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1、加拿大入籍考试题目精华加拿大的数据与事实What is the population of Canada? About 33 millionCanada is the second largest country on earthwhich religion is most people in - ChristianWhat are the three main types of industry in Canada? Natural resources, manufacturing and services.How many provinces and territories are the

2、re in Canada? Ten provinces and three territories.Official Language and indentity (English & French) Victoria Cross honour is available to Canadians for conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice. Friday immediately preceding之前 Easter Sunday is known as Good FridayEaster Monday Monday immediately followi

3、ng Easter Sunday February 15 is National Flag of Canada Day Labour Day is celebrated on the 1st Monday of SeptemberCanada celebrates Thanksgiving on The Second Monday of October制度What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship ?I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty,

4、Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.我会忠诚及怀着忠实的心对加拿大女皇陛下伊利沙伯二世,他的后裔及继承人,并且我会忠诚地遵守加拿大法律及履行一个加拿大公民的责任。What are three key facts about Canadas system of government? A feder

5、al state, a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.What is the government of all of Canada called? Federal What are the three branches of Canadian government? Executive, Legislative, Judicial (courts) 什么是政府的三个部门?What are the three levels of government? federal and provincial, Local or

6、 municipal governmentWhat is meant by the term “responsible government”? This means that the ministers of the Crown must have the support of a majority of the elected representatives in order to govern.The role of the opposition partyThe opposition party with the most members of the House of Commons

7、 is the Official Opposition or Her Majestys Loyal Opposition. The role of opposition parties is to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals. The other parties that are not in power are known as opposition parties. There are four major political parties currently represented in the Ho

8、use of Commons: the Bloc Qubcois, Conservative Party, Liberal Party and New Democratic Party.How does Canadas legal system based on? It is based on Rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process.What does it mean to say that Canada is a constitutional monarchy? 加拿大是一个君主立宪制

9、是什么意思?Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada. The Sovereign is a part of Parliament, playing an important, non-partisan role as the focus of citizenship and allegiance, symbol of Canadian sovereignty, guardian of constitutional freedoms, reflection of o

10、ur history and an encouragement for Canadians to give their best to their countryWhat does Confederation mean? The joining of provinces to become a new country.Canadas constitution was founded on what principle?- Peace, Order and Good Government What is the Canadian Constitution? A system of laws an

11、d conventions which our country governs itself by Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.列举加拿大人权及自由宪章所保护的其中两项基本自由。Freedom of religion 宗教自由Freedom of thought 思想自由Freedom of belief 信仰自由Freedom of opinion 意见自由Freedom of expression 言论自由Name four (4) fundam

12、ental freedoms that Canadians enjoy? Freedom of conscience and religion; 宗教和信仰自由Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press; 思想,信仰,观点和表达自由,包括新闻和言论自由Freedom of peaceful assembly; and和平集会的自由,和Freedom of association. 结社自由Identify four (4) rights that

13、 Canadians enjoy. Mobility Rights Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in Canada, enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport. 流动权-加拿大人可以选择在加拿大任何地方居住和工作,自由进入和离开该国,并申请护照。Aboriginal Peoples Rights The rights guaranteed in the Charter will not adversely affect any treaty or

14、 other rights or freedoms of Aboriginal peoples. 土著人民权利-土著人民在宪章中被保障享有的权利将不会受到任何条约或其他权利或自由的不利影响。Official Language Rights and Minority 少数民族Language Educational Rights French and English have equal status in Parliament and throughout the government. 官方语言的权利和少数民族语言教育的权利-法语和英语在国会和各地政府具有平等的地位。Multicultura

15、lism A fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity. Canadians celebrate the gift of one anothers presence and work hard to respect pluralism and live in harmony. 多元文化主义-加拿大遗产和身份的基本特征。加拿大人庆祝以彼此存在为礼物,并努力致力于尊重多元化和和睦相处。What are some of the duties and responsibilities of Canadian cit

16、izen? Serve on jury, work, obey the law, take care of ones family What are some of the sources of our rights and responsibilities?Our history, laws, tradition and valuesWhich legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians 那一个法律文件承认加拿大多元文化?The Canadian Multiculturalism Act. 加拿大多元文化条约。W

