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1、杭州市高中英语周测单元测试4092022年杭州市高中英语周测/单元测试学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_评卷人得分一、完形填空 In the sport of track and field, athletes compete not only with ore another but against themselves. And with each race they 1 to achieve a new personal best.For one Nebraska 2 running in what would likely be his final cross country outin

2、g before graduating from high school, his personal best 3 not to be about marking the fastest time but displaying the biggest 4 . Last Thursday, Bellevue East senior Brandon Schutt knew if his 5 was good enough that day, he still had the 6 to qualify for the upcoming state meet. Another runner Blake

3、 Cerveny was from Omaha Burke High School. Aiming to beat his own personal 7 ,after a fast start, he continued to 8 himself hard . With less than 400 meters to 9 , Cervenys legs cramped up and failed him. 10 to finish, Cerveny rose from the ground and continued on, only to 11 again alter another 150

4、 meters. 12 his coach asked Cerveny if he wanted to 13 . He didnt. Before Cervenys dad could reach his son , another runnerBrandon Schutt was at his side to 14 a helping hand . His first 15 to get Cerveny up failed, but like Cerveny, he too 16 to quit. With a second try, Cerveny was on his feet. The

5、 two 17 the final 75 meters of the course. Brandon is an excellent person, Bellevue Easts head track coach Rachel Carraher told KETV-7. “He is really kind and a great leader on the team.”In todays 18 world in which the emphasis in athletics is 19 put on breaking records, it was 20 to see that for an

6、 athlete like Brandon Schutt, the value of true sportsmanship still had legs.1Astruggle Bdemand Cmanage Dpromise2Asinging Bdancing Cwalking Drunning3Aturned out Btook over Cset down Dmade up4Amatch Bheart Cbrain Ddream5Aplan Bhope Cscore Dplace6Aconfidence Bpotential Ccourage Dpatience7Atarget Breco

7、rd Cdecision Dmemory8Apull Bforce Cpush Dstrike9Ago Bmake Cset Dput10ACurious BGenerous CSurprised DDetermined11Awin Blose Crise Dfall12AConfused BDisappointed CConcerned DSatisfied13Agive up Bturn down Cmake out Dput off14Areceive Boffer Cpresent Dshake15Aproposal Brequest Cattempt Dchoice16Apreten

8、ded Brefused Cdecided Dexpected17Ameasured Bimagined Cobtained Dcompleted18Acompetitive Bdifficult Cwonderful Dsensitive19Agradually Bbasically Cusually Dcasually20Ainteresting Binspiring Cnatural Dimportant评卷人得分二、七选五 In the past, early travelers used the oceans and waterways as highways to bring go

9、ods to different places. 21 Nowadays, cruise ships (游船) can take people on breathtaking journeys along scenic waterways around the globe. Here are some of the reasons you might end up loving this kind of travel.Cruise ships are known for their food. Some of the best cruise ships have an believable v

10、ariety of food to choose from at every meal. 22 So you dont need to pay extra money for meals. With all the food choices, it can seem like all your favorite high-end restaurants have come along with you on your vacation.23 Cruise ships provide fun activities after supper. The activities on cruises c

11、an be themed, such as a New Orleans party, childrens themes, or Las Vegas-style. Magic shows, music, and theatre are standard (标准的) programs. In addition, many ships have several bars, and of course, free wi-fi.The actual rooms on cruise ships range from small to large, depending on the level of the

12、 price. Going up higher can get you a double room with beautiful water views. But it is more expensive. In fact, cruise ships offer elevators (电梯) and stairs for you to enjoy the views from the top. 24 Besides, you wont spend much time in the room.Traveling on a cruise ship is one of the easiest way

13、s to see certain parts of the world. If youre afraid of flying, cruise ship travel is a great way. Cruise ships leave from Florida, California, Seattle, New York, ports along the Mississippi River, and the Great Lakes. 25AThe evenings are seldom dull.BMeals are included in the cruise price.CThis is

14、the easiest way to see the world.DSo at that time towns and cities grew along rivers.E.Decide before you book which ship you are interested in.F.You dont have to choose the expensive rooms for a better view.G.With those choices, you can take an enjoyable vacation and never take a flight. Research sh

