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1、中考英语语法专题动词时态教师版2015中考英语语法专题动词时态(教师版)题组一 一般现在时态 题组二 一般过去时态 题组三 一般将来时态 题组四 现在进行时态 题组五 现在完成时态 题组六 过去进行时态 题组七 过去完成时态 题组八 过去将来时态 一般现在时态【2015陕西】23. Many city people their bikes to work every day.A. ride B. will ride C. rode D. have ridden【答案】A. 根据时间状语every day,判定为一般现在时态。【2015贵州毕节】24. Uncle John _ for a wa

2、lk after supper every day.A. goes B. went C. will go D. has gone【答案】A【2015绵阳】11.Whats your father?- He is a doctor. He _ in a local hospital.A. worked B. has worked C. works D. will work【答案】C. 根据上下文已有的时态信息来判定,应为一般现在时态。【2015河北】36. Grace _ this game every time we play.A. wins B. won C. will win D. has

3、 won【答案】A. 利用上下文语境来判定时态应为一般现在时态。【2015江苏盐城】11. Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice _ perfect. A. becomes B. became C. will make D. makes【答案】D. 表示客观事实和普遍真理用一般现在时态。【2015山东青岛】17My parents are always worried about what will happen if I _. A. succeeded B. wont succeed

4、 C. will fail D. fail【答案】D. 在复合句中根据时态呼应来确定时态,如果主句时态是一般将来时态,状语从句时态用一般现在时态表将来,即“主将从现”原则。if引导的条件状语从句【2015内蒙古通辽】39. He will go to the mountains with his parents if it _ on Sunday. A. doesnt rain B. isnt rain C. wont rain D. rains【答案】A. if引导的条件状语从句【2015湖南郴Chen州】29. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I_

5、 in London. A. arrived B. arrive C. will arrive【答案】B. as soon as引导的时间状语从句。【2015重庆B卷】17.When shall we begin our meeting?Well begin it when Helen _.A. comes B. came C. will come D. come【答案】A. when引导的时间状语从句【2015山东潍坊】24. Next month were going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday _.A. will begin

6、B. has begun C. begins D. is beginning【答案】C. as soon as引导的时间状语从句。【2015曲靖】42. 一1want to get some bread from the supermarket before it . 一My watch says 8:15 pm. So, we have about 15 minutes left to get there. A. closes B. will close C. close D. closed【答案】A. before 引导的时间状语从句。【2015四川眉山】30. -Do you know

7、when Jay _ here tomorrow?-Sorry, I dont know. But when he _ here tomorrow, Ill tell you at once.A. gets; gets B. gets; will get C. will get; will get D. will get; gets【答案】D. 第一空是when引导的宾语从句,根据时间状语用一般将来时态;第二空是when引导的时间状语从句,用一般现在时态。【2014恩施】27. Our teacher told us light _ faster than sound.A. traveled

8、B. travel C. travels【答案】C. 当宾语从句表述的是客观事实、科学真理、格言或现在习惯行为时,谓语动词的时态不受主句谓语动词时态的限制,要用一般现在时态。【2013贵州黔东南】32. Our physics teacher told old us light_ faster than sound. A. travels B. traveled C. traveling D. to travel【2014温州】Alice likes doing housework. She _ her room every afternoon. A. cleans B. cleaned C.

9、 will clean D. has cleaned【答案】A【2014北京】What do you often do at weekends?I often _ my grandparents.A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit【答案】A【2014呼和浩特】My husband always _ me flowers every week before we got married, but now he never _.A. sends; does B. sent; does C. was going to send; do

10、D. sent; do【答案】B【2014武汉】Do you know if Jack will drive to London this weekend?-Jack? Never! He_ driving so far.A. has hated B. will hate C. hated D. hates【答案】D. so far在此表示“(程度)如此之深”【2014云南】30. If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature. A. is B. will be C. has D.

11、 will have【答案】A【2014重庆市A】In Chongqing, you can often see many people dance outside together if it _ in the evening.A. rains B. doesnt rain C. will rain D. wont rain【答案】B 【2014东营】- Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed. If you _the rule, youll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan.A. brok

12、e B. break C. will break D. have broken【答案】B【2014铜仁】We _ for a picnic if it _ rain this Sunday.A. go, doesnt B. will go, wont C. will go, doesnt D. go, wont【答案】C【2014龙东地区】Henry, please call us as soon as you_ Hawaii. OK. Ill do that, Mom.A. arrive in B. are arriving in C. will arrive at【答案】A【2013辽宁鞍

13、山】 It only_ him 20 minutes _to his office every day.A. takes, to drive B. took, drive C. takes, drive D. took, to drive【答案】A. It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”, 由every day可知时态是一般现在时。【2013湖北武汉】 What does Toms uncle do? He is a teacher. He _ physics at a school now. A. will teach B. has

14、 taught C. teaches D. taught 【答案】C【2013山东泰安】Do you know whether David will go cycling or not tomorrow? David? Never! He _ outdoor activities. A. hates B. hated C. is hating D. has hated 【答案】由Never“从未”可推知戴维“讨厌”户外活动。故答案选A项,表示现存的状态或特征。【2013 甘肃白银】 Every student who _ in the same group takes part in his

15、birthday party. A. study B. studies C. are studying D. have studied【答案】 who studies in the same group takes part in his birthday party是定语从句,先行词是student,定语从句的谓语动词应与先行词保持一致,student是单数形式,动词应用单数形式。【2013重庆】It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _to bed too lateAgo B. went C. will go D. hav

