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1、湘少版四年级英语Jobs教学设计与说明Jobs教学设计与说明 上课教师: 教案及教学说明1. Jobs around us.Topic: Jobs we love - Sub-topic 2. My father is a firefighter. Hero3. Jobs we love. 单元教学目标一、知识目标:1、在校园主题活动Job Time的语境中,学习、理解并运用本单元的核心词汇:doctor, nurse, teacher, student, police officer, firefighter, cook, bus driver. 2、在语境中,学习、理解下列词汇: spec

2、ial clothes,special tools, dangerous,brave.3、在语境中,学习、理解并运用本单元的核心句型:What does do? He/She is a 4、在语境中,学习、理解并运用下列句型:He uses He does He helps 5、学习字母组合dr-和pr-在单词中的发音。二、能力目标:1、能运用核心词汇和句型,对家人的职业进行询问和回答。2、能运用所学词汇和句型来描述Firefighter的职业特点和专业精神。3、能借助Job Info. Card,运用所学词句,描述家人的职业。三、情感目标1、在对firefighter这个特殊职业的学习和描述

3、中,深入体会其职业精神,感受Jill的爸爸对这份职业的热爱和Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情。2、在对家人职业的学习和描述中,体会家人对职业的热爱之情,感悟到通过自己的努力,每个职业都能有所成就。分课时教学目标语言知识语言技能与运用情感态度学习策略第一课时1、初步了解字母组合dr-和pr-在单词词首的发音。2、感知、理解核心词汇doctor, nurse, teacher, student, police officer, firefighter, cook, bus driver的音、形、义。3、感知、理解并初步运用句型What does do? He/ She is a 1、能听懂并借助图片认读核

4、心词汇。2. 能初步运用核心词句,对家人的职业进行询问和回答。通过校园主题活动Job Time中的电视采访,感受身边有很多不同的职业。1、观看采访视频,了解被采访者家人的职业。2、通过模仿朗读、师生问答、角色扮演等方法,巩固学习内容。第二课时1、复习巩固字母组合dr-和pr-在单词词首的发音,初步学习发音儿歌。2、复习巩固核心词汇doctor, nurse, teacher, student, police officer, firefighter, cook, bus driver。3、复习巩固句型What does do? He/ She is a 4、学习、理解词汇: special c

5、lothes, special tools, dangerous,brave.5、学习、理解句型He uses He does He helps 1、能正确认读核心词汇,对职业进行简单的询问和回答。2.、能运用所学词汇和句型来描述Firefighter的职业特点和专业精神。在对firefighter这个特殊职业的学习和描述中,深入体会其职业精神,感受Jill的爸爸对这份职业的热爱和Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情,以及每一个人都可以成为自己职业中的英雄。1、通过观看视频来感受firefighter的职业特点。2、通过模仿朗读、师生问答、小组合作等方式,学习文本内容。3、能借助板书,介绍firefigh

6、ter。第三课时1、复习巩固字母组合dr和pr在单词词首的发音,并能熟练朗读儿歌。2、熟练掌握核心词汇的音、形、义。3、熟练运用核心词汇和句型。1、能认读和正确书写核心词汇,并能在语境中灵活运用核心词汇。2、能借助Job Info. Card,运用所学词句,描述家人的职业。在对家人职业的学习和描述中,体会家人对职业的热爱之情,感悟到通过自己的努力,每个职业都能有所成就。1、通过听、说、读、写等方式复习前两课时的语篇,帮助学生巩固核心词汇和句型,并进行语用输出。2、通过制作Job Info. Card,运用核心词句,介绍某位家庭成员的职业。单元文本第一课时: Kitty: Hello, Im K

7、itty. I am doing a survey in my school. Its about our parents jobs.K: Hi, Jill.J: Hi, Kitty.K: What does your mother do?J: Shes a nurse, a good one. She is like an angel.K: How kind she is! And what does your father do?J: Hes a firefighter. He loves his job very much. In my eyes, he is a hero.第二课时Th

8、is is my father. He is a firefighter. My father is COOL! He has special clothes. He has a hard hat, a heavy coat, heavy pants and thick boots. He uses special tools. Sometimes he drives a fire engine. Sometimes he uses a big hose, a rope and a ladder. My father is SUPER! He is always ready because f

9、ires can start at any time. He lives in the fire station. He keeps the fire engine well. He does training hard. He also helps people learn about fire danger. My father is BRAVE! Fire is dangerous, but he is not afraid. He can put out fires. He can save people and animals. He keeps our city safe.My f

