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1、报刊词汇汇编中文英文报刊词汇汇编(中文-英文)1 (急性)淋巴性白血病 (acute) lymphatic leukemia; lymphemia 2 复发 have/suffer a relapse; recur be non-recurrent 不会复发 tend to recur 可能复发 be reliable/prone to recur/relapse可能复发 风湿病复发 suffer a return of rheumatism 心脏病复发 have another heart attack/ have a return of the heart attack / suffer

2、a relapse of heart ailment He has had several recurrences of his illness. 他的病已多次复发。recurrent rate 复发率 旧病复发have a recurrence of an old illness /have a relapse of an old ailment/ suffer a relapse relapse into ones old bad habits/slip back into old ways3 剂量 dose/dosagegive the correct/moderate dose 给规定

3、/适度的剂量 booster dose增效剂量 maximum/minimum dosage 最大/最小剂量 take medicine in large doses 按大剂量服药 Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超过规定的剂量。Whats the correct dosage for the children? 孩子该服多大的剂量?4 chemotherapy化疗(化学疗法)5 脐带 umbilical cord/ stalkumbilical infection 脐带感染 umbilical cord blood 脐带血6 哀思 sad fe

4、eling (about the deceased); sorrow and griefgive expression to ones grief寄托哀思 deep sorrow and grief 深深的哀思 7.防治 provide prevention and cure/ prevent and cure/ administer prophylaxis and treatmentprevent and control plant diseases and eliminate pests 防治病虫害prevent and remedy environmental pollution防治环境

5、污染8.确诊 make a definite diagnosis/ diagnose definitelyHer case defies exact diagnosis. 很难确诊她到底患的什么病。His illness has been diagnosed definitely as cancer. 他的病已确诊为癌症。9.当务之急 thing of top priority/ urgent matter /most pressing matterEnvironmental protection is of paramount importance. 保护环境是当务之急。Survival i

6、s their first imperative.他们的当务之急是设法生存下去。10.致病 causes a disease pathogenic bacteria致病菌 pathogenicity 致病性11. 力度 strength /forcestrength reforms加大改革力度 get tough on the anti-porn campaign 加大扫黄力度12. 迫在眉睫 extremely urgent/ impending/ pressing/ imminentpressing/ urgent matter 迫在眉睫的事情 War is imminent.战争迫在眉睫

7、。13. 同事间的勾心斗角 office politics14. 试用期 probationary / probation periodpass ones probation period 通过试用期 The new clerk on trial was found to be incompetent. 这个新职员在试用期内被发现不合格。 15. 杯水车薪 trying to put out a blazing cartload of faggots with a cup of waterutterly inadequate measure; a drop in the bucket; use

8、less attemptAid to the earthquake victims at that time was little more than a drop in the bucket.那时对地震灾民的援助不过是杯水车薪。16. 保险赔偿额 insurance proceedsinsurance indemnity / compensation 保险赔偿17. 特大交通事故 extraordinarily serious traffic accidentextraordinarily serious natural calamities特大自然灾害 giant gas field 特大

9、气田most welcome news; excellent news特大喜讯 catastrophic flood 特大洪水18. 付诸东流 come to naught / nothing; be irrevocably lost All that hard work done has been in vain. / All the efforts have been to no avail. 一切辛苦都付诸东流了。19. 磋商 consult / confer / negotiate (with sb. ) (about / on / over sth.); exchange views

10、; hold a discussion / consultationnegotiate contract terms 磋商合同条款 have private consultations with 私下磋商have / hold consultations (with sb.); consult with sb. 进行磋商After negotiation, the two sides agreed on a ceasefire. 经过磋商,双方达成了停战协议。They consulted long, but couldnt decide yet. 他们磋商了很久,但未做出决定。 20. 扫兴

11、spoil ones fun; damp ones spirit; throw a damper over; impair ones interest; cloud / spoil / dampen ones pleasure; throw a wet blanket (on) 大杀风景=大煞风景 spoil the fun completely;be an eye-sore; be a wet blanketrain on sbs parade 使人扫兴 wet blanket; damper 使人扫兴的人Dont spoil the pleasure of everyone. 别扫了大家的

