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1、比较分析中美家庭本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 A Comparative Analysis on Family Education between China and America 院 系 外国语言文学系 专 业 名 称 英语 年 级 2009级 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师 二零一三年五月A Comparative Analysis on Family Education between China and AmericaA thesissubmitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degree of Bac

2、helor of Artsin the School of Foreign Languages and LiteraturesChongqing University of EducationSchool: School of Foreign Languages & LiteraturesMajor: EnglishClass: Name: Student No.: Supervisor: Date: May 10th, 2013 本科毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其它个人或集

3、体已经发表或未发表的研究成果。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, lecturer , both for her intellectual guidance and for her warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and p

4、rudence, she labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to her, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.Last but not the least, bi

5、g thanks go to all my classmates who gave me lots of helpful suggestions in eventually finishing this thesis.Abstract: In a lifetime, family is the first place where children receive education. As an old saying that “Parents are childrens best teacher.” Parents as their first teacher play an importa

6、nt role in shaping a childs world look, personality, and thinking mode. Children are the flowers of a nation, the promising future of a nation and the hope of parents. Family education is one of the most important parts of education. There exists various kinds of family education around the world an

7、d each of them shares unique factures, which is closely connected to its culture. Whats more, American family education is the most eye-catching one among them. The purposes of education, methods of education and contents of education between America and China are obviously different.This paper will

8、 make a comparative study in the purposes of education, methods of education, contents of education, results of education and reasons of education between America and China in order to find a suitable family education approach. At the same time, it aims to provide some helpful suggestions for schola

9、rs, educators and parents so that the children can grow more healthily and all-roundly. Key words: family education; children; comparative; China; America摘要:在一生中,家庭是孩子第一个接受教育的地方。俗话说:“父母是孩子最好的老师”父母作为孩子最初的老师在孩子形成世界观、个性以及思维模式发挥着十分重要的作用。孩子是祖国的花朵;孩子是祖国的未来;孩子是父母的希望。因此,家庭教育可以说是教育中最重要的一部分。在世界上有许多种家庭教育,它们都有着

10、各自与众不同的特点,同时它和文化紧紧联系在一起。在众多家庭教育中,美国的家庭教育是其中显着的。美国的家庭教育和中国的家庭教育比起来,在教育的目的、教育的方法以及教育的内容都有所不同。本篇论文将比较完善地对中美两种不同的家庭教育的目的、方法、内容、产生的原因和结果从而找到一种最合适的家庭教育途径。与此同时,旨在为从事家庭教育的学者、教育工作者以及家长提供一些有用的建议使孩子能够健康地、全面地成长。关键词: 家庭教育; 孩子;比较分析;中国;美国 Thesis StatementThere are many types of family education in the world and ea

11、ch of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture.Contents1. Introduction 12. Literature Review 13. The Differences of Family Education between America and China 43.1 The different purposes of family education 43.2 The different contents of family education 63.3 The diff

12、erent methods of family education. 73.4 The different results of family education. 93.4.1 Childrens ability of adapting to the society and Childrens ability of living independently 103.4.2 Childrens ability of interpersonal relationships 103.4.3 Childrens responsibility of supporting the old 113.4.4

13、 Childrens awareness of financial management 124. The Reasons for the Differences 134.1 Different historical background 134.2 Different economic forms 134.3 Different social conditions 134.4 Different traditional cultures 144.4.1 Different value orientation 144.4.2 Different modes of thinking 145. D

14、iscussions and Suggestions 155.1 To shift from the single education model to quality education on the aspect of family education purpose. 155.2 To shift from the exam-orientation to ability-orientation on the aspect of family education content. 165.3 To shift from the parent-leading pattern to democ

15、ratic pattern on the aspect of family education method. 16Notes 18Bibliography 19 1. IntroductionEntering into 21st century, the communication between China and America is becoming more frequent with the Reform and Opening-up policies. China is recognized as one of the biggest developing countries i

16、n the world; meanwhile America is one of the biggest developed countries in the world. China is playing more and more active role in solving international affairs. Some scholars said that the Sino-US relationship in the 21st century is one of the most important partnerships in the world. So as a Chi

17、nese it is necessary to know more politics, economy and culture about American especially the education. Nowadays the international competition which includes hard power and soft power is increasingly fierce, and this competition is that of human overall quality. Education is the base of a country.

18、Family education is one of the earliest and most important forms of education, which affects a persons whole life. Family education, as one of the hottest topic is becoming more and more important in peoples life in modern society. Education is a rather complicated process which is closely connected

19、 with families, schools and society in ones lifetime. Nowadays family educations contents become various as times goes by. It consists of family moral education, intellectual education, physical education and so on. It is clear that family is important to every human beings life. “The family is amon

20、g the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions. We are born in families, grow up in the families, form new families and leave them at our death.” (Peng Xiaoyan, 2012: 101) A family education usually includes many aspects. But on all aspects there share differences in different countries

21、. This thesis will make a comparative analysis on family education between America and China at length.2. Literature ReviewOn domestic family education, “China is a country with long history, prosperous civilization and abundant cultural heritage, among which the family education theory is indispens

22、able.” (Wang Jing, 2011:327) The achievement of family education in ancient china is well recognized by the world. The formation of these characters can date back to Yao and Shun times. Family education was a legacy in the primitive clan society. According to Wang Yu (1996), there are many classical

23、 and famous stories about family education in ancient china such as Confucius taught his son to learn poems and Chinese etiquettes, Menciuss mother moved three times in order to create a better study environment for Mencius, Tao kans mother sealed the fish which Tao made it free with public property

24、. In federal society, three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues1 are the prime content of family education. The three cardinal guides stand for ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife. The five constant virtues mean benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith.

25、It reflects a kind of special moral relationship between ruler and subjects, father and son, husband and wife.In the thesis Central Problem in Todays Family Education, Guan Xiaojing pointed out the existing problem in modern Chinese family education, the mistakes of parent value- orientation and act

26、ion-orientation; unrealistic expectation of education, unhealthy education method, and the problem that the children are raised by their parents is becoming more and obvious. In the thesis A comparative Study on Family Education between China and America, Wang Dali only analyzes the family education

27、 and America from three aspects: different expectations towards children, different cultivating method, turning out to be different persons. But he doesnt talk about the reasons for the differences.In the thesis A comparative Analysis on the Differences between the Chinese and America family values,

28、 Han Yanling analyzed family values between China and America from the perspective of cross culture. It mainly reflects on views on family, marriage and the role of the couple in marriage, and views on parenting-child relationship. There is no denying that the children who receive special family edu

29、cation can form unique family values in his or her all life. In the thesis On the Successful Experiences and Implications of Family Quality Education in Chinese community in Taiwan and America, the author Peng Shunsheng holds a opinion that the quality Education in Chinese community in Taiwan and Am

30、erican is carried out rather earlier when compared to quality Education in Chinese mainland. Whats more, the local authority has paid attention to domestic quality Education, so they have got fruitful experience and advanced concepts an achievement. As Chinese scholars, educators can draw some previ

31、ous experience. As scholars, educators in Chinese mainland can draw some precious experience.In the thesis The comparison of Family Education between China and the west, Guo Zhibin shares his opinion on the similarities of family education between China and the west. By comparison, it is easy to fin

32、d that parents in both China and the west all think highly of the position of family education.On family education in America, among the foreign countries, the America education is one of the most famous ones. When compared to China, it has its own unique school model called Home schooling2. This kind of school model is also called education at home, which differs from the schooling model at school. We can easily realize that the western countries well accept family education. Yan

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