10、ather loves his job very much. In my eyes, hes a hero!第三课时:Job Info. CardName: ZackJob: teacherPlace: T.F.L SchoolClothes: a shirtTools: a computerAbilities: help studentsMy father is a teacher.He works in the school.He is cool. He has a white shirt.He is super. He uses a computer well.He is kind. H

11、e helps students every day.He loves his job very much. 第二课时教学说明一、教学目标1、复习巩固字母组合dr-和pr-在单词词首的发音,初步学习发音儿歌。2、复习巩固核心词汇doctor, nurse, teacher, student, police officer, firefighter, cook, bus driver。复习巩固句型What does do? He/ She is a 3、 在语境中学习、理解词汇: special clothes, special tools, dangerous, brave.4、 能运用所学词

12、汇和句型来描述firefighter:He usesHe does He helps 5、通过Jill对firefighter的介绍,深入体会firefighter的职业精神,感受Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情,体验只要热爱工作,每个人都有可能成为这个行业的英雄。二、重点难点1.、重点:在语境中让学生了解消防员的职业特点,并能运用本课时的核心词汇和句型来描述消防员这个职业。2、难点:学生运用本课时的核心词汇和句型来描述消防员这个职业。三、教学技术与学习资源应用Ppt,视频支持,网上微课程支持四、教学过程: (Period 2)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesI. P

13、re-task preparationRevisionWhat does do?Hes/ Shes Ask and answer.复习第一课时的文本,巩固核心词汇和句型。II. While-task procedure:1. How is Jills father?2. Jills father is COOL.3. Jills father is SUPER.4. Jills father is BRAVE.1. Watch the video,2. Ask and answer:How is Jills father?1. Watch the video2. Ask and answer:

14、1) How is Jills father?2) What special clothes does he have?3) What special tools does he have?3. Read the text.1. Watch the video.2. Talk about:What does he do in thefire station?3. Read the text.1. Read and tick:2. Watch the video,3. Read a rhyme.4. Read the text.5. Elicit: Jills father is a hero.

15、通过主持人的采访,引入本课时的教学。通过观看视频,整体输入文本,初步感知Jill眼中的爸爸是怎样的。通过观看视频,听文本,问答训练等让学生了解消防员的装备,初步感知Jill的消防员爸爸很cool。通过观看视频和讨论等形式,进一步体会Jill的消防员爸爸很super.通过观看视频,朗读儿歌,配对练习等形式,深刻体会Jill的消防员爸爸很brave.总结提炼出Jill的爸爸热爱工作,在Jill眼中爸爸是个英雄,深刻感受Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情。III. Post-task Activities:Introduction: My father is a hero.1. Read the whole

16、text.2. Retell the text according to the boarding.3. Know more heroes. 通过朗读、复述等形式,借助板书,介绍Jills father。进一步体验只要热爱工作,人人都有可能成为这个行业的英雄。IV.Assignments1. Read the text “My father is a hero” fluently.2. Watch the School Micro E-lesson and learn how to make a Job Info. Card .(观看网上微课程,自学如何制作工作信息卡)3. Try to ma

17、ke a Job Info. Card about your parent s job. (根据微课程的指导尝试制作一张工作信息卡)Boarding: My father is a firefighter. heroCOOLWho What How my father has special clothes uses special toolsSUPERfirefighter does training hard helps people learn about fire dangerBRAVE can put out fires can save people and animals He

18、loves his job very much.训练设计:1. Listen and talk:My father is COOL! He has _ clothes. He has _, _ , _ and _. He uses _ tools. Sometimes he drives _. Sometimes he uses _, _ and _.2. Look and say:My father is SUPER! He is always _ because fires can start at any time. He lives in the fire station. He _.

