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1、新视野第三册Unit3单词表 New Words leadershipn.1. U the quality that a leader should have领导才能2. U the position of being a leader领导地位;领导权publicityn.1. U the attention that sb. or sth. gets from newspapers, television, etc.关注2. U the business of providing information in order to attract public attention宣传;推广cul

2、tivatevt.1. develop a particular skill or quality培养2. make land suitable for growing crops or plants耕种,耕作comprehensivea.including many details or aspects of sth.综合的;全面的controversiala.causing disagreement有争议的;引起争论的suspendvt.1. officially stop sth. for a short time暂停,中止2. hang sth. up悬;挂strainn.C, U p

3、ressure caused by a difficult situation负担;压力vt.1. injure oneself by stretching a muscle too much扭伤,拉伤2. make a relationship tense使关系紧张ing before the main or most important part of sth.预备的;初步的magnetn.1. C sb. or sth. that attracts many people有吸引力的人或物2. C an object that is able to attract iron and ste

4、el objects磁铁minorityn.1. C (usu. pl.) a group of people of a different race, religion, etc. from most other people in that country少数民族2. sing. a small group of people or things within a much larger group少数;少数派questn.C a long difficult search探寻,寻求energetica.full of energy; very active精力充沛的;充满活力的conve

5、ntionala.of the traditional or accepted type传统的;常规的reformvt.improve sth. by correcting errors, or make a system work more effectively改革;改进n.C, U a change made in order to improve sth.改革;改进intelligencen.U the ability to learn, understand, and think about things智力;理解力controversyn.C, U a serious disagr

6、eement争议,争论curriculumn.C (pl. curriculums or curricula) the subjects that students study at a school or college课程preparationn.1. U the act or process of preparing sth.准备,预备2. (s) arrangements for sth. that is going to happen准备工作;筹备工作mixturen.C a combination of two or more people or things混合;混合体admis

7、sionn.1. U permission to enter or become a member of a school, club, etc.进入权;准许加入2. C a statement in which one admits that sth. is true承认;供认outlookn.1. C ones general attitude to life and the world看法,观点,态度2. C what is expected to happen in the future前景,远景workshopn.1. C a meeting where a group of peo

8、ple discuss a subject, esp. by taking part in discussions or activities研讨会;研习班2. C a room or building where things are made or repaired with machines or tools车间;作坊seminarn.C a meeting at which a group of people discuss a subject研讨会attendancen.1. C, U the number of people present出席人数2. U the fact of

9、being present出席;参加utmostn.U the greatest amount or degree possible极限;最大限度a.greatest; most possible最大的,极度的worthwhilea.worth doing; worth the money, time or effort that is spent值得(做)的enrollv.officially arrange to join a school, university, or course or arrange for sb. else to do this(使)登记入学;注册outsetn.

10、U the beginning开端,开始optimistica.believing that good things will happen in the future乐观的fruitfula.having good results富有成效的facultyn.1. U (AmE) all the teachers in a university, college, or school全体教员2. C a natural ability to do sth.能力;天赋campusn.C, U the land and buildings of a college or university(大学

11、)校园jailn.C, U the place where criminals are kept监狱insultvt.say or do sth. that is rude and offensive to sb.侮辱;辱骂n.C a rude or offensive remark or action侮辱;辱骂cursevt.say bad things about sb. or sth.诅咒;咒骂n.C an impolite word or words used to express anger诅咒;咒骂Phrases and Expressions see. as consider s

12、b. or sth. to be 认为是be scheduled to do be arranged to do 被安排,定于over ones protest in spite of ones protest 不顾某人的抗议put forth show; bring sth. such as strength into action 使出;发挥complete with including; supplied with 包括;具有do ones utmost try as hard as one can 竭尽全力work out find a way of doing sth. 制订;找到a

13、t the outset at the beginning 开始kind of slightly; to some extent 有点儿;有几分Proper Names Hyde School 海德中学Joseph Gauld约瑟夫高尔德 (人名)Bath, Maine 缅因州巴思市Malcolm Gauld 马尔科姆高尔德(人名)Joe 乔(Joseph的昵称)Hyde Foundation 海德基金会Baltimore 巴尔的摩(美国马里兰州中北部港市)New Haven, Connecticut 康涅狄格州纽黑文市Jimmy DiBattista 吉米迪巴蒂斯塔(人名)leadershi

