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1、新视野大学英语第二册UNIT3大学英语课程教案授课章节名 称Unit 3 New Horizon English Course Book 2 教材逻辑结构分析和学生分析This is the first two periods of this unit. The Ss need to finish three tasks of Listening and Speaking Course. Then, they need to learn the words of Section A and get familiar with them.教学目的1. Review/master some pho

2、netic sounds;2. Develop the students ability of listening and speaking.3. Learn new words and expressions in Section A.教学重点1. Build students ability in listening.2. How to make use of the new words and expressions.教学难点1. Listening tasks2. New words and expressions更新、补充及删节内 容教学方法与使用教具Audio-visual lin

3、guisticsTape-recorder作 业1) Read the proverbs and sayings. Practice tongue twister.2) Memorize the words and expressions.3) Read Section A.课后体会(教学后记)教案以及板书设计Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming up1. Get the Ss to review the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants on page 27.2. Play the tape once and

4、ask the Ss to listen carefully and try to circle the word they hear in each sentence.3. Get the Ss to give the answers to the exercise.4. Get the Ss to read the sentences in the text.Step 2 Read aloud1. Get the Ss read the proverbs and sayings after the tape.2. Ask some Ss to read them to the whole

5、class. Call the Ss attention to the easily comfused words or sounds.3. Ss practice the tongue twister in pairs.Step 3 Testing Your EarsTask 11. Remind the Ss to read the four choices in advance so that they are better prepared for the answers.2. Play the tape twice and ask the Ss to listen carefully

6、 and try to find out the correct answer from the 4 choices.3. Explain some key word in the question: 1) give sb a lift 2) be sick of 4. Get the Ss repeat the sentences after the tape and check the answers.Task 21. Ss listen to the tape with books closed. Try to answer the questions without looking a

7、t the choices.2. Play the tape again. Ss finish the exercises.3. Check the answers.Step 4 Text StudyLeading in1. Get each student to imagine what his or her first job is going to be like.2. Get some students to express their ideas to the whole class.Section A Words Study1. Ss read the new words toge

8、ther.2. T finds out the wrong pronunciations and tries to correct them.3. Ss read the word again after the T.4. T explains some of the important wordsfellow: adj. another (of two or more things or people like oneself) 同类的 Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. 阿尔弗这样干

9、了两年多,与他同事的清洁工帮他保守秘密。ton n. 1. C(of) a very large quantity 大量例 I bought tons of watermelon when it was cheap. 我趁便宜的时候买了很多西瓜。例 You must have made tons of money. 你肯定赚了很多钱。2. C (plural tons or ton) a measure of weight (重量单位) 吨例 a ton of water 一吨水lack vt. be without; not have; or not have enough of (espe

10、cially something needed or wanted) 缺乏;不足;没有例 More and more kids lack simple math skills due to the overuse of calculators. 由于过多使用计算器,越来越多的孩子缺乏简单的数学技能。n. singular; U the state of not having (enough of) something 缺乏;不足;没有例 Mary did not get a good education because of lack of money. 由于经济困难,玛丽没能接受良好教育。a

11、chievement n. U; C something successfully finished or gained, esp. through skill and hard work 成就;成绩例 You got a wonderful sense of achievement when you reached the top of the mountain. 当到达山顶时,你会有一种美妙的成就感。confidence n. U a strong belief in ones abilities or in the ability of a person 自信;信任;信心例 He ans

12、wered the questions with confidence. 他非常自信地回答了所有的问题。faith n. 1. U firm belief; complete confidence 信任;信心例 I have great faith in your ability to do the job. 我坚信你能做好这件事。2. U belief and trust in something 信仰例 Many Americans have great faith in God. 许多美国人虔诚地信仰上帝。invest v. put (money) to a particular use

13、 in order to make a profit 投资例 I believe it is important to invest in new machinery. 我认为投资新设备是很重要的。 meantime n. the time between two events 间隔时间;(与此)同时;其间例 You may spend the meantime enjoying the scenery. 在此期间,你可以欣赏一下风景。例 Park the car and Ill get the ticket in the meantime. 把车停好,其间我去买票。 stockbroker

14、n. C a person who does business for another, for example, in buying and selling business shares or stock 证券与股票经纪人例 Hes earning a fortune as a stockbroker. 作为证券经纪人他挣大笔的钱。apply v. 1. request something, especially officially and in writing(以书面)提出请求;申请例 She applied for a job with the local newspaper. 她申

15、请在当地一家报社工作。2. (cause to) have an effect; be directly related 适用;应用;与直接有关例 Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes. 科学上的发明通常都应用于工业生产过程。例 They applied the rules to new members only. 他们仅对新会员实行这些规定。 eventually adv. at last; in the end 终于;最后例 Although Lincoln eventually became a

16、lawyer, he had very little formal schooling. 虽然林肯几乎没接受过正规的教育,但他最终成了一名律师。 plus prep. and also 和;加上 例 Ive cooked some meat, chicken and fish, plus some vegetables. 我烧了些肉、鸡、鱼和蔬菜。annual adj. of or for one year 一年(时间)的例 Companies publish annual reports to inform the public of their activities. 公司发表年度报告让公

