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1、46级作文1My View on Credit Card for StudentsFollowing the cell phone and laptop, credit card has become increasingly popular among the youth, especially among college students. And some of them even have more than one credit card. 第一段以一个总起句指出最近信用卡在学生中日益流行这一现象,并指出其广泛性(become increasingly popular)。Laptop

2、“笔记本电脑”Is it a good phenomenon? The responses are quite diverse. Many people argue that most students are economically dependent on their parents, and do not have enough self-control. Therefore, they should better not hold any credit card, or money would be ill-spent and their credit might be damage

3、d. However, others hold that credit card will impose more sense of responsibility on the students, and more opportunities to be independent, or they would get into the real world without enough social experience.第二段列举了针对此现象的两种相反的观点,用Many people argue that和others hold that阐述了两方面的原因,两种观点用However作分界线。i

4、ll-spent“花钱不当的,花钱浪费的”。 Impose“强加”为亮点词汇I share the opinion of the first group. The college students are too young to be entitled to any credit card, or would be quite easy to be in hot water. But it is acceptable with graduate students. 第三段就这一问题提出了自己的看法,可以与前面列举的某种观点相同(I share the opinion of the first

5、 group.)。be entitled to “有资格做某事的资格,有权做某事”, be in hot water字面的意思是“处于热水之中”引申意思为“处于困境中”表达十分生动。、My View on “Moonlite”, Moonlite is a term referring to those people who exhaust their earnings every month without any savings. With the acceleration of globalization, it seems that the availability of variou

6、s commodities has put more and more people into the category of moonlite. And these people are even proud of this unique life style.The moonlite brag their behaviors as a fashionable way to live a life. But we have to admit that problems exist in both their beliefs and behaviors. Firstly, industriou

7、s and economical concept has been Chinese traditional moral excellence. And moonlite has violated the belief seriously. Secondly, no savings will place themselves in a difficult position in case of possibly unexpected expenses. Thirdly, this immoderate consumption habit may subconsciously infect the

8、ir self-control abilities, which can result in serious consequences.In my view, though the moonlite may acquire temporary satisfaction from immoderate consumption, in the long term, it will deteriorate their personal financial levels. For majority of people, their income is limited and unnecessary e

9、xpenses should be avoided. We should always bear this sentence in mind: “Live within your means and save for a rainy day”.Credit Cards in College CampusAs is known that, credit cards in college campus are gaining popularity among students. In 2002, only 2% percent of the students possessed a credit

10、card, while four years later, the number roared to 34%.In my opinion, the changes are mainly due to three factors. First and most important, credit cards do have many advantages. With credit card, one need not carry much cash. And its safe and quick to check out by credit card. Also, one can ask for

11、 an advance of funds according to ones credit record which appeals to those students who are always short of money. Whats more important, the college students stand for the advocates of new trend. Though credit card has a long history in western countries, it is just a new comer in China. College st

12、udents want to be the first to enjoy the convenience brought by credit cards. Last but not least, the use of credit card can help students to develop their financing capacity, and can also arouse their credit awareness.There is no denying that we are stepping into a world of credit. The popularizati

13、on of credit card is a trend. And in the course of time, credit cards are likely to become a necessity of every college student.(高分词句:roar 表示“大幅度地增加“;First and most importantWhats moreLast but not least,(过渡词引用 使文章连贯性加强);强调句:credit cards do have many advantages. “ 信用卡的的确有很多好处。”模板句型:in the course of t

14、ime/In a long run (the long term), is more likely /believed /bound/ sure to “随着时间的推移/从长远来看, 某事物更可能/被认为/必定”;There is no denying that “不可否认” On College Students Occupying SeatsOn campus, it is a common phenomenon for students to occupy seats. In the library , classrooms, and even the canteen, you can

15、find books and pens claiming the temporary usage of the tables and seats.首段开门见山, 指出占座是大学校园的普遍现象,说明问题的普遍性。Claim “宣称“ temporary”暂时的“为亮点词汇。This issue has aroused publicconcern . Some people hold that it is wrong and impolite behavior which should be fought against, while others argue that students shou

16、ld not take the blame since colleges fail to provide sufficient study facilities.第二段承前启下。结构如下:Some people hold thatwhile others argue that”表达两种不同观点,其中take the blame “受到谴责“,fail to“未能”为高分表达 There is probably some truth in both sides. As to me, Im in favor of the former argument. For one thing, occupy

17、ing seats inevitably worsen the problem of resource shortage. The seats remain empty until the occupiers come. For another, taking up seats does harm to the harmonious campus atmosphere when friendship and modesty give way to improper competition. Therefore, I strongly oppose this kind of act.第三段明确表