12、兴。His zeal was dampened by the apathy of the public. 公众的冷淡使他很扫兴。How disappointing! 真扫兴!21. 联名 sign jointlyjointly publish联名发表 jointly initiate /sponsor联名发起 submit a joint petition联名上书 22. 特大自然灾害 extraordinarily serious natural calamities 23. 黑钱ill-gotten money; dirty moneyaccept illegal money / take

13、 bribery 收黑钱money laundering洗黑钱24. 出任 take up a post; fill /hold /occupy a position hold / maintain a key post 出任要职25. 特命全权大使 Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 26. 家禽养殖业 poultry farming / industry27. 中期 middle periodinterim budget 中期预算 an interim report 中期报告、临时性的报告interim dividends 期中股利 i

14、ntermediate-term loan 中期贷款medium objective 中期目标 mid-term election; off-year election 中期选举 medium outlook 中期展望28. 海难 perils of the sea; marine accident / disaster; shipwreck29. 主体工程 principal part of a project30. 鲮鱼 dace31. 孔雀石绿 peacock green; malachite green32. 说客 persuasive talker lobbyist; persuad

15、er 33. 通车 open to traffic / have transport serviceWe hope that the railway will be built and put into use as early as possible.我们期望这条铁路早日建成通车。 The highway will be open to traffic by the National Day. 这条公路国庆节前通车。Transport service is now available even in my hometown, a small mountain village. 我的老家在山区

16、,现在也通车了。34. 浓硫酸 concentrated sulfuric acid35. 查获 hunt down and seize; track down; ferret outtrack down and seize a large amount of drugs 查获大量毒品track down a gang of international smugglers 查获国际走私团伙36. 私藏 privately possess; illegally keep / own /storeillegally store guns and ammunitions 私藏枪支弹药37. 速冻 q

17、uick-freeze; snap-freeze; deep-freezequick-frozen jiaozi / fish 速冻饺子/鱼 deep-frozen fruit 速冻水果37. 歇业 go out of business; close a businessThe supermarket will close business tomorrow. 这家超市明天歇业。38. 翻供 retract / withdraw ones confessionHe retracted his confession and pleaded not guilty. 他翻供并申辩无罪.39. 捏造

18、concoct; fabricate; invent; cook / make / trump up fabricate false accounting 捏造假帐 trump up an excuse 捏造口实concoct an excuse捏造理由 conjure up figures 捏造数字fabricate facts 捏造证据concoct / create / fabricate / invent facts; cook / make up a story捏造事实trump up charges捏造罪名frame a case against sb. 捏造案情陷害某人Those

19、 charges are sheer fabrications. 那些指控纯属捏造。40. 隐患 hidden danger / peril / trouble; snake in the grass; pitfallscent a hidden danger 发现隐患 constitute a latent danger构成隐患try to find out the hidden troubles 检查隐患lessen the hidden dangers减少隐患remove the hidden danger / peril (of); nip any trouble in the bud

20、 消除隐患cause / court a hidden trouble造成隐患 fire hazard 消防隐患discover the source of potential danger 找到隐患根源The hotel is a firetrap and isnt insurable. 那家饭店有火灾隐患,因而不能投火险。41. 含量 content23% of alcohol content 23%的酒精含量 net content 净含量42. 超标 exceed the provided / set standard be fined for exceeding the emissi

21、on / sewage drainage standard 因超标排气/排污被罚款43. 缓解 subside; alleviate; allay; lessen; ease upalleviate the food shortage 缓解食品短缺 alleviate / allay a pain 缓解痛苦The bumper harvest greatly ease up the shortage of grain supply. 丰收大大缓解了粮食供应短缺的情况。The filling clearly subsided the toothache. 补过牙后,牙痛明显缓解。Music ea

