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1、外研版三起六年级下英语备课教案六年级英语学科组备课教课设计主备人辅备人单元Module 1 Unit 1课题I want a hot dog.课时1 教课准备单词卡片,教课课件1、能听、说、读、写本单元的单词hamburger cola hot dog centdollar 和句型What do you want ?I want 。2、能听懂会说:“What do you want ?I want 知识与技术How much is it? It s”等句子。3、学会用英语点餐。4、能正确、流畅地进行情境对话。教学目1 以旧引新,带入话题;标2创建情境,设计语言演练; 过程与方法3 多种方法演练

2、单词;4 小组搭档,进行问答练习。1 在多种英语教课活动中培育学生学习英语的兴趣。 感情态度与价2 认识西方国家礼仪,学会用英语简单点餐。值观能正确理解对话的句子。掌握单词hamburger cola hot dog centdollar 和句型What do you want? I want- 。教课重难点会用What do you want ? How much is it? 发问,会用I want .It s回答。.教育浸透点教育学生文明点餐用餐,注意个人礼仪。流程实时间预设教师活动学生活动我的个性设计Greetings.Step 1 Warm-up 1. Say “Hello ”to

3、the pupilsand ask them several questions. (5 minutes)Have a free 2. Talk about some interestingtalk.experience during the wintervacation.Do TPR games.3. Do TPR games, such as “Do asI say, not as I do.”Practice thetwo words of “eat”and“drink ”.Ferr talk.Step 2 1. The teacher says: After theIntroducti

4、on exercises, I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to eat(5 minutes)and drink. Can you give me somesuggestions?Learning. 2. Today Daming, Simon andSimons father go to therestaurant to have the meal. Thedialogue tells us the story.Step 3 1.Show the PPT. 2. Play the Listen to thePresentation ca

5、ssette and circle the new dialogue words. between the(20 minutes) waitress and3. Play the cassette and ask some thequestions. customers.4. Teach the new words inLearn the newdifferent ways.words.5. Play the cassette again andListen and repeat.pause after each utterance forPractice inthe children to

6、repeat.groups and actout thedialogue.Step 4 Finish a 1. Suppose you are in theTask. restaurant and going to have aHave a practice. meal.(10 minutes)2. Investigate the students whowent out to tour during thewinter vacation.1. Read the text in role.2. Learn to say in English when you go into a restaur

7、ant and have a作业与检测meal.Module 1 Unit 1What do you want?I want-. 板书设计How much is it?Itsdollars and -cents.教课反省开阳一小六年级英语学科组备课教课设计(20152016学年度第二学期)主备人王大香辅备人单元Module 1 Unit 2 课题What do you want to eat?课时1 教课准备单词卡片,教课课件1 能听懂、会说本篇对话,利用所学在快餐店中进行实质的语言社交;2 掌握本课中的四会单词:restaurant, menu3 掌握句型:What do you want

8、to eat? I want a hamburger, please. What知识与do you want to drink? Milk-. 技术4 学唱歌曲: What do you want to eat?5 讨论点餐和就餐状况;教学1 以旧引新,带入话题;目标2 创建情境,设计语言演练; 过程与方法3 多种方法演练单词;4 小组搭档,进行问答练习。;感情态教育学生文明点餐用餐,注意个人礼仪。 度与价值观能正确理解对话。教课重难点灵巧运用句型What do you want to eatdrink?I want to eatdrink- 。教育浸透点流程实时间预设教师活动学生活动我的个性

9、设计1. Have a race.Step 1 1. Review Unit 1. (key words andWarming upsentences )(7minutes)2. Try to2. Ask several students come todescribe.the blackboard to describethe kinds of the foods that theywant to eat.Step 2Learning(15 minutes)1.Teach the new words indifferent ways: restaurant, menuThen let Ss

10、rememberthe words inLearn the newwords.their own small groups.2.Text(The teacher says: Last lesson wehave learned that how tobe a waiter or waitress in arestaurant and ask the customerswhat they want to eat. let sLook, listen andrepeat.listen to the tape. Then pleasetell mewhat Lingling and her Dadw

11、ant to eat and drink. Show the children theteaching chart. Play the cassette and repeat. Play the cassette and ask thechildren several questions:Where are they? What do theywant to do?Answer thequestions.What do Linglingher fatherwant to eat and drink?. Practice the key sentences:What do you want to

12、 eat? Iwant to eat .What do you want to drink? Iwant to drink . Finish activity 2. Ask thechildren to ask and answer inpairs.Role play of the text.Step 3Drill(10 minutes)Play a game.(创建情形 )Make a menu, then makea dialogue by actingPlay a gamewaiter(waitress)and customer ina fast restaurant.Step 51.

