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1、北京海淀区高二英 语上期中2015北京海淀区高二英 语(上)期中 2015.11学校 班级 姓名 成绩第一部分(选择题 共72分)一、听力理解 (共两节,共15分)第一节 (共12小题; 每小题1分, 共12分)听下面的对话或独白,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。每段对话你将听两遍。 听下面五段对话,回答第1至第5题。 1. What does Ms. Jones look like? A. B. C. 2. What time will the train arrive? A. At 7:20. B. At 7:40. C. At 7:50.3. What d

2、oes the man think of Betty? A. Hard-working. B. Clever. C. Talkative. 4. What does the man dislike about the skirt? A. The size. B. The style. C. The color.5. How does the woman feel now? A. Nervous. B. Excited. C. Confident.听下面一段对话,回答第6至7题。6. Why did Jimmy feel so bad? A. He lost his lunch again. B

3、. He failed his math test. C. He missed his favorite show.7. What is the woman doing? A. Cheering the boy up. B. Teaching the boy a lesson. C. Talking the boy into watching TV. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至9题。8. What is the man majoring in? A. Art. B. Design. C. Law.9. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. T

4、ake a course in design. B. Get some training in law. C. Read a book to learn about jobs. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers talking about? A. How to remember words well. B. How to get prepared for a test. C. How to concentrate while studying.11. What does the woman think is the best way to

5、study? A. Reviewing lessons regularly. B. Studying hard a week before a test. C. Taking short breaks while studying.12. How can the man remember things better? A. By staying focused. B. By making a quiz himself. C. By sharing ideas with others.请将试卷翻到第7页,请看听力理解第二节。二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,从各题

6、A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I have always loved the sound of the cello. I would go to concerts and wonder what it would feel like to hold a cello and make such glorious music. But I never 13 that I could play one.One day, rushing between assignments, I 14 knocked on the wrong door in an office build

7、ing. A(n) 15 man with white hair opened the door, and behind him were a dark cello and a wooden 16 with the design of a lyre on it. For a moment, I 17 what I was looking for. I asked, “Do you play the cello?”“Yes,” he said. “Do you want to become one of my 18 ?”“Yes,” I responded, almost without thi

8、nking.On my first lesson, I told the teacher, Heinrich Joachim, that I had answered yes on impulse(冲动) and I doubted if I could be a musician. Mr. J assured me that with practice and 19 to the instrument, I could become one.I told him that Id had a beautiful voice. I sang solos in my church and drea

9、med of being a singer. But I 20 my beautiful voice during puberty(青春期). “The cello,” Mr. J promised, “will give you back your voice.” I bought a cello and began to go 21 weekly lessons. Much to my surprise, the lessons did not start with music but 22 . We chatted about my job, my interests, and my a

10、mbitions.Once we got to the cello, it was not just a meeting with a(n) 23 . “Embrace your cello like you would embrace a beautiful woman,” he told me. I put my arms around the neck and my legs around the body of the instrument. “Now play,” he said. “Dont just listen to the sound. 24 the sound and th

11、e vibrations(振动) in your hand, legs and chest.”I made steady progress. Along with cello techniques, Mr. J taught me about scales, melody and harmony. I got good enough to play with an amateur orchestra.I studied with him for seven years, until I got 25 and raised a family. I stopped the lesson, 26 w

12、e stayed in touch. After Mr. J died in 2002, I got a call from his son, Andrew, who said he had a special gift for me. A large box arrived days later, and inside was Mr. Js “cello chair,” the wooden one with the lyre on the back.I sit in Mr. Js chair often. I know I can never 27 his musical sound, b

13、ut I keep the tea on. 13. A. doubtedB. agreedC. predictedD. imagined14. A. frequentlyB. anxiouslyC. mistakenlyD. cheerfully15. A. elderlyB. athleticC. helpfulD. lonely16. A. benchB. chairC. couchD. box17. A. forgotB. realizedC. checkedD. explained18. A. tutorsB. colleaguesC. studentsD. clerks19. A.

