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Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence.docx

1、Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceLesson 2 Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence一、课文分析(Lesson Analysis)(一)课文地位(Lesson Position)1 本课的主要内容为马克吐温所著小说汤姆索耶历险记的节选, 讲述的是小说中的一个幽默故事。具体围绕主人公Tom如何利用“智慧”来欺骗他的朋友们为他粉刷篱笆展开。设计活动让学生讨论有关Friends, Tricks, Humour等话题,帮助学生理解并能在现实生活中正确运用、处理并对待这三个环节。2. 围绕“幽默故事”这一主题,设计活动让学生语言训练,加强对“幽默”内涵的理解,幽

2、默是生活的调料,有了幽默,人们会在轻松、愉快、真心、适意中消除烦忧,解脱症结,拓展情怀。3本课中出现了新的语法现象间接引语。本课主要学习直接引语是疑问句时,转换成间接引语应注意的语序、连接词、人称和时态的变化情况。如,Do you want to go swimming today? Ben asked Tom if he wanted to go swimming that day. What are you doing here, Tom? Aunt Polly asked Tom what he was doing there. 对于这一语法现象,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的句型操练

3、。4设计各种课堂活动,让学生在任务型教学模拟情境中反复操练本单元出现的间接引语这一语法现象。(二)课文目标(Lesson Target)1了解间接引语语法现象,能注意直接引语转换为间接引语时语序、连接词、人称与时态的变化, 并熟练运用间接引语进行描述。2能讲述一些自己熟悉的幽默故事,并能以小组形式将故事内容表演出来。 3能阅读马克吐温的其他小说的英语简易读物,并选择其中的一篇进行改写简述。(三)课文重点(Lesson Points)1关键词:trick sb. into doing sth., stop to do sth., go on doing sth., more and more,

4、be eager to, have a try, with great care, make fun of, end up, gain, up and down, sail, adopt, depth2 功能:1) Telling and acting out a humourous story. 2) Describing things using the reported speech(“间接引语”描述事物) He asked Sue if / whether her optional course was French or not. He asked me when I was goi

5、ng on a trip to Beijing. 3语法点:本课出现了间接引语,主要注意直接引语转换为间接引语时语序、连接词、人称与时态的变化,应作为本课的教学重点。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1Turning本栏目旨在对课文故事的引入,明确Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence这一故事与The Adventures of Tom Sawyer以及与 Mark Twain之间的关系。教师可以先让学生做一个“Guessing Game”的游戏,猜出Mark Twain。播放事先做好的有关Mark Twain的PPt, 让学生在围

6、绕Mark Twain小组讨论之后,说出一些他们所熟悉的马克吐温的杰作,自然导入Tuning In主题。借助Tuning In 中的图片和问题提示,让学生二人一组进行问答练习,以此达到帮助学生学习新词汇、巩固已知的相关词汇。链接1 Guessing Game的操作方法与建议。课本第129页Tuning In 部分。2Text以“Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence”这一故事为主题,设计以下活动,帮助学生整体感悟课文主要内容,以及相关词汇的表达与运用。活动一: 针对课文内容,设计“Jigsaw Reading” 活动,让学生3人一组,通过完成此活动达到对课文主要内容的熟悉与理解

7、。活动二:学生朗读全文,帮助学生解读课文难点之后,让学生两人一组,提供与课文相关的图片或关键词,进行故事复述。以此培养、提高学生Story telling的能力,以及强化相关词汇、句型的表达。活动三: 完成课后练习Comprehension Check,并引出讨论话题: What do you think of Tom? / Do you like such a tricky boy like Tom? / Have ever played tricks on others? 链接2 Jigsaw Reading的操作方法与建议。课本第130页Text课本第131至132页Comprehens

8、ion Check部分3 Discovering Language由于通过此单元第一课的学习,学生对“直接引语与间接引语”已相对了解与熟悉。教师可直接让学生朗读本栏目例句。以小组形式讨论例句后的4个问题,并引导学生思考、总结直接引语、间接引语的转换用法。学生回答问题,教师帮助总结用法。并通过“Chain Games”、 “Finish the sentence”和 “Matching Cards”等练习形式来巩固强化,使枯燥的语法讲解与学生的实际运用相结合。链接3 Matching Cards的教学建议。链接4 Finish the sentence的练习建议。课本第132至133页Disco