13、Ask the children to look at theSong .(8 minutes)pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask theLook ,listen andrepeat.children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of thechant one by one.4. Play the cassette severaltimes and ask the children tochant together.用所学的句型创建情境点餐。作业与检测M1 U2板书设计What

14、 do you want to eat? I want to eat .What do you want to drink? I want to drink .教课反省开阳一小六年级英语学科组备课教课设计(20152016学年度第二学期)主备人王大香辅备人单元Module 2Unit1 课题When are we going to eat?课时1 教课准备单词卡片,课件1. 能整体辨别duck, nosiy, walk around, walk around the lake, have apicnic, wet 等单词和短语2. 能听懂会用What are you going to do?

15、We are going to have a picnic.知识与这种句子咨询并进行回答。技术3. 能够表达自己与他人的活动安排。4. 能够流畅的朗诵本单元的课文。教能灵巧的运用一般未来时态与他人进行活动计划的沟通。学目标1 以旧引新,带入话题;2 创建情境,设计语言演练; 过程与3 多种方法演练单词; 方法4 小组搭档,进行问答练习。;1 在多种英语教课活动中培育学生学习英语的兴趣。 感情态2 能够英勇的表达自己,踊跃体验参加集体活动。 度与价值观能运用WhenWhat are we going to eat/do? 这种语句咨询计划的活动时间和内容并做出回答。教课重难点be going t

16、o 句型中,当人称变化时,be 动词相应变化。教育浸透点教育学生能够英勇的表达自己,踊跃体验参加集体活动。流程实时间预设教师活动学生活动我的个性设计Step 1Warm-up and show1. Sing an English song. 1. Free talk. 2. Sing a song.3.Look andread.2. Ask the children: What do youthe learning aims4.Say out the(8 minutes) doing in your spare time?(Let more students answe

17、r)3. The teacher says: Boys andgirls, today we are going tolearn Module2 Unit1 Were goingto have a picnic. ( 板书课题)First please look at our learningaims. ( 出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生认真看、认真听。)Free talk. Step 2Ask the students to learn the newLearn the new wordswords by themselves. and the keysentences.(20 minu

18、tes)Try to read by themselves.Listen to the tape and readafter the tape.Let Ss read the words in theirown small groups.Listen andrepeat.2. T: I mgoing to go to the parkListen , learnwith my friends this weekend. and try to copy.Im going to go at nine.How about you, children? ( 师一边慢慢地说,一边板书要点句型)What

19、are you going to do? I m going to , . When are you goingRead theto go? I m going to go at ,passage.3. Practice the sentences bydifferent ways.4. Finish activity 3 of Page7.Ask the children to ask andanswer in pairs.Step 3T: Do you want to know what did 1 . Listen andLearn the text(12 minutes)Daming,

20、 Simon and Simons motherdo during the weekend?match.2.Have a chant.1、Put the picture on theblackboard and ask the childrento look at the picture carefully.2、Play the tape and circle thenew words.3、Pause after each sentence forthe children to repeat.4、Practice in groups and act outthe dialogue.1. Rea

21、d the text in roles.2. Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully作业与检测in 5 minutes.3. Copy the new words and the key sentences correctly three times.M2 U1Were going to have a picnicNew words:duck, noisy, picnic板书设计What are you going to do?When are you going to go?教课反省开阳一小六年级

22、英语学科组备课教课设计(20152016学年度第二学期)主备人王大香辅备人单元Module 2 Unit 2 课题It will snow in Harbin.课时1 教课准备动物图片或头像,气球,课件1. 全体学生能听、说、读“rain, snow, windy, sunny, cold, warm, hot ”;2. 全体学生能听懂、会说“It will snow(be sunny). ”等近似句子。知识与技术3. 全体学生能够朗诵课文。4. 全体学生能依据要求达成语句书写。1. Enjoy the pictures. (Show the PPT)2. Listen and say.( 听

