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1、安徽高考英语真题及答案绝密启用前2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(安徽卷)英 语【名师点评】安徽高考英语试题强调学生灵活运用语言的能力,难度较去年略有所上升。单选题涉及到代词、动词短语、动词辨析、交际用语、名词辨析、强调句、时态、非谓语动词、情态动词、复合句,其中22、24题有一定难度。完形填空是一篇说明文,学生对其内容熟悉,易于理解,重点考查学生对语义、语境、语篇的深层次理解,能充分反映出考生综合运用英语的能力。阅读理解题材与体裁广泛,其选材多来源于真实生活,词汇量比去年有所增加。文章考查全面,有理解主旨、捕捉细节、推理判断、推断词义、理解文章结构、理解作者的意图和态度等题,难度适中。

2、任务型读写题型设置中既有一定量的捕捉信息题,也有活用题和综合概括题。此题难度较去年略有下降。 书面表达为半开放式作文,话题为学生所熟悉,便于学生发散思维。本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷第1页至第14页,第卷第15页至第16页。全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。考生注意事项:1.答题前,务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、座位号,并认真核对答题卡上所粘贴的条形码中姓名、座位号与本人姓名、座位号是否一致。务必在答题卡背面规定的地方填写姓名和座位号后两位。2.答第卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其

3、他答案标号。3.答第卷时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写,要求字体工整,笔迹清晰。作图题可先用铅笔在答题卡规定的位置绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔描清楚。务必在题号所指示的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。4.考试结束,务必将试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标

4、在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. $19.15 B.$9.15 C.$9.18答案是B。1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?A. Go out with her friend.B. Work on her paper.C. Make some plans.2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50.3. What has the woman dec

5、ided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To attend a wedding.B. To visit an exhibition.C. To meet a friend.4. When does the bank close on Sunday?A. At 1:00 pm.B. At 3:00 pm.C. At 4:00 pm.5. Where are the speakers?A. In a store.B. In a classroom.C. At a hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个

6、小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6、7题。6. What do we know about Nora?A. She prefers a room of her own.B. She likes to work with other girls.C. She lives near the city center.7.What is good about the flat?A. It has a large sitting r

7、oom.B. It has good furnitureC. It has a big kitchen听第7段材料,回答8、9题。8.Where has Barbara been?A. MilanB. FlorenceC. Rome9.What has Barbara got in her suitcase?A. ShoesB. StonesC. Books听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Who is making the telephone call?A. Thomas BrothersB. Mike LandonC. Jack Cooper11. What relation is

8、 the woman to Mr. Cooper?A. His wifeB. His bossC. His secretary12. What is the message about?A. A meetingB. A Visit to FranceC. The date for a trip听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Who could the man Speaker most probably be?A. A person who saw the accident B. The driver of the lorry C. A police officer14. What wa

9、s Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?A. Walking along Churchill AvenueB. Getting ready to cross the road C. Standing outside a bank15.When did the accident happen?A. At about 8:00 amB. At about 9:00 amC. At about 10:00 am16. How did the accident happen?A. A lorry hit a carB. A car ran in

10、to a lorryC. A bank clerk rushed into the street 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the talk mainly about?A. The history of the school B. The courses for the termC. The plan for the day18.Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?A. In the school hallB. In the science labsC. In the

11、 classrooms19.What can students in the practical areas?A. Take science coursesB. Enjoy excellent mealsC. Attend workshops20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?A. During the lunch hourB. After the welcome speechC. Before the tour of the labs 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Most people give

12、 little thought to the Pens they write with, especially since the printer in modern homes and offices mean that very 36 things are handwritten. All too often, people buy a pen based only on 37 , and wonder why they are not satisfied 38 they begin to use it. However, buying a pen that youll enjoy is

13、not 39 if you keep the following in mind. First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use. The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征) 4l comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a 42 hand and t

14、hicker fingers, you may 43 a fatter pen. The length of a pen can 44 influence comfort. A pen that is too 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstable. Then, the writing point of the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀地) while the pen remains in touch with the paper. 47 will make it possible for you

15、 to create a 48 line of writing. The point should also be sensitive enough to 49 ink from running when the pen is lifted. A point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again. 52 , the pen should make a thick, dark line. Fine-line pens may 53 bad ha

16、ndwriting, but fine, delicate lines do not command 54 next to printed text, as, 55 , a signature on a printed letter. A broad line, on the other hand, gives an impression of confidence and authority (权威).36. A. many B. few C. pleasant D. important37. A. 1ooks B. reason C. value D. advantages 38. A.

17、once B. if C. because D. though39. A. convenient B. easy C. hard D. difficult40. A. heavy B. easy C. hard D. safe41. A. taking B. finding C. determining D. seeking42. A. stronger B. weaker C. smaller D.1arger43. A. prefer B. recommend C. prepare D. demand44. A. hardly B. also C. never D. still45. A.

18、 thick B. light C. long D. soft46. A. change B. allow C. reduce D. press47. A They B. One C. This D. Some48. A thin B. rough C. black D. smooth49. A prevent B. free C. protect D. remove50. A way B. sight C. flow D. stream51. A so B. as C. and D. Yet52. A Meanwhile B. Generally C. Afterwards D. Final

19、ly53. A show up B. differ from C. break down D. compensate for54. A attention B. support C. respect D. admission55. A at most B. for example C. in brief D. on purpose第三部分 阅读理解AThe engineer Camillo Oliver was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908. At his factory in Ivrea, he designed and p

20、roduced the first Italian typewriter. Today the companys head office s still in Ivrea, near Turin, but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year. Some went to cust

21、omers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries.Camillos son, Adriano, started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss. He introduced a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialists. The company developed new a

22、nd better typewriters and then calculators(计算机). In 1959 it produced the ELEA computer system. This was the first mainframe(主机)computer designed and made in Italy.After Adriano died in 1960, the company had a period of financial problems. Other companies, especially the Japanese, made faster progres

23、s in electronic technology than the Italian company. In 1978, Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss. Olivetti increased its marking and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment. Soon it became one of the worlds leading companies

24、in information technology and communications. There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti groupone for personal computers, one for Systems and services, and two for telecommunications.56. From the text we learn that _.A. by 1930 Olivetti produced 13,000 typewriters a yearB. Olivetti ear

25、ned more in the 1960s than in the 1950sC. some of Olivettis 700 staff regularly visited customers in ItalyD. Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning 57. What was probably the direct result of Olivettis falling behind in electronic technology?A. Adrianos death. B. A period

26、of financial problems.C. Its faster progress. D. Its agreements with other companies.58. What do we know about Olivetti?A. It produced the best typewriter in the world.B. It designed the worlds first mainframe computer.C. It exported more typewriters than other companies.D. It has five independent c

27、ompanies with its head office in Ivrea.59. The best title for the text would be _.A. The Origin of Olivetti B. The Success of OlivettiC. The History of Olivetti D. The Production of OlivettiBHave you ever wondered?1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?It can take five hours to go wes

28、t-east from New York (NY) to London but seven hours to travel east-west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet(喷射)stream. The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. The planes m

29、oving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the west-east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction.2. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off?Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other structures(建筑物)float

30、 away? What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth. The Earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something around your head on a string(细绳), it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Then it flies of

31、f in a straight line. Switching off gravity would be like letting go of the string. Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling. Most things outside would fly off into space.60. What information can we get from the first passage?A. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly.B. Planes go slower when they are m

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