjoy Learning English台北縣國民小學英語教學扎根計畫,訂定本課程綱要及能力指標。2、國際觀時代e世紀地球村時代的來臨,不同國家地域的人往來日益頻繁,增加使用英語的機會,資訊化及網際網路的盛行,促使英語成為資訊及網路上最重要的語言之一;而隨著國際化腳步的加速,英語更成為世界公民交流時必備的溝通工具。透過英語學習,除了奠定學生英語溝通能力,並可增進其對多元文化之了解與尊重,成為跟上時代、具有國際觀

22、的地球村一員,因此需及早提供學生學習英語的機會。3、向下扎根學童早期學習語言模仿力強、心理障礙低較勇於開口,因此發音表現佳,為善用此一優勢,故本縣國民小學教育階段之學童從一年級開始學習英語,期使每個學童均得以提早具備基本的英語溝通能力。4、整體環境建構本縣各國小九十學年度起於三至六年級全面實施英語教學,許多幼稚園亦標榜重視英語教學,國小以下之孩童家長將孩童送至校外學習英語的人數亦不在少數。基於課程發展、規劃一貫性及社會公平性,國小一至六年級有全面實施英語教學之必要。在國小全面實施英語教學,將有助於整體學習情境之營造。參、課程目標本縣國民小學英語課程目標為:1. 培養學生具備基本的英語溝通能力。

23、2. 提高學生學習英語的興趣、養成良好的學習態度與方法。3. 增進學生對本國與外國不同文化的認識、尊重與欣賞。肆、分段能力指標 本能力指標共分三大部份:語言能力、學習興趣、態度與方法及文化與習俗等三大部份。其中語言能力部份,針對國小學童低、中、高三個年段語言認知能力的差異,分成三個不同能力階段;學習興趣、態度與方法及文化與習俗部份,則是就營造兒童學習英語的整體情境及培養英語的使用習慣,加以統整學習內涵,故不再予以分段編寫。本能力指標的編號方式,以PR為首代表小學階段,分語言能力、學習興趣、態度與方法及文化與習俗三大項編號。語言能力以三碼編製,以PR1-2-3為例,其中第一個數字1代表語言能力,

24、第二個數字2代表說的能力,第三個數字3則代表流水號。學習興趣、態度與方法與文化與習俗皆以兩碼編製,學習興趣、態度與方法以2起首,文化與習俗則以3起首,其中的第二個數字為流水號。一、語言能力低年級中年級高年級聽PR1-1-1 能辨識26個英文字母的讀音(sound of the alphabet)。PR1-1-2 能辨識自己的英文名字。PR1-1-3 能辨識簡單的問句與直述句語調的不同。PR1-1-4 能聽懂簡單的字詞。PR1-1-5 能聽懂簡單的教室用語及招呼問候語。PR1-1-6 能聽懂簡易歌謠韻文中的關鍵字詞。延續低年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-1-7 能藉字母拼讀法(phon

25、ics)瞭解英文單字中字母與發音之間的對應關係。PR1-1-8 能聽懂簡單的片語及短句。PR1-1-9 能聽懂簡易歌謠韻文的大意。PR1-1-10 能藉視覺輔助(如:紙偶、圖片等)聽懂簡單兒童故事的大意。延續中年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-1-11 能欣賞簡易韻文的音韻與節奏。PR1-1-12 能聽懂日常生活用語。PR1-1-13 能聽懂簡易的日常生活對話。PR1-1-14 能藉視覺輔助聽懂簡單兒童故事及短劇。PR1-1-15 能聽懂簡易影片的主要內容(如:英語多媒體教材、卡通等)。說PR1-2-1 能正確說出26個字母。PR1-2-2 能正確說出自己的英文名字。PR1-2-3 能