15、ows that people feel much better and do their best to do things when they experience positive emotions instead of negative ones. 26. Here are ways to increase positive emotions in everyday life:27There are positive emotions you are already familiar with, the ones you have experienced in your daily l

16、ife. Make a list. Add new emotions as you notice them. Now look at your list. Think about (and write down) which activities, situations, or people are involved when you tend to feel each emotion.28Tracking positive emotions helps us be more aware of the positive feeling we already experience, and th

17、e situations or activities that bring them.Increase a specific positive emotion.Identify a positive emotion you want to increase. 29. Think of situations or activities you have experienced that made you aware of your joy. Write down as many as you can. Focus on small, simple things, like a song that

18、 makes you feel joyful whenever you hear it.After you know what improves the emotion you want to increase, decide how to fit those activities or others like them into your everyday life. Commit to one or more daily actions that will increase the feeling you want more of in your life. 30ASearch your

19、positive emotions.BMake time for these experiences.CLets say you want to feel more joy.DBe more aware of the positive feeling we already experience.E.Positive emotions do not just feel good they are good for youF.You could still feel joy by listening to a song that reminds you of vacation.G.You also

20、 can look over your list of emotions at the end of the day and write down when you felt different positive emotions.评卷人得分三、读后续写31阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。My eyes met hers and we both grinned before leaping into the water. Now, I was an excellent swimmer. Yet, a few months ago, things were diffe

21、rent. And I had to thank her for helping me.I was always afraid of water. This fear could not be explained, but I knew that the moment I stepped near any body of water, my legs would turn to jelly. I would imagine myself drowning in the water. That was why I had never gone into a swimming pool until

22、 swimming became a school requirement. My school wanted all pupils to pass a swimming test, and if they could not, then they would have to attend weekly swimming lessons in school, which sent fright down my spine. Thus, my parents signed me up for swimming lessons at the pool near my house. I had to

23、 attend those weekly lessons, and each one was great torture (折磨) for me. I was naturally awkward, and my fear of water did not help at all. Every lesson, I would be spending my time thrashing (拍打) about in the water while my classmates and would be swimming countless laps effortlessly. How was I go

24、ing to pass the test at this rate? I was discouraged. In my swimming class, there was an exceptionally athlete girl. Her name was Kathy. She was the best swimmer in our class and always looked at me with disdain (鄙视). Once, after a particularly long and arduous swimming lesson, I spotted Kathy swimm

25、ing gracefully in the pool. Mustering my courage, I asked meekly (温顺地), “Kathy, can you teach me swimming?” She stared at me coldly, and I thought she was going to refuse my request.To my surprise, she nodded after a few moments of silence.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语

26、已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1: From then on, Kathy stayed back for about an hour after every swimming lesson for me.Paragraph2: Four months flew past and it was time for me to take my test.评卷人得分四、阅读理解 Australians could soon be 3D printing entire meals in what could be the biggest cooking

27、 advance since microwave ovens.Researchers want to bring the taste of popular foods to life through 3D printers-and even help people tailor their diets to improve their health at the same time.Mums and dads with fond memories of watching cartoon space family The Jetsons might soon be making space-ag

28、e dishes for real, with the developers suggesting ready-to-eat meals and individual ingredients could be available in households shops and restaurants in as little as four years.Our cars still dont fly, but The Jetsons cartoon that was around when some parents were kids had creators who imagined all

29、 sorts of crazy possibilities for food in the future-concepts that do not seem so crazy now that 3D-printed food is here.Hearty Adventures in Food and Play research lab director Dr Rohit Ashok Khot said the technology needed to make printing food would revolutionize shopping and eating habits in a w

30、ay not seen since the microwave oven became a common household appliance.“Food printing, I think, has lots of potential for our future mainly because of the way it can connect digital with physical, Dr Khot said. The last major invention that happened around cooking was microwaves, which was around

31、the 1970s, so after that there hasnt been anything that has actually caught the mainstream attention. Printing can change that, because it can allow us to then make and design food digitally.The new machine could even low ingredients to be mixed, printed and baked in the one machine, according to Monash Food Innovation design manager Adam Norris. “Businesses are looking at new ways to provide a unique experience and product, Mr. Norris said. “Weve realized everybodys needs are different. Why not create the food to fit you?Dr Khot said painting

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