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1、北师大版高三英语课后习题含答案限时规范练33选修6Unit17A限时规范练33(选修6Unit 17A)核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、健康生活的素养能力意识限时规范练第66页一、阅读理解ASquirrels arent natural city dwellers (居民).In 1856 the sight of one in a tree near New Yorks city hall so surprised passers-by that a newspaper published a report about the “unusual visitor”.Around that t

2、ime,the tree-dwelling animals were being set free in Americas urban areas to “create pockets of peace and calm like the countryside,” says University of Pennsylvania historian Etienne Benson,who studied our relationship to squirrels over the course of five years.First they were introduced to Philade

3、lphia,then to New Haven,Boston,and New York City.Park visitors were encouraged to feed them,and security guards ensured their safety.In the 1910s a leader of the Boy Scouts of America (an organization teaching boys practical skills) said that teaching children to feed squirrels could show the reward

4、s of treating a weaker creature with sympathy,says Benson.By the early 20th century,though,America began to regret the friendliness it had shown squirrels.Cities had once been filled with animals from horses pulling goods to dairy cows.By the 1950s those working animals had been moved to the country

5、side.Pets and wild animals such as birds and squirrels were all that remained of the urban animal kingdom.Before long,peoples enthusiasm for squirrels wore off,and they started to see them as annoyances (讨厌的东西).By the 1970s many parks banned feeding the creatures.Today,it is rare to find kids with t

6、heir parents offering food to squirrels under a tree.And,unfortunately,with more and more buildings being constructed in the city,fewer inhabitable areas are left for the little tree-dwelling animals.What would be lost if the last of these city dwellers were forced to leave? “I think theres somethin

7、g constructive to have other living creatures in the city that are not humans and not pets but share the land with us,” says Benson.“Its a good thing to live in a landscape where you see other creatures going around making lunch.Its good for the soul.”【篇章导读】本文是议论文。文章讨论了松鼠是否应该留在都会生存的题目。1.Why were squ

8、irrels introduced to Philadelphia?A.To entertain park visitors.B.To keep the natural balance.C.To encourage kids to protect animals.D.To make the urban life more peaceful.答案D剖析细节明白题。根据第二段中的“Around that time,the tree-dwelling animals were being set free in Americas urban areas to create pockets of pe

9、ace and calm like the countryside,”可知,松鼠被引进费城是为了让都会生存变得更平静。2.What was the Boy Scout leaders attitude towards feeding squirrels?A.Disagreeable. B.Doubtful.C.Supportive. D.Uncaring.答案C剖析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“a leader of the Boy Scouts of America (an organization teaching boys practical skills) said that teach

10、ing children to feed squirrels could show the rewards of treating a weaker creature with sympathy”可知,这名童子军领导支持喂养松鼠的举动。3.What does Benson suggest in the last paragraph?A.Squirrels living in cities are annoying.B.Feeding squirrels should be discouraged.C.Squirrels should be allowed to live in cities.D

11、.It is possible for people to keep squirrels as pets.答案C剖析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的constructive和 a good thing等关键词,以及“Its good for the soul”可判断,Benson认为松鼠应该被容许留在都会里。BIt is 7 am on a gray Thursday,and I am on the telephone to a group of strangers struggling with excited laughter.There must be 20 of them men and

12、women;young and old laughing.These people have never met;nor do they know each others names.Yet for 10 minutes,five mornings a week,they simply pick up the phone and laugh.This is the “laughter line”,part of the growing industry in laughter treatment,Britains latest and most unusual treatment.The si

13、mple act of laughing is increasingly being used as a method for dealing with mental and physical disorders.Since it was founded in 2004,the UK Laughter Network has increased ten times,training 8,000 people to use laughter to improve their health.So how does it work? It reduces stress.A Maryland stud

14、y found that it expands the inner lining of our blood vessels (血管) and so improves circulation.“Your immune system is strengthened by up to 40 percent,” explains laughter therapist Julie Whitehead,whose work includes training those who work at Great Ormond Street Hospital.Laughter has also been show

15、n to lower blood pressure and improve mental function.But Lotte Mikkelson,45,founder of the laughter line,warns that its important to see it as a method of treatment not a cure.“In 2008,I was diagnosed with an incurable disease,” she explains.“My sister died at the age of 32 from it,so I know what c

16、ould happen.Since I started laughing,I havent had any worsening and my health is great.Id never say laughter is a cure but it can help.”【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章说明了笑对康健的促进作用。4.Why do the strangers laugh on the phone?A.They want to make more friends.B.They are struggling with mental illness.C.They do so for th

17、e good of their health.D.They are taking an optimistic attitude to life.答案C剖析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“This is the laughter line,part of the growing industry in laughter treatment.”可知,这是“笑声疗法”,因此他们在电话中笑是出于康健缘故原由。5.How does the UK Laughter Network help people?A.By training them to use laughter.B.By providing the

