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本文(本科毕业设计浅析海明威的死亡观以《死在午后》为例.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、本科毕业设计浅析海明威的死亡观以死在午后为例Table of ContentsAbstract i中文摘要 ii1. Introduction 11.1 Research background 21.2 The significance of the research 21.2.1 A justification of the research 21.2.2 Research questions 21.3 Research method 21.4 Organization of the dissertation 22. Literature Review 23. Death of Heming

2、way 33.1 Introduction 33.2 Image of tough man 33.2.1 Tough man in works 33.2.2 Tough man in reality 43.3 Reasons for death 43.4 Reactions to death 43.5 Summary 54. Dance of Death 54.1 Introduction 54.2 Bullfighting, an art of death 54.3 The death of heroes 54.4 Death values of death in the afternoon

3、 64.5 Summary 65. Conclusion 75.1 Introduction 85.2 Summary 85.3 Limitations and suggestions 8References 9Acknowledgements 10AbstractHemingway is always considered as a tough man, who finally killed himself with a gun, and ended his legendary life with a dramatically way. Concerning the mystery of h

4、is death, there are many different versions of the story. Yet, it is still unknown through thorough investigation and study.This paper initiates the death of Hemingway, and proceeds to make a deep analysis of the novella Death in the Afternoon, which guided by the interesting and dangerous bullfight

5、s to present his unique understanding of death.Hemingways explicit and vivid description of bullfights and a series of performance in the ring of bullfighters lead to a strong sense of infection, which is attractive and enchanted. Besides, his concise and succinct in conversation with the old lady r

6、epresent the essence and the spirit of the bullfights. He points out in the book that “Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death”, and reveals that the spirit of bullfighting is bravery, fearlessness, and indifference to death.It is the hope of the author that the presen

7、t study will finally develop our own understanding of death. Key Words: tough man; death; Death in the Afternoon; bullfighting; death values中文摘要一向被视为硬汉的海明威,最后竟以含枪自杀如此戏剧化的方式结束他充满传奇色彩的一生。关于他的死亡之迷,众说纷纭,经过研究探讨,最终仍是个迷。本论文由海明威自杀背后开始,再而分析小说死在午后,以书中有趣而危险的斗牛作为引申,诠释他对死亡的独特见解。海明威在死在午后中对斗牛详尽而生动的介绍,对斗牛士在场上系列动作表演

8、的描写,给读者带来强烈的感染力,让人陶醉,使人入迷。书中其与老妇人简洁精辟的对话道出了斗牛的本质与精神,他还指出“斗牛是一种绝无仅有的艺术家处于生命危险的艺术”,而斗牛精神就是勇敢无畏,视死如归的精神。本文旨在写作的最后能对海明威的死亡观做出更深刻的探讨。关键词:硬汉;死亡;死亡在午后;斗牛;死亡观1. Introduction1.1 Research background Ernest Hemingway is real a tough man. His attractive personality, fearless character and unflinching willpower,

9、 and his broad heart, profound thoughts and exuberant vitality are worthy of admiration. With a distinctive disposition, he ultimately chooses to commit suicide. Thinking carefully, the heroes in Hemingways works, such as boxers, soldiers, bullfighters, fishermen, they all possess an amazing nature.

10、 They will often face death, but they will often choose to confront death directly. The misfortune, frustration and failure which they experience in their life are not simply because of contingency, but the destiny that could not be avoided. They accept death, at the same time they survive toughly.F

11、or many people, death is a taboo. For Hemingway, death is the common theme of all of his works. Compared with other things, he is more concerned with death. The reason why he shows interest in death is that the life he experiences in the war period is filled with danger and excitement. No matter how

12、 hard the circumstances are, he still firmly believes that death is nothing, and holds the faith that one lives with death. His attitude towards death is always ignorant. Finally, he draws a conclusion that nobody can extricate from the misfortune of death.While Death in the Afternoon is a monograph

13、 on bullfights through which Hemingway shows his attitude towards death. As the saying goes in the book, “There are two things that are necessary for a country to love bullfights. One of that is the people must have an interest in death”. It is the interest that most appeals me and impels me to choo

14、se this. The bullfighting virtually aims for the death of bulls, and is a resplendent dance of death filled with passion and excitement which is rather cruel, but beautiful. The excessive beauty, therefore, is really the fatal temptation to arouse the desire for exploration.Death in the afternoon pr

