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1、英语写作指南备课笔记2文档 festival1农历:1月1日春节the Spring Festival除夕the New Years Eve1月15元宵节the Lantern Festival (a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrated by the Chinese in many countries. On the Chinese lunar calendar, it is on the fifteenth day of the first month, making it the first major festival af

2、ter the Chinese New Year)observe3月4日清明节the Pure Brightness Festival; Qingming Festival (a traditional Chinese festival, occurring on April 4 (leap years) or April 5 (other years) of the Gregorian calendar. It marks the middle of spring and above all, a sacred day of the dead)The Tomb-Sweeping DayThe

3、 Pilgrimage to the West5月5日端午节.the Dragon Boat Festival (falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)8月15中秋节the Moon Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival (on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month)9月9日重阳节the Double Ninth Festival12月8日腊八节the Laba Rice Porridge Festival 3月8日:国际劳动妇女节the International

4、 Working Womens Day3月12日:中国植树节Arbor Dayarbor. (由藤蔓爬缘或树枝交织而成的)凉亭,棚架C 树木,乔木C pavilion pagodaA shady resting place in a garden or park, often made o latticework (格子或格状结构)on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown.凉亭,藤架:花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤4月1日:国际愚人节April Fools Da

5、y (April 1, celebrated in various countries, including the United States and Great Britain, and marked by the playing of practical jokes) 5月1日:国际劳动节(1889)the International Labor Day; May Day 5月4日:中国青年节(1939)the Youth Day 5月第二个星期日:母亲节Mothers Day (the second Sunday in May, observed in the United State

6、s as a day honoring mothers)5月31日:世界无烟日Worlds No Tobacco Day (It is celebrated around the world every year on May 31. The Member States of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it caus

7、es)6月1日:国际儿童节the International Childrens Day 6月5日:世界环境日the World Environment Day (June 5th)6月第三个星期日:父亲节Fathers Day (the third Sunday in June, observed in the United States in honor of fathers)建军节The Army Day(Aug. 1)教师节the Teachers Day(Sept. 10th)10月1日:国庆节the National Day 10月10日:辛亥革命纪念日the Anniversar

8、y of the Revolution of 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty) 12月13日:南京大屠杀纪念日the Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre; the Rape of Nanking (In December 1937, Nanjing fell to the Japanese Imperial Army. The Japanese army launched a ma

9、ssacre for six weeks. According to the records of several welfare organizations which buried the dead bodies after the Massacre, around three hundred thousand people, mostly civilians and POWs, were brutally slaughtered.) 12月20日:澳门回归纪念日the Anniversary of Macaos Return to the Motherland (on December

10、20, 1999)节气表(solar terms)立春:2月4日the first solar term of the lunar calendar meaning beginning spring but is 45 days before the spring equinox雨水:2月19日rainwater惊蛰:3月5日.the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)春分:3月21日.Astronomy the Spring Equinox清明:4月5日.(the 5th of the 24 solar terms) Pure Brightness; Cle

11、ar and Bright谷雨:4月20日Grain Rain (6th solar term)立夏:5月5日.the 7th solar term of the lunar calendar meaning beginning summer but is 45 days before the summer solstice(夏至)小满:5月21日Lesser Fullness; Grain Full (8th solar term)芒种:6月6日Grain in Ear夏至:6月21日the summer solsticeSolstice: Either of two times of th

12、e year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs about June 21, when the sun is in the zenith at the tropic of Cancer; the winter solstice occurs about December 21, when the sun is over the tropic of Capricorn. The summ

13、er solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest.【天文学】 至:一年中太阳离天球赤道距离最远的两次中的任何一次。北半球的夏至大约发生在6月21日,此时太阳位北回归线的最北端;冬至大约发生在12月21日,此时太阳位于南回归线之上。夏至日是一年中白天最长的一天,而冬至日则为最短的一天小暑:7月7日Slight Heat (11th solar term)大暑:7月23日.Great Heat (12th solar term)立秋:8月8日the 13th solar term o

14、f the lunar calendar meaning beginning autumn but is 45 days before the autumn equinox(秋分)处暑:8月23日Astronomy the Limit of Heat; the Stopping of Heat (14th solar term)白露:9月8日White Dew (15th solar term), name of season in old calendar, around Sept. 8秋分:9月23日the Autumnal EquinoxEquinox: Either of the tw

15、o times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are approximately equal; the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox.二分时刻:一天中太阳通过天赤道的两个时刻中的任一时刻,此时昼夜长短几乎相等;春分或秋分寒露:10月8日Cold Dew (17th solar term)霜降:10月23日Frosts Descent; First Frost; (18th solar ter

16、m)立冬:11月7日the 19th solar term of the lunar calendar meaning beginning winter but is 45 days before the winter solstice小雪:11月22日light snow大雪:12月7日heavy snow冬至:12月22日the winter solstice小寒:2011年1月5日Slight Cold (23rd solar term)大寒:2011年1月20日Great Cold (24th solar term)The major festivals and public holi

17、days in Britain are the following:1. New Years Day on January 1 2. Valentines Day on February 14 3. 1 St Davids Day (Wales National Day) on March 1 4. Easter in March or April 5. April Fools Day on April 1 6. St Georges Day (Englands National Day) on April 23 7. May Day on May 1st 9. Notting Hill Ca

18、rnival in August 10. Harvest Festival in September 11. Halloween on October31 12. Bonfire Night on November 5 13. Remembrance Day on November 11 14. St Andrews Day (Scotlands National Day) on November 30 15. Christmas on December 25 16. Boxing Day on December 26thThe major festivals and public holid

