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1、关于美国海龟海虾案中英文新版翻译汇总翻译汇总(注意红字)题目:美国 -禁止进口某些虾及虾制品上诉机构的报告 目 录(一) 导言:上诉声明. 1(二) 当事人及第三方的争论 6A 关于美国所犯错误的声明上诉方 6 1非要求的非官方资料 6 2 1994年的关贸总协定第二十条 6B 印度,巴基斯坦和泰国 联合上诉人12 1非要求的非官方资料 12 2 1994年的关贸总协定第二十条13C 马来西亚 上诉人 18 1非要求的非官方资料 18 2 1994年的关贸总协定第二十条18D 第三方的争论 20 1 澳大利亚20 2 厄瓜多尔22 3 欧洲共同体23 4 中国,香港 25 5 尼日利亚27(三

2、) 程序和裁决的事项 28 A对于非政府组织简报追加到美国上诉方提交的文件的允许 28 B充分的上诉通知书 31(四) 本上诉案中提出的问题 34(五) 委员会程序以及非要求资料 34(六) 根据1994年关贸总协定第20条对美国第609条的评价39A委员会调查结果和解释性分析 39B.第20条(g):关于第609条的临时理由 46 1 “可耗竭的自然资源”46 2 “有关对耗尽的自然资源的保护”51 3 “如果这些措施有效配合对国内生产或消费的限制”54C第20条的介绍性条款:根据前文的标准对609条进行定性55 1 一般注意事项55 2 “不合理的歧视”63 3 “任意歧视”72(七) 发

3、现和结论76I. Introduction By 刘禹简介I.1 On 6 November 1998, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) adopted the Appellate Body Report on United States Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products (WT/DS58/AB/R) and the Panel Report (WT/DS58/R), as modified by the Appellate Body Report, requesting tha

4、t the United States bring its measure found to be inconsistent with Article XI of the GATT 1994, and not justified under Article XX of the GATT 1994 into conformity with the obligations of the United States under that Agreement.1.1 1998年11月6日,争端解决机构(DSB)接受了上诉机构“美国对于特定海虾及海虾制品的进口禁止”的报告(WT/DS58/AB/R),以

5、及为上诉机构报告所修正的专家组报告(WT/DS58/R),要求美国使其不符GATT1994第11条、且在GATT1994第20条下无正当性的措施符合美国条约项下的义务。I.2 On 21 January 1999, the United States and the other parties to the dispute agreed to a13month reasonable period of time for the United States to comply with the recommendations and rulings of the DSB. 1.2 1999年1月

6、21日,美国与争议其他诸方达成合意,给予美国13个月的合理期限,使之符合DSB的条款要求。I.3 In a communication dated 12 January 2000, Malaysia and the United States informed the DSB of the understanding reached between Malaysia and the United States regarding possible proceedings pursuant to Articles 21 and 22 of the Understanding on Rules a

7、nd Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) concerning the implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings in this case. This communication confirms the understanding reached between Malaysia and the United States, pursuant to an exchange of letters dated 22 December 1999, whereby

8、 they agreed that if Malaysia at some future date decided that it may wish to initiate proceedings under Article 21.5 and Article 22 of the DSU, Malaysia would initiate proceedings under Article 21.5 prior to any proceedings under Article 22; for this purpose Malaysia would provide the United States

9、 advance notice of any proposal to initiate proceedings under Article 21.5 and hold consultations with the United States before requesting the establishment of a panel under Article 2000年1月12日的一次会谈中,马来西亚与美国通知DSB,称美马双方已就美国根据DSU第21和22条履行DSB对本案要求的可能措施达成共识。此次会谈加强了美马双方曾于1999年12月22日双方互函中对彼此的理解,在互

10、函中,双方一致同意,若马来西亚今后决定根据DSU第21条第五款以及第22条启动诉讼程序,那么为此马方关于启动诉讼程序的任何计划都应向美方发出提前通知,并且马方在根据第21条第五款请求成立专家组之前应与美方进行磋商。I.4 On 12 October 2000, Malaysia requested the DSB, pursuant to Article 21.5 of the DSU, to establish a Panel to find that by not lifting the import prohibition and not taking the necessary mea

11、sures to allow the importation of certain shrimp and shrimp products in an unrestrictive manner, the United States has failed to comply with the 6 November 1998 recommendations and rulings of the Dispute Settlement Body. Malaysia further requested that the Panel suggest that the United States should

12、 lift the import prohibition immediately and allow the importation of certain shrimp and shrimp products in an unrestrictive manner in order to comply with the said recommendations and rulings of the Dispute Settlement Body. 1.4 2000年10月12日,马来西亚根据DSU第21条第五款请求DSB成立专家组,以证明“如果美国不解除其对特定海虾与海虾制品的进口禁止,并不采取

13、必要措施使之在非严格条件下得以进口,则美国已经不能符合1998年11月6日DSB的相关要求。”马来西亚进一步要求:“专家组应建议美国立即解除其进口禁止,并允许非严格措施下的海虾进口,以期符合DSB的相关要求。”I.5 At its meeting on 23 October 2000, the DSB decided, in accordance with Article 21.5 of the DSU, to refer to the original panel the matter raised by Malaysia in WT/DS58/17. Australia, Canada,