17、众了解它们的活动。mount v. 1. rise in level or increase in amount 增加;增长;上升例 Sales were mounting after prices were lowered. 价格下调后,销售量不断增长。例 The cost of living is mounting steadily. 生活费用在稳步增长。2. get on (a horse, a bicycle, etc.) 登上;骑上(马,自行车等)例 I saw him mount his bicycle and ride away. 我看到他骑上自行车走了。例 The young

18、man mounted his horse skillfully. 那个年轻人很熟练地骑上马。 bill n. 1. C a list of things bought, used, etc., showing the total amount that must be paid 账单例 They will be sent a bill demanding them to pay for costs. 他们会收到要求付款的账单。2. C a written plan for a law, which is brought to a law-making body for it to consi

19、der 议案;法案例 The government will pass a new bill soon. 政府不久将通过一项新法案。 tons of a very large quantity of 大量的例 You may have already bought tons of stuff. 你可能已经购买了大量东西。例 The employees always have tons of complaints. 雇员总是抱怨连天。 look up to (somebody) respect; admire 尊敬;敬仰例 Schoolboys usually look up to great

20、football players. 学校男生一般都崇拜杰出的足球运动员。take pride in feel satisfied or pleased with someone or something 引以为荣;为感到自豪例 If you do not take pride in your work, you are probably in the wrong job. 假如你对自己的工作缺乏自豪感,那么你也许找错了工作。例 The manager took great pride in his teams success. 经理为自己团队的成功感到十分自豪。help out to give

21、 help (to someone) at a time of need(需要时)帮助(某人)例 Since my wife began working, I decided to help out by making the meals. 我妻子开始上班后,我决定帮忙做饭。例 You should help out when she is too busy. 她特别忙时,你应该帮帮忙。as soon as at once after 一就例 He got married as soon as he left university. 他一离开大学就结婚了。pick up come to hav

22、e; gain, learn 获得;学会例 He picked up some French when he visited Paris. 他在游览巴黎时学会了一些法语。例 I pick up these good ideas from my father. 我是从父亲那儿得来的这些好主意。dream of (something/doing something) think about something that youd like to happen 梦想(做某事)例 I dream of one day working for myself. 我梦想着有一天自己当老板。例 Many pe

23、ople dream of things they will never have. 许多人梦想拥有自己永远不会拥有的东西。share (something) with (somebody) have, use, or take part in something with others 分享;共用例 She would not share her secrets with them. 她不想与他们分享自己的秘密。have faith in (somebody) have trust or confidence in 相信;信任例 Im sure Ill go to college; my p

24、arents have great faith in me. 我相信自己肯定能上大学;我父母对我也很有信心。come true happen just as was wished, expected, or dreamt 实现;成真例 Your dreams will come true if you have great faith in yourself. 如果你对自己有充分的信心,你的梦想就会成真。in the meantime in the time between two events; meanwhile 其间;(与此)同时例 Xiao Li quit her job. In th

25、e meantime, she applied to an American university. 小李辞去了工作。与此同时,她向一所美国大学提出了申请。例 In the meantime, 13 men on another plane had been sent to help. 其间,又派了13人乘坐另一架飞机前来救助。 apply for request something, especially officially and in writing(以书面)提出请求;申请例 Ill apply for the job today. 我今天就申请这份工作。例 They applied

26、to him for help. 他们向他求援。 end up be in the end (in the stated place, condition, etc.) 最后;以告终例 He never dreamed that he would end up owning such a great sum of money. 他从未想过自己最终会拥有这么多钱。例 If you continue to steal, youll end up in prison. 如果继续偷盗,你最后会进监狱。 invest in put (money) to a particular use in order

27、 to make a profit 投资;入股例 He invested 1,000 in an oil company. 他在一家石油公司投资了1,000英镑。例 He invested a large sum of money in a business enterprise. 他将一笔巨款投资于企业。Ss read the words and expressions again.Step 5 Summary1. Get the Ss to read the phonetic sounds again.2. Ss review the words and expressions in to

28、days class.3. Ss finish the exercises on page 47. Check the answers.Step 6 Homework1) Memorize the proverbs and sayings. Practice tongue twister.2) Memorize the words and expressions.3) Read Section A after the class and get the main idea.成都职业技术学院大学英语课程教案教师姓名罗海蓉授课时数2课时课 型讲授授课班级计软051班授课日期 节 次WEB051班授

29、课日期 节 次 金证053班授课日期 节 次 授课章节名 称Unit 3, New Horizon English Course Book 2 教材逻辑结构分析和学生分析This is the second period of this unit. Ss have to finish 2 listening tasks and 2 speaking tasks. They are going to get better understanding of Text A in this period as well.教学目的1. Develop students listening ability

30、 of catching key words.2. Be able to describe things or people.3. To improve students reading skills.教学重点1. The expressions to describe things or people.2. To better understand Section A.教学难点1. Describing things or people.2. Understanding of Section A 更新、补充及删节内 容教学方法与使用教具Audio-visual linguisticsTape-recorder作 业1) Recite the expressions to describe things or people.2) Prepare for the new lesson.3) Read Text A 课后体会(教学后记)教案以及板书设计Teaching Proceduresstep 1 Revision1. Get some Ss to recite the proverbs and sayings.2. Ss read the tongue twister. Remind Ss to pay a

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