19、ays in the USA are the following:New Years Day (Jan. 1)Martin Luther King, Jr.s Birthday (third Mon., Jan.)Lincolns Birthday (Feb. 12)St. Valentines Day (Feb. 14,)Washingtons Birthday or Presidents Day (third Mon., Feb.)April Fools Day (April 1)Easter May Day (May 1)Mothers Day (second Sun., May)Mem

20、orial Day (last Mon., May) 阵亡战士纪念日Pentecost (Whitsunday) (May 31) 圣灵降临节Fathers Day (third Sun., June)Independence Day (July 4)Halloween (Oct. 31) 万圣节前夕All Saints Day ( Nov. 1) 万圣节HallowmasVeterans Day (Nov. 11) 退伍军人节Thanksgiving (Thurs., Nov.)Christmas ( Dec. 25) lanterns2lantern;lamp;light;torch;fl

21、ashlight;searchlight; bulblanternC灯笼;提灯the Lantern Festival元宵节lampC 灯,油灯 lamps fixed on lampposts. 固定在街灯柱上的灯light1. U光;光线; 2.C灯交通灯traffic light红绿灯=stoplight traffic signal交通信号灯neon light霓虹灯coloured light彩灯to read by the light of a candle在蜡烛光下读书Turn off the lights when you leave. 离开时把灯熄掉。flashlight闪光

22、灯;手电筒 torchC 火炬,火把;手电筒;(焊接用的)喷灯The torch was lighted by a champion of last Olympic Games. 火炬由上届奥运会冠军点亮了。torch relay火炬接力searchlightC探照灯Searchlight are installed on the walls of the prison.监狱的墙上安装了探照灯bulbC电灯泡The bulb has burned out. 灯泡烧坏了。 deities3deity : A god or goddess. 神,女神ghost;spirit; devil; dem

23、on ;angel; Satan; elf; fairy; sprite; fiend; goblinghost人死后的鬼魂spirit幽灵, 妖精; 天使或魔鬼devil恶魔demon恶魔angel天使Satan:撒旦, 魔鬼=the Devil.elf小精灵, 矮人, 淘气鬼, 恶作剧的人fairy仙女, 精灵sprite小妖精, 调皮鬼fiend 恶魔goblin顽皮丑陋的小鬼,(爱搞恶作剧或调皮) dinner4n.(名词)1. The chief meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.正餐:在中午吃或晚上吃的一天正餐2.

24、 A banquet or formal meal in honor of a person or an event.宴会:为了某人或某事而举行的一次正式宴会或大宴会We gave a dinner in honor of our guests.我们设宴款待客人。meal C1. 膳食;一餐: The food served and eaten in one sitting.I had a solid meal.我饱餐了一顿。2. 进餐;进餐时间A customary time or occasion of eating food.Please dont eat between meals.在

25、两顿饭之间请不要进食。banquet : An elaborate, sumptuous repast.(通常指正式的)宴会; 酒席give hold a banquet举行宴会a state banquet国宴repast.A meal or the food eaten or provided at a meal.1. 【书】餐,饮食;宴CBreakfast at our house is a light repast.我们家的早餐是很清淡的。2. 【书】就餐;就餐时间Uv. re.past.ed,,re.pasts v.intr. To eat or feast.进

26、食;就餐Feast: A large, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons and often accompanied by entertainment; a banquet.宴会:精心准备的大筵席,通常有很多人参加,并有娱乐活动;酒席 lawn5grass草, 草地grassland草地, 草原meadow草地,牧场lawn 草坪,草地mow (用镰刀等)刈(草等) haystack, mow草堆prairie广阔而无树木的大草原,北美洲中部的大平原savanna热带大草原pasture牧场straw稻草, 麦杆hay (做

27、饲料用的)干草 fruits 6lemon 柠檬 pear 梨子banana 香蕉 grape 葡萄 peach 桃子orange 橙 strawberry 草莓mango 芒果 pineapple 菠萝Hami melon哈蜜瓜cherry 樱桃date 枣子 lychee 荔枝fig 无花果watermelon 西瓜muskmelon 香瓜juicy peach 水蜜桃pear 梨子peach 桃子strawberry 草莓pomegranate石榴persimmon 柿子plum 李子loquat 枇杷durian 榴梿olive 橄榄coconut 椰子 crops, 7grain谷物

28、rye黑麦barley大麦oats燕麦millet 粟, 小米sorghum高粱; wheat小麦maize(美corn) 玉米maize cob玉米棒子buckwheat荞麦sweet potato甘薯,地瓜tobacco烟草sesame芝麻 vegetables, 8vegetablesstring beanC青豆kidney bean菜豆,四季豆,云豆pea C豌豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mungbean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽cabbage CU包心菜; 大白菜花椰菜a cauliflower青椒green pep

29、perwater spinach; water celery 空心菜lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹菜【复数】 .CU甜菜lettuce莴苣CUiceberg lettuce生菜spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜caraway 香菜cilantropreserved szechuan pickle 榨菜asparagus芦笋,龙须菜,石bamboo shoot 竹笋chives 韭黄a radish萝卜turnip carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠.a sweet potato地瓜long cro

30、oked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜squash南瓜pumpkina balsam pear苦瓜balsam香膏UCcucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜yam山药taro 芋头champignon 香菇button mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇蘑菇mushrooms香菇savory mushroomsavory风味极佳的, 可口的, 味美的dried mushroom 冬菇tomato 番茄茄子an eggplant; an auberginepotato, 马铃薯lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳tree mushroom o

31、r edible tree fungusfungus 菌类植物Cginger U生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱fruitspineapple 凤梨;菠萝watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜dQtdFQbetelnut 槟榔chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子tangerine 橘子a mandarin orangesugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜juicy peach 水蜜桃pear 梨子peach 桃子starfruit杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果菱角a water chestnut; almond 杏仁杏an apricotplum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜Hami me

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