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1、太阳能电池行业英语词汇5Epitaxial Growth The growth of one crystal on the surface of another crystal. The growth of the deposited crystal is oriented by the lattice structure of the original crystal. Equalization The process of restoring all cells in a battery to an equal state-of-charge. Some battery types may

2、 require a complete discharge as a part of the equalization process.Equalization Charge The process of mixing the electrolyte in batteries by periodically overcharging the batteries for a short time.Equalizing Charge A continuation of normal battery charging, at a voltage level slightly higher than

3、the normal end-of-charge voltage, in order to provide cell equalization within a battery.Equinox The two times of the year when the sun crosses the equator and night and day are of equal length; usually occurs on March 21st (spring equinox) and September 23 (fall equinox). Extrinsic Semiconductor Th

4、e product of doping a pure semiconductor. Back to TopFFermi Level Energy level at which the probability of finding an electron is one-half. In a metal, the Fermi level is very near the top of the filled levels in the partially filled valence band. In a semiconductor, the Fermi level is in the band g

5、ap. Fill Factor The ratio of a photovoltaic cells actual power to its power if both current and voltage were at their maxima. A key characteristic in evaluating cell performance. Fixed Tilt Array A photovoltaic array set in at a fixed angle with respect to horizontal.Flat-Plate Array A photovoltaic

6、(PV) array that consists of non-concentrating PV modules.Flat-Plate Module An arrangement of photovoltaic cells or material mounted on a rigid flat surface with the cells exposed freely to incoming sunlight. Flat-Plate Photovoltaics (PV) A PV array or module that consists of nonconcentrating element

7、s. Flat-plate arrays and modules use direct and diffuse sunlight, but if the array is fixed in position, some portion of the direct sunlight is lost because of oblique sun-angles in relation to the array. Float Charge The voltage required to counteract the self-discharge of the battery at a certain

8、temperature.Float Life The number of years that a battery can keep its stated capacity when it is kept at float charge. Float Service A battery operation in which the battery is normally connected to an external current source; for instance, a battery charger which supplies the battery load under no

9、rmal conditions, while also providing enough energy input to the battery to make up for its internal quiescent losses, thus keeping the battery always up to full power and ready for service.Float-Zone Process A method of growing a large-size, high-quality crystal whereby coils heat a polycrystalline

10、 ingot placed atop a single-crystal seed. As the coils are slowly raised the molten interface beneath the coils becomes single crystal. Float-Zone Process In reference to solar photovoltaic cell manufacture, a method of growing a large-size, high-quality crystal whereby coils heat a polycrystalline

11、ingot placed atop a single-crystal seed. As the coils are slowly raised the molten interface beneath the coils becomes a single crystal. Frequency The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, expressed in Hertz (Hz).Frequency Regulation This indicates the variability in the output

12、 frequency. Some loads will switch off or not operate properly if frequency variations exceed 1%.Fresnel Lens An optical device that focuses light like a magnifying glass; concentric rings are faced at slightly different angles so that light falling on any ring is focused to the same point. Full Sun

13、 The amount of power density in sunlight received at the earths surface at noon on a clear day (about 1,000 Watts/square meter). Back to TopGGa See gallium.GaAs See gallium arsenide.Gallium (Ga) A chemical element, metallic in nature, used in making certain kinds of solar cells and semiconductor dev

14、ices. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) A crystalline, high-efficiency compound used to make certain types of solar cells and semiconductor material. Gassing The evolution of gas from one or more of the electrodes in the cells of a battery. Gassing commonly results from local action self-discharge or from the

15、 electrolysis of water in the electrolyte during charging.Gassing Current The portion of charge current that goes into electrolytical production of hydrogen and oxygen from the electrolytic liquid. This current increases with increasing voltage and temperature. Gel-Type Battery Lead-acid battery in

16、which the electrolyte is composed of a silica gel matrix. Gigawatt (GW) A unit of power equal to 1 billion Watts; 1 million kilowatts, or 1,000 megawatts. Grid See electrical grid.Grid-Connected System A solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) system in which the PV array acts like a central generating

