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1、高英一册第九课词语解释Unit NineMark Twain-Mirror of AmericaHis houseMark Twains Original House in Hartford, ConnecticutKeelboatPlatboatGold Rush:1830s-1860s3. every bit: from the beginning to the end, completely 从头至尾的,完全的The ending is every bit as good as the beginning.He wanted to be elected every bit as much

2、 as his brother. He has eaten every bit of his dinner.4. cynical: a. believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness, without any sincerity. Sarcastic, sneering 愤世嫉俗的,玩世不恭的, Eg. A sarcastic remark Cynicism 玩世不恭,犬儒主义; cynically n. Cynic5. deal: I vt. give Deal sb. a blowH

3、e dealt the boy a blow on the ear.II. n. 买卖,交易 Eg. a business deal6.Obsess: vi. haunt; preoccupied with a single emotion or topic 1) 被困饶Eg. He was obsessed with/by fear of future./ Fear of future obsessed him. 2) be obsessed with: 对着迷 He is obsessed with money.He was obsessed with a wish for power.

4、n. obsession, a, obsessive cf. obese 肥胖的7. frailty: weakness, being frail 脆弱性,弱点Frail: a. physically weakAfter the illness, the boy turned to be frail.Her frail hands cant hold the cupPa.28. tramp: n. a journey on foot, hike ; a wanderer 步行, 徒步旅行; 徒步旅行者; 流浪者10. Confederate: n. a member of the Confed

5、eracyDuring the American Civil War, it referred to the 11 states in the South: The Confederate States of America 南部邦联 Confederate Army vs. Union Army11. guerrilla: 游击队员, cf. gorilla: 大猩猩 guerrilla war 游击战12. prospector: n. a person who prospects勘探者, 淘金者 Prospect: vi.勘13. starry-eyed: with sparkling

6、eyes, idealistic 过于理想的14. acid-tongued: sarcastic in tone 尖酸的, 尖刻的Cf. sweet tongued15. range : vt. wander or travel across the countryHe ranged the whole world in search of excitements.走遍山中漫游: The children ranged the hills.2) 排列 to range chairsRange:II. n. a range of buildings, 一排 a range of tools /

7、 mountain range(一系列) 山脉 the range of vision 目视范围 ones range of responsibility 职责范围 come into range 进入射程16. the new American experience: He lived in the stirring years: the American-Mexican War, the Civil War, the Gold Rush, the westward expansion and the American Spanish War.17. attest: (fml) v. pro

8、ve to be true Eg. They tried to attest the truth of the statement. Eg to attest a signature, His success attested his industry.I can attest to the truth of his words.The childs good health attests his mothers care.n. attestation; attestor Pa.319. artery: n. the main road or channel 动脉,主干线22. commerc

9、e: commodities abstract for the concrete23. lumber: n. processed wood, beams, planks, boards, of convenient sizeCf. timber: unprocessed wood24. delta: n. mouth of a river 三角洲25. The climax of westward expansion:In the 19th. C. America expanded its territory. In this westward expansion, there happene

10、d the massacre of Indians, the Louisiana Purchase (1803), etc.In 1848, gold was found in Calif. The news spread far and wide. People rushed there to seek their fortune. That was “Gold Rush.” It reached its climax in the 1860s.26. basin: 流域The Amazon basinThe Yellow River basindrain: v. 排水,Drain the

11、water from the pool.A swamp was drained to grow vegetables. n. 排水沟 Eg The drains are blocked up. drainage area 流域面积, drainage system 排水系统Here: to flow throughPa.427. cub:n. an inexperienced awkward ill-mannered youth 幼兽,年轻人,新手 eg cub pilot 见习领航员28. cast: n. 演员表 a cast of: a set of, a series of30. fe

12、ud: a bitter and continued quarrel between families 世仇, 夙怨31. piracy: n. robbery of ships at the sea, the act of pirate pirateEg a pirated book, pirated discs, pirate label 非法录制的唱片,磁带等32. lynch:I.n. II. V. to kill a person without lawful trial 私刑处死33. medicine shows: shows given by fake doctors or I

13、ndians who travel from town to town to sell their medicine游医卖药 e.g. snake bite medicine35. soak: vt. To immerse in liquid 浸泡 Eg Your coat is soaking in the sink.她把脏衣服泡在水里。 She soaked the dirty clothes in water. Soak in: absorb, take in mentally 吸收The earth soaked in rain water.The speaker paused to

14、let her words soak in.讲话者暂停了一下,以便她的话被人们理解pa.537. teem: vi. Be full of充满Team with: abound withThe river teems with fish.The article teems with blunders.Claim: vt. To declare or state sth. as a fact (without being able to prove it)She claimed that/ to be related to the queen.Cf. Proclaim:vt. To announ

15、ce officially and publiclyEg Our country proclaimed May Day a public holiday.Japan proclaimed the justice of WWII.Flotsam : n. Vagrant, usually destitute people. 无业游民通常指穷困潦倒的人Hustler: (sl.) n . prostitute, whore, streetwalkerThug: n. hoodlum, gangster, robber41. acquaint: vt. To get to know 认识, 了解,熟

16、悉Acquaint oneself with / make oneself acquainted with .You have to acquaint yourself with Chinese history.Make yourself acquainted with your new duty. acquaintance: 熟人,了解a nodding acquaintance, a speaking acquaintance泛泛之交Acquaintanceship: n.knowledge 知识, 心得, 感性认识Pa.6 43. the American Civil War (1861

