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1、定国家霸诸侯中国古代第一相管仲Unit ElevenA Great Inventor一、教 法 建 议抛砖引玉单元双基学习目标 .语汇学习 change,call(v),own(v),send,become,invent,interested,operate,save,send away,try out,send for,turn down,become/be interested in .交际英语 What do you call them in English? Can you name them? I want to try out some of my ideas. Ask him t

2、o turn it down. She said hers has broken down. Which of these do you think is the most useful invention? Which of these would you most like to own? Its not a very good line. The line is bad. Could you speak more slowly? Tomorrow if possible. She wanted to borrow my radio. The doctor wanted to operat

3、e. Tell her to turn it down. Ask them to speak more loudly. Retell Lesson 42 in simple sentences. .语法学习动词不定式用作宾语和宾语补足语 常见的以不定式做宾语的动词有:want,like,wish,hope,try,ask,start,begin,forget,remember,learn,choose,agree,tell 等。如: We must try to do well in every subject. I forget to bring my key. I like to watc

4、h TV. The doctor wanted to operate. She wanted to borrow my radion 不定式在句中可做宾语的补足语,以表示宾语的动作或情况。能以不定式作宾语补足语的谓语动词常见的有 ask,tell,invite,get,want,help,wish,like,would like 等。如: Would you like us to go with you? Ill get someone to mend my bike. Tell her to turn it down. Ask him to come quickly. She taught

5、him to read and write. 在 make,let,see,hear,watch,feel 等动词后做宾补的动词不定式不带 to。如: I often see them take a walk together.(我经常看到他们在一块散步。) Let me try.(让我试试。)指点迷津单元重点词汇点拨 1.invent 发明;创造 Thomas Edison invented the electric lamp. 【点拨】invent 是指发明前所未有的东西,discover 是指发现以前人们未注意到的东西。invent 的名词形式是 invention (发明),inven

6、tor (发明家)。 Edison was a great inventor. 2.change 改换;更换;改变;变化 He changed his clothes. The weather changed suddenly. Great changes have taken place in that village. There was little change in him. 【点拨】change+sth. +for+sth.意为“将某物更换成某物”。change+from+sth. +to+sth.意为“由换乘”。如:I changed from the subway to a b

7、us. change 作名词讲时,还有“零钱”之意,如:pay in small change (以零钱付款)。 把叫做;称呼 What do you call this in English? She is called Mary. 【点拨】call sb. sth.是“把某人叫做”之意。 4.fridge 电冰箱 He bought a fridge yesterday. 【点拨】fridge 是英语口语的说法,美国口语亦称 icebox,书面语为 refrigerator。 5.own 所有;拥有 John owns a car. 【点拨】own 常指通过合法手段取得而长期

8、占有。另 own 为状态性动词,一般不用进行时态。of ones own 意为“属于某人自己的”。如:This house is hers.=This house is of her own.=This house belongs to her. 6.send 派,派遣,派人(去请,去拿);寄发;送 I will send my son to you with my message. He is ill,we must sent for the doctor at once. Ill send you a birthday present. 【点拨】send 的过去式、过去分词为 sent。s

9、end for 意为“派人去叫”,send out是“发出”之意。 7.strange 奇怪的;古怪的;陌生的 I am strange to this part of the town. Strange to say,he was calm. This place is strange to me. 【点拨】strange 的反义词为 familiar,它无比较等级。be strange to 意为“对生疏”,strange to say 意为“说也奇怪”。 8.become 变得;成为 It became darker and darker. He has become a famous

10、man. 【点拨】become 的过去式、过去分词为 became,become。后常接名词、形容词作表语。又如:The young man became angry with the guard. 9.interested 感兴趣的;关心的 They are very interested to hear about the good news. He becomes interested in sports. 【点拨】be interested in意为“对感兴趣”。 10.mirror 镜子 Mary looked at herself in the mirror. 【点拨】look i

11、n the mirror 是“照镜子”之意。 11.light (1)光,光亮,光线(不可数名词) There is enough light in this room. (2)灯,灯光,发光体(物)(可数名词) Dont forget to turn off the lights. 【点拨】light 还可作形容词,意“明亮的,轻的”。lighted 常用作形容词,置于名词之前,如 a lighted stick=a butning stick(点着的棍)。 12.operate 动手术;运转(不及物动词);操作,开动(及物动词) It is not difficult to operate