17、plant, supplying power to the grid. Grid-Interactive System Same as grid-connected system. Grid Lines Metallic contacts fused to the surface of the solar cell to provide a low resistance path for electrons to flow out to the cell interconnect wires.Back to TopHHarmonic Content The number of frequenc

18、ies in the output waveform in addition to the primary frequency (50 or 60 Hz.). Energy in these harmonic frequencies is lost and may cause excessive heating of the load.Heterojunction A region of electrical contact between two different materials. High Voltage Disconnect The voltage at which a charg

19、e controller will disconnect the photovoltaic array from the batteries to prevent overcharging.High Voltage Disconnect Hysteresis The voltage difference between the high voltag disconnect set point and the voltage at which the full photovoltaic array current will be reapplied.Hole The vacancy where

20、an electron would normally exist in a solid; behaves like a positively charged particle.Homojunction The region between an n-layer and a p-layer in a single material, photovoltaic cell. Hybrid System A solar electric or photovoltaic system that includes other sources of electricity generation, such

21、as wind or diesel generators. Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Amorphous silicon with a small amount of incorporated hydrogen. The hydrogen neutralizes dangling bonds in the amorphous silicon, allowing charge carriers to flow more freely. Back to TopIIncident Light Light that shines onto the face of a

22、 solar cell or module. Indium Oxide A wide band gap semiconductor that can be heavily doped with tin to make a highly conductive, transparent thin film. Often used as a front contact or one component of a heterojunction solar cell. Infrared Radiation Electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths lie i

23、n the range from 0.75 micrometer to 1000 micrometers; invisible long wavelength radiation (heat) capable of producing a thermal or photovoltaic effect, though less effective than visible light. Input Voltage This is determined by the total power required by the alternating current loads and the volt

24、age of any direct current loads. Generally, the larger the load, the higher the inverter input voltage. This keeps the current at levels where switches and other components are readily available.Insolation The solar power density incident on a surface of stated area and orientation, usually expresse

25、d as Watts per square meter or Btu per square foot per hour. See diffuse insolation and direct insolation. Interconnect A conductor within a module or other means of connection that provides an electrical interconnection between the solar cells. Intrinsic Layer A layer of semiconductor material, use

26、d in a photovoltaic device, whose properties are essentially those of the pure, undoped, material. Intrinsic Semiconductor An undoped semiconductor. Inverter A device that converts direct current electricity to alternating current either for stand-alone systems or to supply power to an electricity g

27、rid. Ion An electrically charged atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained electrons; a loss makes the resulting particle positively charged; a gain makes the particle negatively charged. Irradiance The direct, diffuse, and reflected solar radiation that strikes a surface. Usually expressed in

28、kilowatts per square meter. Irradiance multiplied by time equals insolation.ISPRA Guidelines Guidelines for the assessment of photovoltaic power plants, published by the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Communities, Ispra, Italy.I-Type Semiconductor Semiconductor material that

29、 is left intrinsic, or undoped so that the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself rather than of added impurities. I-V Curve A graphical presentation of the current versus the voltage from a photovoltaic device as the load is increased from the short circuit (no lo

30、ad) condition to the open circuit (maximum voltage) condition. The shape of the curve characterizes cell performance. Back to TopJJoule A metric unit of energy or work; 1 joule per second equals 1 watt or 0.737 foot-pounds; 1 Btu equals 1,055 joules. Junction A region of transition between semicondu

31、ctor layers, such as a p/n junction, which goes from a region that has a high concentration of acceptors (p-type) to one that has a high concentration of donors (n-type). Junction Box A photovoltaic (PV) generator junction box is an enclosure on the module where PV strings are electrically connected

32、 and where protection devices can be located, if necessary. Junction Diode A semiconductor device with a junction and a built-in potential that passes current better in one direction than the other. All solar cells are junction diodes. Back to TopKKilowatt (kW) A standard unit of electrical power equal to 1000 watts, or to the energy consumption at a rate of 1000 joules per second. Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) 1,000 thousand watts act

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