14、p n.1. U the quality that a leader should have 领导才能 She lacks leadership.她缺乏领导才能。 Candidates must show leadership qualities and also a desire to compete and achieve.候选人必须具备领导素质和竞争、获胜的欲望。 2. U the position of being a leader领导地位;领导权 He was elected to the leadership of the Labor Party.他被选为工党的领袖。 Britai

15、n has lost its leadership in the ship-building industry.英国已丧失在造船业的主导地位。 publicity n.1. U the attention that sb. or sth. gets from newspapers, television, etc. 关注 The companys continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative publicity.该公司继续使用这样的危险化学品,招来了不少批评。 The film actress

16、s marriage got a lot of publicity.这位女电影演员的婚姻引起了公众的极大关注。 2. U the business of providing information in order to attract public attention宣传;推广 Who did you get to do the publicity for the show?你让谁来做演出的宣传工作? The concert wasnt given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold.音乐会事先没有做广泛宣传,所以不

17、少票都没有卖出去。 cultivate vt.1. develop a particular skill or quality 培养 At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach.在这所学校里,我们旨在开发学生的心智。 She seems to spend her life trying to cultivate her career.她的一生似乎都在耕耘其事业。 2. make land suitable for growing crops or plants耕种,耕作 He cultiva

18、ted the field with a large tractor.他用一台大型拖拉机耕地。 She also cultivated a small garden of her own.她自己也种了一小块菜地。 comprehensive a.including many details or aspects of sth. 综合的;全面的 She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.她对该学科有全面的了解。 We offer you comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.我们

19、将就业务的各个方面对你进行综合培训。 controversial a.causing disagreement 有争议的;引起争论的 He is a controversial person.他是一个很有争议的人。 He wrote a very controversial book, but I think hes since regretted it.他写了一本很有争议的书,但我想他随后就后悔了。 suspend vt.1. officially stop sth. for a short time 暂停,中止 The shipping service has been suspended

20、 because of bad weather.因为天气恶劣,船运服务暂停了。 Both governments are refusing to suspend hostilities.两国政府都拒绝停止敌对行为。 2. hang sth. up悬;挂 Two large stainless steel frames were suspended from the ceiling.天花板上吊着两个大不锈钢架子。 They suspended a rope from a branch.他们把一根绳子吊在树枝上。 strain n.C, U pressure caused by a difficu

21、lt situation 负担;压力 He finds his new job a real strain.他发现新工作的确压力大。 The recent decline in the dollar has put a bigger strain on the economic system.最近美元贬值给经济体系带来了更大的压力。 vt.1. injure oneself by stretching a muscle too much扭伤,拉伤 Dont read in this light, or youll strain your eyes!不要在这种光线下看书,否则会损伤你的眼睛! Y

22、oull strain yourself trying to lift that heavy weight.搬这么重的东西你会弄伤自己的。 2. make a relationship tense使关系紧张 Relations between the two nations had become more and more strained since the war.自那场战争以来,这两个国家之间的关系变得越来越紧张。 After the agreement there was a strained silence.争执过后是令人紧张的沉默。 preliminary ing before t

23、he main or most important part of sth. 预备的;初步的 In the preliminary discussions, American officials rejected the requests.在初步讨论中,美国官员拒绝了这些要求。 Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.我队在预赛中被打败了。 magnet n.1. C sb. or sth. that attracts many people 有吸引力的人或物 Our schools gym is a m

24、agnet for young gymnasts from around the area.我们学校的体育馆吸引了周边的小体操运动员。 The region has become a magnet for small businesses.该地区对小企业很有吸引力。 2. C an object that is able to attract iron and steel objects磁铁 A magnet attracts nails.磁铁能吸铁钉。 She drew men to her like iron to a magnet.她像磁石吸铁一样吸引男人。 minority n.1. C (usu. pl.) a group of people of a different race, religion, etc. from most other people in that country 少数民族 The Congress passed the laws to protect minorities.国会通过了保护少数民族的法律。 Some people wrongly attribute their lack of success in getting work to minorities taking thei

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