17、1865): a war between the North and the South over the problem of slavery Abraham Lincoln (18091865) the 16th presidentRobert Edward Lee (18071870) general of the SouthUlysses Simpson Grant (18221885)general of the North, and the 18th president (18691877)44. halt: I. N. stop bring a halt to sth.Eg Th

18、e car came to a sudden halt. II. v. (行进中)停止 Eg The project halted for lack of money.46. motley:n. composed of different kinds of 混乱的,混杂 杂色的,五颜六色的 a motley coat / clown a motley company 三教九流Dont let students read a motley collection of books. Pa.7 47. succumb:vi. 1) (to) give way to , yield ; die 屈服于

19、Eg. The government succumbed to the pressure of the press.He succumbed to the temptation and stole the wallet.2) To die of 死于 eg. Twain succumbed to a heart attack.Eg succumb to a disease, succumb to a wound48. epidemic: I. n. 1)流行病 EG an epidemic of flu 2) the rapid, widespread occurrence of a fad,

20、 fashion, etc. 风行be affected by the epidemic of studying abroadII. a. spreading rapidly, widely prevalent 极其盛行的 eg. Epidemic discontent 49. flirt: v. to toy with, to play with 玩耍,不认真做 轻快的摆动 to flirt a fanThe bird flirted its tail.The bullfighters are flirting with death. to flirt with girls 调情, flir

21、tation flirtatious 卖弄风情的,调情的50. colossal: a. huge, enormous, gigantic 巨大的,庞大的 colossal success, colossal speed n. colossus 巨像,巨人,大人物,大企业51. rebuff: I. n. eg He was hit by a series of rebuffs.连遭冷遇II. Vt. To repel or drive back, repulse 挫败,阻止,冷遇,断然拒绝 eg. to rebuff an invitation to rebuff an enemy atta

22、ck 遏制敌人进攻52. broke: a. having no money, bankrupt身无分文的,破产的53. territorial: a. 领土的 领海:territorial waters n. territory Chinese territory领土权:territoriality , 200- mile sea territoriality保护领土完整: to protect territorial integrity territorial claim: 领土要求领空:territorial air / space54. To ones gratitude: adver

23、bial of result Eg. To sbs surprise/ disappointment/ pleasure/ delight/ horror/ astonishmentTo literatures enduring gratitude: literature is forever grateful to this turn of events.55. enduring:ever-lasting, permanent 持久的 enduring peace / friendship / significance endure:vt. )To last eg. The happy ma

24、rriage endured 37 years.2) He could not endure humiliation / torture / setbacks. n. endurance cf. endue: 赋予(特性,权利)57. strike: n. the sudden discovery of some mineral ores v. to strike gold / oilThen and now: a contrastCf. here and there; up and down; in and out; to and fro; back and forth; high and

25、low; right and left; day and nightHotbed: a place that fosters rapid growth or extensive activity of sth. Evil eg. A hotbed of war, crimeModern cities are a window of modern civilization and, at the same time, a hotbed of crime.现代城市是现代文明的窗口,同时又是犯罪的温床。“San Franscisco:A city of western California on a

26、 peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, an inlet of the Pacific. A Spanish presidio and mission were founded here in 1776. The first settlement was known as Yerba Buena, and the name was changed to San Francisco after control of the town passed to the United States in 1846. Disco

27、very of gold nearby in 1848 changed the city from a small community into a thriving boom town known for its lawlessness and bawdy amusements. The city was all but destroyed by a devastating earthquake and fire on April 18, 1906. Population, 723,959. 旧金山美国加利福尼亚西部一半岛上的城市,位于太平洋与 旧金山湾(太平洋沿岸一海港)之间,1776年西

28、班牙在此建立要塞和传道区。第一个殖民点被称为耶尔巴布埃那,1846年美国控制该城市后改名旧金山。1848年在附近地区发现了金矿,这使原来的小社区发展成为一个日益繁荣的城镇,以无法规约束且多猥亵的消遣方式而闻名。该城市在1906年4月18日的毁灭性大地震和火灾中几乎被摧毁。人口723,959中国人在美国最多的城市58. hone: to sharpen 磨 to hone a razor, to hone ones artistic skill 磨练技艺 to hone a group to a strike force 训练一小组成为突击队59. scathing: a. harsh or c

29、austic, severe, critical 严厉的,尖刻的 scathing scorn 尖刻的嘲讽, scathing condemnation 严厉的谴责Lu Xun wrote a lot of scathing articles to urge China to reform. adv. ScathinglyMistreat: being treated wrongly, badly错误对待f. illtreat: vt. being treated unkindly, cruelly虐待Eg.文革时很多老干部被错误对待Many intellectuals were mistre

30、ated during the Cultural Revolution.The step-mother was charged with illtreatment of the girl. 63. trend setting: leading the trend 领导潮流fashion leader 创新精神 set / start a trend 引领潮流,标新立异 trend: tendency 趋势,走向 eg the trend of mountains the trend of events 事态趋向 trendsetter64. sluggish: a. inactive, slo

31、w 动作缓慢的,懒散的eg. a sluggish person / mind / economy / market, Fish become sluggish in winter.Te production growth is now sluggish. n. slug 动作缓慢懒散的人65. sloth: a lazy man, lazinessHe lives a life of sloth.You have to overcome your habitual sloth.66. astounding: surprising, shocking 令人震惊的 astound: v. He was astounded by what he saw.67. dash and daring: energy and couragedash: n. energy make a dash at冲向 The general has both dash and skill. 智勇双全 Daring

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