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1、感人的教育故事演讲稿感人的英语故事演讲稿感人的教育故事演讲稿【感人的英语故事演讲稿】小学英语在教学总体目标上就是要重兴趣,重成就感,重自信心。 故事教学在小学英语教学过程中占有举足轻重的地位。X分享感人的英语故事演讲稿,希望可以帮助大家!感人的英语故事演讲稿:Beautiful VoiceBeing with the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who is from Harbin,never has not phoned his said that there was no phone at home,It is Ok

2、for him to write to his parents,We are surprised at : He lives in modern city,Living condition is not bad, Why not instal a telephone?After the summer vacation,he often went to bed to listen to a tape secretly,which was taken from his he was crying for sadness, Weproposed to borrow his tape to liste

3、n, He did not time when was out,we got the tape under the pillow and put it in the recorder,After we listened to it,it seemed that there was not any voice in it,We are puzzled what he was dealing with the blank tape every night.In the xxing of graduation,he told us about his family, His parents were

4、 all deaf and he was very young,his father make a living, his mother endured all hardships as well as got the an expression of his study,his mother paid much attention to create the best conditions for never had him suffer from the their living condition was better,he had to leave his mother to go t

5、o said that he often missed her,His achievement was from Silent Love of his parents,including his taped the voice of listened it every night,feeling parents being with him.We were deeply from family is the most brilliant sunshine in the world,No natter where we xxe out far,or fly higher,in the eyes

6、of our parents,we are always the apple of their cared for every day. Silent love is the most beautiful voice in the world.最美的声音大学时同寝室有一个家住哈尔滨的同学,她从不给家里打电话.他说家里没有电话,写信就行了.我们有些奇怪:他家住大城市,生活条件也不错,家里怎么不安电话呢?那次暑假回来后,他每天晚上都躲在被窝里听一盘从家里带来的磁带,有几次还哭出了声.我们提出借他的磁带听一听,他说什么也不肯.有一次趁他不在,我们从他枕头底下翻出了那盘磁带,放在录音机里听,好像没听到


8、言的爱,就是人世间最美的声音。感人的英语故事演讲稿:Sand and stoneThe story goes that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the said:” Today m

9、y best friend slapped me in the face.”They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on stone: Today my best frie

10、nd saved my life.The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a ?The other friend replied: When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away .But when someone does someth

11、ing good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind ever erases it.Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in stone. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to forget him.Send this phrase to

12、 the people you will never forget .It is a short message to let them know that you will never forget them.Take the time to live.伤害只写在沙地上两个朋友在荒漠里穿行,途中他们发上了争执;其中一个人单了另一位一个耳光.被达的人非常伤心,但他什么也没说,只是在沙地上写到:“今天,我最好的朋友打了我一个耳光.”他们继续往前走,发现了一片绿洲,他们决定在那里洗个澡.结果,被打的那位陷进了泥潭,眼看就要被淹死,结果他的朋友救了他.恢复过来都他在石头上写到:“今天,我最好的朋友救

13、了我的命.”那位打他并救了他的朋友问:“为什么我伤害你时,你在沙地上写下来,而现在却在石头上刻下来呢?”被救的那位答到:“受到伤害时,我们应该把他写在沙地上,宽恕之风会将它抹平.可是受人恩惠时,我们应该把它刻在石头上,任何风雨也不会把它擦掉.”学会将所受的伤害写在沙子上,把所的的恩德刻在石头上.有人这样说,找到一个特别的人只需要用一分钟,欣赏他需要用一小时,喜欢他需要用一天,但忘掉他却需要用一生的时间.把这句话送给那些你永远无法忘记的人吧.这段短短的话能让他们知道你永远不会忘记他们.此生不忘.感人的英语故事演讲稿:爱,永不太迟My aunt died back in about 20XX. S

14、he was eighty-four and so was my uncle. When she passed he was devastated. They had been married for over 60 years. We expected him to pass on quickly after she died. He attended his church more frequently and his mourning was nearly unbearable to witness. His only daughter lived clear across the co

15、untry so he had only the rest of the extended family and church family to xxfort him.我伯母大约在20XX年去世。她已是84岁高龄,我伯父与她同龄。伯母的去世对伯父来说是个沉重的打击。他们结婚超过 60年了。伯母去世后,我们以为伯父很快也会跟着离开。伯父愈加频繁地去教会,他的悲恸几乎令人不忍目睹。他唯一的女儿一直住在离他很远的另一个地方,因而他只能从家族的远亲以及教会同伴那里寻求慰藉。My cousin talked him into selling the house that he and my aunt

16、had built together about twenty five years before. It was very hard to part with the home they built together. He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business. She helped him buy furniture and a flat screen tel

17、evision. He had not watched television for years because of his religion. He got back into watching the news and history channel and religious programs when my aunt was in the nursing home. He was like a kid with a new toy but still grieved horribly for my aunt.我堂姐游说伯父卖掉那栋他和伯母大概在25年前一起建造的房子。要离开他俩一起建

