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1、小学六年级语文总复习教案口语交际Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 sportsI. Unit 1教学内容Using verb phrases to indicate sportse.g., play football, play table tennis, play volleyball, play badminton, play basketballUsing yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response e.g., Does Alice like playing badminton?

2、Using modeled sentences to describe a persons like or dislikese.g., She likes playing volleyball, basketball and table tennis.Using formulaic expressions to accept invitationse.g. Ho, sure. Id love to .Identifying the pronunciation of -i, -ar- and -ie in words such as five and pieII. 学情分析四年级的学生通过三年半

3、的英语学习,有了一定量的英语单词积累,在三四年级已经学习了play football, swim, skip a rope等简单的表达运动的单词,掌握了一般疑问句Do you like?,对于进一步学习Doeslike(doing)?打下了良好的基础。Would you like to?的句型以前没有接触过,I need 的句型比较生疏,在教授的时候有一定难度。III. 教学目标知识与技能1. 学习有关运动的单词2. 能够用句型Doeslike.(doing)?进行熟练的问答3. 能用“Would you like to, Oh, sure. Id love to.”进行日常对话4. 学习I

4、need的句型,并且能够在正确的情景中表达。5. 能够了解字母组合i,ie在单词中的发音。方法与过程1. 通过pair work、表演对话、做游戏等形式操练和巩固所学知识。2. 利用多媒体,创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣。3. 利用交互式电子白板进行课堂教学。情感态度、价值观:能够表达自己的喜好,并且通过和他人的沟通,找到志同道合的朋友。教学建议:通过模拟组建俱乐部的活动,让学生能够在合适和贴近生活的情境中表达自己的喜好,达到学以致用的目的。民族精神教育: 强身健体,保卫祖国。生命教育: 增强体质,热爱生命。重点、难点分析重点: 1、动词短语play2、 能够用句型Doeslike(doing)?

5、进行熟练的问答。难点: 、Would you like to?和I need的句型。、like在第三人称单数的句型里的一般疑问句的变法和回答。Scheme of work: PeriodCore contentsSoundMaterialsGrammar andexpressionsVocabulary1 Play footballPlay table tennisPlay volleyballPlay badmintonPlay basketballSB:p.18WB:p.27 Part E2 Does like(doing)?Yes,does./No,doesnt.Sport poster

6、 club joinSB:pp.17 and 21WB:p.26 Part C3Would you like to?Oh, sure.Id love to.SB:pp.4 and 6WB:p.3, Parts C4SB: p. 19 and 21WB: p.28 Part G5-i- (five)-ie-(pie)SB: p 18 and 21WB: p.30 TaskPeriod 1I Unit 1 Period 1教学内容Using verb phrases to indicate sportsplay football, play table tennis, play volleybal

7、l, play badminton, play basketballII 学情分析在以前的英语学习中,学生已经会用Do you like?进行问答,已经学习了play football, swim, skip a rope等简单的表达运动的单词,对于进一步学习Doeslike(doing)?打下了良好的基础。III 教学目标知识与技能1. 学习短语 play football, play table tennis, play volleyball, play badminton, play basketball2. 能用like doing来表达自己的喜好。方法与过程1.通过pair work

8、、表演对话、做游戏等形式操练和巩固所学知识。2.利用多媒体,创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣。3.利用交互式电子白板进行课堂教学。情感态度、价值观:能够表达自己的喜好,并且通过和他人的沟通,找到志同道合的朋友。教学建议:通过模拟组建俱乐部的活动,让学生能够在合适和贴近生活的情境中表达自己的喜好,达到学以致用的目的。民族精神教育: 强身健体,保卫祖国。生命教育: 增强体质,热爱生命。 重点、难点分析重点: 1、学习表达运动的动词短语,并且能用I can表达自己的能力。2 能够用句型like?来表达自己的喜好。难点: 、like在第三人称单数的句型里的一般疑问句的变法和回答。ProcedureConte

9、ntsMethodsPurposeAdjustmentPre-task preparation1.Have the students say the rhyme Play play play footballSkip skip ropeFly fly fly a kiteRide ride ride a bicycle2.Ask and answerWhat can you do?Can you draw?Who can paint?1.The rhyme on page 39 in Book1B2.Ask the students what they can do 利用歌谣活跃课堂气氛,引出