16、e gone【答案】A.【2013陕西】 When you _ at a restaurant , please order just enough food .A. ate B. will eat C. eat D. haven eaten 【答案】C.【2013河北】Henry will give us a report as soon as he_.A. arrives B. arrived C. is arriving D. will arrive【答案】A.【2013江苏扬州】 My grandmother _ in Yangzhou. She was born there and

17、has never lived anywhere else. A. lived B. lives C. was living D. will live【答案】B. 根据后句句意“她出生在那儿,从没有居住在其他任何地方。”及has never lived为现在完成时,则前句要用一般现在时。一般过去时态【2015山东淄博】7. John _ his grandma every day when she was in hospital.A. visited B. was visiting C. visits D. is visiting【答案】A. 根据上下文已有的时态信息来判定,应为一般过去时态。

18、【2015宁夏】26.-Your name again? I _ catch it.-Henry Smith.A. dont B. didnt C. wouldnt D. wont【答案】B. 利用上下文语境来判定时态应为一般过去时态。【2015广西柳州】42. I _ know you can play the piano so well. -Thank you.A. didnt B. dont C. cant【答案】A. 利用上下文语境来判定时态应为一般过去时态。【2015重庆A/C卷】7.Why didnt you buy any bread? Sorry, I _. A. forget

19、 B. forgot C. remember D. remembered【答案】B【2015天津】32.- When _ you _ here? - Two days ago. A.did; come B. have; come C. will; come D. do; come【答案】A. 根据时间状语Two days ago,判定为一般过去时态。【2015湖南娄底】26. I _to the cinema yesterday. Its a pity. You didnt invite me.A. go B. went C. have gone【答案】B. 根据时间状语yesterday,判

20、定为一般过去时态。【2015湖北武汉】28. A nice car! Is it yours?- No, it isnt. I _ it from a friend of mine two days ago.A. borrow B. have borrowed C. will borrow D. borrowed【答案】D【2015黑龙江哈尔滨】14. I a camera two weeks ago but I havent had a chance to use it. A. have bought B. bought C. will buy【答案】B【2015湖南长沙】24. Will

21、you see the film Cinderella with us tonight? - No, I _it last week.A. see B. have seen C. saw【答案】C【2014河南】 Are you going anywhere? I _ about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind. A. think B. have thought C. will think D. thought【答案】D利用上下文语境及上下文已有的时态信息来判定时态应为一般过去时态。【2014长沙】Your brother is a

22、n excellent basketball player. So he is. He_to play basketball three years ago. A. has started B. starts C. started【答案】C【2014安徽】As we all know, the Silk Road _ China to the west in ancient times.A. connects B. connected C. will connect D. is connecting【答案】B【2014菏泽】Have you finished your homework yet

23、? Yes. I _ it twenty minutes ago.A. have studied B. studied C. will study D. had studied【答案】B【2014乐山】31.Why didnt Mary come to Johns birthday party last night?She _ to, but her dad simply would not let her out so late at night.A. wants B. wanted C. has wanted【答案】B【2014安顺】 I_tennis with my cousin eve

24、ry day when I was in America.A. play B. played C. had played D. has played【答案】B【2014杭州】After Steven sent some e-mails, he _ surfing the Internet.A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started【答案】D【2014嘉兴】Tom _ the piano every day when he was in primary school. A. plays B. played C. was playing D.

25、 has played【答案】B【2014甘肃白银】It only _ me half an hour _ to school every day last term.A. takes; riding B. spent; to ride C. cost; walk D. took; to walk【答案】D【2014武汉】A nice tie! A present?-Yes, it is. My aunt _it to me for my last birthday.A. was sending B. had sent C. will send D. sent【答案】D【2014河北】The

26、teacher is already standing here. Do you know when she _? A. comes B. came C. is coming D. was coming 【答案】B【2014江西】-Youre in a hurry. Where are you going?-To the cinema. Sue _ for me outside. A. waits B.waited C. is waiting D. was waiting【答案】C【2014临沂】Turn off the water while you _ your teeth or wash

27、ing your hands.A. were brushing B. brush C. are brushing D. brushed 【答案】C【2014徐州】 What a surprise to see you here! When _ you _back?A. do; get B. did; get C. have; got D. will; get【答案】B【2014连云港】Beijing and Zhangjiakou _ applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in 2013.A. begin B. began C. have

28、 begun D. had begun【答案】B【2013河南】What_ the noise, Bill?Sorry, I broke my glass.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be【答案】B. 由下文中的broke可知,句子是一般过去时【2013广东湛江】 Come and join us, Ben! Im afraid I cant. Im too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go. A. had B. will have C. have had D. have【答案】A. Ben,来加入我们

29、吧!我恐怕不行。现在我太忙啦。如果我有空,我将一定去。本句是if引导的虚拟条件状语从句,主句用过去将来时(would),从句应用一般过去时。【2013四川泸州】Oh, you are here. I _ you came back.A. dont know B. didnt know C. havent known D. wont know【答案】B. “哦,你在这里,我不知道你回来了”,显然现在已经知道了,所以要用过去时,表示“原来”不知道。【2013浙江宁波】Tony _ football every weekend when he was young.A. plays B. played

30、 C. is playing D. has played【答案】B. “托尼小时候每周都踢足球。”由时间状语“when he was young”可知应用一般过去时表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。【2013江苏苏州】 Frank, you look worried. Anything wrong?Well, I _ a test and Im waiting for the result.A. will take B. took C. am taking D. take【答案】B 根据答语中“我正在等待结果”可知,说明考试已经完成了,故用过去时态。【2013山西】 I hear you are a big

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