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本文(生活大爆炸第10季第9集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、生活大爆炸第10季第9集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版That is unbelievable. 真是太棒了Good for Bert. 恭喜伯特Damn, the MacArthur Genius Grant. 靠 麦克阿瑟奖啊50万奖金颁发给在各领域内具有非凡创造性的杰出人士 俗称天才奖 为纪念约翰D麦克阿瑟而命名Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy. 没人比他更值得获得这个奖了Everything is stupid and I want to go home. 一切都蠢爆了 人家要回家了Thats Sheldons way of

2、 saying 这是谢尔顿版本的hes proud of Bert, too. 他也为伯特感到骄傲Hey, its not even called the Genius Grant, 而且这奖都不叫做天才奖its the MacArthur Fellowship. 正确名称叫麦克阿瑟奖学金Just like its not Frankenstein, 就像不是弗兰肯斯坦以为是那怪人的名字 其实那个科学家的名字 又称科学怪人 弗兰肯斯坦常被人误会its Frankensteins Monster. 而是弗兰肯斯坦的怪物一样Which brings us back to that hulking

3、simpleton over there. 这又让我们联想到后面这位庞大巨怪And if anyones a genius, 要说谁是天才its me for the way I brought that full circle. 那也是能联想出刚才那一串的我How much money did he win? 他赢了多少奖金呢Over half a million dollars. 超过50万美元And he doesnt have to use it for research, 而且这个奖金没规定得用在研究上he can do whatever he wants with it. 他可以任

4、意支配Oh, good, maybe he can build a nicer bridge to live under. 他家住天桥底 现在可以盖一座更好的桥住了- Here he comes. - Right. -他过来啦 -是啊Be polite. 保持礼貌I know how to behave. 我知道怎么表现好吗Do you? 是吗Hey, congratulations Bert! 恭喜你啊 伯特- Yeah, good for you. - Thats amazing. -恭喜你 -太厉害了Thanks. 谢谢I was as surprised as anybody. 我也跟

5、所有人一样惊讶啊When they called and told me I won, 他们打来通知我得奖了I didnt believe them. 我都不相信是真的And then they said, No, you really won. 然后他们说你真的赢了And then I said, Cool. 我就说酷啊Someone call George R. R. Martin, 谁快打给冰与火之歌的拖搞作者this guy knows how to finish a story. 这家伙可知道怎么给故事收尾了Ive gotten pretty good at telling it.

6、我已经越来越会说这故事了Well, see ya. 好啦 再见Some genius. 还天才呢I zinged him with sarcasm, he didnt even notice. 我讽刺了他一番 他都没听出来I know, 对啊and it was the greatest sarcastic quip Ive ever heard. 你讽刺他的金句可是我这辈子听过最毒的呢Well, arent you a peach. 你这小嘴抹了蜜了Who leaves their bike in the hallway? 谁会把自行车随便放在走廊啊You know, if I knew h

7、ow to ride one, 我要是会骑自行车Id steal it. 我肯定就偷了Ignore him, 别理他hes just cranky because Bert from the geology lab 他耍脾气是因为地质学的伯特won a big grant. 赢了笔大奖学金Oh, I heard him interviewed on the radio! 我有在广播上听到他的采访You know, when they told him he won, 就是颁奖单位通知他获奖时he didnt believe it, but then he did believe it. 他本来

8、不相信 然后他又相信了It was so funny. 真是笑死我了Who listens to the radio anymore? 这年头谁还听广播啊Bert is studying the way microbes in rocks 伯特在研究岩石中的微生物can survive in extreme environmental conditions. 在极端环境下是如何生存的They say it could be a potential indicator 有人认为这可能成为of life on other planets. 其他星球上有无生命的指标You know what, Iv

9、e met Bert. 我见过伯特这人Isnt he an indicator of life on other planets? 他的存在不就指出了其他星球上有生物吗You used to make those jokes about me. 你以前开这种玩笑都是吐槽我的Now everything is Bert, Bert, Bert! 现在什么事都是伯特这个 伯特那个You know, Sheldon, maybe if you take the time 谢尔顿 或许如果你花时间to actually read Berts research, 真去读读人家的研究成果youd be l

10、ess bitter about him winning. 或许你就不会对人家赢奖这么郁闷You want me to read a geology paper? 你是要我去读地质学论文啊Honestly, I just want you to be quiet 说实话 我是想你闭嘴but Im all out of taffy. 可是我身上没糖果了You busy? 你在忙吗Theres somebody out here who wants to meet you. 这边有个人想进来见见你Who is it? 谁啊Say hello to everybodys little friend-

