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六年级英语上册unit 2导学案.docx

1、六年级英语上册unit 2导学案 211教学模式科目_年级_教师_ “211”教学模式导学案(_英语_科)第 2 周 课时 2013 年 9月 日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题U nit 2 Lessen 7课 型N ew lessen达成目标1. 能够运用所学语言就大洲,国家,城市,名胜,语言等内容询问并回答他人的提问,并能围绕以上内容介绍假期的旅行计划。2. 能够掌握新单词和重点句型。重 点1. 有关六个大洲,六个国家及三个城市的单词和词组。2. 询问并回答有关假期安排及某城市在哪个国家和大洲的交际用语。难 点1. 国家及主要城市所在大洲的背景知识和对新单词及新词组的认读2. Africa

2、, Europe, Oceania, Egypt的读音和拼写。教 学 流 程检测预习交代目标合作共享Safety education ( one minute )。复习第一单元内容。Ask: Do you know what China is famous for?引到本单元的学习。出示世界地图,问:Do you know what it is? 答:Its the map of the world. 说: Yes. Who can come here and show us where China is? 问:Do you know where China is? China is in A

3、sia.问:Do you know about other countries? What are they famous for?借助图片教授相应的英文单词或质疑问难交流探讨播放录音,让学生边听录音边在图边的小方框中标号。核对答案。出示本课时的单词卡片,带读,注意纠正学生的发音。出示人物图片,问:Andy and Lily are talking about their winter vacations. Can you tell me where Lily wants to go this winter vacation?引导学生朗读对话,回答问题。新知检测课堂总结学生两人一组用B项图片做

4、交换练习。出示C部分的表格,Say: Beijing is a city in China. China is in Asia. Do you know about any cities in France?引导学生完成表格。板书设计 Lesson 7 Around the WorldNew words: Fill in the form and say.CityCountryContinentBeijingChinaAsiaFranceNew YorkAfricaSydneyRussiaEurope1. Asia 2. Europe 3. Africa 4. Oceania 5. North

5、6. America 7. South America8. Russia 9. Spain10. Egypt 11. the US12. Thailand 13. Australia14. Barcelona 15. Moscow16. Cairo下一课时预习提纲课 题 Lessen 8预习内容1、To read the Part of Get ready carefully2、Preview PartA、B and C carefully。3、Practice the new words smoothly教学反思学生课堂达标率80%原因分析改进措施1、The students lissene

6、d carelessly in class。2、They should be active。教师本课亮点Role play需改进措施Many teaching methods should be used in English class。 “211”教学模式导学案(_英语_科)第 2 周 课时 2013 年 9 月 日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题Lessen 8课 型New lessen达成目标1. 能够参照范例,围绕国家,城市,名胜,语言等内容写出对某一国家或城市的简单介绍。 2. 能够掌握新单词和词组。重 点1. 有关语言的单词:有关著名景观和特有动物的词汇。2. 询问并回答某地所讲语

7、言的交际用语。难 点1. 有关语言的单词:有关著名景观和特有动物的词汇。2. 询问并回答某地所讲语言的交际用语。ssian, French的拼写教 学 流 程检测预习交代目标合作共享Safety education ( one minute )。复习上节课所学内容。Ask: Do you know more about it? What language do people speak there?Say: People in China speak Chinese. People in Canada speak English. How about people in Japan? What

8、 language do people speak there?引导学生运用 Japanese, Russian, French等词汇。让学生看图,问: Whats it? Where is i质疑问难交流探讨 播放录音,让学生边听边标出各语言的编号。问: What does Lily know about France? What do people speak in France? 再听一遍录音,核对答新知检测课堂总结指着B项图片,说: Now, lets listen. What are they talking about?问: What languages do people spe

9、ak there?板书该句型,并带读。让学生两人一组利用B 项图片替换关键词编新的对话。出示C部分表格,让学生完成有关Toronto的信息。让学生任选一个城市仿照示范填写相关信息。复习本课的单词和句型。完成C部分表格。板书设计Lesson 8 Around the WorldNew words: Write:CityCountryContinentFamous forLanguage1. Chinese 2. French 3. Russian 4. Japanese5.pyramid 6. koala7. kangarooWhat language do people speak there