10、上课内容,复习旧知,为新知识做铺垫While-task procedure1.Show the pictures for the phrase such as play football, play badminton, and say I canFootball,play football, I can play football.2.Mime kicking the football ,and then tell the students who like playing football mime and repeat after you .3.Tell the students abo

11、ut your hobbies, do the actions and have the students guess what you like doing. e.g., T: What do I like doing?Ss: Do you like playing tennis?T: Yes, I do.4. Do Part E on page 27of the workbook.1.New phrases: play football2.Have the students make sentences according to their hobbies.I like doing?3.P

12、lay a guessing game.4.Ask the students to make a dialogue according to the picture.S1:what do you like doing?S2:I like playing football. 用图片来直观教学。用身体语言来让学生切身体会。玩游戏,玩中学。单词和句型进行互相的渗透和巩固操练。Post-task activities1.Do a survey .e.g. S1:What do you like doing,S2 and S3?S2:I like playing football.S3:I like p

13、laying basketball.2.Have the students introduce themselves as follow.1. divide the students into four groups.Have them do a survey about their group members favourite sports and complete the table.在对话中操练句型,并且增进学生之间的了解。Assignment:1.Read after the cassette2. Copy the new words and sentences.3. Introdu

14、ce your hobbies to your friends.Boarding writingUnit 1 What can you smell and taste? Look and Learnplay football, play table tennis, play volleyball, play badminton, play basketball What do you like doing?I like Exercises教学反思学习I like 句型因为like后面跟动名词形式,所以一定要对学生强调和现在进行时的区别。Module 2 Unit 1 Period 2IV Un

15、it 1 Period 2教学内容Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response e.g., Does Alice like playing badminton?学情分析在四年级第一学期已经学习了Do you like?的句型, 对于Doeslike(doing)?的句型也有了一定的了解V 教学目标知识与技能1. 能够用Doeslike(doing)?的句型进行问答2. 能够在合适的情景中运用所学的句型来表达自己和询问别人的喜好。方法与过程1. 通过pair work、表演对话、做游戏等形式操练和巩固所学知识。2

16、. 利用多媒体,创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣。3. 利用交互式电子白板进行课堂教学。情感态度、价值观:能够表达自己的喜好,并且通过和他人的沟通,找到志同道合的朋友。教学建议:通过模拟组建俱乐部的活动,让学生能够在合适和贴近生活的情境中表达自己的喜好,达到学以致用的目的。民族精神教育: 强身健体,保卫祖国。生命教育: 增强体质,热爱生命。重点、难点分析重点:用Doeslike(doing)?的句子进行问答。难点:动名词的正确使用。III 教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeAdjustmentPre-task preparation1. Have the st

17、udents say the rhyme in listen and enjoy on page 21 of the Students Book.2. Spell the words. T:(show the picture)Ss:play volleyball.通过童谣,创设良好的学习氛围,激发学生兴趣。2. 巩固操练单词和词组。While-task procedure1. Answer questions.T:Do you like playing badminton?S1:Yes,I like playing badminton.T:Does S1 like playing badmin

18、ton?S2:Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesnt.2. Listen the the tape and answer some questions.3. Act out the dialogues.4. Do some exercises.1. Show the picture for play badminton and have the students answer questions.Then ask the students some questions to help them understand the key pattern.2.Use the

19、 badminton club poster on page 17.Explain the phase join a badminton club to the students. Listen to the tape and answer questions.e.g. Does Peter like playing badminton? S1:Yes,he does. T: Does Alice like playing badminton? S2:Yes ,she does.3.Have the students role-play the dialogue in pairs.4.Have

20、 the students do Part C on page 26 of the workbook.设置情景,操练句型。理解课文,并且能够在此基础上回答老师的问题,加深对课文的理解。通过表演和练习对句型进行进一步的巩固。Post-task activity1. Play a guessing game in pairs. 2. Do a survey.3.Act out the dialogues.4.Do some exercise.1. S1 tells S2 what sports he or she likes and S3 guesses.2. Have the students