18、达个人看法,从两个方面说明理由,其中in favor of “支持”、 inevitably“不可避免地” 、shortage“不足,缺乏” 、harmonious“和谐的” 、give way to“被.取代”为高分表达Internet Games: Good or EvilWith the rapid development of computer technology, remarkable changes have taken place in our way of spending leisure time. Nowadays, its common for us to see pe

19、ople sit in front of the computers and play Internet games.Some people believe that Internet games have provided us with a good way for entertainment. They argue life is a game, and Internet games provide a virtual cyber space for one to experience life. One can play different roles in this virtual

20、Internet community which is interesting and exciting. Besides, playing Internet games can cultivate some desirable qualities, such as teamwork spirit and perseverance. While others think that Internet games are detrimental in many aspects. They argue that playing Internet games can distract people f

21、rom their work and study. Besides, too much indulgence can lead to deterioration of ones physical health. They also hold that Internet games should take the blame of increasing teenager misbehavior.All the above opinions make sense, and from my point of view, Internet games are neither good nor evil

22、. As the old proverb says, fire is a good servant but a bad master. Internet games serve as a good servant; how to use it depends on us the masters题目分析:对比选择型 +社会话题+提纲作文写作思路:对比选择型作文要求客观分析并阐述某一事物的正反两面,或是提出某一个问题的两种不同看法。通常要在首段给出此类现象的介绍, 接下来分别叙述两种观点,最后归纳出自己的结论。对于结论来说,一种是考生明确表示支持某种看法,一种是对于争议较大的问题,考生并不一定明确

23、表态,可以权衡利弊,或者提出某种期望和设想,本文属于后者。高分精点:切合提纲,观点鲜明,词语,句式富于变化高分词汇:virtual“虚拟”;indulgence“放任”;deterioration“变坏、堕落” ;misbehavior “品行不端”;make sense“言之有理”;As the old proverb says , fire is a good servant but a bad master. “正如古语所说,火是一把双刃剑”。A Letter to the Manager of a SupermarketDear sir, I am writing to inform

24、you of my unhappy experience lately in your supermarket. On June 19th, I went to buy a desk lamp in the electric appliances department of your supermarket. Unfortunately, when I went home, I was astonished to find that it simply stopped working.To resolve the problem, I immediately went back to the

25、center of refund and exchange in your store. When I told what had happened to the young lady in charge, and asked for refund or exchange, she went so far on that occasion as to interrupt me continually. Later she even said it was my fault and refused to listen to me any longer.I strongly suggest tha

26、t the lady should be instructed on the proper manner towards customers. I hope you attach importance to this matter, and help settle it as soon as possible.With best regards. Yours Li Xiaoming题目分析:应用文+社会话题+提纲作文写作思路:本文是一篇关于购物出现问题的投诉信。在写这种信是,虽然购物遇到不愉快的事情,心里不舒服,但是为了能使问题更好地解决,还是要动之以情,晓之以理。根据提纲,第一段表明写信的目

27、的,即投诉对方的售后服务。第二段描述自己的不愉快经历,表达要清晰公正。第三段要求对方妥善解决此事。范文:Dear George, I have learnt with delight that you won the First-rate Scholarship in your school. It is terrific. I would like to extend my hearty congratulations to you. I think your family will take pride in your achievement at college. As your hig

28、h school classmate, I also feel proud of you. George, you are really great. And I know that this achievement surely results from your diligence. You have already reaped what you have sowed. Your achievement has demonstrated your excellence at college and I am sure you will be successful in the futur

29、e so long as you keep pushing hard. Please reply soon and tell me how you are doing this semester. I would also like to invite you to visit our college if you are free. Congratulations again! Sincerely yours Sam信函的常见句型申请信/求职信Im writing to apply for admittance to your university/college as a visiting

30、 scholar /research assistantIm writing to explore the possibility of spending one or two years working /studying in your institute/laboratory /companyI would like to apply for admission to your department/university to study in Please send me an application form for admission to your graduate progra

31、m.According to this mornings Times/China Daily /Beijing Youth Daily, you want an experienced efficient secretary Your advertisement in this mornings Times/China Daily /Beijing Youth Daily/appeals to me because I offer my qualifications in the hope that you will consider me for the job.I understand f

32、rom Mrthat there is an opening for a reporter on the staff of the New York TimesMy former associate/ employer will tell you that I am neat, accurate and painstaking in my work, that I am tactful and courteous, and that I am resourceful, loyal to the job, and of pleasing personalityThank you for your considerationLook forward to hearing from you soon.I am looking forward to the pleasure of a personal interview.邀请信及答复It is with pleasure that I write to invite you to attend the meeting It gives me grea

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