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形容词和副词的讲解与练习 修订版.docx

1、形容词和副词的讲解与练习 修订版形容词(adj.)和副词 (adv.)一,作用和位置(1)“形容词” 常用来修饰_ ,放在名词的_ 或者be / 系动词(例如:become / get / turn / feel 等)的_ 。例如: 漂亮的女孩 beautiful girl (beautiful 是形容词,放在名词 girl 的前面) The bag is big. ( big 是形容词,放在be 动词后面)(2)“副词” 修饰 _,_ ,_,_ 常放在所修饰动词的_, 所修饰形容词和副词的_,所修饰句子的_.例如: 大声说 speak loudly (speak 是动词,loudly就是副词

2、。) 非常好 very well(well“好地” 是副词,very是副词, 修饰well,放在它的前面) 真的美 really beautiful (really是副词真正地,beautiful是形容词美丽的,副词放在所修饰形容词的前面) 幸运的是,她通过了考试。Luckily,she passed the exam(幸运地是副词,它修饰整个句子,放在句首)二,形容词变副词的变化规则形容词变副词变化规则的口诀: _变化规则:副词(adv.) = 形容词 + ly carefully = careful + lyslow(adj. 缓慢的) _(adv. 缓慢地,慢慢地) quick (adj

3、. 迅速的,快的) _(adv. 快,迅速) safe(adj. 安全的) _(adv. 安全地)polite(adj. 礼貌的) _(adv.礼貌地)元e去e加 true(adj. 真的) _(adv.真正地,精确地)due(adj 适当的) _(adv 适当地)辅音字母加y 结尾的,要把y 变成 i , 再加 lyhappy(adj. 高兴的) happily (adv. 高兴地)heavy _ dry _busy _ shy _angry _ sly _以辅音字母加le结尾时,去e加ysimple(adj 简单的) simply (adv 简单地)possible _ comfortab

4、le _gentle _ sensible _特殊情况:有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。如:fast, early, late,hard,high 等。 good 的副词是 well !(切记) 一、把下面形容词变成副词。heavy _ slow _ fast _careful _ light _ careless _busy _ sad _ loud _natural _ successful _ late _good _ lucky _ early _bad _ nice _ beautiful_clever _ easy _ busy _ angry _ happy _ close _ g

5、entle _ wide _ safe _ deep _ high _ near _ fast _ 二,选词填空。1,He is a _ student, and he always does _ at school. ( good / well )2. My father usually finishes his jobs _. He is a _ man. ( successful / successfully)3. I am so _ today. I won the match _. ( lucky / luckily)4. Shanghai is a _ city. Everyone

6、 works _. (busy / busily )5. She sings really _. ( good / well )6. Dont drive too _ ( fast ). Its dangerous.7. Tim goes to school _ every day. But its too _ today. ( early) 8. I am never _ for school. But today I got to school too _. ( late )9. Listen to teachers _ in class. You should be _.( carefu

7、l / carefully)10, Tony is a _ boy. He lost his bag _ this morning. ( careless / carelessly)粗心的三用括号内词语的正确形式填空1、The flowers are very _. (beautiful)2、The girls are sitting there _ .(quiet)3、Theyre talking very _ . (loud)大声的4、We can get there _ . (easy)5、Theyre getting ready for the sports meeting _ . (

8、busy)6、Theyre living a _ life. (happy)7、The wind is blowing(吹) _ . (strong)8、He plays the piano _ .(bad)9、The river runs _ down the hill. (fast)10、The sun is shining _ . (bright)11、The man is riding his horse along the road _ . (slow)12、He is speaking _ . (angry)13、The children are running _ along t

9、he road. (happy)四,用括号里所给词的正确行使填空。1. Lily left _ ( angry ) yesterday.2. They are playing basketball _. They are so _ today. ( happy)3. Please write it down _ ( quick ).快速的4. I saw a grandma walk _ ( slow) in the park yesterday.5. Sally didnt pass the exam _ ( successful), so she is crying _ ( sad ).