12、 a lift. The doctor will operate on her leg tomorrow. The machine is not operating properly. 【点拨】operate on sb.意为“给某人动手术”。 13.clear 清楚的;清晰的;晴朗的;明白的 Mary has a very clear head. I am not clear about that. 【点拨】作形容词时,clear 指清澈透明。clean 指没有尘埃、脏东西。clearly 是 clear 的副词形式。 救;挽救 He saved the child from

13、 the river. They saved the old man from the fire. 【点拨】save ones face 意为“保全某人面子”。save ones life 意为“救某人的命”。 15.line (电话的)线路;电线;线,绳 Hold the line,please. He drew a line with his pencil and ruler. 【点拨】be lined with 意“排列着”。The road is lined with trees.单元词组思维运用 1.lift up 抬起,提起,举起 The boy lifted the box of

14、 sweets up and rushed out of the room. bad for 对有害 They say that smoking is bad for the health. Dont read in the sun. Its bad for your eyes. Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. 【说明】反义词组是:be good for (对有利)。 3.send away 撵走,开除;解雇 Why did the boys teacher send him away from school? The bad youn

15、g man was sent away from his factory. 4.try out 试验;尝试 Befory you buy any machine,its best to try it out first. When he was a child,he was always trying out new ideas. 【说明】try on 意为“试穿”。She tried the dress on before a mirror. 5.take sb. (sth.) out of 把某人(某物)从某处带走(拿出) Let me take you out of the park.

16、She was taking the things out of the basket,when she dropped a bag of sweets.(她当时正把东西从篮子里拿出来,这时候她掉了一袋糖果。) 6.become (be) interested in 对变得有兴趣 Even before he was ten,he became very interested in science. He is interested in the study of English. the age of 在岁时 He began to learn English at the age

17、 of seven. At what age do children start school in your country? 8.send for 派人去请(叫) Mother sent Tom for the doctor, but he isnt back yet. The next day they sent for the lost cat. 9.turn down(收音机、灯等)关小,调低 Could you turn your radio down,please? Please turn down the TV. Its too loud. 10.break down 坏了,损

18、坏;坍塌 The bus broke down on the way to school. 11.have an idea 想出一个办法 Use your head,and youll have an idea. I have a good idea. 12.Whatof?为什么? What do you come here for?你来此干什么?二、学 海 导 航学法指要单元难点疑点思路明晰 1.One day when he was five years old,his father saw him sitting on some eggs.他五岁时一天,爱迪生的父亲看见他坐在一些鸡蛋上。

19、 (1)when he was five years old 是宾语从句,修饰前面的名词 one day,表示“当他五岁时的一天”。one day 通常表示过去的某一天,some day 通常表示将来的某一天。 (2)sitting on some eggs 是一个现在分词短语,作宾语 him 的补足语。有些动词,如:see,hear,feel,find,watch,keep 等常接“名词/代词+现在分词”,组成复合宾语,说明宾语正在干什么事。又如: I saw him working in the garden yesterday. Did you hear him reading Engl

20、ish in the garden? 现在分词作宾语补足语和不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语的区别是:现在分词表示动作正在进行,而不带 to 的不定式则表示动作已经完成。如: I saw him putting his hand into his pocket.(动作正在进行) I saw him put his hand into his pocket.(动作已经完成) 上面这些句子里的动词都是表示感觉的动词,在它们后面作宾语补足语的,可以是现在分词,也可以是不带 to 的不定式。 2.Which of these do you think is the most useful invent

21、ion?这些发明中你认为哪一种发明的东西最有用? 本句的疑问句是:Which of these is the most useful invention?do you think 是疑问句中的插入语。又如: Which of these do you think is the most useful animal? Which part of this book do you think is the most interesting? How long did you think she would stay here? 3.He was always trying out new idea

22、s.他老是对一些新的想法进行试验。 “be always+doing”意思是“老是,总是做”,此处的进行时表示频繁、反复出现的动作,与 always 连用时,加强感情色彩。如: He is always thinking of helping his friends.(表示“赞扬”) He is always helping his classmates with their English.(表示“赞赏”) You are always making the same mistakes.(表示“厌烦”) He is always borrowing money.(表示“厌烦”) Tom is