9、vering Language 部分4 Developing Skills Listening & Speaking由于Ex. 1的内容完全与课文一致,只是用来复习课文相关词汇,相对比较容易,可让学生独立完成后,全班校对答案,然后进行RolePlay 活动。 播放录音内容2遍,完成Ex. 2。 然后要求学生进行听读模仿训练。根据故事内容,给出关键词,让学生根据关键词,在小组内进行故事复述练习。组织学生准备一个 “A humours story”, 在组内进行讲故事比赛,选出组内的the funniest Story推选代表在班内进行讲述或表演。课本第133至136页Listening& Spe

10、aking部分5 Developing Skills - Reading本文出现的重要词汇:move to a town, watch the steamboats going up and down, have an ambition, work for a printer, help support his family, try several jobs, adopt his famous pen name, realize ones ambition等围绕“Mark Twains Life”这一话题。教师可根据文本内容,借助PPt设计练习,图文并茂,将其故事梗概呈现出来。采用变换不同的

11、练习,从而达到熟悉文本内容,以及训练语言的运用、表达能力。 结合Progress Check 4中的Ex.1中的图片与关键词, 制作成PPt,循序渐进,在组内进行Mark Twain生平介绍。围绕Mark Twain的生平事迹展开Career Path的讨论,从而分析并总结Mark Twain成功的原因。结合学生自己,引出话题“My Favourite Writer” 和 “My ambition” , 进行话题讨论活动。 建议老师可以提供其他一些Mark Twain或其他著名作家的相关作品的简易读本让学生进行扩展阅读、交流、讨论与写作。链接5 阅读部分Mark Twain PPt的教学设计。

12、 链接6 To be a dialogue builder的练习建议。课本第136至138页Reading 部分6 Developing Skills - Writing此写作练习要求比较不高,主要还是训练直接引语与间接引语之间的转换。教师可以让学生自行完成,以口头形式加以反馈,了解学生的掌握程度。同时,还可以提供更多类似看图说话练习,以Pyramid Group的形式完成直接引语与间接引语的转述写作练习,然后将各组的写作内容张贴在教室里,作为follow-up activity 供学生课后进行讨论、学习。链接7 Pyramid Group的操作方法与建议。课本第138至139页Writing

13、部分链接1 说明: 利用简单问句与回答的方式,来猜测一个物体、动物或人,是提供学生积极思维与运用语言的好机会。这一环节的运用能发挥学生的积极主动性,又能使学生们在活动中互帮互助、呈现合作结果,让全体学生都对相关的词汇加以回顾、复习与巩固。1. Take the word Person, write it on the board. 1 Students have to guess who he/she is.2 Encourage narrowing-down questions, and give generous hints if the guessing slows down or se

14、ems not to be progressing towards the right answer. 3 The number of questions can be limited to 10 or 20. 4 The student who guesses the answer is the winner. Variations: Instead of defining the item to be guessed by saying whether it is an object, animal or person, give different hints: whether it i

15、s animal, vegetable or mineral; the first letter of the word (I spy with my little eye something beginning with); the coulor; the size, whether you like it or not, etc. 链接2 说明:拼板阅读法是将阅读能力与听说能力的培养有效结合的另一种方法,是信息沟活动的典型。它将无声的阅读课和乏味的听力变为“听,说,读”多项技能相辅相成,共同发展的符合交际法教学的活跃课堂。这一灵活的教学形式不仅可以积极地促进学生获得语言知识,提高阅读能力,

16、同时也培养学生的口语能力和交际能力。1. Select an article to suit your teaching purpose and student level. Decide how many sections into which you will divide all or part of it. (I recommend three, and no more than 4 sections, or the second group activity (see Procedure below) becomes time consuming.) If possible, enl

17、arge it on a photocopying machine to make it easier for students to read and for you to cut. Generally you will want to omit the first paragraph of an average article because it contains all the key information. 2. Label each sheet differently as a way of making sure students in the first group acti