21、do a survey in group of four and fill in the blanks.e.g.,S1:What do you like doing after class,S2?S2:I like swimming.S1:Do you like playing football?S2:No, I dont.S3:Does S2 like playing football?S1:NO,he/she doesnt. He/she likes swimming.3.Have the students role-play the dialogue in pairs. Then inv

22、ite some pairs to act it out in front of the class.4.Have the students do Part C on page 26.通过游戏,培养学生的合作、运用语言能力。利用小组活动让学生共同操练,巩固知识。通过完成预定目标提高学生的合作能力。Assignment1. Read the text.2. Make three short dialogues according to the sentence patterns on page 17.Board writing Unit 1 What can you smell and tast

23、e? Look and sayDoeslike(doing)?Yes,does./No,doesnt.Exercises教学反思这节课巩固复习一般现在时的一般疑问句,通过课堂的反复操练,让学生掌握助动词do, does的用法。Period 3I Unit 1 Period 3教学内容Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response e.g., Does Alice like playing badminton?Using modeled sentences to describe a persons like or

24、 dislikese.g., She likes playing volleyball, basketball and table tennis.Using formulaic expressions to accept invitationse.g. Ho, sure. Id love to .II 学情分析 对于 like doing 的句子已经有了一定掌握,但是对于Would you like to?的句子还很陌生。III 教学目标知识与技能1. 能利用 Doeslike(doing)?的句型进行问答。2. 能理解Would you like to ?的含义并且进行合适的回答。方法与过程

25、1 通过pair work、表演对话、做游戏等形式操练和巩固所学知识。2 利用多媒体,创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣。3 利用交互式电子白板进行课堂教学。情感态度、价值观:能够表达自己的喜好,并且通过和他人的沟通,找到志同道合的朋友。教学建议:通过模拟组建俱乐部的活动,让学生能够在合适和贴近生活的情境中表达自己的喜好,达到学以致用的目的。民族精神教育: 强身健体,保卫祖国。生命教育: 增强体质,热爱生命。IV 重点、难点分析重点和难点:1. 重点:1、能利用 Doeslike(doing)?的句型进行问答。2. 难点:能理解Would you like to ?的含义并且进行合适的回答。Proce

26、duresContentsMethodsPurposeAdjustmentPre-task preparation1. Say a new rhyme.2. Ask and answer the questions.1. Have the students create a new rhyme according to the rhyme on page 21.Encourage them to replace the verbs with their own hobbies and favourite sports.2. Show the picture of a famous athlet

27、es and have the students introduce them as follows. e.g., T: Whos he?S1:HesT :Does he like playing basketball?S2:Yes,he does.T: Yeslikes playing basketball. And he can play it very well.Have the students introduce them as follows.e.g. Ss :Hes/Shes_. He/She likes_(doing). He/she can play it very well

28、.通过复习以前学的知识,让学生自由进行发挥,达到温故知新的效果通过学生感兴趣的体育明星的照片,创设不同的情景,激发学习兴趣。While-task procedure1. Listen to the recording and read the text after the recording. 2. Ask and answer the questions to check their understanding. 3.Understand the text.4.Act out the dialogues.5.Do some exercises.1. Have the students lis

29、ten to the recording. Then ask them some questions to check their understanding. e.g., T:Does Alice like playing badminton?Does Kitty like playing badminton too?3. Have the students repeat after the recording on page 19.Eplain the meaning of the formulaic expressions.Have the students practice the d

30、ialogue in group of three.Then invite several pairs to act it out in front of the class. Encourage them to use the key patterns they have learnt previously.e.g.S1&S2:Hello,S3.S3:Hi,S1 and S2.S1: Theres a swimming club in our school.S2 and I want to join it. Would you like to come with us?S3: Oh, sure. Id love to.S2:Will S4 come too? Does he/she like swimming?S3: No, he/she doesnt. He/She cant swim. He/She like playing basketball.Have the students do Part G on page 28.通过问答,加深对于课文和句型的理解。通过表演对话,操练句型在实际情景下的运用。继续巩

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