10、?下一课时预习提纲课 题Lessen 9预习内容1、Find out the new words in Part a。2、Try to read Part A Smoothly。3、Do Part B and C in pairs。教学反思学生课堂达标率85%原因分析改进措施Where there is a will ,there is away。教师本课亮点Groupwork and role play。需改进措施To use many teaching methods to teach the students。 “211”教学模式导学案(英语_科)第 2 周 课时 2013 年 9 月

11、日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题Lessen 9课 型New lessen达成目标1. 能够综合运用本单元的新语言,连贯,流畅地询问并回答有关某一城市或国家的相关信息。 2. 能够以剪短文段的形式描述某一城市。重 点综合运用本单元的新语言,连贯,流畅地询问并回答有关某市或国家的相关信息难 点能够以剪短文段的形式描述某一城市教 学 流 程检测预习交代目标合作共享Safety education ( one minute )。问: Hello! Where would you like to go this winter vacation? What do you know about it?指着

12、A项地图说: Do you want to know something about Asia and the other continents? Lets read the passages.学生自主阅读文章,然后将贴纸贴在地图中相应位置,核对答案。质疑问难交流探讨播放录音,学生跟读。提出B项问题: How many continents are there in the world? What are the continents in the text? 学生两人一组进行问答,并在文章中找到回答的依据。新知检测课堂总结介绍说: Now, lets have a class quiz! I

13、ll divide you into 6 groups. I will ask you some questions. If you can answer a question quickly and correctly, your group will get a star.为了公平起见,也可让每组学生轮流回答问题。学生选择一个城市,写一段简单介绍该城市的文字。完成D项短文。 板书设计Lesson 9 Around the WorldB Lets talk1. How many continents are there in the world?2. What are the contine

14、nts in the text?3. Which is the biggest/ smallest/ hottest continent?. Which continent has the most people/ biggest desert?下一课时预习提纲课 题Lessen 10预习内容1、Find out the new wprds in Part A。2、Learn the new words carefully。3、Try to read Part A smoothly。4、Do Part B and C。教学反思学生课堂达标率80%原因分析改进措施No pain no gain。

15、教师本课亮点Play a guessing game。需改进措施Many teaching methods should be usaed。 “211”教学模式导学案(_英语_科)第 3 周 课时 2013 年 9 月 日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题Lessen 10课 型New lessen达成目标1. 能够了解有关国家的国旗,简单介绍某国的国旗。 2. 能够掌握字母组合ong在单词中的发音。重 点阅读理解有关国家国旗的文段,尝试运用所学语言,简单介某国的国旗。难 点综合运用已学语言以及本课时的扩展语言简单介绍某国的国旗。字母组合ong在单词中的发音。教 学 流 程检测预习交代目标合作共享

16、Safety education ( one minute )。用投影仪直接呈现中,加,美三国的国旗。Say: There are three national flags. The first one is The second is The third is Ask: What colour is it? Whats its name? What does it mean? Now lets read the passages.学生自主阅读,回答问题。质疑问难交流探讨提出生词,小组讨论解决。播放录音,学生跟读。小组分组朗读文段。出示表格,先请一名学生帮助填充第一行,然后学生两人一组或独立填

17、充其他两行的内容。核对答案。This flag is red and white. Whose flag is it? Chinas, Canadas or Americas? What can you see on the flag? Does this flag have another name?Ask: Which flag has five stars? What colour are they? 新知检测课堂总结将学生分为四人一组,分别就某国国旗进行讨论。请学生试读韵文,圈出带有ong的单词,再分组试读,感知ong 的发音,总结发音规则。朗读A项课文。完成B项表格。板书设计Less

18、on 10 Around the WorldB. Complete this formCountryFlags colourDesigns on the flagOther namered,yellowred and whitered, white and blueD. Try to sayong- along long song wrong下一课时预习提纲课 题Lessen 11预习内容1、Find out the new words。2、Read the new words carefully。3、Try to read Part A fluently教学反思学生课堂达标率75%原因分析改