18、vity have the same handout. I recommend using colors (e.g. blue, red and green) as labels instead of numbers or letters. When numbers (1, 2 and 3) or letters (A, B and C) are used, students often assume that they indicate the order in which the sections appear in the original article. Using colors a

19、voids this problem. 3. Divide the class into 3 or 4 groups, depending on how many sections you have divided the article into. (More than four sections usually take too much time.) Give the same section of the article to each member of a particular group. 4. Have the students go through their section

20、 of the article together until they are all satisfied that they understand it and can explain it to others.5. As a group, have the students write out two questions they would like to ask others to gain a better understanding of the entire article.6. When you feel the students are ready, have them fo

21、rm new groups with at least one member of each of the other groups. (For example, combine a member from the red, blue and green groups.) Warn them not to show their papers to the members of the new group.7. Ask someone from each group to explain what they think the article is about and any other imp

22、ortant points or questions that came up as they tried to piece the article back together again. Eventually, each member must learn the entire article by sharing information with others in the group.For Example: ( Blue, Green, Red paper)链接3 说明:Matching Cards是任务型练习设计的一种行之有效的活动形式之一。学生通过合作,在小组中交流,为学生提供了

23、一个语言学习、语言锻炼的机会。此练习在训练直接引语与间接引语的同时,也很好地复习了动词的时态。1. On separate cards, write key words that can be put together to form sentences. Clip together the cards for each sentence. 2. Divide the class into 6 groups and give a clipped set of cards to each group.3. Have students work in groups, pick out the ve

24、rbs from the cards and find its correct collocation with a noun to form a verb phrase first. Then Have each group write a sentence based on their set of cards. Have one member of each group write that groups sentence on the board to check the accuracy.How can I make a home page?I read newspapers eve

25、ry day.Can you put up the couplets for me?Have the students copied down the words yet?Why dont you shut the window?Will Lily thrown away the rubbish soon? 4. Write six incomplete sentences on the cards and distribute them to each group. a) Peter is a man of wide information. He said _. b) The teache

26、r entered the classroom and asked the students _.c) Mother is decorating our house for Spring Festival celebration. She asked me _?d) Its raining and the wind is strong. I asked my brother _.e) Lily is busy cleaning the desks and chairs in the classroom now. She told monitor _.f) My 10-year-old cous

27、in is very interested in computer. She phoned me and asked _. 5. Have students take turns picking up one card and reading the half sentence to the group. That group completes each sentence with the appropriate sentence on the board using the indirect Speech and decides if the sentence makes sense or

28、 nonsense. If nonsense, make necessary changes. Continue until all the cards have been picked. 链接4 说明:英语是一门基础性的交际学科,学习它的最终目的是为了运用。任何一种语言都离不开它当时的情景和实践的基础,否则它是无源之水,无本之木。在英语教学中创设情景非常重要。Finish the sentence就是通过情景创设,进行语法教学的,有了比较真实地语言情景和实践的基础,学习起来也就不会困难重重。1 Begin a sentence and have students add appropriat

29、e endings to the sentence.For example:Teacher: What did you ask the doctor?Student A: I asked the doctor why my arm hurt.Student B: I asked the doctor if/whether I needed to take medicine. Student C: I asked the doctor when I could go back to school? Student D: Teacher: What did you ask your new nei

30、ghbour?Student A: I asked my new neighbour whether/if he kept any pets.Student B: I asked my new neighbour whether/if his children were happy about moving. Student C: I asked my new neighbour where he was going for the May Day holidayStudent D: 2 Other possible beginnings:a) What did you asked that

31、police officer?b) What did you asked your dentist?c) What did Bob asked the waiter?d) What did you asked the mechanic?e) What did you asked pet?f) What did your mother asked the bank clerk? g) What did they ask the bus conductor? 3 Variation: This activity may be done as a class, in pairs or small groups, or as a game with competing teams. 链接5 说明: 利用图片进行英语教学,既直观,又省时省力。在教学故事性较强的文章时,可事先按故事内容及发展顺序,以图片形式制作成PPt. 利用图片,可帮助学生呈现故事的主要内容,使得学生在训练、运用语言准确性的同时,借助图片来扩展内容,

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