23、 always coming late to school.(表示“不满”) 此句型的否定式是 must not always be+doing。如: You must not always be talking so much.(你不要老是讲这么多话。) He must not always be translating everything into his own language.(他不应该老是把什么都译成本国语。) 4.He asked him why he was doing that.他问他为什么要那样做。 why he was doing that 是由连接副词 why 引导的

24、宾语从句,作 asked 的宾语。 值得注意的是:由连接副词或连接代词引导的宾语从句应是陈述句句式,而不能是疑问句句式。又如: Do you know why we have put off our meeting till next week? Tom tried to find out what was wrong with the engine. You must tell him which he should choose. 5.She found him a very good pupil.她发现他是个非常出色的学生。 a very good pupil 作 him 的宾语补足语。

25、又如: I find her a very good teacher. 注意,不可以说:I find her is a very good teacher.其中 is 应去掉。 You will find it an interesting book. The man found the place a very beautiful village. They made him captain of the ship. They named the child Jimmy. We elected Li Ping monitor of our class. I think him a quite

26、 clever boy. 6.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 其中 doing sth. 作 sb. 的宾语补足语,是由现在分词短语充当的。doing sth.强调动作正在进行。如:I saw her singing in the mext room just now.(我刚才看见她正在隔壁唱歌。) 注意:see sb. doing sth. 与 see sb. do sth. 要区分开。see sb. do sth. 中 dosth. 是动词不定式充当宾语补足语,do sth.强调动作的全过程。如:I saw her sing inthe next room just

27、 now.(我刚才看见她在隔壁唱歌了。) 7.We havent got enough money for that kind of thing.买那种东西,我们没有足够的钱。 其中 enough 是形容词,修饰名词 money。又如: I have enough time to do my homework. 另外 enough 还可以做副词,可以构成句型 adj. +enough to do sth.,意为“足以怎么样来做某事”。如: He is old enough to go to school.(她足够大,能上学了。) enough 还有名词词性,可以充当宾语。如:We have e

28、nough.(我们足够的了。) 8.Can you name them?你能说出它们的名称吗? 此处 name 用作动词,意为“名叫”、“命名”、“起名”等,本句可以写成 Can you name their names?句中有两个 name,前者用作动词,后者用作名词。 9.the second most useful invention 第二项最有用的发明 其中 second 等其他序数词用在形容词或副词的最高级前,表示“第几最”的意思,如下文中 the third most useful invention (第三项最有用的发明。) 10.Which of these would you

29、 most like to own? 其中 own 此处作动词,意为“拥有”,“所有”。own 用作形容词时,意为“自己的”,用来加强语气。如: I saw it with my own eyes.(我亲眼所见。) This is his own house.(这是他自己的房子。) 11.He was born in 1847 and died in 1913.他生于一八四七年,死于一九一三年。 句中 and 后省略了主语 he。表示某(些)人出生要用 was (were) born结构。 12.He was always trying out new ideas.他总是试验一些新的设想。 其

30、中 try out 意为“(彻底)试验”。句中过去进行时 was trying out 和副词 always 连用,表示过去经常反复发生的动作,含有赞扬情感。如: She was always doing things for other people.(她总是为别人做好事。) 13.Hens are able to have chicks.母亲能够孵出小鸡。 其中 be able to 意为“能够”,可以用来代替 can。can 是情态动词,只有过去式和现在式,不能用于其他时态,因此在将来时态或完成时态里必须用 be able to 来代替 can。同时 be able to 强调具有某种能

31、力。如: I shall be able to do so.(我会那样做的。) I have been able to do so.(我已经那样做了。) 上述两个句子,用情态动词 can 就无法表示了。 14.Why cant I?为什么我就不能呢? 这是 Whe cant I have chicks?的省略句。否定形式的疑问句含有“难道”,“竟然”的意思。 15.Young Tom was in school for only three months.小汤姆只念了三个月书。 其中 be in school 意为“在校读书”,“上学期间”。 16.and he asked her to take the boy out of school.他让她把孩子从学校接出去。 其中动词不定式短语 to take the boy out of school 在句中作宾语 her 的补足语。takeout of意为“把某物从某处拿走”、“把某人从某处带走”。 17.Even before he was ten,he be

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