11、 跟大家的小号朋友打声招呼remote control Stephen Hawking! 遥控史蒂芬霍金教授Where did you get that? 你从哪搞来的啊I found him in an old box. 在一个旧物箱里发现的Why would you buy it? 你为啥要买这玩意I didnt buy it. 我没买I made it. 是我做的Last question. 最后一个问题What is wrong with you? 你脑子是有什么毛病啊Whats the big deal? 这有什么大不了啊Howie, its in poor taste. 华仔 这是

12、低级趣味No, its not. Check it out. 才没有 你看好了He says fun stuff. 他会说很好笑的句子Hey good lookin, 你好啊 美女want to go for a spin? 想跟我去兜几圈吗His eyes also light up in the dark. 他的双眼在黑暗中会亮哦Its always fun watching him read someone elses work. 看他读别人的研究成果总是很好玩Its like scrolling through the emojis on my phone. 感觉就像在翻阅我手机上的表

13、情包Ye- why? 为 为啥Eh, why?! 为啥啊Oh, thats why. 原来如此Sounds like the night we had coitus. 听起来像我们交媾的那晚I hope youre happy making me read this. 让我读这东西的人 你们这下高兴了吧Berts work is remarkable. 伯特的成果非凡And Im more upset than ever. 我现在更不高兴了This is worse than when I had to admit that 承认这点比有一次我得承认Cedric the Entertainer

14、s actually entertaining. 搞笑艺人塞德里克真的很搞笑还不爽Cedric the Entertainers actually entertaining. 黑人演员 常在一些喜剧电影或电视中客串/配音Sheldon, its foolish to be angry that Berts work has merit. 谢尔顿 因为伯特的成果很棒而生气太傻了Yeah, well I-I am angry! 我是生气And you telling me not to be angry 而你叫我别生气makes me angry! 让我更生气And do you know how

15、 hearing myself 你知道一遍又一遍say the word angry over and over makes me feel? 听自己说生气这个词让我作何感想吗- Ooh, a-angry? - What are you doing? -生气吗 -干嘛多嘴I-I-I knew the answer. I got excited. 人家知道答案 得意忘形了嘛Hey, buddy, why dont we go for a walk, 伙计 要不我们出去散散步so you can calm down. 好让你冷静一下Thats a good idea. 这个主意好I guess e

16、veryones having them now. 看来现在所有人都能有好主意了Hey, Im trying to help you. 我是想帮你好吗Fine. 好吧You can walk ahead of me and scare off the pigeons. 你可以走在我前面 帮我吓走鸽子Just wave your arms a little and they fly away, its not. 就挥挥你的稻草人手 鸽子自然会飞走Okay, Raj, 拉杰Im gonna show you something. 我要给你看样东西Now, one of us thinks its

17、offensive. 我们俩有一人觉得这玩意冒犯人The other thinks its hilarious 另一人觉得这玩意很好笑and a great idea. 而且创意十足But, Im not going to tell you 但是我不会告诉你who likes it. 我们俩谁喜欢它This is tough. 这问题太难了But Im going to say 但我要说its the guy who shows me YouTube videos 喜欢它的人肯定是给我看网上of people getting hit in the nuts. 人们蛋蛋被各种打到视频的那家伙Yo

18、ure crazy. 你净瞎说Ive worked with Hawking. 我跟霍金共事过Hes got a great sense of humor. 他非常有幽默感And I think hed like it. 我觉得他会喜欢这玩意Okay, call him and show him. 好啊 那打给他视频给他看I dare you. 我谅你不敢I have no problem calling him. 打给他当然没问题啊Fine, then do it. 好啊 那就打吧Fine, I will. 行 我打While youre bothering the worlds most

19、famous scientist, 当你在烦世界上最有名的科学家时be sure to show him how funny he looks 记得一定要给他看看他被卡在getting stuck under our dishwasher. 我们洗碗机下的样子有多可笑Whats this button do? 这个按钮是做什么的Gentlemen, start your wheelchairs. 先生们 启动轮椅Gentlemen. Start Your Engines! 经典赛车开场白 原句为You laughed when that guy got hit in the nuts. 你也在

20、别人蛋蛋被打到时嘲笑人家啊I laughed because the guy was Leonard. 我笑是因为那个被打到的人是莱纳德I admire you, Leonard. 我很佩服你 莱纳德Really, why? 是吗 为什么Youre happy with who you are. 你对自己的状态感到满意You dont get jealous of other people. 你不会去羡慕嫉妒其他人Instead of being weighed down by ambition, 你没有雄心壮志 也不会被其拖累you just float along like a dead

21、body in a river. 你只是一具飘浮在河上的死尸 随波逐流I couldnt just take the compliment. 我为啥就不能接受夸赞就好I had to ask why. 还得嘴贱问原因You know, I do understand what youre feeling. 我真的理解你现在的感受My brother and sisters accomplishments 我哥哥和姐姐的成就have always been held over my head. 一直让我抬不起头How did you deal with it? 那你是怎么处理的I wet the