23、音说天气,抢答自己听到的天气单词)3. 用Chant 复习表示天气的形容词,同时伴着乐曲做做动作,(激发孩子们学习的兴趣,引出表示天气的词,为学生的研究学习做好铺教垫。)学目4. 利用简笔划学习表示天气的单词及句式,打破重难点。 标过程与5.Game time. “Whats missing? ”和“最强盛脑”。 方法6.Have a practice. (两人小组活动)7. 游戏:剪刀石头布。8.Draw.9. 对话练习。10. 设计一周活动。在多种英语教课活动中培育学生学习英语的兴趣。感情态2 在英语学习中培育学生认真察看的能力和蔼动脑筋的好习惯。 度与价3 培育学生有计划的合理安排自己事

24、情的能力,培育他们的小组合作意识。 值观1. 全体学生能听、说、读“rain, snow, windy, sunny, cold, warm, hot ”;2. 全体学生能听懂、会说“It will snow(be sunny). ”等近似句子。教课重难点3.能口头运用句型It will snow in Harbin. 等描绘天气的语句描绘某地的天气。培育学生有计划的合理安排自己事情的能力,培育他们的小组合作意教育浸透点识。流程实时间预设 教师活动 学生活动我的个性设计Step 1Warming up1. Enjoy the pictures. (Showthe PPT)Enjoy thepi

25、ctures.(6minutes)2. Listen and say. 用Chant听音说天气,抢答复习表示天气的形容词,同自己听到的天气时伴着乐曲做做动作,(激单词。发孩子们学习的兴趣,引出表示天气的词,为学生的探究学习做好铺垫。)T:Hello, boys and girls. Inthis class, w ere going to learnM2U2 It will snow in Harbin.First , let us listen, sayand do the actions, OK? listen, say andChant:do the actionsIt will be

26、sunny in Harbin.It will be cloudy inTianjin.It will snow in Beijing.It will rain in Nanning.Step 2 Learning.利用简笔划学习表示天气的单 Learning词及句式,打破重难点。(20 minutes)利用简笔划学习表示天气的单词rain, snow, sunny,warm,hot ,cold ,windy 及句式Itwill(be-)-. 为课文的理解与学习确立基础。Listen and repeat. 1. 出示幻灯片学习单词“rain ”和句式“It will rain. ”,并演练该

27、句式。T:Now,children,look at thescreen ,please.T:Now,look!How is the weather ?学生取出课前准(教师在黑板上画雨的符号)备的纸随着老师画,也可自己设 S: Rain.计。 T:Rain 是动词。Ask them to makeasentence with a city.E.G.: It will rain in Guiyang.2. 用同样方式学习单词“snow”和句子。3. 出示幻灯片学习单词“sunny”句式“It will besunny. ”。T:Well ,children. Let s go on .How is

28、 the weather tomorrow?Ask them to make a sentence witha city.( 成心不在黑板上绘图标,留在后边环节自己画,以加深印象。)4. 同样方式学习“windy,warm, hot, cold ”.Step 31. “Whats missing? ”幻Game time.(6minutes)灯片出示游戏内容,要修业生迅速反响单词。给学生以展现的时机。Play a game.2. “最强盛脑”。( 脑筋风暴)此设计用于演练图标,考验学生对图标的熟习程度。同时给记忆力好的同学一个展示自己的时机。Step 41. 两人一组依据幻灯片出示的Pract

29、ice. Listen and do.地图来播报天气,教师巡视查察学(8 minutes)生练习状况。2. 游戏:剪刀石头布。教师说出一个句子,请一组搭档登台猜拳Play the game and 定出胜败,赢家自由选择地图上的learn.一个地名及图标来说句子。(猜拳的同时全班同学说老师说的那个句子)1.听录音,读会课文。作业与检测2. 达成报告天气活动,可向父亲母亲,朋友预告天气。M2 U2It will(be)-in-.rain板书设计snowbe sunnybe windybe coldbe warmbe hot教课反省开阳一小六年级英语学科组备课教课设计(20152016学年度第二学期)主备人王大香辅备人单元Module 3 Unit 1 课题The sun is shining.课时1 教课准备单词卡片,教课课件1、能听、说、读、写本单元的单词shine, cry , everyone fly away,just, 和句型The sun is shining.知

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