17、hich legal documents protect the official language rights of Canadians 那一份法律文件保障加拿大官方语言的权利?The Canadian Constitution and the Official Languages Act. 加拿大宪法及官方语言条约。The form of government in Canada is:Federal State, Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy Which is not citizen responsibility -

18、learn both official languagesFunction of the police? enforce and uphold the lawWhat is the role of the courts in Canada? settle disputesHow senator is chosen - on the advice of prime minister What is Sovereign(Queen) role? Non partisan党派 role as the focus of Citizenship and allegiance.What the Canad

19、ian Crown is asymbolofCanada The answer was because Canada is aconstitutionalmonarchWho is Canadas Head of State? A hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King).What is the difference between the role of the Queen and that of the Prime Minister? 女王总理的区别?There is a clear distinction in Canada between the hea

20、d of state the Sovereign and the head of government the Prime Minister, who actually directs the governing of the country.What do you call the Queens representative in the provinces and territories 怎样称呼女皇在省及特区的代表?Lieutenant-Governors (in province) 省督Commissioner (in territories) 专员What is a Cabinet

21、Minister? MP selected by the Prime Minister to run federal departments.What are the three parts of Parliament? The Queen/ Sovereign, the Senate and the House of CommonsWhat does it mean when we say that Canada is a federal state? That the federal government takes responsibility for national and inte

22、rnational matters, while the provinces are responsible for other matters, such as health and educationWhat are the federal government responsibilities? Foreign Policy, defense, citizenship.Which of the followings are the responsibilities of provincial government? Education, health care, natural reso

23、urces and policing.Which of the followings are the responsibilities of Municipal Gov. Firefighting & Garbage Disposal/ Social and community Health, snow removal and transportation. /urban or regional planning, streets and roads, sanitation (such as garbage removal), snow removal, firefighting, ambul

24、ance and other emergency services, recreation facilities, urban transit and some local health and social services. Building regulations 房建规则 What level of government passes by-laws? Municipal or local government.Our legal system is based on Equality before law and freedom under lawWhy presumption of

25、 innocence is important? It meaning everyone is innocent until proven guilty.What do we pledge when taking Oath I swear (or affirm) That I will be faithful And bear true allegiance忠诚To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second 陛下 Queen of Canada Her Heirs and Successors And that I will faithfully obser

26、ve The laws of Canada And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.How many judges are there in the Supreme Court of Canada? 9The right to challenge unlawful detention by the state is called Habeas corpusWhich right do Canadian citizens have? To be given peference for certain jobs.选举Which party is in

27、power in British Columbia? Liberal Partyone of criteria to vote - on the voter list only Canadian citizen can - vote in federal and provincial election.What is the requirement to vote in federal election: On voter list.What are the privileges of a Canadian citizen? To vote. What does Register of Ele

28、ctors contain? List of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.What do you have to do if you do not receive you voter information card? Call Local Election Office.Who do we elect for in federal election (On the general election) - member of parliament for

29、 your constituencyWhat is the political candidate. A person who runs for officeHow are Members of Parliament chosen? Elected by Canadian citizens.How can a party in power be defeated in Parliament? If a majority of the MPs vote against a major government decision.Which party becomes the Official Opp

30、osition? The opposition party with the most MPs.How is the government formed after an election? The party with the most elected representatives becomes in power.A member of parliament from Montreal decided to spend the weekend in her electoral district, this means she will be In some part ofMontreal

31、 were she was elected Who do members of parliament represent? Everyone in their ridings.历史Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada? The first inhabitants of Canada.Who are the three founding people of Canada? Aboriginal, French, and British.How long have Aboriginal People Lived in Canada?Migrated fr

32、om Asia 1000 years agoFrom whom are the Mtis descended? The descendants of marriages between early French and English traders and First Nations women.Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working towards self-government? They are trying to regain control over decisions that affect their lives.Mtis are30% of all Aboriginal peopleFrom where does the name Canada come? By the 1550s, from kanata, the Huron-Iroquois word for village. Why did early explorers first come to Atlantic Can

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