22、ses pain, reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure. 音乐缓解疼痛,减轻忧患,降低血压。44. 速滑(速度滑冰)speed skating short-track speed skating 短道速滑 45. 浅尝辄止 be satisfied with a smattering of a subject; be satisfied with superficial knowledge; not go into a subject in depth; stop after gaining a little knowledge46. 盐碱地 s

23、alt lick; saline-alkali land47. 述职 report on ones work (to the authorities concerned) return for consultations 回国述职 duty / progress report 述职报告48. 玄机 profound theory49. 人气 popularity; public supportbe popular 人气旺 Since the governments attitude is unclear, public confidence in the market is waning. 由

24、于政府的态度尚未明确,市场人气看低。50. 巡展 hold / give an itinerant exhibition 51. 资讯 data and information; information52. 盘点 take stock of; make an inventory of make an inventory of ones stock; take stock 盘点存货 take stock in the warehouse盘点库存Stocktaking today. Business as usual tomorrow. 今日盘点,明日照常营业。The shop is close

25、d for inventory. 商店关门盘点。盘点单 inventory sheet53. 并购 mergers and acquisitions (M & A)54. 制高点 commanding elevation / ground / height / point55. 走合 run sth. In; grind inDont drive your car too fast until youve run it in. 车没有走合好前不要开得太快。56. 遗体 remains (of the dead): mortal remainsreinter sb.s body 移葬遗体 pay

26、 ones last respects to the remains向遗体告别 His body was committed to the flames. / His remains were cremated. 他的遗体已被火化。 cremate sb.s remains / body 火化遗体57.火化 crematecrematorium; crematory 火化厂 encourage cremation 鼓励火化 cremator 火化工 The deceased will be cremated in accordance with his last will.遵其遗嘱死者将被火化

27、。58. 肚脐 navelnavel; belly button 肚脐眼儿59.耿耿于怀 take sth. to heart; bear / nurse a grudge; brood on sth. that has hurt oneShe was pretty choked about being criticized by the teacher. 她对老师的批评耿耿于怀。60. 矫枉过正 exceed the proper limits in righting a wrong; overcorrect61. 丰功伟绩 great / tremendous achievements;

28、magnificent / monumental contributions make monumental contributions to ones motherland 为祖国建立丰功伟绩62. 委托书 trust deed; certificate of entrustment; power of attorney; proxy63. 逾越 exceed; go beyonddepart form the norm 逾越常规 exceed the limit 逾越界限 exceed / overstep ones authority 逾越权限 cross the barrier逾越障碍

29、impassable gulf 不可逾越的鸿沟insurmountable / impassable barrier / obstacle 不可逾越的障碍64. 抛售 sell in large quantities ad / or at low prices; dump; undersell; close out; dishoarddishoard grain 抛售所存谷物 dump shoddy goods 抛售劣质产品65. 辟谣 deny / refute / spike a rumor; give the lie to a rumor66. 自强不息 constantly striv

30、e to become stronger; make unremitting / unceasing efforts to improve oneself67. 演艺界 performing arts circles=演艺圈68. 团拜 gather together to exchange greetings (on New Years Day, etc.)69. 默认 give tacit consent to; tacitly approve; acquiesce in:acquiesce in / tacitly acknowledge the fait accompli 默认既成事实

31、give tacit consent to the status quo 默认现状70露天 the open / outdoors; open airshow a film in the open (air) 露天放映 open-air market / concert 露天市场/音乐会opencast tin (coal)mine 露天锡(煤)矿 opencast (pit); open-pit (mine); strip mine; opencut 露天矿 strip miner露天矿工 open-air cinema露天电影: show / watch a film in the open (air) 放/看露天电影 open-air theatre 露天电影院opencast / opencut / strip mining 露天采矿open-air repository / depot 露天堆栈 (duizhan)open-air theatre 露天剧场:amphitheatre圆形露天剧场bleacher 露天看台 open-air swimming-pool 露天游泳池71. 开合桥 folding / bascule / drawing bridge 72传动 (机械); transmit; drive 变速传动change driv

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