22、 bed until college, 我直到上大学才不尿床but I dont think thats a quality fix. 但我觉得这不算是个好的解决方法I cant believe I was surpassed by a geologist. 我无法相信自己被一个地质学家超越了I mean. 我是说rocks! 石头啊He studies rocks! 他研究的是石头If rock is so great, how come paper beats it? 石头要真有这么棒 为啥剪刀石头布会输给布Leonard, Im having a primal urge to throw

23、 this rock. 莱纳德 我有一股冲动想把这石头扔出去Do it. 扔吧Visualize it as your anger 把它想象成你的气愤a-and-and toss it out of your life. 然后用力将它扔出你的人生Perhaps I will. 或许我真会扔This rock 这块石头encapsulates all my negative emotions. 封装了我所有的负面情绪I will cast you far away. 我会将你抛得远远的Feel free to take out a pigeon while youre at it. 你被抛出天际

24、时 可以顺便砸死只鸽子Let it fly. 让它飞出天际吧What happened? 怎么回事I tried to let go of anger 我试图释放我的气愤and threw a rock into my foot! 结果扔石头砸到我的脚了Then he got more angry and kicked the rock 然后他更生气 用另一只脚- with his other foot. - Wha-? -去踹那块石头 -搞毛啊And what happened to you? 你又是怎么回事Oh, I laughed so hard, 我狂笑不止I burst a bloo

25、d vessel in my nose. Its fine. 鼻子的血管都笑破了一根 没事啦You know, its one thing to be envious, 嫉妒别人就算了but now youre injuring yourself. 可你现在还自残It has to stop. 这事必须得打住Although if you are gonna do it again, 不过如果你要再自残please let me know, so I can get it on video. 麻烦一定要告诉我 我好拍下来You know, Sheldon, 谢尔顿instead of fixa

26、ting on what Bert has, 别老关注伯特拥有什么you should appreciate all of the good things in your life. 你应该感恩自己人生拥有的美好事物Y-Youve got love, 你拥有爱youre in good health, 你拥有健康的身体youve got a roof over your head. 你还拥有一个栖身之所Yeah, but youve got all those things, 是啊 但这些你也有and no ones lining up to be you. 也没人争着排队想成为你啊Anybo

27、dy else want to try? 谁想来试试Im gonna go make some more tea 我再去泡点茶and question my life choices. 顺便质疑下我的人生选择Youre up. 你去吧This is getting old fast, Dolores, knock it off! 谢小妹妹 老娘快没耐心了 别再唧唧歪歪Uh, do you really think calling me names is helpful? 你真的觉得这么乱叫我有用吗I do! 有啊Your life is fine, you big baby! 你的人生很好了

28、你个老屁孩Maybe youre right. 或许你说得对Really?! 不是吧If it helps, 不知能否安慰到你Im questioning your life choices, too. 但我也在质疑你的人生选择了Thank you, Penny. 谢谢 佩妮You know, I just need to keep reminding myself 我就是需要提醒我自己that Berts success is not my failure. 伯特的成功并不代表我的失败There you go. 这就对啦And that men of his large stature 而且

29、像他这样巨型的身材are more susceptible to a wide array of life-threatening diseases. 也更容易感染上各种各样的致命病症There you go. 这就.对啦.Whats up? 什么事Im conducting a quick survey. 我在做一个快速调查Do you think this respectful 你觉得这个向伟人致敬的and loving tribute to a great man 集可敬与可爱为一体的小玩意is in poor taste? 是低级趣味吗Yep. 没错Do you think this

30、is in poor taste? 你觉得这个算低级趣味吗Does it spin around and do tricks? 这玩意可以打转或耍把戏吗Yeah! 都可以Then yeah. 那就是低级趣味What do you think? 你怎么看That is hilarious! 太好玩了Give me the remote control. 把遥控器给我I want to drive him into the girls restroom. 我要把他开到女厕所去All right, were done. Its offensive. 结论已出 这不是个好玩意Top of the af

31、ternoon, gentlemen. 下午好 各位Youre in a good mood. 你心情不错啊Well, its a new day. I have a new outlook. 新的一天已降临 我有了新的世界观You know, I realized 我发现I dont need to worry about other people. 我不用关心别人的事I just need to think more about myself. 我只需要多把心思花在自己身上Oh, how will we ever get used to the new you? 天 我们要如何习惯全新的你Well, Im glad to see you moving forward. 我很高兴你能放下 并向未来前进Bert did quality research. 伯特的研究做得不错

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