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1、威学一百雅思考试内容回顾一、考试概述本场考试填空类题目为20个,选择类20个,本场考试情景内容难度较低,有较多的选择类题目所以题型难度相对较高。考察考生理解能力。Section 1咨询关于海滨酒店的问卷调查,填空10 Section 2介绍水族馆之类的介绍,选择5+配对5 Section 3 学生讨论关于旅游方面的调查,选择6+配对4Section 4 社科爱尔兰导演,填空10 二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:新题场景:咨询关于海滨酒店的问卷调查题型:填空10参考答案:1. original reason:conference2. present reason:wedding3.

2、 nosteps4. 餐厅环境:noisy5. not enoughmeat6. 职业:cook7. 想去的地方:India8.cinema9.insects10. 待补充(答案仅供参考)解析:考察的题型相对简单,考生需要注意同义替换以及对于干扰信息的排除。参考练习:C7T1S1;C8T2S1Section 2新旧情况:14267场景:介绍水族馆之类的介绍题型:选择5+配对5参考答案:11. which one is the newest enclosureA. attraction zone B. MO*KO C. Antarctica12. 公园拥有biggest collection a

3、rea is for?A. plants B. mammals C. birds13. 这个公园希望在哪方面做加强或扩充C. make an upgraded website14. Chose the most popular activity for visitorsA. free walking around penguinsB. underwater see animals15. In the competition, entrants have toA. paint pictures of plants and animalsB. where do the plants and ani

4、mals come fromC. name different animals and plants16-20A. visit * regionB. private area to have refreshmentC. watch special animalsD. picking up and holding certain animalsE. half discount for guestsF. a meal with staffsG. visit * regionH. only members day16. Keepers day -C17. birthday of children -

5、D18. supporter scheme -B19. Conservation workshop -E20. cooperate guest -F(答案仅供参考)解析:话题内容相对简单,但是题型相对较难,考察学生的理解能力以及同义替换的词汇量。参考练习:C10T3S2Section 3新旧情况:10308场景:学生讨论关于旅游方面的调查题型:选择6+配对4参考答案:21. “area” would be understood的意思:A. geography B. tourist site22. whats the most popular point about cultureA. more

6、 modern elements involvedB. focus more on art and entertainment last long-established23. what should be noticed about the survey?A. there is wide range of respondentsB. before the deadlineC. to get valid results24. whats their respondents?A. domestic and local residentB. local habitants and internat

7、ional touristsC. local and international tourists25. what should be asked for the background of the respondents?A. backgroundB. age C. job26. how should the data be shownA. tableB. pie chart C. flow chart27. Mexico -food festival28. Greece -ancient buildings29. Britain - F theatre performance30. Ind

8、ia -traditional dances(答案仅供参考)解析:考察场景相对简单,但是干扰信息较多,因此对于考生的理解和辨析能力要求较强参考练习:C11T2T3Section 4新旧情况:09401场景:社科爱尔兰导演题型:填空10参考答案:31. when compared to painting or music, movie lack ofdepth32. impose negative:emotionson some audience33. rely too much on the: famousactors34. applying techniques oflightto caus

9、e positive effect35. when compared to character, modern films pay much more attention onwords36. people will understand thepurposeof director through plots37. 这个导演的电影更像XX andmyth38. films which are fulldreamswill inspire the audience39. 这个导演的所有作品都underlinefamilyrelationship40. people will learn toac

10、ceptall the life offers(答案仅供参考)解析:单词拼写没有难度,但是话题内容比较陌生,比较难进行预测。参考练习:C6T2S4, C8T4S4阅读一、 考试概述:本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究了古代人的生存方式,第二篇是讲了利用心理学对课堂行为进行研究,第三篇是讲非语言交流的,人类除了用语言交流,其他手势、行为等的非语言形式也很重要二、具体题目分析Passage 1:题目:Human Remain in Green Sahara题型:判断题4 +简答题3+填空题6新旧程度:旧题文章大意:描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究古代人的

11、生存方式。参考文章:Human Remain in Green SaharaAOn October 13,2,000, a small team of paleontologists led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago clambered out of three battered Land Rovers, filled their water bottles, and scattered on foot across the toffee-colored sands of the Tenere desert in northern

12、Niger. The Tenere,on the southern flank of the Sahara, easily ranks among the most desolate landscapes on Earth. The Tuareg,turbaned nomads who for centuries have ruled this barren realm, refer to it as a “desert within a desert”a California-size ocean of sand and rock, where a single massive dune m

13、ight stretch a hundred miles, and the combination of 120-degreeheat and inexorable winds can wick the water from a human body in less than a day. The harsh conditions, combined with intermittent conflict between the Tuareg and the Niger government, have kept the region largely unexplored.BMike Hettw

14、er, a photographer accompanying the team, headed off by himself toward a trio of small dunes. He crested the first slope and stared in amazement. The dunes were spilling over with bones. He took a few shots with his digital camera and hurried back to the Land Rovers. I found some bones:Hettwer said,