18、m with free medicine.C.By inspiring them to realize their dreams.D.By involving them in effective communication.答案A剖析细节明白题。根据第二段中的“the UK Laughter Network has increased ten times,training 8,000 people to use laughter to improve their health”可知,UK Laughter Network训练人们使用大笑来改进他们的健康状况。6.What can we lear

19、n from Lotte Mikkelsons words in the last paragraph?A.She has recovered from her illness.B.She thinks of laughter as a cure for her disease.C.She believes laughter is helpful for her condition.D.She regrets not teaching her sister laughter treatment.答案C剖析推理判断题。根据末段中的“Since I started laughing,I haven

20、t had any worsening and my health is great”可知,Lotte Mikkelson认为大笑会对她的身体状况有利益。7.What is the best title of the text?A.How did a laughter line come into being?B.Why do people seldom laugh in life?C.Laughter makes you more popularD.Laughter is the best medicine答案D剖析标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文说明笑对健康起到了关键的作用,用“笑是最佳良药

21、”作标题切合文章主旨。二、七选五Sophia Collins and Emy Jacobo have been best friends since kindergarten.“I play with Emy outside a lot,” Sophia says.“We like to read and do art together.”1 They wrote a book and used it to raise money for St.Jude Childrens Research Hospital.It started when Sophia and Emy had free ti

22、me in their first-grade class.They decided to create a book for Sophias younger brother,Sam,and Emys younger sisters,Kielyn and Lia.“We made the book to help them read,” Emy says.Whenever they had extra time,Sophia and Emy worked on their book,called Smile Everybody! Its about “all the reasons to sm

23、ile,no matter who you are,” the girls state on the back cover.2 “I drew the people and Sophia drew the animals,” Emy says.After finishing Smile Everybody! both girls read it to their siblings (兄弟姐妹),who liked it.3 Sophia wanted to sell the book.Her mom asked her what shed do with the money.So the gi

24、rls talked it over.“We decided to sell the book to raise money for St.Jude Childrens Research Hospital,” Emy says.4The girls had learned about it when a fund-raising trike-a-thon (骑脚踏车活动) was held at their school.After Sophias mom had the book printed,the girls sold more than 60 copies of Smile Ever

25、ybody! to family and friends and sent $315 to St.Jude.5 Emy says,“We like to help the kids feel better.”A.St.Jude helps very sick children.B.But then their project grew bigger.C.Later,Sam,Kielyn and Lia also became friends.D.The girls like to work together to help others,too.E.They took turns taking

26、 the book home on weekends.F.However,the girls had different opinions about their book.G.The two friends feel happy that their project helped bring smiles to hospital patients.答案与解析【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍Sophia Collins和Emy Jacobo两个善良的小密斯乐于助人的故事。1.DD项中的“work together to help others”与下文的“They wrote a book a

27、nd used it to raise money”相呼应。再由上文的“We like to read and do art together”可知,Sophia和Emy不仅喜欢一起读书、画画,还喜欢同心协力救济他人。2.E由上文的“Whenever they had extra time,Sophia and Emy worked on their book”和下文的“I drew the people and Sophia drew the animals”可知,她们利用周末的业余时间分工合作,轮流把书带回家举行创作。3.B由第二段的“create a book for.Sam.Kiely

28、n and them read”可知,Sophia和Emy创作Smile Everybody!的初衷是救济弟弟和妹妹阅读。再由本空前后的“read it to their siblings”“who liked it”和“sell the raise money for St.Jude”可知,她们有了更大的目的。4.ASophia和Emy卖书是为了给St.Jude Childrens Research Hospital筹款。该空则是对该医院的描述其宗旨是救济抱病的孩子。5.G由下文的“We like to help the kids feel better”可

29、知,通过卖书筹得善款的两位好朋友对于能给那些生病的孩子带来快乐感触很开心。三、语法填空A male mako shark (灰鲭鲨),1. (name) Hells Bay,traveled a distance of half the globe,or 13,000 miles,in less than two years.According to researchers,it is the longest track recorded in the Atlantic Ocean by a tagged mako shark.The scientists began monitoring t

30、he shark in 2015.In the first year,he traveled north along the east coast of the US before 2. (return) to the tagging site off the coast of Ocean City,Maryland.In 2016,the shark made several round-trip journeys throughout the Atlantic,traveling east past Nova Scotia and as far south 3. Bermuda.The r

31、esearchers say Hells Bays journeys have allowed them 4. (recognize) clear seasonal patterns.The mako shark spends the winter and early spring far offshore and 5. rest of the year on or near the continental shelf.While Hells Bay 6. (certain) deserves an award for the impressive mileage,the researcher

32、s say one of the 7. (reason) why he can swim so far is that he is still alive.Mako sharks,one of the 8. (fast) sharks in the ocean,can swim at speeds of 45 miles per hour.Their rapid pace enables them to attack humans without warning,9. is why the sharks are so dangerous.The scientists say that between 70-100 million sharks 10. (kill) by humans each year.Many species ar

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