14、Ecuador, the European Communities, India, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Thailand and Hong Kong, China reserved their third-party rights.1.5 2000年10月23日的会议上,根据DSU第21条第五款,DSB决定启用马来西亚WT/DS58/17案中的原专家组。澳大利亚,加拿大,厄瓜多尔,欧盟,印度,日本,墨西哥,巴基斯坦,泰国以及香港,中国保留第三方权利。B. Terms of reference 职权范围 I.1 At the meeting of the DSB o

15、n 23 October 2000, it was agreed that the Panel should have standard terms of reference as follows: To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of the covered agreements cited by Malaysia in document WT/DS58/17, the matter referred to the DSB by Malaysia in that document and to make such fin

16、dings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in those agreements.1.6 在DSB2000年10月23日的会议上,认为专家组有如下标准职权范围:“:根据马来西亚文件WT/DS58/17中对适用协定的有关规定,查明以下几点由马来西亚在文件中认为适于DSB的相关事项,并且做出坚持DSB要求以及由协议提供的相关条款的裁决。“C. Panel composition 专家组人员构成I.1 The Panel was composed o

17、f the original panellists as follows: Chairperson: Mr. Michael Cartland Members: Mr. Carlos Mrcio Cozendey Mr. Kilian Delbrck1.7 专家组由原专家组成员构成,具体情况如下:专家组主席:Mr. Michael Cartland成员:Mr. Carlos Mrcio Cozendey Mr. Kilian DelbrckI.2 The Panel met with the parties on 23 January 2001 and with the parties and

18、 third parties on24January 2001. In a communication dated 15 February 2001, the Chairperson of the Panel informed the DSB that the Panel would not be able to issue its report within 90 days after the date of referral of the matter to it. The reasons for that delay are stated in WT/DS58/19. The Panel

19、 issued its report to the parties on 16 May 2001 and circulated the report to Members on 15 June 2001.1.8 专家组于2001年1月23日与诸方会见,并于2001年1月24日与争议双方及第三方会见。在2001年2月15日的一次谈话中,专家组主席通知DSB,称专家组将不能在转交争议事项之后的90天之内提交报告。延迟的原因已在WT/DS58/19中写明。专家组于2001年5月16日向各方提交了报告,并且在2001年6月15日起该报告在成员国之间流通。II. FACTUAL ASPECTS 事实方面

20、A. Conservation issues “保护“问题II.1 As described during the consultations of the Original Panel with scientific experts, most populations of sea turtles are considered to be threatened or endangered, due to human activity, either directly (sea turtles have been exploited for their meat, shells and egg

21、s), or indirectly (incidental capture in fisheries, destruction of their habitats, pollution of the oceans). Seven species of sea turtles have been identified and are distributed mainly in subtropical or tropical areas of the world. Marine turtles are highly migratory animals, which make use of reso

22、urces available in different parts of the globe only during part of the year or of their life cycles. Sea turtles migrate between their foraging and nesting grounds, but come ashore to lay their eggs. After approximately two to three months of incubation, the sea turtle hatchlings emerge and head fo

23、r the sea. The survival rate of these hatchlings is low, with few reaching the age of reproduction (1050 years, depending on the species). As confirmed by the scientific experts, during their lifetime, marine turtles migrate through a variety of habitats and across or outside national jurisdictional

24、 boundaries.2.1 据称在原专家组与科学家商谈期间,大多数的海龟都被认为是由于直接或间接的人类活动濒临灭绝的。(直接原因:为海龟肉及龟壳、蛋而捕杀之;间接原因:捕鱼过程中偶捕海龟,对海龟生活环境的破坏,或海洋污染。)。特别标明的海龟有七种,并主要分布于亚热带及热带海域。海龟是一种极爱迁徙的动物,它们充分利用世界各地可得的资源,哪怕这些资源仅在一年中的部分时段或他们生命的某阶段出现。海龟在他们的觅食地和筑巢地间迁徙,但是上岸产卵。经过大约2到3个月的孵卵期,小海龟就孵化了 ,并且爬向了大海(*_*) 小海龟的存活率很低,只有少部分能活到生产期(_) (根据海龟品种不同,可分为10到5

25、0年)。正如科学家所强调的,在海龟的一生中,他们在多个生活环境中来回迁徙,并超越了国家界限。II.2 The 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) recognizes all seven species of marine turtles as threatened with extinction and lists these species in Appendix I of CITES. All species except the Aust

26、ralian flatback are listed in Appendices I and II of the 1979 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS or the Bonn Convention). These species are also included in the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species 2000. 2.2 1973年的CITES(关于濒危野生动植物物种的国际贸易

27、公约)中认为,这七种海龟均为濒危品种,并将其列入CMS(1979年波恩公约)的附录一、附录二。这些品种的海龟也被列入了世界保护组织的红色濒危名单2000中。II.3 Given their highly migratory nature, the protection and conservation of threatened marine turtles requires the concerted action of all States within the national jurisdictions in which such species spend any part of t

28、heir life cycle. An Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles was negotiated between 1993 and 1996 with countries of the Caribbean and Western Atlantic region. The Inter-American Convention entered into force on 2May2001, 90days after the eighth instrument of ratification was deposited with the Government of Venezuela. 2.3 鉴于其极爱迁徙的天性,对濒危海龟的保护便要求全国有海龟生存的各州的通力合作。一份关于保护海龟的美洲公约已由加勒比海-大西洋区的国家于1993到1996年间达成。美洲公约在委内瑞拉政府第八份批准书交存文书之后的90天生效的,即2001年5月2日。II.4 Recent international cooperative efforts in the South-East Asian region includ

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