19、进措施Many of the students are very lasy。教师本课亮点Role play需改进措施Let them read more after class。 “211”教学模式导学案(_英语_科)第 3 周 课时 2013年 9月 日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题Lessen 11课 型New lessen达成目标1. 能够阅读理解一则有关圣诞老人的故事2. 能够灵活运用所学语言表演或复速故事。重 点.1 阅读理解一则有关圣诞老人的故事。2. 在阅读理解的基础上,灵活运用所学语言表演或复述故事。难 点在阅读理解故事的基础上,灵活运用所学语言,表演或复述故事内容。教 学 流

20、 程检测预习交代目标合作共享Safety education ( one minute )。复习本单元所学单词和举行。问: Where would you like to go this winter vacation? Where is it? Whats it famous for? 出示挂图主人公Santa, 介绍说:Do you know who he is? Yes. He is Santa. Christmas is coming. Santa wants to send presents to children around the world. He takes a long

21、trip. Where has he been? Lets read the story.质疑问难交流探讨If you dont know some new words in the story, you can write them on the blackboard.学生自主阅读故事,划出新词,读完故事后写在黑板上,全班一起学习新词。学生小组合作,阅读故事,完成B部分表格。全班核对答案。播放录音,学生大声朗读,培养正确的语音,语调新知检测课堂总结呈现表格,学生尝试把答案连起来说一说,试着复述故事。提示学生复述时使用的时态。朗读A部分文字。试着复述故事。板书设计Lesson 11 Aroun

22、d the WorldB: Fill in the formName of the childCountrySantas presentNatashaRussiaa Japanese CD player下一课时预习提纲课 题Lessen 12预习内容1、Read Part A and B carefully。2、Try to read Part C smoothly。3、Do some writing about Part C。教学反思学生课堂达标率75%原因分析改进措施The students will not like to learn English。教师本课亮点Role play an

23、d pairwork。需改进措施Guide more in my spare time。 “211”教学模式导学案(_英语_科)第 3 周 课时 2013 年 9 月 日制订年 级六年教 师李伟课 题Lessen 12课 型New lessen达成目标1. 复习,检测本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语。 2. 能够利用D项提供的词汇和句型书写文段。重 点1. 复习,检测本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语。2. 利用D项提供的词汇和句型书写文段。难 点1. 连贯、流畅地运用本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语。2. 利用D项提供的词汇和句型书写文段。教 学 流 程检测预习交代目标合作共享Safety educ

24、ation ( one minute )。复习本单元的主要语言。播放录音,学生仔细听,根据录音内容判断句子正误。核对答案,要求学生将错误句子改正确。接着A项活动介绍: The two girls were talking about Egypt. You know well about Egypt now. What do you know about other countries?质疑问难交流探讨读对话,独立完成判断正误的练习。然后请四名学生说出答案一起核对,要让学生两人一组进行问答练习,然后在全班表演。请学生自己阅求学生把错误的句子改正确。新知检测课堂总结播放录音,学生跟读,感受正确的语

25、音,语调,然后学生两人一组朗读对话。引导学生阅读D项所给问句,再从备选国家中选择一个,依据问句的提示写一段介绍文字。学生把所写的文段读给同伴听,互相校对错误。朗读A部分文字、完成D项书写。板书设计Lesson 12 Around the WorldA. Listen and circle T or F1. Yaoyao would like to visit the pyramids this winter vacation. T F2. The pyramids are in Japan. T F3. There are famous pyramids in Egypt. T F4. Egy

26、pt is in Africa. T F5. Yaoyao would like to go to Europe this winter vacation. T F6. Yaoyao went to Europe with her uncle last summer. T F7. Yaoyaos uncle can speak Russian. T 下一课时预习提纲课 题Unit 3 lessen13预习内容1、Preview the new words in Unit 3。2、Try to read Part Get ready and Part C。3、Do some writing about new words until smoothly。教学反思学生课堂达标率85%原因分析改进措施Practice makes perfe。ct教师本课亮点Play a driving train dame。需改进措施Try to make my class actively。

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