15、 when the team had regrouped. But theyre not dinosaurs. Theyre human.CIn the spring of 2005 Sereno contacted Elena Garcea, an archaeologist at the University of Cassino, in Italy, inviting her to accompany him on a return to the site. Garcea had spent three decades working digs along the Nile in Sud

16、an and in the mountains of the Libyan Desert, and was well acquainted with the ancient peoples of the Sahara. But she had never heard of Paul Sereno. His claim to have found so many skeletons in one place seemed far fetched, given that no other Neolithic cemetery contained more than a dozen or so. S

17、ome archaeologists would later be skeptical; one sniped that he was just a moonlighting paleontologist. But Garcea was too intrigued to dismiss him as an interloper. She agreed to join him.DGarcea explained that the Kiffian were a fishing-based culture and lived during the earliest wet period, betwe

18、en 8,000 and 10,000 years ago. She held a Kiffian sherd next to a Tenerian one. “What is so amazing is that the people who made these two pots lived more than a thousand years apart.EOver the next three weeks, Sereno and Garcea- along with five American excavators, five Tuareg guides, and five soldi

19、ers from Nigers army, sent to protect the camp from bandits- made a detailed map of the site, which they dubbed Gobero, after the Tuareg name for the area. They exhumed eight burials and collected scores of artifacts from both cultures. In a dry lake bed adjacent to the dunes, they found dozens of f

20、ishhooks and harpoons carved from animal bone. Apparently the Kiffian fishermen werent just going after small fry: Scattered near the dunes were the remains of Nile perch, a beast of a fish that can weigh nearly 300 pounds, as well as crocodile and hippo bones.FSereno flew home with the most importa

21、nt skeletons and artifacts and immediately began planning for the next field season. In the meantime, he carefully removed one tooth from each of four skulls and sent them to a lab for radiocarbon dating. The results pegged the age of the tightly bundled burial sat roughly 9,000 years old, the heart

22、 of the Kiffian era. The smaller sleeping skeletons turned out to be about 6,000 years old, well within the Tenerian period. At least now the scientists knew who was who.G In the fall of 2006 they returned to Gobero, accompanied by a larger dig crew and six additional scientists. Garcea hoped to exc

23、avate some80 burials, and the team began digging. As the skeletons began to emerge from the dunes, each presented a fresh riddle, especially the Tenerian. A male skeletonhad been buried with a finger in his mouth.HEven at the site, Arizona State University bioarchaeologist Chris Stojanowski could be

24、gin to piece together some clues. Judging by the bones, the Kiffian appeared to be a peaceful, hardworking people. “The lack of head and forearm injuries suggests they werent doing much fighting,” he told me. “And these guys were strong.” He pointed to a long,narrow ridge running along a femur. “Tha

25、ts the muscle attachment,” he said. “This individual had huge leg muscles, which means he was eating a lot of protein and had a strenuous lifestyle- both consistent with a fishing way of life.” For contrast, he showed me the femur of a Tenerian male. The ridge was barely perceptible. “This guy had a

26、 much less strenuous lifestyle,” he said, “which you might expect of a herder.IStojanowskis assessment that the Tenerian were herders fits the prevailing view among scholars of life in the Sahara 6,000 years ago, when drier conditions favored herding over hunting. But if the Tenerian were herders, S

27、ereno pointed out, where were the herds? Among the hundreds of animal bones that had turned up at the site, none belonged to goats or sheep, and only three came from a cow species. “Its not unusual for a herding culture not to slaughter their cattle, particularly in a cemetery,M Garcea responded, no

28、ting that even modem pastoralists, such as Nigers Wodaabe, are loath to butcher even one animal in their herd. Perhaps, Sereno reasoned, the Tenerian at Gobero were a transitional group that had not fully adopted herding and still relied heavily on hunting and fishing.JBack in Arizona, Stojanowski c

29、ontinues to analyze the Gobero bones for clues to the Green Saharanshealth and diet. Other scientists are trying to derive DNA from the teeth, which could reveal the genetic origins of the Kiffian and Tenerian and possibly link them to descendants living today. Sereno and Garcea estimate a hundred b

30、urials remain to be excavated. But as the harsh Tenere winds continue to erode the dunes, time is running out. “Every archaeological site has a life cycle,” Garcea said. “It begins when people begin to use the place, followed by disuse, then nature takes over, and finally it is gone. Gobero is at th

31、e end of its life.”参考答案:判断题:1. NOT GIVEN2. NOT GIVEN3. TURE4. FALSE简答题:5. human skeletons6. teeth7. 9000 years填空题:8. noinjuries9. live in astrenuouslife10. their diet contained a lot ofprotein11. only found the bone ofcows12. live in the period oftransition13. also rely onhunting(答案仅供参考)Passage 2:题目: Behavioral Study of Class题型:段落细节配对5+多选题4+填空题4新旧程度:新题文章大意:本文讲了利用心理学对课堂行为进行研究参考文章:暂无参考答案:段落细节配对:14.A15.B16.G17.D18.C多选题:19&20

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