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长篇托福口语作文 新版.docx

1、长篇托福口语作文 新版The One about 电视利弊电视的好处:Television is a convenient source of entertainment, and a comparatively cheap one. People will not have to pay for seats in a movie theater;and lets face it, movie tickets are still more costly.Television keeps one informed about current events and updated with the

2、 latest development of science and politics. Television, together with the many channels now, cable TV provides,offers an endless series of programs, which are both instructive and entertaining.A lot of television programs introduce people to things they have never thought of before and have never h

3、eard of before.Watching TV is much more entertaining than in the past. For one we have many more channels than in the past and the size of the TVs is just getting bigger and bigger. 10 years ago, youll be lucky if your family had a 29 inch color TV that looked like a hideous wooden box. But now, 70

4、inches plasma or LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) TVs that look no thicker than a dictionary can be easily affordable. And, at the same time, the programs on TV are just getting increasingly entertaining with the cutting edge technologies used in editing. Even the used-to-be-boring commercial breaks are

5、now full of high-tech flavor. Sometimes, I would just wait to see my favorite TV commercials by Adidas, Nike, Pepsi, etc.Television made many literary masterpieces popular as they are adapted to TV series. And it provides special instructive programs such as language teaching, sewing, painting, cosm

6、etics, etc.Programs on Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, and the like, popularize science among TV viewers. People all over the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into ones sitting-room. So in

7、 this sense, TV is tearing down national boundaries and cultural barriers and bringing us into a global community of sharing and understanding.When people are the most busy, when they work the hardest, we need some sort of passive way of relaxing ourselves. And TV comes in just handy. And the tradit

8、ional flaw of TV programs not being able to be watched again is more or less solved todayas people are using Tivo or Apple TV to book and record their favorite programs by means of a Cable TV Network or iTune Store.电视的危害:Television is a great time waster. When youre glued to the “tube”, you dont eve

9、n realize how much time passes by idly. You find the more you slough as a couch potato, the less things you get done and the less willing youre in getting things done.People who dont watch TV are happier than those who watch it because television leaves the viewers nothing to spare, nothing left. In

10、 a way, when you receive information without judgment, youre being brainwashed and manipulated by TV programs, especially TV commercials.Television is to blame. Children nowadays find no points in learning to read and write largely because theyre addicted to the kind of picture and sound communicati

11、on TV presents. And a lot of parents use TV as a pacifier for their children. They place the kids in front of the TV and dont care whether theyre watching utterly rubbishy commercials or scenes of violence and sex as long as the children are quiet. This is selfishly irresponsible. Television obstruc

12、ts peoples communication because many programs require absolute silence and attention and no one dares to open his mouth during a program. Television is undoubtedly a great invention, but one of the main controversies about its effect on modern peoples lives is that viewers are not selective enough.

13、 When you allow all kinds of information, useful or meaningless, to bombard you, you lose initiative in the process. You sit for hour after hour and you get very receptive and very unquestioning and it seems to me the important thing in life is to be active, to do things, to think things and to be a

14、s creative as possible, and television, in a way, prevents all these. Television is doing irreparable harm. Before we let this “one-eye monster” into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures, we used to have hobbies, and used to entertain

15、our friends and be entertained by them. We used to read books and listen to music and talk to our family. But now we rush home just to gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program. We have even given up sitting at the table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging what happened

16、to each and everyone of us during the day. I think in a way TV is making our minds dull. Theres a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. Everyday, television consumes vast quantities of creative genius in us. When millions of people around the world watch the same program (so

17、metimes a poorly choreographed one), the whole world becomes a village, and society is reduced to a pre-literate condition. We become utterly dependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and spoken words. And we become so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness,

18、glued to the tube, rather than go out into the world.批评对年轻人有好处吗?The one about 批评年轻人没好处:First off, criticism brings pressure to young people. To wake them up and feel the reality of competition in the society and the hardship they have to face in order to survive. This is good; but sometimes, giving

19、young people too much stress can lead them astray. In the worst case of scenario, the youth may act out their pressure by doing something irresponsible and cynical, such as drug abuse and proneness to violence. Young people are usually counter-reactional to their parents constructive advice. They te

20、nd to rebel against their parents wish. Their parents may go one way and they would go exactly the opposite way in order to show their identity and their disobedience to their parents authority. Sometimes too much criticism will deprive the young people of their self-confidence in life. They become

21、doubtful of their ability and this is harmful. I think the western idea of education for young people is always to encourage them, to build up their confidence in order to dig up their potential. To recognize their achievement and overlook some of the small demerits. And through this, young people b

22、ecome more sure of their life and will cope with difficulties in life with more certainty. This is without a doubt beneficial to young people as it improves their chances of becoming successful and useful. Young people are great at imitating their parents. So when parents set up an example, they fol

23、low suits. When a parent constantly criticizes a kid, the child begins to think this is normal and common practice. And when he or she grows up, he / she will perform the same thing on his or her child. As a result, this bad habit will continue into the next generation, carrying with it bitterness i

24、n the relationship between parent and child and loss of confidence in life in the next generation. An unhealthy parenting tradition is formed in the family. Thats tragic. Young people, especially those with higher Emotional Quotient, often feel insulted, ashamed and insecure when theyre criticized.

25、They understand their own feelings and are more acute to others opinions about them. They begin to think theyre unwanted and useless when they receive too much negative comments on their behavior. Such young people will thrive in a healthy and positive environment; and could wither under pressure an

26、d negative karma.有好处:When young people receive criticism theyre absorbing experience from the critic. This will be beneficial to them because theyre told of whats right and whats wrong by a senior fellow. When young people get over their heads and become overambitious and arrogant, we need some sort

27、 of a wake-up-call to make them sober and alert to the reality again. Criticism is right there to help them out in this category. Life is not just sunshine and roses, the bitterness can be provided by some harsh words. Instead of hurting the young persons feeling, if controlled nicely, criticism can

28、 serve as a tool to restore the balance in our mind, and return us to what we really are. True words hurt, but theyre notwithstanding helpful. Young people lack self-control. They may do what they enjoy excessively, such as internet games, drinking, watching too much TV or playing too much sports. W

29、e need someone to discipline them and help them plan their time. So in this sense, in-time criticism can prevent the young from squandering time. We only live in this world for an average of 75 years or so. If criticism can save you from wasting your time, its just as saving part of your life. Young

30、 people should get used to criticism in the early part of their life because, very likely, later in their life, say when theyre 30 or 40, there may still be criticism. If parents never criticize a kid, even when he or she has done something wrong, this is being over-protective. And the kid, conseque

31、ntly, will be spoiled by the over-indulgence from the parents. Is that really responsible for the kids development? When the kid becomes touchy at others criticism, then he may lose a lot of chances for progress. No one would dare approach him with the right advice, just because hes too sensitive ab

32、out it. The ability to accept criticism, as a good habit of self-improvement, should be formed when a person is still young. The benefit of it will go on increasing throughout his / her life. Criticism, as a reality-check, will make the young people more aware of the seriousness of their problems. A

33、nd some youth may develop their potential rapidly under proper amount of criticism. They begin to take things seriously and take matters into their own hands. Under such a feeling, they begin to think, “How can I solve this problem more creatively.” And in the process, they may even hit a big idea. If I remem

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