14、beliefB. preferenceC. attentionD. devotion20. A. raisedB. lostC. changedD. dropped21. A. forB. onC. withD. through22. A. teaB. coffeeC. quizzesD. games23. A. machineB. instrumentC. companionD. musician24. A. HoldB. ProduceC. CreateD. Feel25. A. agedB. promotedC. marriedD. hired26. A. andB. soC. forD

15、. but27. A. missB. ignoreC. matchD. recognize三、阅读理解 (共三节,共45分) 第一节 (共11小题;每小题2分,共22分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。AUlrichs friend Anna was missing at school. His mother said that perhaps she had gone into hiding. That was the hope anywaythat the family had left on their own and had not been sent on

16、 one of the prison trains to Germany or Poland. So many people in his city had disappeared since the Nazis came to Amsterdam in 1940. The streets, once crowded with busy shoppers, were now filled with tanks and soldiers. No one felt safe, except maybe the collaborators(通敌者). Who were they? Who would

17、 betray their friends and let their neighbors be arrested? Ulrich remembered his friend Anna: her father had a small business right down the road from his house. Her sister, Margot, was in the upper school, where Ulrichs sister was in her class. When he walked to or from school, Ulrich studied the f

18、aces of the people on the street. Some looked concerned and cast their eyes downward as they walked, trying not to be noticed. His own parents had that look, like ghosts walking and wondering what had happened to them. The ones that bothered him were those who smiled, who acted like nothing was wron

19、g. “Were they blind?” he wondered. Worse were those who moved into the houses and took the businesses of their missing neighbors. They seemed too assured, too content. They may be Dutch, Ulrich thought, but they are the enemy, too. They were the ones who made the occupation easy. He hoped that when

20、the war was over, the rightful owners would come back and toss them out on their ears. School was not the same either. It was more than the missing students, though that was the biggest part of it. The teachers, who once seemed to know everything, were different, too. They seemed afraid to teach his

21、tory, afraid that the authorities would not like what they said. They jumped when a student dropped a book. It was as if they all had to hold their breath. It was nearly spring. Already tulips were fighting their way out of the cold ground. How many more winters, springs, summers, and falls would go

22、 by until they were free? Ulrich waited, and hoped that his friend Anna would soon come home. 28. What happened to Anna? A. She left on her own. B. She went into hiding.C. She joined the army in Poland. D. She was missing for unknown reason.29. The writer hates most the ones who _.A. occupied the ne

23、ighbors houses B. acted like nothing was wrong C. walked like ghosts D. looked concerned30. The teachers jumped when a student dropped a book, because they _. A. were not confident B. disliked teaching historyC. were too cautious D. had to hold their breath31. Why did the writer mention tulips in th

24、e last paragraph?A. Tulips reminded Ulrich of his friend Anna. B. It took a long time before tulips grew up.C. Tulips stood for hopes in Ulrichs eye.D. He liked springs best of all seasons.B Could eating fast food be bad for more than just your health? New research has found proof that eating foods

25、high in sugar and fat could also be bad for your IQ. Researchers from the United Kingdom and Canada looked at what children ate when compared to their IQ levels. The researcher used surveys to ask parents how often their children ate junk food. The parents were surveyed when the children were aged 3

26、, then followed up 5 years later to see how the diet affected the growing childrens IQ. They found that those who ate more junk food had lower IQ levels than those who ate a more nutritious diet. “This suggests that any cognitive(认知的) effects relating to eating habits early in childhood may well con

27、tinue to exist in later childhood, despite any later changes (including improvements) to dietary intake,” the authors wrote. The researchers found that dietary habits between the ages of 4 and 7 did not have as much of an effect as what children ate at age 3 did. This may be because the brain grows

28、the quickest during the first three years of life, and thus is more easily affected by things such as diet. “A possible explanation for this is that the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life. Studies have shown that head growth during this time is associated with cogni

29、tive outcome, and it is possible that good nutrition during this early period may encourage brain growth,” the researchers wrote. The researchers point out that they have found an association between food and IQ, but not a direct cause or effect. Other factors could have played a role in determining

30、 a childs IQ. Parenting, genetics, and even family income are all factors that determine how intelligent a child will be. Despite this, nutritionists tell us that what children eat can affect how healthy they are, how much rest they get, how smart they are during school. All of these things could ch

31、ange a childs test on IQ level. It is not clear whether food affects IQ directly or indirectly. More research is needed to determine if there is a direct effect between what a child eats and how intelligent they are. However, the study does suggest that there may be more reasons than just physical health to make sure a child gets a healthy diet.32. What is the best title for the passage? A. New Research on Healthy Diet B. Diets Determine Our IQ Level C. Childrens Health and Junk Food D. Junk Food Lowers Your IQ33. Researchers surveyed the parents _. A. when the children were b

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