15、esents a vivid interpretation of death values, which is the subject matter for the current research.1.2 The significance of the research1.2.1 A justification of the researchThe study of this thesis is significant in the following aspects:In the first place, as long as one survives in the world, deat

16、h is the terminal ideological activities that could not be avoided. On the one hand, men persistently pursue the meaning of life; on the other hand, they face the judgment of death. Most importantly, it is the death that stimulates human beings desire to live and encourages human beings to make prob

17、es into the value of life which bring people a lofty idea to confront the cruel scuffles in life properly, and give them a power to face death composedly.In the second place, many studies have already been put on Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea. Beginning with a distinct angle, however, this pape

18、r is to research Death in the Afternoon and the death values reflected in the novella. Compared with the life circle, the matter of death is eventually more attractive and closer to the reality. Ultimately therefore, the research will be conclusive to a new perspective for death. Hence, it is necess

19、ary to study.1.2.2 Research questionsAfter defending the necessity of the research, we have to take into consideration the feasibility of the proposed study. Below are the research questions:1) Hemingway chooses to commit suicide, did he right?2) Should we live bravely as long as we are alive?3) Wha

20、t actually the matter of death is? 1.3 Research methodThe research is document-based. It is exploratory and interpretive, and it is completely an information collection. This research will lay stress on a close-reading of the novella Death in the Afternoon, which means that some contents will be dra

21、wn from the story for a clear illustration of the points.1.4 Organization of the dissertationThe paper consists of five chapters. Chapter One offers a brief introduction to the research background. Chapter Two is literature review. Chapter Three explains the related information on Hemingways death.

22、Chapter Four will apply a detailed analysis of the novella so as to demonstrate the essence of death. Chapter Five is the conclusion of the research.2. Literature ReviewDeath is the common subject of Hemingways works, so many scholars at home and abroad have thoroughly studied on it through differen

23、t works and different aspects. Following are some coordinates. His early works, such as In Our Time, Indian Camp reflect Hemingways initial understanding of death. The Sun also Rises, and A Farewell to Arms are a sort of deep perception. The old man and the sea is the sublimation of death awareness.

24、At home, taking Yang Mei (2007) for example, he analyzes the concept of death through his reinterpretation of The Old and the Sea. In addition, Yuan Xuesheng (2003) and Fu Shuqin (2003) start together from the deep psychology in life in order to analyze the sense of death.However, at abroad, for ins

25、tance, Backer (1972) lays stress on the analysis of Hemingways background, personality, and works. Besides, Wylder (1969) focuses on the interpretation of Hemingway-typed heroes to show the death views.From the mentioned above, it can be said that the study of Hemingways death values in academic cir

26、cles nowadays is an open field, having many branches. Yet, Death in the Afternoon is the combination of the essence and spirit of the bullfights to interpret Hemingways death cognition. Inspired by this review, the following chapters will present step by step Hemingways death ideas.3. Death of Hemin

27、gway3.1 IntroductionThe renowned novelist, Hemingway, kills himself with a shotgun. There are a lot of views of his death. The purpose here is not to enumerate all the reasons for possibility, but the acceptable one, which including his image of tough man in works and in reality, and the different r

28、eactions of people to describe his death.3.2 Image of tough man3.2.1 Tough man in works It is obvious that almost of Hemingways novels involved with death which caused by war, disease, emotion and various accidents. From the earliest publication the collection of short stories In Our Time to the pub

29、lication of The Old Man and the Sea before his death which brings him the highest honor that he develops the thought of life through death. The boxers, bullfighters, fishermen, writers and soldiers and so forth are heroic figures in his novels. They are all man of action rather than a man of theory.

30、 They often will be in the edge of life and death, but they have chosen to confront death directly. That is what a Hemingway-type hero should have. The men act in an acceptable way, never in a cowardly way, whose initial feelings of fear changed finally into an indifferent attitude towards loss, and

31、 towards death. This is the so-called “Grace under Pressure”.First of all, take Henry for example, the hero in the novel of A Farewell to Arms. After experiencing a brutal world war and being the edge of dying several times, he understands that the real threat of death is not the destruction of life

32、, but most people in the world could not control their own destiny. At last, Henrys wife dies of dystocia, which is indeed a heavy blow to him. What the story is going to illustrate is that the impact on the whole world is insignificant, regardless of the existence or the elimination of individual.The next will be referred to Jordan, the character of For Whom the Bell Tolls. He, as a university student, rushes to the battlefields of Spain with the best feeling to the oppressed nations in the world. However, he

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