26、藉視覺輔助正確說出簡單的字詞。PR1-2-4 能說出簡單的招呼問候語(如:Hi!)。PR1-2-5 能跟唱簡單的歌謠韻文。延續低年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-2-6 能運用字母拼讀法說出字母在單字中所對應的發音。PR 1-2-7 能正確說出日常簡單字詞。PR1-2-8 能以正確語調說出日常簡單的句子。PR1-2-9 能說出常用的教室用語。PR1-2-10 能正確地吟唱簡單歌謠及韻文。PR1-2-11 能以簡易英語介紹自己(如:名字、年齡、喜歡的東西等)。延續中年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-2-12 能以簡單的英語做緊急求援,表達個人的需求、意願及感受。PR1-2-13

27、能就現場情境作簡單的提問、回答、敘述及溝通。PR1-2-14 能以簡易的英語說故事、看圖說話及演出短劇。 讀PR1-3-1 能大致辨識印刷體大小寫26個字母。延續低年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-3-2 能運用字母拼讀法中簡易的對應規則讀出單字。PR1-3-3 能看懂基本的常用字詞。PR1-3-4 能看懂簡易的英文標示。PR1-3-5 能辨識故事、 歌謠 、韻文中的主要字詞。PR1-3-6 能看懂簡單的句子。PR1-3-7 能正確的跟讀句子或短文。延續中年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-3-8 能運用字母拼讀法讀出單字。PR1-3-9 能看懂簡易的英文圖表。PR1-3-10

28、能藉由視覺輔助,獨立閱讀韻文或簡易故事。寫PR1-4-1 能摹寫印刷體大小寫字母。延續低年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-4-2 能書寫印刷體大小寫字母。PR1-4-3 能書寫自己的名字。PR1-4-4 能臨摹或抄寫簡單的字詞及句子(含空格、大小寫及標點符號)。延續中年級培養的基礎,繼續發展以下能力:PR1-4-5 能應用字母拼讀法拼寫部份已學過的字詞。PR1-4-6 能填寫簡單的表格及資料(如姓名、年齡等)。PR1-4-7 能書寫簡單的句子。綜合應用能力PR1-5-1 能正確地辨識、唸出及寫出 26個英文字母。PR1-5-2 能掌握至少250個口語應用字詞(productive vo

29、cabulary),並能至少拼寫出其中100個字詞。PR1-5-3 能運用字母拼讀法瞭解英語拼字與發音間規則的對應關係,並能嘗試看字發音。PR1-5-4 能聽懂簡易教室用語及日常生活應對中的常用語句(如:問候、致謝、道歉、道別等),並能做出適當的回應。PR1-5-5 能運用多元智慧及不同媒材呈現學習成果(如:英語歌謠表演、卡片製作、簡易角色扮演等)。二、學習興趣、態度與方法PR2-1 樂於參與各種課堂練習活動(含靜態及動態)。PR2-2 主動向老師或同學提出問題或回應問題。PR2-3 能主動獨立或與他人合作完成老師交代的作業。PR2-4 對於教學內容能主動複習。PR2-5 樂於接觸課外英語教材

30、(如:歌謠韻文、故事繪本、有聲媒體等)。PR2-6 會在生活中或媒體上注意到學過的英語。PR2-7 樂於在生活中嘗試使用英語。PR2-8 對於外國文化產生興趣,並主動了解。PR2-9 能使用簡單工具書(如:字典)。三、文化與習俗PR3-1 能認識外國之主要節慶習俗。PR3-2 能瞭解我國主要節慶之英語表達方式。PR3-3 能瞭解一些國際基本禮儀。PR3-4能欣賞並尊重不同文化習俗,具有國際觀。伍、實施要點一、時間分配:九十二學年度起一至四年級每週排一節正式英語教學時間,另學校得依教學及課程需要,彈性安排另一節英語教學時間,可利用空白課程、團體活動、晨間活動、導師時間、朝會時間或是酌減其他教學科目節數予以實施教學;五、六年級每週排二節正式英語教學時間。二、教材綱要:國民小學英語科教材之編撰應符合以下幾個面向與原則:(一)主題與體裁1.英語科課程應符合趣味化

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