10、6. I cant hear you _ ( clear ). Can you say it _ ( loud)?7. My grandma is very nice. She always smiles at us _ ( nice).8. My mother _ ( usual) goes shopping with me.9. Everything is getting _ ( good ) . 10. I hurt my knee _ ( bad ) yesterday. 11. I am working _ ( hard ) to get the best score.12. We

11、are playing _ ( good ) as a team now.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级一.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成:1单音节词和少数双音节词的比较级和最高级的构成情况构成方式原级比较级最高级一般情况加-er或-estnewlongnewerlongernewestlongest以e 结尾的词加-r或-stfinelatefinerlaterfinestlatest以“辅音+y”结尾的词变y为i再加-er 或-estearlyhappyearlierhappierearliesthappiest重读闭音节的词末尾只有一个辅音字母先双写辅音字母,再加-er或-esthott

12、hinfathotterthinnerfatterhottestthinnestfattest2多音节词和部分双音节词在其前面加more或 most。如:原级 比较级 最高级useful - more useful - most usefuldifficult - more difficult - most difficultdelicious - more delicious - most delicious3有几个形容词、副词的比较级和最高级属于不规则变化:原级比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad / illworseworstmany / muchmoremost

13、littlelessleastoldolder(新旧或年龄)/elder(兄弟姐妹的长幼关系)oldest/ eldestfarfarther(表示距离,译为“更远”)/ further(表示程度,译为“进一步的”)farthest/ furthest总结为“两好,两坏,两多,一少,一老,一远” 不规则。注意: healthy-healthier-healthiestfriendly-friendlier-friendliestcrowded-more crowded-most crowded一. 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级1. near _ _ high_ _ 2. warm _

14、_ clever_ _3. white _ _ blue _ _4. nice _ _ gentle_ _5. safe _ _ wide_ _6. close _ _ long_ _7. heavy _ _ sunny_ _8. early _ _ dry _ _9. busy _ _ happy _ _ 10. easy _ _ angry _ _11. windy _ _ little _ _12. thin _ _ fat _ _13. hot _ _ big _ _14. wet _ _ good_ _15. bad _ _ well _ _16. badly _ _ many_ _

15、17. much _ _ far _ _18. important _ _ 19. dangerous _ _ 20 beautiful _ _ 21. difficult _ _ 22. brightly _ _ 23. strongly _ _24. expensive _ _ 25. quietly _ _二.形容词、副词比较级的句型句型1:as+形容词原形+asThis jacket is as beautiful as that one.1.The white shirt is as _ as the yellow one.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapes

16、t D. the cheapest2Johnny doesnt sing quite _ the other boys and girls in his classAso well as Bas good like Cas well like Dso good as3. I dont believe the young man could run _ fast _ 20 kilometres an hourAas;as Bas;like Cmuch;as Dso;like句型2. not as+形容词原形+as=not so+形容词原形+as前者不及不如 后者This school is no

17、t as beautiful as that one.1. The girl doesnt run _ the boy.A. much faster as B. as fastest as C. more careful than D. so fast as2. The boy doesnt speak _ his sister,but his written work is very goodAas well as Bso good as Cmore better than Dmore worse than句型3 :1)表示“是.的几倍时” .倍数+as 原级as.This garden i

18、s ten times as large as that one。这个花园是那个的九倍大。倍数的表达:once ; twice ; three times; four times.2)表示“比.多几倍” 倍数 + 比较级+than .His garden is 9 times larger than that one.他的花园比那个大九倍。1. This garden is _ that one.Aten times as long as B. ten times longer as C. ten times longer as D. as long as ten times2-I have

19、three English dictionaries-I have nineI have three times _ youAas much as Bas many as Cas little as D1ess than句型4 :than.1、The girl sings _ than the boy. (beautiful)2、Jack plays football _ than Dick. (bad)3、The sun is shining _this afternoon than this morning. (bright)4、Jim works _ than Tom. (hard)5、

20、Children can learn languages more _ (easy) than adults.比较级+than any other+单数名词“比其他的任何一个.”He is taller than any other boy in his class.1.I think P.E. is _ any other subject.A. more important than B. the most important C. as important than D. as important as句型5 : the +比较级+of the two(the twins.) “两个中较.

21、” (表强调)Amy is the shorter of the two girls.句型6 :(单音节)比较级 + and + 比较级”(多音节)“more and more +原级”, 越来越better and betterfatter and fattermore and more beautiful(1)比较级 + and + 比较级 = 越来越 / 更、 更例如: 香港正变得更大更繁荣。 Hong Kong is getting bigger and busier. 他老了, 走得越来越慢了。He is getting old and he walks _ _ _ _. 现在Sim

22、on 学习越来越认真了。Now Simon is studying _ _ _ _.4、 The earth is getting _ .A. warm and warmer B. warmer and warm C. warmer and warmer D. warm, and warm5The car is running _ It seems to be flyingAmore and faster Bmore and fast Cfast and fast Dfaster and faster6.The weather is getting_and_(cold).句型7 the + 比较级, the + 比较级 = 越, 越Eg:开车越小心就越安全。 The more carefully you drive, the safer it is. 越喝多可乐就越胖。 The more cola you drink, the fatter you become. 练习越多就越容易。_ _ you practise, _ _ it is. 你说得越大声,我就越能听清楚。_ _ _ you speak, _

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