18、造的 “家”,这对伯父而言非常艰难。他准备搬进一间公寓,不过就在最后一刻,我堂姐和他看中了一栋待售的新房,而且这房子离伯父的公司很近。堂姐帮伯父买来了家具和一台平板电视机。由于他的宗教信仰,伯父已经很多年没有看电视了。他如同一个拿到一件新玩具的孩子那样开心,不过对于伯母的离去,他还是非常伤心。One day he called my cousin who was living in Texas and told her that he reconnected with a lady from a church that he and my aunt went to forty years pr

19、eviously. She played piano and his church was looking for new music. Her husband had died about seven years previously. He said he just wanted someone to go out to dinner with and spend time with. We were happy for them but had no idea how it would turn out. They were both almost eighty-seven years

20、old.有一天,伯父打电话给我那住在得克萨斯州的堂姐,告诉她说他和一位女士重新取得了联系,而那位女士来自他和伯母40多年前常去的一间教堂。那位女士会弹钢琴,而伯父所在的教会正要找新的音乐伴奏。那位女士的丈夫大约七年前去世了。伯父说,他只是想有个人一起出去吃饭,一起消磨时光。我们很为他们俩高兴,却不知道结果会如何。他们俩都将近87岁高龄。They were like love-birds and spent as much time together as they could. They both had one child each, she a son, he a had the same

21、 birthday although her son was a couple of years older. She had a housethat her father built for her when she got married to her first husband. She was content there.他们俩如同一对恩爱夫妻一般,尽可能多地在一起共度时光。他们各自都有一个孩子,她有个儿子,而他有个女儿。她有栋房子,是她父亲在她和第一任丈夫结婚时为她建的。她在里面住得很满意。The other fly in the ointment was that they wer

22、e both very busy people. They both still worked! They were in their middle eighties and both had their own family businesses. She worked for her son who took over the family business and he had his own business.另一处美中不足的是,他们俩都是非常忙碌的人。他们俩都仍然在工作!他们都已80多岁,都还有各自的家族生意。她为已经接管了家族生意的儿子工作,而他有自己的公司。The clash i

23、n their relationship came when they neither wanted to leave their respective churches. She went to her Baptist church that she had attended for many years and he went to his which was a Pentacostal. They decided to remain friends but nothing more. He was broken hearted, but felt that his religion wa

24、s the only way. She didnt want to leave her church and didnt like the extreme of his.他们都不愿意脱离各自的教会,这使得他们的关系出现了冲突。她去的是已经加入多年的浸礼会,而他去的是五旬节派教会。他们决定只做朋友,别无他求。对此,伯父伤心不已,不过他感到自己的信仰是唯一的抚慰方式。而她不想离开自己所在的教会,也不喜欢他的教会那么偏激。Before too long they realized that they did not want to be apart. They would find a new ch

25、urch together. They planned to marry. When he took her to a jewelry store and bought her a diamond, the employees were so impressed that they had a big write up in our own local paper, The Truth, for Valentines Day. They prepared for their wedding. They moved the wedding date up because neither want

26、ed to wait any longer to be together,and it was not proper to be together without being married.不久,两人意识到他们并不想分开。他们要一起加入一个新的教会,并打算结婚。当他带着她前往一家珠宝店给她买钻戒时,那些店员们都非常感动,写了一大篇文章发表在我们当地的报纸上,标题为“情人节真谛”。他们为婚礼做着准备。由于他们俩都迫不及待地想要“在一起”,而不结婚就不是严格意义上的“在一起”,所以他们把婚期提前了。They got married in her house, where they decided

27、 they would live. Her son and daughter-in-law stood up with her. His daughter and ninety-three year old brother and his girlfriend stood up with him. It was such a beautiful refreshing thing to see, two people who you would have thought had pretty much lived their lives, were beginning a new one hav

28、e never seen my uncle happier. He is still in love and she loves him as much as he loves her. I am so happy for them both and we eagerly accepted her and her family into ours.他们在她的房子里举行了婚礼,并决定婚后一起住在那里。这是一件看来如此美好而令人欣喜的事情两位你原以为已经度过了大半生的老人即将在一起开始新生活。我从未看到我伯父像现在这般快乐幸福。他仍然沉浸在爱河中,而且他们彼此深爱着对方。If you ever t

29、hink that it is too late for you to find true love or your life is over, you should see more relationships like theirs. They are both still working and they have been married now for almost two years. They are both going to be ninety in the next two months, and still work part time. They love their

30、life together. They still maintain their own home and go to church, out to eat and with their family and friends. It is never too late to find true love, again, or for the first time!如果你曾认为,寻找真爱对你来说已经太迟,或者你的人生已经结束了,那么你应该多看看像他们俩这样的浪漫故事。他们都还在工作,而且他们现在已经结婚将近两年了。再过两个月,他们俩都将迎来90岁高寿,他们热爱两人在一起的生活。同时,他们仍然维系着各自的家庭、一起去教堂、和他们的家人朋友们一起外出聚餐。寻找真爱永远不会太迟,无论是再一次还是第一次!

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