19、 He _. He also _. 3. Read and tick:My father is BRAVE! Fire is dangerous, but he is not afraid. He can _. He can _. He _.语用设计: My father is a firefighter. He is COOL! (Clothes& Tools) He has _ He uses _ He is SUPER!(Activities) He does _. He helps _. He is BRAVE! (Abilities) He can _He can _ He love

20、s his job very much. In my eyes, he is a hero!五、作业与评价1、朗读练习纸上的本课时文本“My father is a hero.”,上传班级邮箱,教师随机检查,并在下一课时课前两分钟反馈。2、观看微课程,自学Job Info. Card的制作过程。3、根据微课程的视频指导,尝试制作Job Info. Card, 并准备下一课时进行介绍。六、教学说明(一)基于教材与学生的目标设计本单元为上海牛津教材4A Module 2 Unit 2 Jobs。M2的Theme为Me,my family and friends, Unit 2的Topic为Jobs

21、,核心词汇为teacher, firefighter等八种主要职业,核心句型为What doesdo?,对职业进行询问和回答。同时本单元还比较详细地介绍了firefighter的一些情况,有消防员灭火的儿歌,有参观消防站的对话等。Jobs这个话题是小学里第一次出现,因此,围绕模块的Theme和单元的Topic,教师共设计了三个话题,分别是:Period 1 Jobs around usPeriod 2 My father is a hero.Period 3 Jobs we love我校是外语特色学校,课程设置中包含了外教课和双语课,创设了良好的英语学习氛围,因此学生获得语言的渠道较多样,语言

22、的积累较丰富。本班学生经过三年多的学习和熏陶,对英语学习很有兴趣,学习习惯良好,乐于表达,语用能力较强。对于四年级的学生来说,本单元关于Jobs的内容是他们在小学阶段首次接触。虽然已经开始初步接触社会,但学生只能简单地说出一些职业名称,对职业的特点还不够了解。因此,教师根据教材内容和学生能力,创设了Job Time这个语境,再构了单元文本。学生在语篇、语境中,学习、理解和运用核心词汇、句型,并能结合所学的知识介绍家人的职业。在本单元第二教时中,通过主持人对Jill和她爸爸的采访,让学生体会消防员的职业特征和职业精神,感受Jill的爸爸对这份职业的热爱,和Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情。从而激发学生去

23、了解身边更多的职业,尤其是父母的职业,体会各种职业的特点,懂得只要热爱工作,每个人都有可能成为这个行业的英雄。 (二)基于语篇与语境的过程设计 本课的教学设计始终在校园电视采访这个语境中逐层推进。首先,教师以第一天的采访作为语境导入,对被采访者家长的职业做一个简单回顾。然后,通过观看主持人对Jill的采访,学生对语篇有了整体感知,能初步了解firefighter的主要职业特点。再通过分段观看Jill介绍爸爸的视频,深入学习语篇,详细了解firefighter的职业特点。最后,通过观看完整的视频并模仿朗读等方式再次整体感知语篇,使学生能借助板书简要地描述firefighter这个职业。整堂课,学

24、生在校园采访节目Job Time的语境中学习并运用语言,并逐步体验与感悟firefighter的职业内涵。(三)基于话题与内容的语用设计本课时的话题为My father is a hero,在语篇与语境的推进过程中,逐步形成板书。教师通过对板书的梳理,为学生的语用输出提供支撑和帮助,凸显板书的语义功能。学生能借助板书复述语篇内容,体验爸爸对职业的热爱之情和Jill对爸爸的崇拜之情,情感在此过程中得到了提升。本课时的语用输出也为第三课时的语用输出,即单元的语用输出做好铺垫。第三课时就是让学生在第二课时介绍消防员的基础上,借助Job Info. Card,运用前两课时所学的知识来描述自己家人的职业

25、,并逐渐由口头的说过渡到笔头的写。 4A M2 U2 Jobs(Period 2)Work sheetName_ Class_ No._、Listen and circle the tools (圈出听到的工具)II、Look and say (看一看,说一说)My father is SUPER! He is always _ because fires can start at any time. He lives _. He keeps _. He does_. He also helps_. III、Read and tick (读一读,勾一勾)Jills father is BRAV

26、E. Because he can ( ) A. clean the fire engine( ) B. save people( ) C. save animals( ) D. help people learn about fire danger( ) E. put out fires( ) F. play basketball、Read the text (读一读)This is my father. He is a firefighter. My father is COOL! He has special clothes. He has a hard hat, a heavy coa

27、t, heavy pants and thick boots. He uses special tools. Sometimes he drives a fire engine. Sometimes he uses a big hose, a rope and a ladder. My father is SUPER! He is always ready because fires can start at any time. He lives in the fire station. He keeps the fire engine well. He does training hard. He also helps people learn about fire danger. My father is BRAVE! Fire is dangerous, but he is not afraid. He can put out fires. He can save people and animals. He keeps our city safe.My father loves his job very much. In my eyes, hes a hero!、Make a Job Info. Card. (制作一张父母的职业卡片)

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